Chrome linux no webgl

No WebGL support for Google Chrome on Ubuntu 14.04

The 2 solutions/workarounds I found searching askubuntu didn’t work so far. Going to chrome://flags and enabling Override software rendering list didn’t work. Also, starting Google Chrome with «LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 google-chrome» doesn’t seem to work. Chrome opens and works normally, but WebGL isn’t working. I receive the following terminal output:

$ LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 google-chrome[6436:6436:0924/110923:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at chrome-extension://cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb/include.preload.js:319:20", source: (0) [6436:6436:0924/110924:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at inject_code (chrome-extension://gkojfkhlekighikafcpjkiklfbnlmeio/js/cs_inject.js:21:13)", source: (0) [6436:6457:0924/] CERT_PKIXVerifyCert for failed err=-8181 [6436:6464:0924/] RawChannel read error (connection broken) 
  • Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
  • Flash: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
  • Flash Stage3D: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
  • Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
  • Compositing: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
  • Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
  • Rasterization: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
  • Video Decode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
  • Video Encode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
  • WebGL: Unavailable

I guess it’s not a driver related issue, since WebGL is working on Firefox. Could someone please help me getting WebGL to work on Google Chrome too? I would like to play Runescape using Chrome.


browser without gpu support

Its because your GPU (or the driver being )is not supported for WebGL. Its browser blacklisted.

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However you can force enable your GPU for WebGL.

Warning: Do this at your own risk. It can harm your hardware. There are usually good reasons (like some critical driver bug) why features are blocked.

To launch chrome ignoring the black list, run following after pressing Alt + F2 OR in terminal

google-chrome —enable-webgl —ignore-gpu-blacklist

  • To force-enable WebGL, go to about:config and set webgl.force-enabled=true .
  • To force-enable WebGL anti-aliasing, go to about:config and set webgl.msaa-force=true .
  • To force-enable Layers Acceleration, go to about:config and set layers.acceleration.force-enabled=true .

It’s because your GPU (or the driver being used)is not supported for WebGL. It’s browser blacklisted. However, you can force enable your GPU for WebGL.

Enable. Override software rendering list.

This can have unstable results. As «Accelerated 2d canvas is unstable in Linux at the moment and Stage3D is not supported on Linux.» I found it best to leave it disabled and just update your graphic driver. With the «preferred» v.280 NVIDIA driver, Chrome says it can’t support 3D, but it worked fine being forced. Updating to the version current-updates (v.295.2 as of today. v.304.51 is the official release), enables everything that works.

I just followed the instructions in the article below, and it worked for me.

It suggests you to enabled/disable the following flags in chrome://flags :

  • [ON] Override software rendering list (probably the most important one if your hardware is blacklisted)
  • [ON] GPU compositing on all pages
  • [ON] Threaded compositing
  • [OFF] Disable accelerated 2D canvas
  • [OFF] Disable deferred 2D canvas
  • [OFF] Disable accelerated CSS animations
  • [ON] GPU Accelerated SVG Filters
  • [OFF] Disable GPU VSync
  • [OFF] Disable WebGL
  • [ON] Smooth Scrolling
  • [ON] Enable CSS Shaders
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These two other options are suggested too but marked as «not related to graphics»; but they may be useful in certain cases.

Now I couldn’t find all of those flags as I’m currently running Google Chrome version 30 but the experiments leading to the article were done on Google Chrome version 23, but it worked just fine and now I have all the Graphic Features (listed in chrome://gpu ) enabled and working.


How To Enable WebGL In Chrome On Ubuntu?

For WebGL to work in Google Chrome (and Chromium), Here are the steps to enable WebGL in Google Chrome.

Step 1: Open Google Chrome

Step 2: Type chrome://flags in the address bar

Step 3: Press Ctrl + f and type ” Rendering list “, “Override software rendering list” should come up, Now click on Enable and restart the browser.

Step 4: Completely kill Chrome: Type killall chrome into a console.

Step 5: Go to chrome://settings and enable Use hardware acceleration when available . By default it is off since version 43.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

If you still don’t get any results, check if hardware-acceleration is enabled in Chromium settings, Google tends to disable this setting by default since version 43. In this case that was the problem for me after I updated GPU drivers, overrode the GPU blacklist, and so and so.

Maybe too old your video driver or not installed properly.

I had same problem too, but this solution fixed my problem without overrides!

    To add PPA for Ubuntu 14.04 / 13.10 / 13.04 / 12.10 Ubuntu 14.04 / 13.10 / 13.04 / 12.10 users, Run the following command in the terminal and type the password for the user when prompted. Others use the Ubuntu-X PPA.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings


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Chromium Browser (Linux Chrome) unable to display WebGL

I am running Chrome (chromium-browser on Linux Mint). Version 22.0.1229.94 Built on Ubuntu 12.10, running on LinuxMint 14 (161065) I can’t seem to get webGL enabled on it, it has worked previously. chrome://gpu shows «WebGL has been disabled, either via about:flags or command line.» So I have checked chrome://version/gpu Which shows: Command Line /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser —disable-new-tab-first-run —enable-user-scripts —flag-switches-begin —enable-accelerated-filters —disable-accelerated-2d-canvas —disable-gpu-vsync —disable-threaded-animation —disable-webgl —js-flags=—harmony —enable-nacl —enable-experimental-extension-apis —force-compositing-mode —ignore-gpu-blacklist —flag-switches-end Which implies its getting disabled in the commandline. chrome://flags doesn’t have webgl disabled. /etc/chromium-browser/default only has CHROMIUM_FLAGS=»—disable-new-tab-first-run —enable-user-scripts» I have also tried running chrome direct via /usr/bin/chromium-browser I can’t see how this is getting disabled in the commandline. Is there something else I should change to enable it ?

1 Answer 1

Only way I’ve managed to fix it, was to do a rm -Rf /home/(username)/.config/chromium. Removing the Default directory inside it wasn’t enough. WebGL is now enabled as default, without any further changes.

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