- Установка последней версии Chromium в Puppy Linux (how-to)
- Firefox для puppy linux
- How To Install and Update Firefox on Puppy Linux XenialPup
- Install Firefox on Xenialpup
- Installing Firefox on Puppy Linux
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- firefox install
- installing Firefox
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- Firefox для puppy linux
- Firefox для puppy linux
- How To Install and Update Firefox on Puppy Linux XenialPup
- Install Firefox on Xenialpup
Установка последней версии Chromium в Puppy Linux (how-to)
Итак, по необходимости на работе пришлось поставить себе puppy. Должен сказать, дистрибутив весьма не плох, но все же не достаточно дружелюбен по отношению к неискушенному пользователю. Информации на русском языке очень мало. Поэтому я решил сделать серию мини хау ту, что бы помочь начинающим puppy-линуксоидам и заодно сэкономить немного времени 🙂 По умолчанию в папи 5.5 люцид используется seamonkey. Браузер в целом не плох, но у меня уже выработалась привычка использовать chromium. С чего начать: 1) для начала обновим список репозиториев, иначе последнюю версию хромиум нам не установить. Для этого идем Меню — Настройки — Менеджер пакетов Puppy. Нажимаем «Настроить менеджер пакетов» и в появившемся окне выбираем «Обновить». На нормальной машине возможно процесс пройдет быстро, у меня минут 20 обновлялись. Далее начинаем поиск Cromium по пакетам. Я выбирал поиск по всем репозиториям. Ставим, предварительно выбрав и установку всех зависимостей. 2) Запускаем и. получаем сообщение, что запуск Chromium не возможен из под рута. Как же быть? 3) Открываем файловый менеджер и переходим /etc/cromium-browser. Тут нас интересует файл default. Открываем в текстовой редакторе левой кнопкой мыши и в строчку CHROMIUM_FLAGS вставляем между кавычек » —user-data-dir «. (ВНИМАНИЕ!! Пробел после первой кавычки обязателен!!) Сохраняемся. Вуаля! Любимый браузер стартует без ошибок. При запуске вы увидите сразу пару панелей управления окном. Чтобы вернуть к привычному нам виду, идем в настройки Chromium и ставим галку Use system title bar and borders. Для руссификации качаем chromium-browser-l10n_xxx.deb, где xxx — версия браузера. Вот ссылка на ланг пак для 25-й версии браузера http://packages.ubuntu.com/ru/quantal-updates/all/chromium-browser-l10n/download PS; В следующих статьях будет установка skype 4.1 и Teamviewer8 в PuppyLinux.
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Firefox для puppy linux
How To Install and Update Firefox on Puppy Linux XenialPup
This tutorial is going to show you how to install Firefox on XenialPup, which is the latest version of Puppy Linux. XenialPup is based on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus.
Install Firefox on Xenialpup
First go to Menu > Setup > Puppy Package Manager and type in firefox in the search box then press Enter. There will be many search results. Scroll down to the bottom and select Firefox 57. Then click Do it! button to install it.
If you see the following error message, you can ignore it because these two libraries are actually in /opt/firefox/ directory.
After that, go to Menu > Internet and launch Firefox browser.
After Firefox is running, it tells you that “Your Firefox is out-of-date”. Please don’t click the update now button because it will download a tar.gz file from mozilla.
Instead, you should click the Firefox help menu and then About Firefox to check updates. Once the update is downloaded, restart Firefox to use the latest version.
That’s it! I hope this article help you install Firefox Web browser on Puppy Linux (XenialPup). Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome.
Installing Firefox on Puppy Linux
Productivity Sauce
SeaMonkey, the default browser in Puppy Linux, is good, but what if you prefer Firefox? No problem, it takes only a few simple steps to install your favorite browser onto Puppy Linux. Download the latest version of Firefox from Mozilla’s Web site. Use then the following command to unpack the downloaded archive into the root directory: Launch then the Rxvt terminal and run the firefox command. Instead of launching Firefox from the command line, you can create a desktop shortcut. To do this, drag the firefox script in the firefox directory onto the desktop. To change the generic script icon, right-click on the shortcut, and choose File -> Set Icon. Drop then the desired icon onto the dialog window (you can find a large collection of ready-to-use icons in the /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps directory). That’s all there is to it.
installing ffx on linux
Linux is not for those guys who just wanna sit on a comfort seat and want everythin. Its only for those guys who like to work a bit and like their work being paid off.
I don’t like people with an attitude like u sit wherever u r, get something fully furnished and only get surprises for the rest of your life.
Its for those people who want to get started in programming if they are really interested in it.I had worked with a dos os [win xp, vista, 7] and came to a conclusion that its pure eye candy and your world just revolves within windows. Just because of eye candy and increased graphic options, they have more game programmers attracted towards them. To the guys who like to workin in windows — Linux brings u forward the to the real world and programming. Linux is developed by non-profit organizations unlike Microsoft[where the pure intention is profit]. U must try and appreciate their work and respect them unlike cursing them for any of their mistakes.
If u fail to do so, I’d say — just bug us off. I appreciate the work done by the article writer for taking a part of his valuable time for writing this article and I surely encourage you to continue doing so to help the ones who are beginning to explore Puppy Linux.
And I do appreciate the work done by the Community in successfully creating a functional website to help the needy.firefox install
the puppylinux install for firefox does not work.
just a small point that you would think that the would look at. but no. what a complete and utter shambels it all this linux stuff is. another thing is, when you expect people to enter a code, you should at least make it legible. A bunch of squiggles and other crap is displayed and you expect someone to enter some sort of code ? What a completwe and utter joke, you guys are insane.installing Firefox
You linux guys just dont get it do you.
»run this, rename that, move something else and then scratch your arse. »
Linux will ALWAYS be nothing because you cannot get it into your head that
all this command line stuff is BOLLOX. You just live in a little world of your own with bits here and switches there. getting nowhere. The rest of the world finds a file and clicks install. and (surprise, surprise) it is done. The other joke was when I look for »instructions» to get a shortcut on the desktop.
Well I just fell about laughing at the »get this file, edit this instruction. move it somewhere else. » WHAT A COMPLETE AND UTTER JOKE LINUX ISSymLink
PET Packages
Another and maybe easier way would be to use the PET Package for Firefox. But the package is for Firefox that is quite dated. Источник
Puppy Linux от Larro
Puppy Linux is an operating system for computers. Other well-known operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, and MS-DOS. Puppy Linux is based on GNU/Linux. It is completely free and open source software.
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За исключением случаев, описанных здесь, содержимое этого сайта лицензировано на условиях лицензии Creative Commons «Атрибуция — На тех же условиях» версии 3.0 или любой более поздней версии. Источник
Firefox для puppy linux
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Site Howto | Site FAQ | Sitemap | Register Now If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact us. If you need to reset your password, click here. Having a problem logging in? Please visit this page to clear all LQ-related cookies.Introduction to Linux — A Hands on Guide This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. This book contains many real life examples derived from the author’s experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own. Click Here to receive this Complete Guide absolutely free. I’m new to Linux and I want to install the latest version of Firefox on Puppy Linux. I downloaded and extracted the files but now what? The package I downloaded doesn’t have an installer. How do I install it? I also found this article about needing «required libraries»(?) or Firefox wouldn’t run at all(?)
Don’t know if I have these or how to find out. I even tried installing an older version using the Puppy Package Manager and hoped to update it to the newest version thereafter but the old version won’t even launch! Makes me think the libraries I need are NOT installed. I hope all packages aren’t this hard to install. I just wanted to install a freakin’ browser! Ridiculous. I suggest BrowserLinux 355 which is a puppy 4.31 I think?
http://www.browserlinux.com/ ask puppymartin in browserlinux forum about how to get firefox in other versions too Download the firefox .pet from the link below and click on it. This will initiate the install process. The link will ask you for login and password which is puppy and linux. ИсточникFirefox для puppy linux
This forum can also be accessed as http://oldforum.puppylinux.com
It is now read-only and serves only as archives. Please register over the NEW forum https://forum.puppylinux.com
and continue your work there. Thank you.How To Install and Update Firefox on Puppy Linux XenialPup
This tutorial is going to show you how to install Firefox on XenialPup, which is the latest version of Puppy Linux. XenialPup is based on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus.
Install Firefox on Xenialpup
First go to Menu > Setup > Puppy Package Manager and type in firefox in the search box then press Enter. There will be many search results. Scroll down to the bottom and select Firefox 57. Then click Do it! button to install it.
If you see the following error message, you can ignore it because these two libraries are actually in /opt/firefox/ directory.
After that, go to Menu > Internet and launch Firefox browser.
After Firefox is running, it tells you that “Your Firefox is out-of-date”. Please don’t click the update now button because it will download a tar.gz file from mozilla.
Instead, you should click the Firefox help menu and then About Firefox to check updates. Once the update is downloaded, restart Firefox to use the latest version.
That’s it! I hope this article help you install Firefox Web browser on Puppy Linux (XenialPup). Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome.