Can you use exe files on linux

How to run exe file in Ubuntu [duplicate]

If the .exe file is a windows executeable, you can’t run it directly in Ubuntu (or other Linux’s). Either you should install Wine and run it through that, or find a utility in Ubuntu that does the same as the windows one.

Could be a slight case of the XY-problem ( If you want to convert a wav-file to raw PCM data for processing in Matlab, you could use a linux-tool like sox instead:…

Is WAV2RAW.exe the only EXE program you want to run, or do you have several other DOS / Windows / .NET programs?

I’m relatively sure that Matlab (and its open-source clone Octave) have native functions to parse WAVE headers and data as well as to write raw PCM data since I used them in the past. Those would obviate the need for an external conversion application unless the PCM data doesn’t fit into main memory.

2 Answers 2

I think you should use Wine.

sudo apt-get install wine wine dir/WAV2RAW.exe 

Or Mono if you know that exe is .NET application:

sudo apt install mono-runtime mono dir/WAV2RAW.exe 

You don’t need to chmod . Besides that, it’s worth noting that not all software runs under wine. YMMV.

You seem to have added the chmod line according to my comment. However, I think it is only necessary if you want to run the .exe file directly, i.e. without prepending wine to the command line – like OP wants to. I haven’t tested it with Wine but it behaves this way with .NET exe files ( mono my.exe or chmod +x my.exe && ./my.exe ) or even shell scripts ( sh or chmod +x && ./ ).

@Melebius that works because Wine registers itself in binfmts when installed from the official Ubuntu package.


Can You Run Exe Files On Linux How To Do It With Wine And Alternative Options

Once you have installed Wine, you can use it to run .exe files on Linux., files on Linux through Wine To run an .exe file on Linux, you need to navigate to the directory, Alternative options to Wine While Wine is the most, popular option for running Windows programs on Linux, there are other alternatives available., > In conclusion, Linux can run .exe files through Wine, allowing Windows programs to function on

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Autorun .EXE files with WINE

» data-src=»» loading=»lazy»/> I copied an EXE file, files with WINE when you double click on them from your file manager you need to edit , exe files should now open in Wine by default. , You must mount them with the proper options, then the options normally set ALL files on the ntfs/vfat, /Borderlands/Gearbox Software/Borderlands/Binaries/Borderlands.exe . and if Linux

Wine not running this exe setup file in Void Linux

This Void Linux desktop installation is otherwise working very well., Hence, I am trying to install its exe setup file with wine., ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found., > Solution 1: The problem was due to running 32-bit exe, From the installation menu, at minimum, choose the following options:

How to run exe on mac with wine

While it’s most often used on Linux, Wine can run Windows software directly on a Mac, too–without requiring, file to select Open With > Wine., Provide the .exe file used to install the application and you can install it as an .app using the options, However, that often isn’t necessary–just executing .exe files directly with Wine should generally, have a look here also —

How to run exe file in linux

To run most exe files, you can use Wine., * Then you can click on exe files, and open them with ‘Wine Windows Program Loader, Solution 2: Exe files can not be run in, Linux The exe fileformat is something that Microsoft has coined and is something that, There are, however, plenty of tools for you to run files with the .exe fileformat and the

Shell how to run exe file in linux

If this executable came from the Windows environment, it won’t run under UNIX/Linux, Two options: If you have the source code and the application, The WINE emulator can often run Windows executables, depending again on what libraries, If it isn’t a Windows exe and is native to your current environment, then ., Solution 1: UPDATED If your Linux

Shell how to open exe file in linux

.exe files are Windows executables, and are not meant to be executed natively, However, there’s a program called Wine which allows you to run .exe

Instead, if I double click the original file, Wine opens automatically. Why is this?, >exe files, no longer

Can You Run .exe Files on Ubuntu? A Guide to Using Wine and Virtualization

Running .exe Files on Ubuntu using Wine

How to install latest wine on linux

Empowering snaps in Arch Linux & Introducing Wine-Stage Runtime Snaps, Initially, Wine supported a limited number of Windows applications for Linux., You can choose any option according to your requirements., lazy» width=»743″/> Choose the installation folder where you want to save the Notepad++ files, Wine is a compatibility layer that assists Linux systems to run Windows applications

Shell what is wine for linux ubuntu

sh wget tar xjvf wine, -1.5.9.tar.bz2 cd wine-1.5.9/ ., li> Compile Wine Install Wine

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How to install wine on linux mint

Only because of Wine, Linux can effectively become a suitable alternative to Windows., Without further ado, let’s get started with Wine on Linux Mint!, wine prime95.exe

How to use wine linux code example

windows API calls and converts them in the fly to the corresponding Linux API call(s)., , Mono and WiX to create .msi packages on Linux., you the ‘candle’ and ‘light’ commands from the Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset ready to use on Linux, just released v0.01 of msitools, a collection of utilities to inspect and create Windows Installer files, This approach will allow you to generate stubs code from your IDL files.

Shell run exe files on linux code example

‘W:/www/A Demo/Hi 2.exe’ had status 127 > system(paste0(«\»»,getwd(),»/Hi 2.exe»,»\» «)) Hello,, It does not work out of the box on Linux environments (you can use WINE but in my case it is not possible, So I compiled the c++ code I had using g++ on a Linux virtual machine and used the .out, file rather than the .exe ., p> Solution: a) You need to run the executable with wine

Why won’t Windows EXE files work on Linux?

In fact Linux can execute PE executables, through Wine., In Windows there are hooks in programs and the OS that EXE files make calls to that just, extension, looking at properties, and then looking inside the EXE file, etc., When you call an open file system service in Windows a linux system might interpret that as a close file, Longer answer: you can install Wine to run Windows applications on Linux.

How to open a exe on linux

covered in this article Solution 3: Wine, Solution: You don’t want it to be an .exe, code>python3 from the directory of where the main Python entry file, I tested this code under Linux (in QtCreator) and it works (works for Windows too)., or intended by the design of QtSingleApplication , it may also apply to linux

IDA Pro: What does «Create EXE file. » option do?

EXE file. option in IDA. I thought one couldn’t use IDA for patching., Currently, I’m trying to reverse a DLL file of a certain EXE

How to Install Wine in Ubuntu OS and Linux Mint

Wine has brought about a major change in Linux distributions., >Wine, Windows games can be played in Linux., Click the Install button, and a new window will open with several options, You can utilize it for tweaking different options., appearance-related settings, switch to the “ Graphics ” tab and set the options

Is there anybody using Keil MDK on Linux through wine?

natively without Wine., I’m even not sure if it will work with Wine, but that is another issue. , Solution: Project->Options, ->Listing Tab->Linker Listing check box , select sub options as necessary., Also useful: In Project->Options for Target

How to use a windows .lib on linux using WINE

I’m not sure you can splice Wine and Linux programs., Linux., /bin/bash OPEN_HANDLER=/usr/bin/gnome-open # logging, optional LOG=$HOME/.wine/gstart.exe-log., You could improve it to read the Linux files (mimeapps.list, ..) and update the wine registry if then, /bin/bash OPEN_HANDLER=/usr/bin/xdg-open # logging, optional LOG=$HOME/.wine/gstart.exe-log.

How to call Wine dll from python on Linux?

It is based on IPC between a regular Linux/Unix Python process and a Wine-based Python process., Example: Assume you’re in Python on Linux, you have Wine installed, and you want to call, to Linux is often possible., It is based on IPC between a regular Linux/Unix Python process and a Wine-based Python process., Example: Assume you’re in Python on Linux, you have Wine installed, and you want to call

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Shell hwo to urn exe file in linux

Solution 1: Windows EXE files usually can’t, run on Linux., p> wine abc.exe What do you mean by a runtime variable?, cannot directly run .exe files however with third part software like wine, or running a windows vm to, execute your file.

Run exe files on linux ubuntu code example

to run any file regardless of executable permissions and without changing the mount options like so:, /lib/ /path/to/binary-file or, on, 64 bit systems: /lib64/ /path/to/binary-file

How to use alternatives on linux

[root@quickstart alternatives]# pwd /etc/alternatives [root@quickstart alternatives, Question: I want to run some of my python scripts on my new Linux, (Centos 6.5) machine that I developed on another Linux machine (also Centos 6.5)., Clone Python from one Linux machine to another? I tried this but it did not work for me., How To Download a RPM Package Using yum Command Without Installing On Linux; Ask.Fedora

How to find out if a exe file is a .Net exe or regular exe?

How can I find out programatically if a given exe file is a .net, exe file or a regular WIN32/WIN64 exe file?, The question is not about interrogating a running process but it’s about an exe file and, pointer to symbol table 0 number of symbols E0 size of optional header, file.

How to run msi files under Wine

, but you might be able to run windows applications on your linux device using WINE (WINdows Emulator, Question: I have installed a .msi file with wine, by right-clicking, pre> neither i get any MSI installer to install .msi i can able to install .exe, >ubuntu 17.10 and just started linux., script injection that can survive page reload»>development tool, I would suggest you to try some options

Wine problem: No such file or directory

, but in my system: [romano:~] % locate /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, Let’s see which package correspond to it: apt-file search /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, /pkcs11/ libp11-kit-gnome-keyring: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11, To download the latest version, scroll down to the last post on the thread: Unity on Linux, Release Notes and Known Issues After download, to install see: How do I install a .deb file

Wine x development files not found

Use the —without-x option if you really want this. Configure failed, aborting install., Use the —without-freetype option if you really want this., DXVK is a free and open source project that translates Direct3D calls to Vulkan in Linux., >dll” files in Wine with custom files that convert Direct3D API calls to Vulkan., The following output shows DXVK being used in a game after you run an “exe” launcher in a Wine prefix

Wine spec files

I also have a Linux SO called containing the Linux, In both cases these were the options I used., correctly, either with the wrong options, or that my spec file is not correctly formed., Usage nuget spec [] [options]

Where does Wine store files?

Solution 1: Wine’s files are, applications can access all files on your system provided wine has the permissions to do so., You will now see a whole bunch of «dot» files. Out of these, you will find .wine., But I can not install the new game I want 🙁 Its called path of exile, it has a setup exe, > Solution 1: There are multiple options


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