Can you replace windows with linux

Can I replace Windows 10 with Linux?

While there really isn’t anything you can do about #1, taking care of #2 is easy. Replace your Windows installation with Linux ! . Windows programs typically will not run on a Linux machine, and even the ones that will run using an emulator such as WINE will run slower than they do under native Windows .

Can I use Linux instead of Windows 10?

You can install a bunch of software with just a simple line of command. Linux is a robust operating system. It can run continuously for many years and doesn’t have a problem. You can install Linux on a hard drive of your computer, then move the hard drive to another computer and boot it without problem.

Can I replace Windows with Linux?

To install Windows on a system that has Linux installed when you want to remove Linux , you must manually delete the partitions used by the Linux operating system. The Windows -compatible partition can be created automatically during the installation of the Windows operating system.

How do I change from Windows 10 to Linux?

Install Rufus, open it up, and insert a flash drive that’s 2GB or larger. (If you have a fast USB 3.0 drive, all the better.) You should see it appear in the Device drop-down at the top of Rufus’ main window . Next, click the Select button next to Disk or ISO image, and choose the Linux Mint ISO you just downloaded.

Can I remove Windows 10 and install Linux?

  • Select you keyboard Layout.
  • Normal Installation .
  • Here select Erase disk and install Ubuntu . this option will delete Windows 10 and install Ubuntu .
  • Continue to confirm.
  • Select your timezone.
  • Here enter your login information.
  • Done!! that simple.

Why do Linux users hate Windows?

2: Linux no longer has much of an edge on Windows in most cases of speed and stability. They can’t be forgotten. And the numer one reason Linux users hate Windows users : Linux conventions are the only place they could possibly justify wearing a tuxuedo (or more commonly, a tuxuedo t-shirt).

What are the disadvantages of using Linux?

  • Learning Curve. Learning how to use Linux can take a while, especially if you are used to using other Operating Systems and not an open-source operating system like Linux . .
  • Installing Software. .
  • Lack of Games. .
  • Hardware Drivers.

Is Linux as good as Windows?

Linux and Windows Performance Comparison

Linux has a reputation for being fast and smooth while Windows 10 is known to become slow and slow over time. Linux runs faster than Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 along with a modern desktop environment and qualities of the operating system while windows are slow on older hardware.

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How much faster is Linux than Windows?

Linux is far faster than Windows . That’s old news. It’s why Linux runs 90 percent of the world’s top 500 fastest supercomputers, while Windows runs 1 percent of them.

Is it worth switching to Linux?

If you like to have transparency on what you use on a day-to-day basis, Linux (in general) is the perfect choice to have. Unlike Windows/macOS, Linux relies on the concept of open-source software. So, you can easily review the source code of your operating system to see how it works or how it handles your data. 13

Is Linux Mint lighter than Windows 10?

Windows 10 Is Slow on Older Hardware

You have two choices. . For newer hardware, try Linux Mint with the Cinnamon Desktop Environment or Ubuntu. For hardware that is two to four years old, try Linux Mint but use the MATE or XFCE desktop environment, which provides a lighter footprint. 29

Should I delete Windows install Linux?

You should completely get rid of Windows and install Linux in your system.

Does installing Linux delete everything?

Short answer, yes linux will delete all the files on your hard drive so No it will not put them into a windows. back or similar file. . basically,you need a clean partition to install linux (this goes for every OS).


7 Linux Distributions to Replace Windows 11

Whenever Microsoft announces a new version of its operating system, Windows users worldwide become anxious because they know that the software giant misses the mark roughly 50% of the time.

Unfortunately, it’s already becoming apparent that Windows 11, which Microsoft officially released on October 4, 2021, will go down the history as one of the less popular versions of Windows, along with Windows 8.

Microsoft has not only dumbed down the user interface and removed features Windows users have been relying on for years, such as the ability to drag items onto applications in the Taskbar, but also removed support for many commonly used processors.

After using the PC Health Check app to see if their PCs can run Windows 11, many users have discovered that they can’t even though their computers are not that old and are still perfectly capable of running the latest software. If you’ve decided to switch to Linux because you’re among them, then keep on reading because what follows are the best Linux distributions to replace Windows 11.

1. Ubuntu (Kubuntu Flavor)

Top Reasons to Use Ubuntu:

  • Works flawlessly right-out-of-the-box on most computers
  • Multiple flavors to choose from
  • Great support for older hardware
  • Large, friendly community

To a large extent, Ubuntu has become synonymous with desktop Linux, popularizing it as a viable alternative to Windows. It’s also the distribution you’re most likely to find on Linux laptops, and there are many good reasons why that is so.

Ubuntu works flawlessly right-out-of-the-box on most computers capable of running recent versions of Windows, and its support for older hardware is impressive. When you download Ubuntu, you can choose between several flavors.

The flavor, we recommend the most to Windows users looking for the best Linux distribution to replace Windows 11, is called Kubuntu. This flavor features the KDE Plasma desktop environment, which is simple by default and powerful when needed.

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Regardless of which Ubuntu flavor you choose, you can always enjoy compatibility with a huge number of third-party applications, most of which can be installed with a few simple clicks. Ubuntu’s large userbase is welcoming to beginners, so there’s no reason to be afraid to ask questions on the official forums.

2. Linux Mint (Cinnamon Edition)

Top Reasons to Use Linux Mint:

  • Makes it easy to install proprietary drivers
  • Comes bundled with proprietary codecs
  • Has a polished Windows-like desktop environment

Linux Mint is an Ubuntu derivative, which is similar when different car models use the same chassis or the same engine. The biggest difference between the two distributions is that Linux Mint strives to be even more beginner-friendly by making it easy to install proprietary drivers, and it comes bundled with several important codecs.

Just like Ubuntu, the users of Linux Mint can choose between several desktop environments. The flagship desktop environment is called Cinnamon, and it’s primarily developed for and by Linux Mint. Cinnamon is inspired by Windows, and that’s a great thing if you’re new to Linux.

3. Zorin OS

Top Reasons to Use Zorin OS:

  • Aimed at people who are switching from Windows
  • Can run Windows executables
  • Comes with NVIDIA and AMD graphics drivers
  • Built-in Android synchronization

Zorin OS is aimed at people who are switching to Linux from Windows or macOS. It tries to make their lives easier by featuring several familiar desktop layouts that can be activated with a single click from the Zorin Appearance app.

One unique feature that you will certainly appreciate if you rely on one or more software applications that are only available for Windows is the built-in ability to run Windows executables using the Wine compatibility layer. While Wine can be used on other distributions, not having to manually install and configure it is a huge plus.

Zorin OS is streamlined to work on computers. It comes with NVIDIA and AMD graphics drivers and game optimizations to ensure high frame rates regardless of whether you’re playing a simple indie game or some AAA megahit with cutting-edge graphics.

4. elementary OS

Top Reasons to Use Elementary OS:

  • macOS-inspired user interface
  • Cohesive user experience
  • Secure and privacy-respecting

Windows 11 introduces a redesigned user interface that borrows many elements from Apple’s macOS, such as round application corners and centered icons on the Taskbar. If you like the new design and wish you could just install macOS on your PC, then elementary OS might just be the right Linux distribution for you.

Just one look at the screenshot above should tell you where the people behind it draw their inspiration from and their priorities. Indeed, elementary OS is a macOS-inspired distribution that focuses heavily on the overall user experience and usability.

Instead of just bundling together existing software, elementary OS developers have created several new applications to ensure the operating system feels as cohesive as possible. The results speak for themselves.

5. Solus

Top Reasons to Use Solus:

  • Offers the Budgie desktop environment
  • Provides a polished user experience
  • The eopkg package manager is fast and reliable
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Solus is an easy-to-use Linux distribution whose biggest selling point is the Budgie desktop environment. Budgie was developed by the Solus project, and its main characteristics include simplicity, minimalism, and elegance.

Because of its ease of use, Budgie is available in several other Linux distributions, including Debian, Manjaro, and openSUSE. However, no distribution integrates it as well as Solus for reasons that are obvious considering who its developers are.

Besides the Budgie desktop environment, Solus can also offer its package manager, called eopkg. This package manager uses the .eopkg format for package files, and it’s widely praised for its performance, with packages often taking only a fraction of time to download than on other distributions.

6. Manjaro (KDE Plasma Edition)

Top Reasons to Use Manjaro:

  • Based on Arch Linux
  • Comes with cutting-edge software
  • A great compromise between user-friendliness and control

Manjaro is a great first Linux distribution for Windows power users who want as much control over their operating system as possible. It’s based on Arch Linux, a highly regarded Linux distribution that adheres to the KISS principle (“Keep It Simple, Stupid”). Unlike Arch, it comes with an intuitive installer and several desktop environments from which you can choose.

We recommend the KDE Plasma edition of Manjaro because its layout is very similar to Windows 10. But unlike Windows 10, KDE Plasma can be easily customized to reflect your needs and preferences.

As a rolling-release distribution, Manjaro receives software updates on an ongoing basis. Often, as soon as they become available. The only negative side-effect of being on the bleeding edge is that things do break from time to time, so it’s a good idea to monitor the official forum, where users discuss major updates and warn others of potential issues with them.

7. Pop!_OS

Top Reasons to Use Pop!_OS:

  • Preinstalled on System76 computers
  • Useful auto-tiling feature for enhanced productivity
  • NVIDIA drivers working out of the box

Pop!_OS is an increasingly popular Linux distribution developed by System76, an American computer manufacturer that sells a range of laptops for Linux enthusiasts. A good example is the Oryx Pro, a powerful 15-inch or 17-inch laptop with a dedicated NVIDIA graphics card and up to 64 GB memory.

Experienced Linux users know that getting NVIDIA graphics cards to work properly can be a huge challenge because NVIDIA Linux drivers are not open-source. But with Pop!_OS running on a System76 computer and to a lesser extent any other computer, everything just works.

Is there anything Pop!_OS can offer to people who are not struggling with NVIDIA drivers? Yes, a lot! Pop!_OS is aimed at working professionals. Its GNOME desktop environment has many extra features that make it easy to stay organized and productive, such as auto-tilling, keyboard navigation, and window stacking.


This article provided seven Linux Distribution programs suitable to replace Window 11. We hope that you found the information that included the strengths and weaknesses of each Linux Distribution program helpful in determining the best suitable program for your needs. For more helpful tips, please check out our articles at Linux Hint.

About the author

David Morelo

David Morelo is a professional content writer in the technology niche, covering everything from consumer products to emerging technologies and their cross-industry application


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