Can raspberry pi connect to wifi

How To: Connect your Raspberry Pi to WiFi

This is an updated guide showing you how to connect your Raspberry Pi to your home WiFi network in cases where you do not have a graphical user interface for your Raspberry Pi.

For this guide you need a Raspberry Pi – and unless you’re using the Raspberry Pi 3 – an external USB WiFi Dongle like this one.

Connecting to your Raspberry Pi

First step is connecting to your Raspberry Pi in order to get to a terminal. You can do this by connecting your Raspberry Pi to a monitor and keyboard – or connecting via Ethernet like described in this guide.

Login to the Raspberry Pi with the default Raspberry Pi credentials:

Username: pi Password: raspberry

Getting your network information

For the purpose of this guide we will be connecting to a WiFi network with the following information:

Every time you see this network name and password in the guide you need to change them to the network name and password of your local network.

If you need to find the network name of your local network you can run the following command in the Raspberry terminal:

This will list all the networks in your vicinity along with some useful information for each network. To find your network name look for something that look like: ESSID:”Test Wifi Network”.

Configuring your WiFi network

To tell the Raspberry Pi to automatically connect to your WiFi network you need to edit a file called: wpa_supplicant.conf.

To open the file in nano type the following command:

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Scroll to the end of the file and add the following to the file to configure your network:

Remember to replace this with your own network name and password.

Save and close the file by pressing Ctrl+X followed by Y. At this point the Raspberry Pi should automatically connect to your network.

You can check your network connection by running the following command:

If the output looks something like this (with an inet addr) you are connected:

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 74:da:38:2b:1c:3d

inet addr:

Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::8727:5526:a190:b339/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:6917 errors:0 dropped:229 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:2931 errors:0 dropped:1 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:10001000 (9.5 MiB) TX bytes:295067 (288.1 KiB)

Sometimes the Raspberry Pi will not connect automatically and require a reboot to connect.

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If it doesn’t connect after waiting 2-3 minutes try to reboot the pi using the following command:


Raspberry Pi 4 WiFi Not Working? Try These Fixes

raspberry pi 4 wifi not working

If you use Raspberry Pi to build exciting projects such as web servers and security cameras, it’s common to encounter Wifi issues.

The following guide presents the troubleshooting techniques for Wi-Fi not working on Raspberry Pi 4.

The good news is you can restore the Wi-fi connection on your own. All you need to do is to understand the root causes of the Wifi connectivity issue and implement the corresponding fixes.

Can Raspberry Pi 4 Connect to WIFI?

Yes, Raspberry Pi 4 comes integrated with Bluetooth and Wi-fi adapter allowing you to set up the Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi on the console and desktop computer. Also, you no longer have to spend extra bucks on buying the USB adapter as the Raspberry Pi 4 has two additional USB ports, which is excellent.

If you are connected to a mouse and a keyboard, you can use the graphical user interface to connect the Raspberry Pi 4 to Wifi. First, open the desktop and click on the Wi-Fi button in the top right corner. Next, you’ll see all the available wireless networks nearby.

Finally, you can click on the home Wi-fi network, enter the password, and the Raspberry Pi 4 is connected to the Internet.

Why Is Raspberry Pi Not Connecting to Wireless Network?

Many people have complained about the Wi-fi connectivity issue in Raspberry Pi 4. However, it’s not a permanent or unique issue you can’t resolve. One of the primary reasons behind the Wi-fi issue is usually the wireless network name SSID. Other reasons include:

  • Incorrect Wifi configuration
  • Faulty Ethernet cable
  • Wi-fi Network fluctuation or inconsistency
  • Hardware issue
  • Wifi is unreachable
  • Wifi adapter is in power-saving mode
  • Network Manager doesn’t display the Wifi network

How to Fix Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi?

Read along to learn how to resolve the above issues to restore Wi-fi connectivity on Raspberry Pi 4.

Reboot the Wi-fi Router Settings

Let’s begin by covering the basics and resolving the issue with the ISP router or modem. Power cycling the router allows you to remove the bugs and clear the router cache that can lead to any wireless connectivity issue.

First, you can remove all the Ethernet cables and turn off the Wifi router by holding the power button for 15 seconds till the Wi-fi router shuts off. Next, you can unplug the power cord from the router and keep it idle for one to two minutes.

Next, you can plug the Wifi router into the power outlet, press the Power button, and wait for the LEDs to stabilize before connecting to the Wi-Fi.

You can also reset the Wifi modem by pressing the reset button for 15 to 30 seconds using a paper clip. Wait for a few minutes while the router reboots and the LEDs stabilize.

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Also, you must update the router’s firmware to remove the software bugs. You can install the firmware updates from the router web management portal.

You can also implement the following techniques to resolve the Wifi connectivity issue:

  • Reposition the router.
  • Change the antenna positioning to maximize the signal strength.
  • Remove the nearby electronics that can interfere with the Wifi signals.

Check the Ethernet Port and Cables

Before implementing advanced fixes, you can check for loose connections and damaged Ethernet cables. For instance, you can replace the worn-out cable with a new one. Also, you can try inserting the cable into another port to address the Wifi connectivity issue.

Wifi Unreachable

If the Wifi frequently disconnects on the Raspberry Pi, the USB ports have limited or low power supply. Also, the Wifi adapter on the USB draws enormous power leading to voltage breakdown that can destabilize the system.

That’s why it’s best to use a reliable and high-quality power adapter to operate the Raspberry Pi. You can also use an active USB hub to operate the Wifi adapter.

Power-Saving Mode

Usually, the power mode is active on the Wifi adapters by default.

The power-saving mode triggers after a certain inactivity period. Hence you won’t be able to access the Raspberry Pi from the outside if the mode is on.

That’s why you must switch off the power-saving mode on the wireless adapter to check if it restores the Raspberry Pi 4 Wifi or not.

Resolve SSID Issues

Improper or incorrect SSID settings are the most common issue behind Raspberry Pi not connecting to the Wifi.

To troubleshoot this issue, open the “Wireless Settings” and navigate to “SSID/Wireless Network Name” to verify the name. In addition, you must ensure the SSID doesn’t have invalid characters or underscores in the name.

However, if there is an underscore in the SSID, you can remove it by renaming the Wi-fi network from the router’s web portal. Once you set the SSID, you can now connect the Raspberry Pi to the Wifi again and check if it resolves the connectivity issue or not.

Also, if the modem supports 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless bands, you only need to connect to the 2.4 GHz network. You can encounter a Wifi connectivity issue on Raspberry Pi 4 if the SSID and password for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz are the same.

You can open the router web portal to assign different SSIDs and passwords to the two wireless bands and try connecting Raspberry Pi 4 to the Wi-fi network.

Reinstall Raspbian

If the Raspbian image is corrupted, you can’t connect the Raspberry Pi to the Wi-fi network.

  • Open the web browser on your computer and enter the URL on the address bar: Raspberry Pi OS – Raspberry Pi.
  • Install the latest Raspberry Pi Imager version from the above URL.
  • Next, launch the installer to complete the imager installation. Once this process completes, you can insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi board.
  • It’s time to run the newer version of the Raspberry Pi Imager by selecting the required operating system (OS) from the drop-down menu available on the screen.
  • Here, choose the SD card and select “Write” to initiate the OS installation on the SD card.
  • After the installation process completes, you can now reboot the Raspberry Pi and check if it connects to the Wifi or not.
  • If the Raspberry Pi 4 doesn’t connect to Wifi, you can downgrade to an earlier Raspbian version and follow the above installation process to restore the Wifi connection.
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If you don’t want to use the micro SD card, you can use the terminal and enter the following commands to update the Pi OS version. However, it would help if you had an Internet connection via the Ethernet cable to implement these commands:

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  • sudo apt-get upgrade
  • sudo rpi-update

Additionally, you can also input the following command to complete the system update:

Once you have executed all the above commands, you can restart the Raspberry Pi by entering the command:

Hardware Issues

If none of the above fixes restore the Wifi connectivity on the Raspberry Pi 4, you can check the Ethernet ports.

For instance, you can connect an external Ethernet adapter to the Raspberry Pi 4 and check whether the Wi-Fi works. If the Wi-Fi connectivity is restored using an external adapter, the existing Ethernet port on Raspberry Pi 4 is damaged or faulty.

Reset Raspberry Pi Wifi Connection

You can reset the Wifi on Raspberry Pi using the following command:

Next, you can remove the Wi-fi network by pressing Ctrl and X together. Finally, you can enter Y to save the modifications in the file.


Adopting and implementing a systematic troubleshooting approach to restore the Raspberry Pi 4 Wifi is essential. That’s why it’s best to follow the above fixes in the same order to save time and effort.

Hedayat S

Hedayat is the new Editor-in-Chief of Rottenwifi and has been writing about computer networking since 2012. Hedayat’s strong background in computer science helped him cement his position in the ever-expanding tech blogging world. As a network engineer, systems administrator, and systems analyst during his decade-long career in Information Technology, he has a passion for the internet & technology in his DNA. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. All names, logos, brands, and images are trademarks or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates.


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