Calling with wifi blackberry

Wi-Fi calling working.

So I recently switched from Cricket (MVNO of AT&T) to Ultra Mobile (MVNO of T-Mobile, also owner of Mint Mobile). I have spent many days messing with settings, accidentally disabling VoLTE in the process, figuring out how to get it back, and then stumbling on wifi calling suddenly working.

I am not exactly sure what got it to work as I have messed with too much of it to know for certain exactly what it was that made it work, I have a suspicion, but now that it’s working, I’m afraid to touch any settings or to reboot my phone lol.

For what it’s worth Ultra Mobile has had better signal where I am at, does not throttle data, is cheaper by about $5/month compared to cricket for exact same plan, and allows VoLTE out of the box with all unlocked phones that support it. They also support a wide range of devices for VoWiFi including bring your own, although the BlackBerry Key2 is technically not supported.

Here are some screenshots:

Thanks for the post!
I am on TMO and with a KeyOne and never had an issue using Wi-Fi calling. Hopefully, your post helps others.

FYI, if anyone is interested in what all I did to get WiFi calling working just let me know. I would expect this to not only work for Ultra Mobile but also T-Mobile, Mint Mobile, or any other T-Mobile MVNO.

In theory it should work for any carrier, assuming that your IMS is registered and that you have the toggle to turn on WiFi calling provisioning on the phone.

One special note though, Ultra Mobile has a section in the account page where you can manually enable or disable WiFi calling for your plan yourself, which I assume does play a role in this working.

FYI, if anyone is interested in what all I did to get WiFi calling working just let me know. I would expect this to not only work for Ultra Mobile but also T-Mobile, Mint Mobile, or any other T-Mobile MVNO.

In theory it should work for any carrier, assuming that your IMS is registered and that you have the toggle to turn on WiFi calling provisioning on the phone.

One special note though, Ultra Mobile has a section in the account page where you can manually enable or disable WiFi calling for your plan yourself, which I assume does play a role in this working.

So here is everything that I did, I am not sure if all of it needs to be done or only some of it, or some combination of it.

The #1 important piece here is that you need to check if the toggle for WiFi calling provisioned is available in the phone information. To do this open your dialer and use dial code *#*#46368676#*#* and click on Phone Information at the to. In the next screen towards the bottom should be several toggles, one of these will say Wi-Fi calling provisioned. If you are able to toggle this on or is already turned on you should be good to continue. If you are not able to, I doubt any of the rest of this will help.

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Next, while you are still in the Phone Information section click on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and click on IMS Service Status. Make sure this says Registered, if it doesn’t, again I am not sure the rest of this will help.

Next, open up QuickShortcutMaker aka QSM (can get it from the Play Store) and click on ARDA, then ARDA again and click Try. In here click on IMS. At the top make sure that IMS service daemon is toggled on. Then click on IMS General Settings. Check your IMS User Agent, I am curious what everyone’s is set to so if you wouldn’t mind copying out what’s there and posting it, that would be great. Mine is set to «T-Mobile VoLTE-RCS-ePDG-IR94-RTT-ussd» (no quotes). Then click back.

Still in the IMS main page, click on IMS Services. Verify that Wi-Fi Calling (WFC) is toggled on in both Provisioned Settings and the User Settings. It’s also necessary to click back out of this page and go back in it. If the toggles stay and don’t flip back, then you’re good. If they do flip back to off, then this is probably going to be a no-go for you.

Back onto the IMS main page click on VoWiFi. In here first make sure that the VoWiFi MDN field is set to your phone number including country and area code. Toggle VoWiFi Enabled to On and check that the VoWiFi Roaming Preference is set to WiFi Preferred. There’s another setting in here that we’ll come back to later and which ultimately ended up making this work for me.

Back on the IMS main page click on IMS Developer Tools and click on Tap to reset modem now. You should see your cell signal drop and then reconnect (also every once in a while WiFi won’t come back until you actually manually go to WiFi and reconnect it yourself).

Now back out of ARDA back into QSM scroll down to Phone Services and open that, then find Wi-Fi Calling. Click on that and click Try. Should open up a page where Wi-Fi calling toggle is on and has a selection of Wi-Fi Preferred, Wi-Fi only or Cellular network preferred. I have mine set to Wi-Fi Preferred.

Back into QSM scroll down to Settings, open that and find Wi-Fi calling (should be fairly close to the bottom of the Settings list, probably easier to search from the bottom up), there are 2 of them right next to each other, either of them will work. Tap on try for that and verify that the toggle here is OFF. Yes, you read that correctly, this toggle should be off.

-(note on the below, if you do not have any options in Advanced Calling let me know, might be another step to get that to show up)-
Back into QSM and scroll down a little to Advanced Calling, tap try for that and it should bring up an option that says something like Activate Wi-Fi Calling, or Tap here to activate. Tap on Wi-Fi calling and it will bring up an error saying not activated, try again later and a little notice at the bottom that says Wi-Fi calling activated. Ignore the error and tap on Wi-Fi calling again. Should take you to another screen where the toggle for Wi-Fi calling is on and have 2 options under it. Tap on the Update Current Emergency Address, you’ll get another error saying it failed with a notice at the bottom saying successful. Ignore the error and exit back to QSM.

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Back in QSM scroll down to Calling PLUS, click on try and verify the toggle is On.

Now enable Airplane mode, wait a few seconds, and disable Airplane mode. Wait for wifi to reconnect and try calling someone, should hopefully see wifi calling like in my first post show up on the call. If it doesn’t give this next part a try.

Back into QSM -> ARDA -> IMS -> VoWiFi and scroll down to the Emergency Address Management section, on the Use Empty Authentication Token put a check mark in the box. Exit out and give another try at calling, ultimately this check box is what finally got my phone to make wifi calls.

Let me know if this works for anyone else or if there are questions. It may or may not work, but would be curious based on how it does for others what the right combination from above is to get it to work.


Что нового в BlackBerry OS 10.3.3: функция Wi-fi Calling

Вчерашний день оказался весьма насыщенным, благодаря неожиданному выпуску бета-прошивок BlackBerry OS 10.3.3 для разработчиков, чтобы они могли убедиться в работоспособности своих приложений на новой операционной системе.

Так же, как и раньше, операционная система бета-прошивки представляет собой не полноценную сборку, в ней отсутствует ряд стандартных приложений, поэтому использовать новую прошивку для повседневной работы мы не рекомендуем. Но, кроме отсутствия родных приложений BlackBerry, было найдено новое приложение, которое появилось на рабочем столе BlackBerry OS 10.3.3 под названием Wi-Fi Calling.

Технология Wi-Fi Calling (или Voice-over-Wi-Fi) – это продолжение услуги Voice-over-LTE (передача голосовых данных по сетям LTE), в основе которой – передача голоса по IP-протоколу. Принципиальное отличие WiFi Calling от существующих сервисов IP-телефонии (Skype или множества приложений, таких как WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger и пр.) заключается в том, что вызов осуществляется по базовой сети мобильного оператора и является обыкновенным телефонным вызовом с мобильного номера абонента.

Фактически оно решает проблему плохого качества голосовой услуги или ее полного отсутствия в помещениях без необходимости развития мобильной сети в отдельных зданиях. Все, что нужно – поддержка этой технологии сетями мобильного оператора и абонентское устройство, в котором реализована соответствующая функция.

Первое упоминание функции Wi-Fi Calling в BlackBerry 10 появилась еще в OS для пользователей оператора T-Mobile.

На текущий момент, в России никто из мобильных операторов не предоставляет возможность общения через Wi-Fi Calling, но по последним сообщениям, «большая тройка» прорабатывает вопрос о скором развертывании этой технологии.

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How to Enable WIFI Calling on Blackberry Priv

Enable WIFI Calling on Blackberry Priv

One of the most finest phone produced by blackberry. The Android powered Blackberry priv. It’s a great phone with access to the Google Play Store, it means that you can download and install android apps on your blackberry phone. One of the major reason why Blackberry users were not shifting to another operating system or smartphones is the famous blackberry keyboard.

Blackberry Priv is running on Android 5.1.1 and its powered by Snapdragon hexacore 804, 64bit. It has 5.4 inch display screen, and a sliding body which can be used to hide the physical keyboard when you don’t want to use it. Blackberry Priv has 32 GB internal storage space, along with support of MicroSD cards.

How to Enable WIFI Calling on Blackberry Priv

Blackberry priv also supports WIFI calling, you can call your friends and family over wifi using your Blackberry Priv, but before you start with this feature you first have to enable it, keep in mind that it depends upon your network service provider that if they support this feature then you can use it on your Blackberry Priv.

Enable WIFI Calling on Blackberry Priv

Following are the steps on how to enable WIFI calling on Blackberry priv

First of all, you need to swipe down from top of screen, you will have to use two fingers at a time, or you can use a single finger twice.

  • Now select Settings and then tap on more.
  • Now Turn on Wifi Calling switch.
  • Then turn on the WIFI calling status, it is to define when to make WIFI calls.
  • Tap WIFI calling preferences and Tap on Connection Preferences.

There are three option present in Connection preferences.

  1. Select WIFI prefered, if you want to use WIFI even when you have mobile network coverage.
  2. Select WIFI only, if you don’t want to use network to make calls. you only want to use WIFI for calling.
  3. Select Cellular Network Preferred, when you only want to call using WIFI when there aren’t any signals or network coverage.

Now if you’re wondering how to make a call using WIFI. So first of all, while you’re in phone app, tap on the dial pad.

Now enter the number you want to make call to, tap call. Make sure WIFI calling icon is present at the status bar of your Blackberry Priv.

you can also make voice calls using LTE, there’s a feature named as Voice over LTE, using this feature you can make crystal clear audio calls using LTE network.

To Turn on Voice over LTE

  • Swipe down screen from top.
  • Now select the settings tab, Tap on More.
  • Select Cellular Setting and look for IMS setting.
  • Now turn on IMS switch.
  • Now you can make calls using LTE network.

If you have any issues regarding how to enable WIFI Calling on Blackberry Priv let us know in the comments, you can ask us any issue you’re facing in Blackberry priv or any other smartphone, we would love to help you guys out.


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