Can i install linux online

8 лучших сайтов для запуска Linux в веб-браузере

Запустите Linux или другие операционные системы в вашем браузере!

В этой статье мы рассмотрим онлайн-терминалы Gnu / Linux. Неважно, хотите ли вы практиковаться с командами для Gnu / Linux или просто анализировать или тестировать онлайн. Для этого всегда есть онлайн-терминалы Gnu / Linux .

Это особенно полезно, когда вы используете операционную систему Windows или только начинаете в мире Gnu / Linux. Хотя вы всегда можете установить дистрибутив Linux внутри Windows, используя подсистему Windows для Linux, использование онлайн-терминалов обычно более удобно для быстрого тестирования.

Далее мы увидим список онлайн-терминалов Gnu / Linux. Все эти терминалы поддерживают несколько браузеров . К ним относятся Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera и Microsoft Edge.

Веб-сайты, которые делают эти терминалы доступными для пользователей, позволят нам запускать обычные команды Gnu / Linux в веб-браузере , чтобы вы могли практиковаться или пробовать их в работе. Некоторые веб-сайты могут потребовать от вас регистрации и входа в систему, чтобы пользоваться их услугами. . Но если это так, то это будет бесплатно и быстро.

1. JSLinux

JSLinux — это более полный эмулятор Gnu / Linux , который предлагает не только терминал. Как видно из названия, он полностью написан на JavaScript. Мы сможем выбрать консольную систему или онлайн-систему на основе графического интерфейса. JSLinux также позволит нам загружать файлы на виртуальную машину.

2. это эмулятор, который работает в вашем веб-браузере и предлагает время загрузки менее одной минуты.

Не только Linux, пользователи также могут запускать следующие операционные системы, используя


Run Linux from Web Browser with these 9 Websites

Invicti Web Application Security Scanner – the only solution that delivers automatic verification of vulnerabilities with Proof-Based Scanning™.

Well, I can understand if you are new and want to play around, learn or want a test drive. Or maybe just bored with Windows and MAC.

The following tools will help you launch Linux-based OS within a browser.

The good thing about that emulator is you don’t have to install anything on your PC. It works within your web browser as you are surfing any website.


JSLinux is fully functional Linux running entirely in a web browser, meaning if you have almost any modern web browser suddenly you can run a basic version of Linux on any computer.

This emulator is written in JavaScript and supported on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer. You can refer to the official technical notes about this fantastic emulator.

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Run Linux 2.6 from Boot time for Linux is less than one minute, and you may launch other following operating systems too.

  • Windows 98
  • Arch Linux
  • KolibriOS
  • Linux 2.6 and 3.18
  • Windows 1.01
  • FreeDOS
  • OpenBSD
  • Solar OS


Webminal is GNU/Linux terminal and the best place to practice the Linux commands and interact with other users. To access the Webminal terminal, you need to register a free account with them.

Webminal has helped students from more than 125 countries that have practiced more than 1.5 million commands.


DistroTest allows you to test any operating system directly without installing any application or software. Use every function you want from the system to test installed programs, install and uninstall software, and format or delete the system files or hard disks with ease.

You are free to choose from various operations from the alphabet and the numbers you can see. Start running Linux from the Web Browser to test it. Not to mention, DistroTest hosts more than 350 operating systems.


CoCalc offers real-time, collaborative, and fully synchronized Linux Terminal in the browser. It will help you in maintaining software without installing it. You can leverage the benefit of using the same terminal so multiple users can open it. Additionally, it allows you to edit the shell script files and run them effortlessly.

CoCalc provides a side-chat that allows you to discuss the commands with others. In addition, automatic backup helps to keep the files safe. You can also copy or paste between the online terminal and your local PC.


CoCalc has a frame editor that supports script file editing with a terminal side by side. It includes many popular applications like Git, Emacs, GitHub, and VIM and supports programming shells such as R shell, IPython, and SageMath. It also supports programming languages and powerful compilers, including Python, Java, C, and C++ through GNU GCC or Ada, Clang, Haskell, Rust, Smalltalk, and more.

This Linux terminal is ideal for learning or teaching Linux. CoCalc’s servers enable everything to run remotely, and you don’t need to worry about complexities, handle setup or installation issues, or take risks of corrupting your files upon making minor mistakes. Moreover, you will always get snapshots of your files that you can restore and copy in case of file corruption or mismanagement to ensure you don’t lose anything.

Geekflare Compiler

Not exactly the entire OS but you can practice bash commands on Geekflare Bash Complier.



You can use WebVM to run client-side Debian binaries right from your web browser. It is powered by the CheerpX virtualization engine.

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The core components involve:

  • A CheerpX execution engine,
  • Xterm.js as the primary UI module,
  • A Debian buster disk image with a few pre-installed packages.

This has no server-side components, and you would basically be accessing disk images held on a Content Delivery Network like Cloudflare. This approach essentially means many simultaneous users without any technical bottlenecks.

JS/UNIX Terminal

JS/UNIX is UNIX-like Operating System for web browsers written in JavaScript. It doesn’t require any plugin to open the terminal. You get a “guest” login to practice the commands.


CB.VU gives you FreeBSD 7.1 stable version.

If you are looking to build your career in Linux, then you may check out this online course by Jason Cannon.


Ubuntu 20 — Online in the Cloud

Run free Ubuntu online

OnWorks Ubuntu 20 online, our Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for you that was released on April 23, 2020, succeeding Ubuntu 19.10 as the latest stable release of this hugely popular Linux-based operating system .


Free Ubuntu online version 20

Free Ubuntu online version 20


The list of new features in Ubuntu online, version 20, are the following:

1. More default theme variants and the aubergine touch Canonical is experimenting with themes again.

In Ubuntu 19.10, the default Yaru theme introduced a dark version. Ubuntu 20.04 takes it further three variants of the default Yaru theme: Light, Dark and Standard. You don’teven need to install GNOME Tweaks to switch between the default theme variants. This option is embedded into the Settings application. Ubuntu 20.04 also has slightly different look with emphasis on aubergine as second accent color (instead of the regular blue and green).

2. GNOME 3.36 and all the visual and performance improvements that come with it Ubuntu 20.04 has the latest GNOME 3.36 release.

This means that all the new features in 3.36 are also available for Ubuntu 20.04. For example, you’ll notice a revamped lock screen. The one more good thing is that now you don’t need to scroll down to go to the lock screen anymore. A single click and you’ll be on the login screen.

3. Disable all desktop notification with ‘Do Not Disturb’ button Getting distracted by desktop notifications?

You can utilize the ‘do not disturb’ option to toggle the desktop notifications.

4. Fractional scaling Ubuntu finally brings fractional scaling.

If you always found that icons at 100% looked too small and bit too big at 200%, you can take advantage of the fractional scaling. When enabled, you can set the scaling to 125, 150, 175 and 200

5. Don’t like the dock? You can finally get rid of it

People who don’t like the launcher or the dock with application shortcuts which is usually found in the left side of the screen. In older versions, you can change its location to bottom or right side or hide it when an application window approached it but you could not hide it permanently. If you never liked the dock, you can now disable it completely. There is a new application, unsurprisingly called Extensions, to manage extensions and you can use it to disable the dock completely.

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Canonical keeps on pushing its universal packaging format snap. It is even more evident in Ubuntu 20.04 release. If you try to run a program that is not installed, earlier it used to suggest apt command for installing it.

Ubuntu 20.04 features the latest LTS kernel 5.4. This means that you get native ExFAT support and all the other performance improvements and new hardware supports that come with it.

8. Faster install, faster boot

Thanks to the new compression algorithms, it now takes less time to install Ubuntu 20.04. Not only that, Ubuntu 20.04 also boots faster in comparison to 18.04.

Ubuntu became the first mainstream Linux distribution to introduce ZFS as root with Ubuntu 19.10 release. While Linus Torvalds may not like ZFS, it is still a popular file system. Ubuntu 20.04 sees improved support for ZFS.

10. No Amazon app, no python 2

For past eight years or so, Ubuntu included an Amazon app installed by default. This so-called Amazon app did nothing but open Amazon website of your country (if there is one) in a web browser with Ubuntu’s affiliate link. The Amazon shopping app disappears from Ubuntu 20.04. Python 2 was first release in 2000.

After twenty years, Python 2 has finally reached end of life. Ubuntu 20.04 won’t support Python 2 anymore and you’ll have to content yourself with Python 3.

11. WireGuard VPN specially backported

Though Ubuntu 20.04 won’t be using kernel 5.6 at least immediately, it is backporting WireGuard in kernel 5.4. WireGuard is the new buzz in VPN industry and thus including WireGuard in its kernel should give some boost to Ubuntu 20.04 in the cloud scenario.

12. No 32-bit systems for Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu is not providing ISO for 32-bit computers for a few years now. But at least existing 32-bit Ubuntu users could still upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04.

13. Under the hood improvements

There are a few under the hood improvements:

GNOME 3.36 is less resource hungry and it feels sleek and light to use

There are improvements to Thunderbolt support

Most of the software have been upgraded to newer version


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