Что такое httpd linux

Что такое httpd linux


httpd - HTTP server process


httpd [ -C config-file ] [ -U uses ] [ -T timeout ] [ -D ] [ -s ] [ -p ssf ]


Httpd is a HTTP server. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output. It MUST invoked by master(8) with those descriptors attached to a remote client connection. Httpd reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. If the directory log/user exists under the directory specified in the configdirectory configuration option, then httpd will create protocol telemetry logs for sessions authenticating as user. The telemetry logs will be stored in the log/user directory with a filename of the httpd process-id.


-C config-file Read configuration options from config-file. -U uses The maximum number of times that the process should be used for new connections before shutting down. The default is 250. -T timeout The number of seconds that the process will wait for a new connection before shutting down. Note that a value of 0 (zero) will disable the timeout. The default is 60. -D Run external debugger specified in debug_command. -s Serve HTTP over SSL (https). All data to and from httpd is encrypted using the Secure Sockets Layer. -p ssf Tell httpd that an external layer exists. An SSF (security strength factor) of 1 means an integrity protection layer exists. Any higher SSF implies some form of privacy protection.



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httpd(8) — Linux man page

httpd [ —d serverroot ] [ —f config ] [ —C directive ] [ —c directive ] [ —D parameter ] [ —e level ] [ —E file ] [ -k start|restart|graceful|stop|graceful-stop ] [ —R directory ] [ —h ] [ —l ] [ —L ] [ —S ] [ —t ] [ —v ] [ —V ] [ —X ] [ —M ]

On Windows systems, the following additional arguments are available:

httpd [ —k install|config|uninstall ] [ —n name ] [ —w ]


httpd is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server program. It is designed to be run as a standalone daemon process. When used like this it will create a pool of child processes or threads to handle requests.

In general, httpd should not be invoked directly, but rather should be invoked via apachectl on Unix-based systems or as a service on Windows NT, 2000 and XP and as a console application on Windows 9x and ME.

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-d serverroot Set the initial value for the ServerRoot directive to serverroot. This can be overridden by the ServerRoot directive in the configuration file. The default is /etc/httpd. -f config Uses the directives in the file config on startup. If config does not begin with a /, then it is taken to be a path relative to the ServerRoot. The default is conf/httpd.conf. -k start|restart|graceful|stop|graceful-stop Signals httpd to start, restart, or stop. See Stopping Apache for more information. -C directive Process the configuration directive before reading config files. -c directive Process the configuration directive after reading config files. -D parameter Sets a configuration parameter which can be used with sections in the configuration files to conditionally skip or process commands at server startup and restart. Also can be used to set certain less-common startup parameters including -DNO_DETACH (prevent the parent from forking) and -DFOREGROUND (prevent the parent from calling setsid() et al). -e level Sets the LogLevel to level during server startup. This is useful for temporarily increasing the verbosity of the error messages to find problems during startup. -E file Send error messages during server startup to file. -R directory When the server is compiled using the SHARED_CORE rule, this specifies the directory for the shared object files. -h Output a short summary of available command line options. -l Output a list of modules compiled into the server. This will not list dynamically loaded modules included using the LoadModule directive. -L Output a list of directives together with expected arguments and places where the directive is valid. -M Dump a list of loaded Static and Shared Modules. -S Show the settings as parsed from the config file (currently only shows the virtualhost settings). -t Run syntax tests for configuration files only. The program immediately exits after these syntax parsing tests with either a return code of 0 (Syntax OK) or return code not equal to 0 (Syntax Error). If -D DUMP_VHOSTS is also set, details of the virtual host configuration will be printed. If -D DUMP_MODULES is set, all loaded modules will be printed. -v Print the version of httpd, and then exit. -V Print the version and build parameters of httpd, and then exit. -X Run httpd in debug mode. Only one worker will be started and the server will not detach from the console.

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The following arguments are available only on the Windows platform:

-k install|config|uninstall Install Apache as a Windows NT service; change startup options for the Apache service; and uninstall the Apache service. -n name The name of the Apache service to signal. -w Keep the console window open on error so that the error message can be read.


httpd — Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server

httpd is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server program. It is designed to be run as a standalone daemon process. When used like this it will create a pool of child processes or threads to handle requests.

In general, httpd should not be invoked directly, but rather should be invoked via apachectl on Unix-based systems or as a service on Windows NT, 2000 and XP and as a console application on Windows 9x and ME.

See also

Synopsis ¶

httpd [ —d serverroot ] [ —f config ] [ —C directive ] [ —c directive ] [ —D parameter ] [ —e level ] [ —E file ] [ -k start|restart|graceful|stop|graceful-stop ] [ —h ] [ —l ] [ —L ] [ —S ] [ —t ] [ —v ] [ —V ] [ —X ] [ —M ] [ —T ]

On Windows systems, the following additional arguments are available:

httpd [ —k install|config|uninstall ] [ —n name ] [ —w ]

Options ¶

-d serverroot Set the initial value for the ServerRoot directive to serverroot . This can be overridden by the ServerRoot directive in the configuration file. The default is /usr/local/apache2 . -f config Uses the directives in the file config on startup. If config does not begin with a /, then it is taken to be a path relative to the ServerRoot . The default is conf/httpd.conf . -k start|restart|graceful|stop|graceful-stop Signals httpd to start, restart, or stop. See Stopping Apache httpd for more information. -C directive Process the configuration directive before reading config files. -c directive Process the configuration directive after reading config files. -D parameter Sets a configuration parameter which can be used with sections in the configuration files to conditionally skip or process commands at server startup and restart. Also can be used to set certain less-common startup parameters including -DNO_DETACH (prevent the parent from forking) and -DFOREGROUND (prevent the parent from calling setsid() et al). -e level Sets the LogLevel to level during server startup. This is useful for temporarily increasing the verbosity of the error messages to find problems during startup. -E file Send error messages during server startup to file . -h Output a short summary of available command line options. -l Output a list of modules compiled into the server. This will not list dynamically loaded modules included using the LoadModule directive. -L Output a list of directives provided by static modules, together with expected arguments and places where the directive is valid. Directives provided by shared modules are not listed. -M Dump a list of loaded Static and Shared Modules. -S Show the settings as parsed from the config file (currently only shows the virtualhost settings). -T (Available in 2.3.8 and later) Skip document root check at startup/restart. -t Run syntax tests for configuration files only. The program immediately exits after these syntax parsing tests with either a return code of 0 (Syntax OK) or return code not equal to 0 (Syntax Error). If -D DUMP _ VHOSTS is also set, details of the virtual host configuration will be printed. If -D DUMP _ MODULES is set, all loaded modules will be printed. If -D DUMP _ CERTS is set and mod_ssl is used, configured SSL certificates will be printed. If -D DUMP _ CA _ _CERTS is set and mod_ssl is used, configured SSL CA certificates and configured directories containing SSL CA certificates will be printed. -v Print the version of httpd , and then exit. -V Print the version and build parameters of httpd , and then exit. -X Run httpd in debug mode. Only one worker will be started and the server will not detach from the console.

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The following arguments are available only on the Windows platform:

-k install|config|uninstall Install Apache httpd as a Windows NT service; change startup options for the Apache httpd service; and uninstall the Apache httpd service. -n name The name of the Apache httpd service to signal. -w Keep the console window open on error so that the error message can be read.


This is not a Q&A section. Comments placed here should be pointed towards suggestions on improving the documentation or server, and may be removed by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic. Questions on how to manage the Apache HTTP Server should be directed at either our IRC channel, #httpd, on Libera.chat, or sent to our mailing lists.

Copyright 2023 The Apache Software Foundation.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


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