Can my mac broadcast wifi

mac mini broadcast wifi?

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macrumors 65816

Does the mac mini broadcast wifi? or do i still need the airport extreme to broadcast the network?

or should i buy the mac mini server?


macrumors 65816

Does the mac mini broadcast wifi? or do i still need the airport extreme to broadcast the network?

or should i buy the mac mini server?




macrumors 65816

the question i want to have answered is. can the mac mini do the same thing as the airport extreme?

Like, can the mac mini plug into my cable modem and broadcast wifi and have all my devices connect to it. I’d like to get rid of my linksys router as it keeps messing up.


macrumors 65816

As Peace said, the mini can be set up to do internet sharing. There are benefits to the AE Base Station such as a hardware Firewall. I don’t have enough experience to answer in more detail but I don’t think you’d want to share your internet connection with more than one additional computer.



the question i want to have answered is. can the mac mini do the same thing as the airport extreme?

Like, can the mac mini plug into my cable modem and broadcast wifi and have all my devices connect to it. I’d like to get rid of my linksys router as it keeps messing up.

It looks like you can have ethernet and wifi turned on at the same time.

Here’s how to do it. But like Dave said you’re going to not have that hardware based firewall. It might be better just to get a airport extreme base station.



macrumors 6502

Does the mac mini broadcast wifi? or do i still need the airport extreme to broadcast the network?

or should i buy the mac mini server?

The Mini does not broadcast wifi, it uses wifi to communicate like all macs. If you want a wifi setup you need airports, or the Time Capsule that can broadcast up to 2 different wifi networks simultaneously.

IMHO, both the Mini client or server use your wifi connection, they don’t create it. You even need a switch to setup a small in house network over ethernet, but then that’s not wifi.

I use my Time Capsule as my wifi main broadcast hub and all 5 macs and a printer use this wifi setup that the Time Capsule broadcasts.


macrumors 6502a

I must be delusional, but I use the airport in my macs to CREATE and BROADCAST wifi networks all the time.

Most of the time I’m using my 3g data card connected to my laptop, and I need another device to be able to use that data connection via wifi. I create an airport network and share the data card with the other devices.

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It’s very simple to create a wifi network with a mac.

It would be a better idea if your thinking of creating a more permanent wifi network to use a wireless router of some sort. A replacement of your Linksys router shouldn’t cost more than $50 or so (unless you buy the Apple router, then quadruple your budget).

cable modem -> wireless router -> devices


macrumors 6502

Sorry, I must be delusional. Just never thought my mini could create a wifi network on its own without additional hardware, like the Airport Extreme as the OP asked in clarification remarks.

Hey, any specific thoughts on how to do that on a mini since I would like to do it and get rid of external hardware myself?


macrumors 6502a

Hey, any specific thoughts on how to do that on a mini since I would like to do it and get rid of external hardware myself.

As long as the mini is receiving it’s internet from somewhere other than the airport (I don’t think you can receive from the airport and share to the airport at the same time), just click on the airport menu bar icon and hit «create network».

After you’ve created whatever sort of network you want (name, channel, security), go to system preferences and then sharing. Turn on internet sharing (choosing where the internet is coming into the mac and what port the mac should share to).

This is also how, when you go to trade shows or conferences and everyone is using their mac, you end up with wifi networks that have the names «is it over yet»,»this speaker stinks», or «someone pull the fire alarm to make it end».


Can I broadcast wi-fi using my Mac?

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macrumors newbie

I have a macbook pro, and am thinking of getting an iPod touch, but my university network is wired. I just want to be able to use the internet wirelessly on the touch in my room if I get it.

Is there any way to get the mac to broadcast the internet it is getting through ethernet as wireless (wi-fi)?


macrumors G3

I know you can create computer-to-computer networks but I don’t know if that will allow you to share the ethernet connection.


macrumors 68020

Yes you can and it is easy.

Go to system preferences->sharing->internet sharing (a tab in Tiger or it is in the list in Leopard)

Under the pull down labeled «Share you connection from» choose ethernet. In the list below check the airport box. Click start.


macrumors regular

I have my MBP plugged in via lan and is broadcasting WIFI. Very easy to do. I have a wireless router but it’s nice having the mbp as a backup access point.


macrumors regular

I have my MBP plugged in via lan and is broadcasting WIFI. Very easy to do. I have a wireless router but it’s nice having the mbp as a backup access point.


macrumors member

Wow, what a cool feature. Does the Mac just strengthen the existing signal, or does it actually create a new, separate network to connect to? Can you control wireless security settings in a similar fashion as a router?

I have an old PC with wireless in a room with my MBP. The MBP can see the router but the PC is too weak, so I’d like to get it connected as well.

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My MBP is awaiting a new power adapter, otherwise I’d test myself


macrumors newbie

All sounds cool, but when I do that, I get a warning saying about how I could destabilise the network and how i could break the terms of service. I don’t think I would really be doing the last thing, since I don’t intend to share the wifi with anyone else in the flat or around.

But how likely is it that I could cause banable damage to the network? Is it really that big a deal?


macrumors newbie

I’ve referred to this thread a few times in the last year via a Google search. I have an iMac and I broadcast my wifi to my ipod and friend’s mac book; it works well. Now last week I bought my Wife a netbook that runs on XP. The netbook sees the wifi signal and I can connect only if I remove the password on the signal on my iMac. If I protect the system with a password the netbook asks for the key. I enter the password as the key but it won’t connect.


macrumors 6502a

All sounds cool, but when I do that, I get a warning saying about how I could destabilise the network and how i could break the terms of service. I don’t think I would really be doing the last thing, since I don’t intend to share the wifi with anyone else in the flat or around.

But how likely is it that I could cause banable damage to the network? Is it really that big a deal?


How to share wifi on mac using 2 wifi adapters, built in and usb

Its not specifically programming, however I think programmers are more likely to be able to help me on this one. I’m trying to share my wifi from my usb wifi adapter through my mac and out of my mac built in wifi and when I share the wifi this way is works for about 3 seconds and then starts searching for a network and stops broadcasting wifi. So this happens: Wifi adapter connected to internet Then it broadcasts wifi broadcasting wifi for 3 seconds Then is stops broadcasting 3 seconds later and starts searching for a new network Stops broadcasting 3 seconds later Please can someone help me resolve this and no I cant use ethernet for this and yes it is 2 adapters not one.

1 Answer 1

I solved my problem, turns out this method is very temperamental for some strange and unexplainable reason.

This method works and you can broadcast any wifi you are connected to using 2 wifi adapters one being the built in wifi card on mac and the other being a usb wifi adapter, mine is a 150Mbps wireless TP-Link nano usb adapter.

To solve my problem, and others that I ran into with no apparent ‘fix’, is to make sure you are broadcasting through channel 11 as for some reason this one just works and also if it isn’t working just try to restart your mac till it works, seriously I’m not joking. I don’t know how or why but restarting your mac repeatedly just fixes whatever unsolvable problem you may have. And I will emphasise this again just restart, and yes, until your mac wifi sharing works.


How to Find the Best Wi-Fi Channel with Wireless Diagnostics in Mac OS X

Just about every semi-technical person has setup a wireless router at home or in the office, and in that process has wondered which broadcast channel would be the best to use. Sure, some wi-fi routers make it simple and will recommend a channel on their own, but often it’s left up to the user to decide. Let’s face it, most people have absolutely no idea what would be the best wi-fi channel, let alone which to use for a 5GHz wireless N network versus a 2.4GHz 802.11b/g network, or even what the difference between the networks is. For average people, it’s a bunch of meaningless technical jargon, they just want wireless internet, and they want it to be fast, right? Thankfully, OS X Mavericks makes this simple when a wi-fi router doesn’t, with a simple solution offered through the bundled wi-fi scanner app that works with every single wi-fi router brand out there.

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How to find the best wi-fi channels to use

Detecting the Best Wi-Fi Broadcast Channels to Use with a Wireless Router

To get started, you’ll need to jump into the Wireless Diagnostics Utilities app first:

  1. Hold down the OPTION key and click the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar
  2. Choose “Open Wireless Diagnostics”, typically the very last option

Option-Click the Wi-Fi menu to access Wireless Diagnostics tool in Mac OS X

This tool exists in all modern versions of OS X and it’s very easy to use, here’s how it looks as of Yosemite, note the layout of the app is slightly different from prior releases but the tool itself is largely the same, containing the wi-fi channel scanning and recommendation feature:

How to find the best Wi-Fi channel to use from Mac OS X

In the below screen shot example, the best channels chosen are 2 and 3 for 2.4 GHz, and 149 and 157 for 5 GHz.

Scan and find the best Wi-Fi channels to use

As mentioned before, changing the broadcast channel will vary depending on the router manufacturer and the IP address used. Using a Netgear router with an IP of as an example, simply point any web browser to that IP, log in using the router admin login (often admin/admin), and look for the “Channel” option, typically located within a “Wireless Settings” or “Broadcast Settings” preference region. Change the appropriate channels for each protocol, save settings, and you’re good to go.

Changing Wi-Fi broadcast channel to the best option

The wi-fi network should now be faster with less interference for all devices on the network, not just the Mac used to scan and detect the best channels. Going further, the amazing OS X Wireless Diagnostics tool can also be used to optimize wi-fi networks further by measuring signal strength as you physically rearrange the placement of a the wireless router in relation to computer hardware. This works exceptionally well and is worth taking the little time to perfect, particularly fi you feel a wireless network is sluggish or problematic.

An Optimal Channel Detecting Trick for iOS Users

Don’t have access to a Mac or the Wireless Diagnostics utility? Maybe you don’t have OS X Mavericks yet? For users who have an iPhone or cellular iPad with the iOS Personal Wi-Fi Hotspot feature, you can use a roundabout trick to detect the best channel to use for a router too. All you need to do is place the iPad or iPhone in the general region of the hardware that will access the primary wireless router, then temporarily turn on the Personal Hotspot. iOS will automatically scan, detect, and choose the best possible channel to use much like the OS X scanner tool, thus one can simply connect to that broadcasted hotspot, see the channel it chose, then turn off the hotspot feature and reconfigure the router to use that broadcast channel. Nifty trick, huh?


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