Can linux read exe files

Shell how to open exe file in linux

If that’s not enough for you you can add the following after the command (needs to be on the same line as the end of the command) : Solution: This is totally normal. files are Windows executables, and are not meant to be executed natively by any Linux system. However, there’s a program called Wine which allows you to run files by translating Windows API calls to calls your Linux kernel can understand.

How to execute an exe using shell script?

Just put the exe on your $PATH (That is what it is for) (%PATH% on Windows)

mv cSplittingLines.exe /bin/ 
echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:/path/to/exe\"" >> ~/.bashrc 

Also said;

SC2006: Use $(. ) notation instead of legacy backticked `. `. SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting. 

Can you run an exe file made with linux on windows, I compiled a c file on my linux machine and named it test.exe, is it possible to run that file on windows? The answer is simple: no,

How Run .exe File In Linux

Install .exe file in ubuntu, Kali Linux, CentOS and other Linux Distros

In this video, i’ll show you how to install .exe setup in ubuntu. it also work with all linux Duration: 3:18

How to Make a file Executable in Linux

Extensive tutorials, like the commands used in my videos, are on my website.You can also Duration: 3:37

How to run an exe using shell script [duplicate]

#!/bin/bash src="D:/srcdir/srcdir1" # no '/' at the end of dirname dst="D:/destdir/destdir1" cd "$src" || exit # do nothing if $src is not a directory for f in *.csv; do if [[ "$f" = '*.csv' ]]; then echo "no files" break fi if [[ -f "$f" ]]; then echo cSplit.exe "$f" "$dst/$f" # use 'echo' for testing echo mv "$f" "$src/old/." # aka dry run fi done 

Note 1: If you are using Windows, then using / is OK in bash ; but the command cSplit.exe may not accept / as directory delimiter. I am not using Windows, so I cannot check that.

Note 2: I do not really know Windows, so I tried NOT to use other commands like basename , or find , etc. As for drive name D: please check. Maybe it is mapped to /mnt/d or something.

Note 3: I’ve fixed the script based on Charles comments.

I would use something along those lines :

#!/bin/bash cd 'D:/srcdir/srcdir1/' find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.csv' \ -printf 'Handling %f. ' \ -a -exec cSplit.exe <> 'D:/destdir/destdir1/<>' \; \ -a -exec mv <> ./old/ \; \ -a -printf 'done\n' 

For each .csv file in the D:/srcdir/srcdir1/ directory this will do the following actions in order :

  • Start writing Handling . on a line
  • Execute cSplit.exe with the first argument being a (relative) path to the file and the second a path to a file with the same name located in the D:/destdir/destdir1/ directory
  • Move the file from the D:/srcdir/srcdir1/ directory to the D:/srcdir/srcdir1/old directory
  • Write one followed by a linefeed on the end of the line.
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The actions are joined with -a «AND» operands and will not be taken for a file if the previous action failed (a file for which cSplit.exe thrown an error won’t be removed from the initial directory and backed-up, and the «done» will be missing from its line).

You will know no files were found if no output is displayed. If that’s not enough for you you can add the following after the find command (needs to be on the same line as the end of the command) : | tee | grep ‘.’ || echo ‘no file’

Cannot run .exe files

This is totally normal. .exe files are Windows executables, and are not meant to be executed natively by any Linux system.

However, there’s a program called Wine which allows you to run .exe files by translating Windows API calls to calls your Linux kernel can understand.

To run a .exe program you first need to install Wine.

To do so you can follow the Official Wine installation tutorial for Ubuntu, or this AskUbuntu post.

Then you need to open a terminal, go to the directory where you stored your .exe file and run wine your_file.exe .

Some programs don’t work properly, others don’t work at all. To check whether a program will run properly under Wine or if it requires some tweaks, take a look at your program entry in the AppDB.

Run exe on linux Code Example, “run exe on linux” Code Answer ; make file executable linux · make shell script executable · how to make a .sh file executable ; ubuntu make script executable

Can you run an exe file made with linux on windows

I compiled a c file on my linux machine and named it test.exe, is it possible to run that file on windows?

The answer is simple: no, for at least two reasons.
(This answer assumes that the Windows Subsystem for Linux is not involved.)

  1. An executable file in Linux typically uses the ELF, the Executable_and_Linkable_Format. There’s also the older COFF.
    Whereas Windows uses or has used COM, DOS MZ, NE, PE, and PE32+.

The typical compiled and linked executable is not a standalone binary image that can be loaded (i.e. copied into memory from a storage device) and then simply executed.
Instead the executable is typically organized into sections for code, data, symbol information, and library requirements.
The layout of this information must be recognizable by the linker/loader utility of the OS, which is responsible for startup of user programs.

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Renaming the execute file is not going to change the format of that file to make it compatible with another OS.

  1. The C libraries of Linux and Windows are incompatible.
    C is a higher-level language that is portable only at the source code level.
    Once that source code is compiled, the object code becomes dependent on the processor architecture that the compiler is targeted for, and the C library the code is compiled for.

Many capabilities of the C language are implemented as functions and procedures in a companion C library. Substring, math, and input/output routines are all in this C library that a C program may use.
Yes, a C program can be written to avoid invoking use of almost every C library routine. But there is a key routine that initializes the C runtime environment that is compatible with the host OS. This C runtime environment includes the stack, heap, and variable/data initialization.

Since a C program depends on a companion C library (that itself is OS & CPU architecture dependent), that C program once compiled inherits those same dependencies.

I looked up a few C examples that said they were compiled in Linux. I looked for examples that had no special Linux functions or hooks.

If that is the case and the source code is bland, standard C,then it should work because C is reasonably portable.

You would need to try it and see if it works, and recompile in Windows if need be.

Here are methods of portable C code to be run across different environments that you may find helpful.

When a program uses only defined behaviour (no undefined, unspecified or implementation defined behaviours), then the program is guarenteed by the lanugage standard (in your case C language standard) to compile (using a standards compliant compiler) and run uniformly on all operating systems.

Basically you’ve to understand that a language standard like C or a library standard like OpenGL gives a set of minimum assumable guarentees that a programmer can make and build upon. These won’t change as long as the compiler is compliant with the standard (in case of a library, the implementation is standards-compilant) and the program is not treading in undefined behaviour

How do I run a windows executable in linux shell script?, It doesn’t use any graphics it simply reads and writes files. I want to be able to run it in a linux shell script so that I don’t have to


Can a file that is executable be read?

If a file has permissions -rwx-wx-wx can it be read by other and group users, or can it only executed and written? Is there some way to read an executable file by executing it?

4 Answers 4

A file with -rwx-wx-wx permissions has read/write/execute permissions for the owner, and write/execute (but not read) permissions for everyone else.

If it’s a script (usually a text file with a #! on the first line), then it can’t be executed by others, because executing a script really executes the interpreter, which must be able to read the script. (The interpreter must be a binary, not another script.) (Actually, that’s not true for all systems; Ubuntu, with a 3.2.0 Linux kernel, allows the interpreter itself to be an interpreted script. There seems to be a limit of about 4 levels. That’s not likely to be relevant to this question.)

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If it’s a binary executable, it can be executed directly, but its contents can’t be read. This means, for example, that someone other than the owner can run it as a command, but can’t grab a copy of the executable.

Of course execution requires reading, but it’s read by the kernel, not by the user. You might be able to get some information about the contents of the executable by examining the memory of the process as it’s running, but I doubt that you could reconstruct the binary executable file. And if the executable is setuid, you can’t examine the memory of the process (unless you have access to the account under which it’s executing).

Incidentally, -rwx-wx-wx is a very odd set of permissions; it protects the file from being read by anyone other than the owner, but allows anyone to modify it. I can’t think of a case where that would make sense.


How to run an exe file in Linux

When you find yourself a newbie to the Linux world from perhaps the Windows and try to open an exe file its such a frustration as the file would not run as expected when on Windows. The reasons is simply because

Run an exe file in Linux

When you find yourself a newbie to the Linux world from perhaps the Windows and try to open an exe file its such a frustration as the file would not run as expected when on Windows.

The reasons is simply because you are in a different place where things are don different and would need a bridge framework that would allow you to run exe file in Linux. Thus making your Linux capable of running Windows exe files.

There are available frameworks and packages for Linux that does the trick and allow you to run your exe file. One such is Wine.

Running exe on Linux with Wine

Step 1

Visit the WineHQ website to download the Wine software for free to get started. You would have to select your version of Linux, for instance, Ubuntu, Debian,Watt or your particular version of Linux.

Step 2

Follow the on-screen setup, and install directions from WineHQ. Each install will vary slightly since Linux operating systems follow their own installation processes.

Step 3

Double-click on the installer file. Follow the on-screen directions to install. If the installer file does not launch, open a “Terminal Windows” and type in the file directory; for example “cd ~/Desktop” followed by “Wine fileinstall.exe” where “fileinstall.exe” is replaced by the file name.

Step 4

Run the .exe file either by going to “Applications,” then “Wine” followed by the “Programs menu,” where you should be able to click on the file. Or open a terminal window and at the files directory,type “Wine filename.exe” where “filename.exe” is the name of the file you want to launch.


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