Bluetooth stereo headphones and mic

Can’t hear other programs’ sound when using Bluetooth headsets with voice chat applications on Windows 10

Hint: I remember that there seems to be an option in win7 to reduce/turn-off other sounds whe you receive a call.

Sorry, should have mentioned I tried setting that to «Do Nothing» and that did not help. Thank you though!

When discord connects, my audio device for disdcord switches from «Stereo» to «Hands Free». The other applications keep outputting on the (now ignored) stereo channel. For me the trick is to change audio device (Speaker in system tray, audio device name @top of dialog — select hands free) after connecting the call..

14 Answers 14

This annoying behaviour is caused by limited Bluetooth bandwitch when using both mic+headset channels. It’s quite well explained here:

Here’s the salient part for your issue:

Technically, when you’re just using the headphones as a sound output device, they’re using the A2DP Bluetooth profile, and ideally using AptX for maximum sound quality.

When you need the microphone, they’ll use the headset profile or hands-free profile (HSP or HFP). This allows for both recording via the microphone and playback via the headphones, but the headphone sound quality is terrible when using HSP or HFP.

If you’re just using a Bluetooth headset to take a phone call, that might be fine. If you want to speak into your headset’s mic while listening to music, playing a game, or watching a video on your PC, you’ll be frustrated.

For a PC headset with an integrated microphone, Bluetooth is a terrible choice. You’re better off getting a wired headset, or even just getting a separate microphone.

Bluetooth 5.0, which has already been announced, offers much higher bandwidth. This should let future Bluetooth headsets play back audio at high quality while the microphone is being used, in theory.


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