Cheat engine linux аналоги

Game Conqueror – Cheat Engine for Linux

Don’t you hate all those who use Cheat Engine to cheat Windows games, and you can’t do the same on Linux? For the long time, there wasn’t good alternative for Cheat Engine on Linux. Today, it is different story. Now there is very good memory scanner/editor available for Linux. It is called Scanmem. It is like Cheat Engine for Linux. This guide will show you how to do basic setup of scanmem, and lead you to install graphic user interface for this program. Graphic user interface is called Game Conquerer.

Game Conqueror – Cheat Engine for Linux

In this tutorial we will only go trough installing required software, practical example of using the Game Conqueror will be made later.
First step you will need to do is to install scanmem on your system. For this tut, we will use Ubuntu Mate (Ubuntu variant), and used commands will work on all Ubuntu based systems. On other distors, you can use your favorite package manager to install it, or do it through terminal.
On Ubuntu Mate, we have to run following command:

sudo apt-get install scanmem

If you don’t have package manager, you can find scanmem on Github (LINK), so it can be compiled manually.

With this step done, you can do basic memory scanning and/or editing through commandline interface.
First, find the ID of the wanted process, and open that process in scanmem.
You can see IDs of all running processes with the following command.

If you want to narrow down the list, you can use the following command:

This command will only show process IDs of the processes that contains word “gamecheetah” in it.
After wanted process ID is found, in the terminal run

sudo scanmem pid (pid is number you got with upper commands)

and continue with scanning.

For non-masochistic readers

If you don’t want to play hackerman in the terminal, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install gameconqueror

It will install Game Conqueror and all dependencies automatically. If everything finished smoothly, type:

GUI that will show up will be familiar if you ever used Cheat Engine.
Congratulations, you are ready to cheat some Linux games.


Cheat Engine

Логотип Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so you can make them harder or easier depending on your preference (e.g: Find that 100hp is too.


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Альтернативы приложению Cheat Engine

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Forget about cheat codes, no more cheat codes, Universal Memory Editor. ArtMoney is a cheating program you can use for all games. ArtMoney can make a troublesome game easier to …

The Cheat 6 альтернатив

The legendary universal game trainer for Mac OS X. This baby empowers you to search the memory footprints of other running processes and even do a little covert tweaking. The …

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scanmem & GameConqueror 5 альтернатив

GameConqueror is a GUI for scanmem. scanmem is a game hacking tool, supporting variant types of scan on different types of data. It is a simple interactive debugging utility for …

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Memory editor/cheat tool for Android OS available on the marketplace. Similar to the Cheat Engine on PC, now on your android!

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Mem Write is a free and open source equivalent of ArtMoney (on Windows) or The Cheat (on Mac). but it works only with Linux. With it you can edit numbers …

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  • Game Cheating

iHaxGamez is the tool for cheating your games on the Mac. The current release runs on OS X 10.4 and above.

Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 6 альтернатив приложению Cheat Engine, для таких платформ как: macOS, Linux, Android, Windows и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:28

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Сервис SuggestUse поможет найти альтернативное программное обеспечение для ваших мобильных устройств и компьютера.

Основная идея заключается в том, что поиск производится по тем приложениям, которые требуется заменить, в результате получаете список альтернатив, на основе рекомендаций зарегистрированных пользователей.

Когда сервис может быть полезен?

— Вы пересели с компьютера на котором установлена операционная система Windows, на компьютер с macOS, но в Windows вы пользовались программой Total Commander которой для macOS не существует. Вы заходите на наш сервис, вводите в поиске TotalCommander для macOS и в результате получаете список альтернативных программ которые работают в системе macOS.

— Вам надоела программа которая постоянно вылетает или зависает? Вы также просто можете найти ей альтернативу, введите ее название в поиске, и выберите вашу операционную систему.



What can perform Cheat-Engine like tasks in Linux?

In short, how can I search, view, and modify in-memory values in linux, preferably as easily/simply as possible. Like this.

i know from looking over gdb (the GNU debugger) code thath there are indeed libraries to peek and poke in another programs memory. haven’t found a good implementation though.

5 Answers 5

closest you’ll get is scanmem

sudo apt-get install scanmem

This forum post kind of explains how and why.

Long story short, you need to run IE of Firefox in Wine so that CE can have a look at the memory it uses.

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Well the easiest way to keep everything the same as Windows would be to use Wine. It’s an implementation of the Windows API to allow some applications to run at near-native speed.

I say that because the link you suggest uses a special application to do half the work for you. Unless that’s ported across you’re left with Wine, Windows proper, or running Windows in a VM under Linux.

Linux has two GUI programs similar to Cheat Engine: PINCE and GameConqueror.

It is also possible to use Cheat Engine in Wine using ceserver:

  • Run ceserver as root.
  • Start Cheat Engine via Wine and select the Network tab of the process list. In the Host field, enter localhost .

If you run into bugs using Cheat Engine via Wine, look for solutions on

WOW. Didn’t know something like that existed for Windows! Thanks for sharing!

SNES9X had a similar capability to hack, tweak and even re-program SNES ROM images while playing them (I read it was inspired by the Game Genie), I used that a lot when on my teens to get infinite ammo, life, hidden scenes or characters, etc. on SNES games.

To be quite honest with you, had you not posted this before I would’ve considered it simply impossible to do something like for any version of Windows>=NT, or Linux. Why? Because supposedly now we have more memory protection (hardware enforced when possible) to avoid precisely these kind of situations: one process overwriting data from another process.

I would’ve thought it possible only for console ROMs because technically the whole ROM is data to the emulator, so it’s not someone else’s data. The same could be said if you made your own Flash player. But this program is here and working on Windows executables! Truly impressive.

Now then, you can download an old version’s code from this page, the author also says over there that you can mail him to ask him latest version’s code.

You can try porting it for Linux. It’s written in Delphi, might be compilable after some minor tweaks with a modern Pascal compiler.


Step 1 Install scanmem

Install scanmem on your system. This varies on your distro. Use your favorite package manager to install it. For example: I’m using Lubuntu (low usage Ubuntu variant) I would run this:

If you do not have a distro that comes with a package manager, you will need to compile manually:

Don’t bother with installing the GUI. This guide deals with the CLI (commandline interface only). The GUI is called gameconqueror and can be installed through similair ways.

Step 2 Start BoI

Boot up The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth/Afterbirth. No need to do much here. Just boot it.

Step 3 Get a PiD

Whilst the game is running open a Terminal window. Type this command in it:

Write down the output of this process. Note that there are two processes being launched, you will want isaac.x64 or isaac.i386, not the other one.

An explanation: ps ax lists process id’s and grep narrows down the output to contain only lines with the word ‘isaac’ in it.

Step 3 Start scanmem and tell the PiD

In the same terminal window run

Sudo is required because scanmem doesn’t work properly without root. Afterwards run this:

pid This will give you some random output listing the mappings, I got 30.

Step 4 Value editing

Get to the value you want to edit. I’m going for the greed machine in this example. Get to the greed machine. Once you get there, switch back to your Terminal window which still should have scanmem open and enter the following:

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This will give a familiar listing: The amount of items it found. From now on, it’s a case of narrowing it down. The following keys can be used:

= If your value remains the same. Run this one a few times before narrowing down results with changing values. It makes stuff a lot easier. > For an increasing value, run this command. < For a decreasing value, run this command.

For each change you will get a listing of how many results remain. Keep narrowing it down by adding one coin to the machine in this case and running > afterwards in your Terminal.

Eventually you will get to 1 result. At this point the scanmem will inform you you can set the value. Use the following command to do that:

So if I say, wanted the Greed Machine to go to 999 I would run.

Then I put one more coin in the machine and the machine will break.

Step 5: Exiting

Run exit in the terminal window to close scanmem.

Note that I also posted this on my personal blog. Read the exact same thing here .


Cheat Engine

Логотип Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so you can make them harder or easier depending on your preference (e.g: Find that 100hp is too.


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Альтернативы приложению Cheat Engine

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Настольные ПК
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Фильтр альтернатив по лицензии

scanmem & GameConqueror 5 альтернатив

GameConqueror is a GUI for scanmem. scanmem is a game hacking tool, supporting variant types of scan on different types of data. It is a simple interactive debugging utility for …

Mem Write 5 альтернатив

Mem Write is a free and open source equivalent of ArtMoney (on Windows) or The Cheat (on Mac). but it works only with Linux. With it you can edit numbers …

Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 6 альтернатив приложению Cheat Engine, для таких платформ как: macOS, Linux, Android, Windows и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:28

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Сервис SuggestUse поможет найти альтернативное программное обеспечение для ваших мобильных устройств и компьютера.

Основная идея заключается в том, что поиск производится по тем приложениям, которые требуется заменить, в результате получаете список альтернатив, на основе рекомендаций зарегистрированных пользователей.

Когда сервис может быть полезен?

— Вы пересели с компьютера на котором установлена операционная система Windows, на компьютер с macOS, но в Windows вы пользовались программой Total Commander которой для macOS не существует. Вы заходите на наш сервис, вводите в поиске TotalCommander для macOS и в результате получаете список альтернативных программ которые работают в системе macOS.

— Вам надоела программа которая постоянно вылетает или зависает? Вы также просто можете найти ей альтернативу, введите ее название в поиске, и выберите вашу операционную систему.



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