Calculate linux desktop mate

Calculate Linux

Calculate is a fast and functional user-friendly Linux distribution, based on Gentoo and still backward compatible with it. It maintains an optimal balance between state-of-the-art and stability, providing the latest versions of applications and stable versions of libraries. As Calculate Linux is a rolling-release distribution, you install the system once and update it throughout the life of your hardware.


Calculate Linux provides all the software you need for your daily work. Use the bottom panel to access the main applications.

Calculate Linux can be definitely used on an old computer. You can always optimize your system to match your hardware and to best fit your needs.

Install the system once and update when needed. You can even update from a new image system while still running the current one.

You have the choice between testing and stable updates, depending on whether you need the latest or the more sustainable versions.

Create mixed Linux/Windows networks based on Calculate, using roaming profiles, common accounts and shared network resources.

Spare yourself the trouble of getting used to a window manager you did not use before. Whatever the desktop environment you choose between KDE, Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce, LXQt, it will look and feel familiar.

Low system requirements and installation supported for any shared host or LXC / LXD container make it possible for Calculate to be used even on low performance computers.

Customize your system as you see fit with Calculate Utility tools. Customize the appearances. Test new builds on a multiboot flash drive.

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Here you can find links to Live CD/DVD image of the system which is a full working version of Calculate Linux. After booting from the Live CD/DVD you can install it on the hard disk or toy with the system. To download the image select one of the FTP/HTTP mirrors or take advantage of downloading from BitTorrent.

If you provide services for the introduction or spread of Calculate Linux, including through online stores, email us and we will add you to this page. If you are using an enterprise distribution, add your firm, see Introduction.


Stable Version¶

Latest Calculate Linux releases, distributed via BitTorrent.

  • Calculate Linux Desktop 18.12 KDE:
    • x86_64 (2,1G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • i686 (1,9G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • x86_64 (2,0G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • i686 (1,8G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • x86_64 (2,1G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • i686 (1,8G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • x86_64 (2,1G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • i686 (1,8G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • x86_64 (1,9G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • i686 (1,7G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • x86_64 (1,9G) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • x86_64 (835M) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • i686 (780M) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • x86_64 (917M) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • i686 (800M) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • x86_64 (611M) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list
    • i686 (554M) MD5 , SHA1 , Package list

    Current releases¶

    Released regularly, so that to make the latest modifications available:

    • Brazil: HTTP
    • Canada: HTTPFTP
    • Hong Kong: HTTP
    • Netherlands: HTTP
    • Russia: HTTPFTP
    • Russia: HTTP
    • Russia: HTTPFTP
    • Russia: HTTPFTP
    • United States: HTTP
    • Sweden: HTTP



    • Belarus: HTTPFTP
    • Brazil: HTTPFTP
    • Canada: HTTPFTP
    • Ecuador: HTTPFTP
    • France: FTP
    • France: HTTP
    • Hong Kong: HTTP
    • Netherlands: HTTP
    • Russia: HTTPFTP
    • Russia: HTTP
    • Russia: HTTPFTP
    • Russia: FTP
    • Russia: FTP
    • Russia: HTTPFTP
    • Russia: HTTPFTP
    • Sweden: HTTP
    • United States: HTTPFTP
    • United States: HTTP
    • United States: HTTP
    • Vietnam: HTTP


    • Belarus: rsync://
    • Brazil: rsync://
    • Canada: rsync://
    • Ecuador: rsync://
    • Hong Kong: rsync://
    • Netherlands: rsync://
    • Russia: rsync://
    • Russia: rsync://
    • Russia: rsync://
    • Sweden: rsync://
    • United States: rsync://
    • Vietnam: rsync://


    Calculate Linux Desktop

    Рабочее место

    CLD может успешно заменить Windows Workstation ®, предоставляя базовый набор приложений, который включает LibreOffice, интернет-приложения, графический редактор, мультимедийные программы и многое другое.


    • Централизованная авторизация пользователей при наличии Calculate Directory Server.
    • Поддержка хранения настроек рабочего стола пользователя на сервере, включая централизованную настройку приложений.
    • Дружественный рабочий стол, упрощающий освоение системы.
    • Единое расположение панелей рабочего стола и основных настроек приложений, вне зависимости от выбора рабочего окружения — KDE, Cinnamon, LXQt, MATE или Xfce.
    • Возможность установки на USB Flash или USB HDD с файловой системой ext4, ext3, ext2, reiserfs, btrfs, xfs или jfs.
    • Поддержка множества языков «из коробки»: албанский, английский, белорусский, болгарский, боснийский, венгерский, голландский, датский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, казахский, латышский, литовский, немецкий, норвежский, польский, португальский, румынский, русский, сербский, словацкий, словенский, украинский, финский, французский, хорватский, чешский, шведский и эстонский.
    • Полная совместимость с Gentoo с поддержкой собственного репозитория бинарных пакетов.


    Забудьте о вирусах, наслаждайтесь возможностями ОС Linux.

    • Автонастройка приложений при входе в систему исходя из настроек сервера.
    • Calculate Linux Desktop позволяет выбрать окружение рабочего стола KDE, Cinnamon, LXQt, MATE либо XFCE, в зависимости от ваших предпочтений и аппаратных возможностей компьютера.
    • Простое обновление через репозиторий Portage на протяжении всего жизненного цикла.
    • Бесплатная круглосуточная поддержка в Telegram-сообществе Calculate Linux.


    Calculate Linux Desktop

    Your desktop

    It can replace Windows Workstation ®, providing the LibreOffice suite, Internet applications, an image editor, multimedia, and more out of box.


    • Full user integration with Calculate Directory Server.
    • All user settings are stored and managed on the server, including software settings.
    • A user-friendly desktop that helps you understand the system.
    • Whether you prefer KDE, Cinnamon, LXQt, MATE or Xfce, you will find your desktop panels at exactly the same place and get the same basic settings for your applications.
    • CLD can be installed on a USB-Flash or a USB-HDD device with ext4, ext3, ext2, reiserfs, btrfs, xfs or jfs filesystem.
    • Multiple languages supported out of the box, namely: Albanian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Kazakh, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Swedish.
    • Fully compatible with Gentoo with own binary packages.


    Say goodbye to viruses and malware with Linux

    • Applications are automatically configured at logon based on the server settings.
    • Calculate Linux Desktop allows you to choose between the KDE, Cinnamon, LXQt, MATE or else XFCE desktop environments, depending on your preferences as well as on your hardware.
    • Easy update via Portage throughout the life cycle.
    • 24/7 online support on our Telegram community.


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