Cambridge audio bt100 bluetooth

Беспроводной адаптер Cambridge Audio BT100

Беспроводной адаптер Cambridge Audio BT100

Адаптер для беспроводной передачи музыки с любого устройства с поддержкой Bluetooth. Подключите этот адаптер к любому поддерживаемому компоненту Cambridge Audio и наслаждайтесь великолепным звуком! Совместимость: DacMagic Plus, Sonata NP30, Stream Magic 6.

Сертификат дилера

Сертификат дилера Cambridge Audio

Аудиомания — авторизованный дилер Cambridge Audio

О бренде

Cambridge Audio

Компания Cambridge Audio всегда была на переднем фланге британской Hi-Fi аппаратуры. С момента своего основания в 1968 году Cambridge Audio производит товары, устанавливающие новые стандарты в развитии и изготовлении высококачественных изделий для воспроизведения звука и домашнего кино. Основу философии Cambridge Audio составляет использование высококачественных компонентов для своих изделий. Это обозначает, что каждый товар от Cambridge Audio продемонстрирует высочайшее качество воспроизведения. Но всё же основная причина успеха Cambridge Audio — это люди, работающие в компании. Каждый член нашей команды (а это около 80 человек в наших Лондонских офисах, в том числе более 20 инженеров-разработчиков и исследователей) увлечён Hi-Fi системами и домашними кинотеатрами

Описание беспроводного адаптера Cambridge Audio BT100

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беспроводного адаптера Cambridge Audio BT100

Bluetooth адаптер Cambridge Audio BT100 позволит вам превратить мобильный телефон, смартфон, планшет или компьютер в полноценное беспроводное звено Hi-Fi системы. Просто подключите Cambridge Audio BT100 к любому поддерживаемому компоненту Cambridge Audio (DacMagic Plus, Sonata NP30, Stream Magic 6) и передавайте музыку в беспроводном потоковом режиме со своего iPhone, другого смартфона, iPad или иного планшета, ноутбука и любого другого устройства с поддержкой Bluetooth. Ассортимент музыкальных возможностей, доступных современным мобильным устройствам, практически бесконечен. Помимо музыки, хранящейся на вашем телефоне, планшете или компьютере, вы сможете в изумительном качестве слушать на ваших Hi-Fi системах музыкальные интернет-сервисы (Spotify, Last FM) и, конечно же, интернет-радио.

Если ваш смартфон или планшет предусматривает функцию оптимизации звучания aptX, тогда вас ожидает еще большее удовольствие! aptX, предусматриваемый на все большем количестве мобильных устройств, включая MacBook и настольные компьютеры Apple, позволяет транслировать в беспроводном режиме аудиофайлы более высокого качества по сравнению со стандартным Bluetooth. Вы моментально ощутите более широкий динамичный диапазон, более глубокое звучание баса и кристально чистые верхние ноты.

Что же такое aptX и чем она лучше обычного Bluetooth? Дело в том, что стандартный Bluetooth-кодек (SBC) имеет чрезвычайно переменчивый характер звучания и его недостатки невозможно скрыть от уха меломанов. Типичные нарекания включают уменьшение ясности верхних нот, мутность или невыразительность струнных инструментов, а низкий коэффициент «сигнал/шум» может вызвать слуховое утомление. В свою очередь, aptX-кодек демонстрирует постоянные характеристики и этим самым гарантирует высокое качество звучания при передаче данных с помощью Bluetooth в беспроводном режиме. При качестве воспроизведения практически на уровне компакт-диска вы моментально ощутите значительно улучшенную динамику и масштабность звучания ваших любимых музыкальных произведений.

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aptX – это стандарт, который интенсивно применяется в сфере радио и телевещания, профессиональной звукозаписи и кинематографа. Все службы общественного и коммерческого радиовещания в Европе, Азии и Северной Америке применяют aptX. Свыше 24000 кинотеатров DTS в разных странах мира используют aptX для воспроизведения формата 5.1!

И ещё одна интересная возможность Cambridge Audio BT100: если у вас в распоряжении имеется DacMagic Plus или Stream Magic 6, фирменная технология ATF2 обеспечивает радикальное улучшение качества музыки, скачиваемой в беспроводном режиме с мобильного устройства или компьютера, появляется заметно большая масштабность, глубина и динамический диапазон.


Cambridge audio bt100 bluetooth

Man wearing white Melomania Touch headphones

For more than 50 years, we’ve worked hard to deliver products that help you hear your music at it’s very best — with nothing added, nothing taken away. Designed and engineered in London, by the same team response for you award-winning kit, Melomania headphones are no exception. Immerse yourself in high-quality audio, wherever you are.

Melomania 1+ Black

Black Melomania Touch in Case

Hi-Fi Accessories

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BT100 Black (SINGLE)


Bluetooth® Audio Receiver

Turn your mobile, smartphone, tablet or computer into a wireless hi-fi component. By connecting our new BT100 to any supported Cambridge Audio product, you can now stream music wirelessly from your iPhone, smartphone, iPad, tablet, laptop or any device that supports Bluetooth to your hi-fi or entertainment system.

If your smartphone or tablet supports the aptX audio enhancement CODEC the BT100 can support it as well. AptX, which is featured on a growing number of mobile devices as well as MacBooks and Apple desktop computers, allows audio to be broadcast wirelessly in significantly higher quality than over standard Bluetooth. You’ll instantly notice more extensive dynamic range, deeper bass and crystal-clear top end. Standard Bluetooth codec (SBC) has variable performance and its weaknesses are very apparent to music lovers including a reduction in high end clarity, muddiness or dullness on stringed content. Conversely, the aptX codec has a fixed performance standard to guarantee a consistently excellent quality when music data is transferred wirelessly over Bluetooth. With almost CD-quality reproduction on offer, you’ll instantly experience significantly greater dynamics and infinitely more detail from your favourite music. BT100 is compatible with: 851D, 851N, CXA60, CXA80, CXN V1, CXN V2, CXN V2 Series 2, CXR120, CXR200, DacMagic Plus, Minx Xi, NP30, and Stream Magic 6 V2.

Customer Reviews

iPhone Close up Bluetooth connection

Bluetooth: The Beginner’s Guide

This wireless technology was named after the 10th century Viking King of Denmark, Herald Blåtand. He was particularly good at communicating and getting people


Cambridge audio bt100 bluetooth

Man wearing white Melomania Touch headphones

For more than 50 years, we’ve worked hard to deliver products that help you hear your music at it’s very best — with nothing added, nothing taken away. Designed and engineered in London, by the same team response for you award-winning kit, Melomania headphones are no exception. Immerse yourself in high-quality audio, wherever you are.

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Melomania 1+ Black

Black Melomania Touch in Case

Hi-Fi Accessories

You are currently on our International|t website

BT100 Black (SINGLE)


Bluetooth® Audio Receiver

Turn your mobile, smartphone, tablet or computer into a wireless hi-fi component. By connecting our new BT100 to any supported Cambridge Audio product, you can now stream music wirelessly from your iPhone, smartphone, iPad, tablet, laptop or any device that supports Bluetooth to your hi-fi or entertainment system.

If your smartphone or tablet supports the aptX audio enhancement CODEC the BT100 can support it as well. AptX, which is featured on a growing number of mobile devices as well as MacBooks and Apple desktop computers, allows audio to be broadcast wirelessly in significantly higher quality than over standard Bluetooth. You’ll instantly notice more extensive dynamic range, deeper bass and crystal-clear top end. Standard Bluetooth codec (SBC) has variable performance and its weaknesses are very apparent to music lovers including a reduction in high end clarity, muddiness or dullness on stringed content. Conversely, the aptX codec has a fixed performance standard to guarantee a consistently excellent quality when music data is transferred wirelessly over Bluetooth. With almost CD-quality reproduction on offer, you’ll instantly experience significantly greater dynamics and infinitely more detail from your favourite music. BT100 is compatible with: 851D, 851N, CXA60, CXA80, CXN V1, CXN V2, CXN V2 Series 2, CXR120, CXR200, DacMagic Plus, Minx Xi, NP30, and Stream Magic 6 V2.

Customer Reviews

iPhone Close up Bluetooth connection

Bluetooth: The Beginner’s Guide

This wireless technology was named after the 10th century Viking King of Denmark, Herald Blåtand. He was particularly good at communicating and getting people


Cambridge audio bt100 bluetooth

Man wearing white Melomania Touch headphones

For more than 50 years, we’ve worked hard to deliver products that help you hear your music at it’s very best — with nothing added, nothing taken away. Designed and engineered in London, by the same team response for you award-winning kit, Melomania headphones are no exception. Immerse yourself in high-quality audio, wherever you are.

Melomania 1+ Black

Black Melomania Touch in Case

Hi-Fi Accessories

You are currently on our US website

BT100 Black (SINGLE)


Bluetooth® Audio Receiver

Turn your mobile, smartphone, tablet or computer into a wireless hi-fi component. By connecting our new BT100 to any supported Cambridge Audio product, you can now stream music wirelessly from your iPhone, smartphone, iPad, tablet, laptop or any device that supports Bluetooth to your hi-fi or entertainment system.

If your smartphone or tablet supports the aptX audio enhancement CODEC the BT100 can support it as well. AptX, which is featured on a growing number of mobile devices as well as MacBooks and Apple desktop computers, allows audio to be broadcast wirelessly in significantly higher quality than over standard Bluetooth. You’ll instantly notice more extensive dynamic range, deeper bass and crystal-clear top end. Standard Bluetooth codec (SBC) has variable performance and its weaknesses are very apparent to music lovers including a reduction in high end clarity, muddiness or dullness on stringed content. Conversely, the aptX codec has a fixed performance standard to guarantee a consistently excellent quality when music data is transferred wirelessly over Bluetooth. With almost CD-quality reproduction on offer, you’ll instantly experience significantly greater dynamics and infinitely more detail from your favourite music. BT100 is compatible with: 851D, 851N, CXA60, CXA80, CXN V1, CXN V2, CXN V2 Series 2, CXR120, CXR200, DacMagic Plus, Minx Xi, NP30, and Stream Magic 6 V2.

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Customer Reviews

iPhone Close up Bluetooth connection

Bluetooth: The Beginner’s Guide

This wireless technology was named after the 10th century Viking King of Denmark, Herald Blåtand. He was particularly good at communicating and getting people


Cambridge audio bt100 bluetooth

Man wearing white Melomania Touch headphones

For more than 50 years, we’ve worked hard to deliver products that help you hear your music at it’s very best — with nothing added, nothing taken away. Designed and engineered in London, by the same team response for you award-winning kit, Melomania headphones are no exception. Immerse yourself in high-quality audio, wherever you are.

Melomania 1+ Black

Black Melomania Touch in Case

Hi-Fi Accessories

You are currently on our International|t website

BT100 Black (SINGLE)


Bluetooth® Audio Receiver

Turn your mobile, smartphone, tablet or computer into a wireless hi-fi component. By connecting our new BT100 to any supported Cambridge Audio product, you can now stream music wirelessly from your iPhone, smartphone, iPad, tablet, laptop or any device that supports Bluetooth to your hi-fi or entertainment system.

If your smartphone or tablet supports the aptX audio enhancement CODEC the BT100 can support it as well. AptX, which is featured on a growing number of mobile devices as well as MacBooks and Apple desktop computers, allows audio to be broadcast wirelessly in significantly higher quality than over standard Bluetooth. You’ll instantly notice more extensive dynamic range, deeper bass and crystal-clear top end. Standard Bluetooth codec (SBC) has variable performance and its weaknesses are very apparent to music lovers including a reduction in high end clarity, muddiness or dullness on stringed content. Conversely, the aptX codec has a fixed performance standard to guarantee a consistently excellent quality when music data is transferred wirelessly over Bluetooth. With almost CD-quality reproduction on offer, you’ll instantly experience significantly greater dynamics and infinitely more detail from your favourite music. BT100 is compatible with: 851D, 851N, CXA60, CXA80, CXN V1, CXN V2, CXN V2 Series 2, CXR120, CXR200, DacMagic Plus, Minx Xi, NP30, and Stream Magic 6 V2.

Customer Reviews

iPhone Close up Bluetooth connection

Bluetooth: The Beginner’s Guide

This wireless technology was named after the 10th century Viking King of Denmark, Herald Blåtand. He was particularly good at communicating and getting people


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