Check machine hardware linux

How to Check Hardware Information in Linux

If you’re a Linux user, you may want to know what hardware your system is running on. This can be useful for troubleshooting or when you’re looking to upgrade your system. Also, for system administrators, it is important to have a good understanding of the hardware components in the system. This blog post teaches you the commands you can use to check your hardware information in Linux.

How to Check Hardware Information in Linux

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If you’re a Linux user, you may want to know what hardware your system is running on. This can be useful for troubleshooting or when you’re looking to upgrade your system. Also, for system administrators, it is important to have a good understanding of the hardware components in the system. This blog post teaches you the commands you can use to check your hardware information in Linux.

Commands to Check Hardware Information in Linux

Hardware information can be obtained by using different commands in Linux. This section will teach you the common Linux commands for checking hardware info with detailed examples.


This command is used to report information about the CPU of your system. And it doesn’t provide any further functionality or option.

Syntax : $ Iscpu


This command reports brief and detailed information about several hardware components such as CPU, Memory, Disk, Network adapter, USB controller, etc. This command will extract the information from different /proc files.

Install Ishw

Using Ubuntu or Debian, you can get it from default repositories.

Syntax : $ sudo apt-get install lshw

If you use Fedora, install it from the default repositories. On CentOS, you can install Ishw from the Epl repository.

Syntax : $ sudo yum install lshw

Using Ishw

You need to run this command with super privileges to detect and report the maximum amount of information. SO run this command as root, or use sudo.

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Syntax : $ sudo lshw

Report full info

Running «Ishw» will generate full information and report about all detected hardware.

And it contains a big output with a lot of technical details.

Syntax : $ sudo lshw

Report brief info

With the «-short», you will generate brief information about the hardware devices. And it gives you an idea about the hardware profile of your system.

Syntax : $ sudo lshw -short


Hwinfo is another useful command to generate detailed and brief information about several different hardware components, even more than Ishw.

Install Hwinfo

It’s available in the repositories of Ubuntu and Debian.

Syntax : $ sudo apt-get install hwinfo

Using Hwinfo

You can mention the hardware component you want to see the information of.

Syntax : $ hwinfo –help

Report all info

Running this command will give you full information about all hardware units.

Syntax : $ hwinfo

Report brief info

With the «-short» command, you will get brief information about the hardware devices but not the details.

Syntax : $ hwinfo –short


This command displays information about PCI buses and the devices connected to the PCI subsystem. And includes a graphic card, network adapter, USB ports, etc.

Syntax : $ lspci

Using grep

With grep, you can filter specific devices’ information.

Syntax : $ lspci -v | grep «VGA» -A 12


This command reports the scsi/sata devices, such as hard and optical drivers.

Syntax : $ lsscsi


This command displays brief information about the USB controllers and connected devices. You can also get detailed information about each USB port using the verbose option «-v».

Syntax : $ lsusb

Syntax : $ lsusb -v


Lnxi tool is a full-featured CLI utility that generates easy-to-read information from several sources.

Syntax : $ inxi -Fx


It displays information about all block devices, such as optical and flash drives.

Syntax : $ lsblk


It reports the disk space available on the filesystem with each file name’s argument.

Syntax : $ df -H


This command is an improved df version used to display coloured output.

Syntax : $ pydf


This command is used to create and manipulate disk partition tables. So, you can view, create, delete, change, resize, copy, and move partitions on a hard drive using the dialogue-driven interface.

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Syntax : $ sudo fdisk -l


This command is used to mount and unmount a file system.

Syntax : $ mount | column -t

Using grep

With grep, you can filter the file system that you want to see.

Syntax : $ mount | column -t | grep ext


This command is used to Check the amount of use, free and total amount of RAM on the system.

Syntax : $ free -m


This command differs from the other commands because it extracts hardware information by reading data from the DMI tables.

CPU info

You can use the command below to see information about the CPU.

Syntax : $ sudo dmidecode -t processor

Ram info

You can use the command below to see information about Memory.

Syntax : $ sudo dmidecode -t memory

Bios info

You can use the command below to see information about bios.

Syntax : $ sudo dmidecode -t bios

/proc files

Most files in the /proc directory contain data about hardware and configurations. Let’s check out some of them:

CPU and Memory info

You can use the commands below to see information about CPU and Memory.

Syntax : $ cat /proc/cpuinfo

Syntax : $ cat /proc/meminfo

Kernel info

You can use the command below to see information about the Linux kernel.

Syntax : $ cat /proc/version

SCSI devices

Small Computer Systems Interface, SCSI, allows you to add up to 15 peripheral devices to the computer. And you can use the command below to see information about SCSI.

Syntax : $ cat /proc/scsi/scsi


You can use the command below to see information about partitions.

Syntax : $ cat /proc/partitions


This command is used to show information about Sata devices like hard disks.

Syntax : $ sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda


  • Checking hardware information on Linux is crucial for system administrators.
  • Checking your hardware’s information can be done with commands including Iscpu, hwinfo, and lspci.
  • Using these commands lets you get information about every part of your computer’s hardware.

You can also buy linux server to practice it on a routine basis.


What command can be used to show system hardware information in Linux?

The ‘lshw’ command is typically used to show system hardware information in Linux.

What type of information can be seen using the ‘lshw’ command?

The ‘lshw’ command can see detailed information about installed hardware components, such as memory, processor, hard disk and network interfaces.

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Is the ‘lshw’ command available in all Linux distributions?

Yes, the ‘lshw’ command is available in all Linux distributions.

How can the output of the ‘lshw’ command be formatted?

The output of the ‘lshw’ command can be formatted into HTML, XML and plain text formats using the -html, -xml and -sanitize options, respectively.

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Nisal N

Computers has always fascinated me since I was a kid and here we are. I love travelling for 2 reasons: the first one to see a new part of the world and second (the most important one) to experience the rich culture hidden among the country and people. I’m pretty good at cooking but very poor when it comes to baking.


Getting information on a machine’s hardware in Linux

On what Operating System ? There is no standard command so anything would be more or less distribution specific.

@jiliargre I wouldn’t say distribution specific but certainly OS, Linux and BSD probably greatly vary here.

6 Answers 6

If your system supports a procfs, you can get much information of your running system. Its an interface to the kernels data structures, so it will also contain information about your hardware. For example to get details about the used CPU you could cat /proc/cpuinfo For more information you should see the man proc.

More hardware information can be obtained through the kernel ring buffer logmessages with dmesg . For example this will give you a short summary of recently attached hardware and how it is integreated in the system.

These are some basic «interfaces» you will have on every distribution to obtain some hardware information.

Other ‘small’ tools to gather hardware information are:

Depending on your distribution you will also have access to one of these two tools to gather a detailed overview of your hardware configuration:

The «gate» to your hardware is thorugh the «Desktop Management Interface» (-> DMI). This framework will expose your system information to your software and is used by lshw for example. A tool to interact directly with the DMI is dmidecode and availible on the most distributions as package. It will come with biosdecode which shows you also the complete availbile BIOS informations.


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