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How to Install Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2 (8.2.0) on Ubuntu 22.04

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Last Updated: September 5, 2022 | Cisco Packet Tracer | Tolga Bagci

In this article, we will examine how to set up and use the Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2 (8.2.0) simulator software on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish), one of the most popular and widely used Linux distributions.

How to Install Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2 (8.2.0) on Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install Packet Tracer 8.2.0 on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

The person or people preparing for Cisco exams prefer Packet Tracer (PT) as a start. They start to make network designs by installing Packet Tracer network software on Windows, Linux, and macOS systems. Although it is easy to install this software on a Windows operating system, this may not be the case on Linux systems.

In order to install and run Cisco network simulator software or any program on an Ubuntu distribution, you must have some command of basic terminal commands. Because when installing a program on Linux, you may need to install additional dependent packages.

The setup files of the older versions of Packet Tracer, such as 7.1, had the extension tar.gz. The extension of the setup file was changed to .run in version 7.2. In the current latest version (8.2), the setup file is now published as a .deb extension.

Packet Tracer 8 version has the ability to cable network devices with physical appearance experience and network controller features to monitor and manage network devices on the project from the host machine.

How to Download and Install Packet Tracer

Before installing the Cisco network simulator software, you must register on the Netacad website and then download the software to your computer for Linux systems and start the installation process.

Open your web browser on your Ubuntu computer and after viewing the Netacad site, enter your registered user information and log in. Then, click Download Packet Tracer from the Resources drop-down list on the Cisco Networking Academy homepage.

Downloading Packet Tracer

After scrolling down the webpage a little bit, click on the 64 Bit Download link under the Ubuntu Desktop Version 8.2.0 English title and save the CiscoPacketTracer_820_Ubuntu_64bit.deb file to your computer.

Ubuntu Desktop Version 8.2.0 English

To install the Packet Tracer setup file with the deb extension that you downloaded to your computer, first open the terminal by pressing the CTRL + Alt + T keys together, and then go to the location where you downloaded the file.

Then, execute the command “sudo dpkg -i CiscoPacketTracer_810_Ubuntu_64bit.deb” in the terminal to start the installation and continue by typing your root password.

sudo dpkg -i CiscoPacketTracer_820_Ubuntu_64bit.deb

NOTE: You can also install the PacketTracer.deb package using the command below.

sudo apt install ./CiscoPacketTracer_820_Ubuntu_64bit.deb

Installing Packet Tracer

In the Configuring Packet Tracer window, press Enter to accept the software license agreement. If you want more information, you can visit Cisco’s official website as specified in the license agreement.

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Accepting the Software License Agreement

After confirming the software license agreement, press Enter on the Yes option to accept the EULA terms.

Accepting EULA Terms

The files with Deb extension in Linux systems are extracted from the archive and installed with the dpkg command. However, when trying to install Packet Tracer or any other program, you may find that dependent packages need to be installed.

Checking Dependent Packages

When you extract the installation file of Packet Tracer and see that the required dependent packages are not installed, first press Y to confirm the necessary packages such as “libgl1-mesa-glx or libxcb-xinerama0-dev” to be downloaded and installed from the Internet by executing the “sudo apt install -f” command in the terminal and then press Enter.

Installing Dependent Packages

After the packages required for Packet Tracer 8.2 are downloaded from Linux servers and installed on your system, run the simulator software by executing the packettracer command in the terminal.

Running Packet Tracer from Terminal

You can use the multi-user feature to connect the different networks that you have created in your Packet Tracer software with the software running on the same computer or on a different computer. So if you want to run the multi-user feature every time you start the application, click Yes.

Confirming Multi-User Permission

In old versions of Packet Tracer, you had the right to register up to 3 projects without logging in to Cisco. However, in new versions, you now need to log in to your Netacad account.

In this step, when you try to log in to Netacad, the login screen where you enter your account information appears black or white and if you cannot log in, you can fix this problem by temporarily turning off your internet, or you should edit the cisco-pt.desktop file as a permanent solution.

To solve the login problem, open the terminal and execute the command “sudo nano /usr/share/applications/cisco-pt.desktop”. After viewing the contents of the cisco-pt.dektop file, change the Exec value as follows.

Change (Exec=/opt/pt/packettracer %f) To (Exec=/opt/pt/packettracer --no-sandbox %f)

Cisco Networking Academy

After clicking Cisco Networking Academy, type your registered email account and click Next.

Login to Netacad

Type your Netacad account password and click Log in.

Typing the Account Password and Signing In

To verify that you have installed the latest version of Packet Tracer, click Help / About to check the version number.

Checking Packet Tracer Version

How to Create a Desktop Shortcut

After installing Cisco Packet Tracer on Ubuntu, a shortcut to the desktop location is not automatically created. So, you need to copy the shortcut to the desktop where the applications are located.

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To copy the shortcut in the applications to the desktop, execute the command “cp /usr/share/applications/cisco-pt.desktop ~/Desktop/” in the terminal.

cp /usr/share/applications/cisco-pt.desktop ~/Desktop/

Creating a Desktop Shortcut

After copying the shortcut, execute the command “chmod +x cisco-pt.desktop” to make the file executable.

chmod +x ~/Desktop/cisco-pt.desktop

If the Packet Tracer desktop shortcut is still not active, right-click on it and click Allow Launching. After this process, you will see that the desktop shortcut is active.

Allow Launching

How to Create a New Project

After installing Packet Tracer, you can now start creating new projects to prepare for your Cisco exams and to better understand network protocols.

As an example, let’s connect a desktop computer and a laptop computer with Cisco Switch.

After clicking the end-user devices from the device categories, you can see devices such as PC, Laptop, Server, phone, or TV. Add a PC and Laptop to the workspace.

Adding PC and Laptop

To establish a network connection between the PC and Laptop, click on the Switch group from the network devices category and add the 2960 Switch to the workspace.

Adding a Cisco Switch

To connect the computers you have added to the Switch, click Automatically choose the connection type from the cabling category.

Cabling Network Devices

After connecting the computers to the Switch, click PC0 and click IP Configuration on the Desktop tab.

Opening the PC

Type the static IP address in the FastEthernet0 interface of PC0 and type in the Subnet Mask field.

Assigning IP Address to PC

Likewise, configure Laptop0’s IP configuration as /

Assigning an IP Address to a Laptop

Open Command Prompt to ping PC0 from Laptop0.

Opening Command Prompt

Ping from Laptop0 to PC0 using the command ping and check the network connection.

Ping from Laptop to PC

Likewise, ping Laptop0 using the ping command in PC0’s command prompt and check the connection.

Ping from PC to Laptop

How to Uninstall Packet Tracer

If you want to uninstall the Packet Tracer software from your Ubuntu computer, you can do this with a single line command using the terminal.

Open Terminal and execute the sudo apt remove packettracer command and type Y and press Enter to confirm the removal of dependent packets that were automatically installed but no longer needed.

sudo apt remove packettracer

Uninstalling Packet Tracer

Execute the command below to delete the Cisco Packet Tracer desktop shortcut as well.

sudo rm -rf ~/Desktop/cisco-pt.desktop

Deleting Desktop Shortcut

Finally, after uninstalling a program in Ubuntu, execute the command below to delete the useless files of the packages received and prevent your system’s cache from growing.

sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove

Deleting Unnecessary Files

Installing Old Versions

Packet Tracer 7.2.2

    To install Packet, first open the terminal and change the permission of the file with the chmod command as follows. Then, start the installation process with the command ./
chmod +x ./
wget sudo dpkg -i libpng12-0_1.2.50-2+deb8u3_amd64.deb
wget sudo dpkg -i multiarch-support_2.29-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb
mkdir cpt; dpkg -x libpng12-0_1.2.50-2+deb8u3_amd64.deb ./cpt cp ./cpt/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/pt/bin/
cp /opt/pt/bin/Cisco-PacketTracer.desktop /home/user/Desktop/ chmod +x Cisco-PacketTracer.desktop

Packet Tracer 7.2.1

    Open Terminal by pressing CTRL + Alt + T on the Ubuntu desktop and follow the commands below to extract the Packet Tracer.tar file to the folder.
mkdir CPT72 tar -xvzf Packet\ Tracer\ 7.2.1\ for\ Linux\ 64\ bit.tar.gz -C CPT72
.wget dpkg -i libpng12-0_1.2.50-2+deb8u3_amd64.deb
sudo mv Packet\ Tracer\ 7.2.1.desktop /usr/share/applications

Packet Tracer 7.1.1

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Installing the 7.1.x (7.1.1) versions of Packet Tracer on your Linux computer is almost the same as the above steps. However, as we said, you may need to install different dependent packages for the program. Download and install the dependent packages for version 7.1.1 using the commands below.

sudo apt-get install libqt5webkit5 libqt5multimediawidgets5 libqt5svg5 libqt5script5 libqt5scripttools5 libqt5sql5 
sudo dpkg -i libicu52_52.1-3ubuntu0.8_amd64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i libpng12-0_1.2.50-2+deb8u3_amd64.deb 


Артём Санников

Данная книга является руководством для начинающих специалистов в области анализа и обработки данных. В книге рассматривается язык SQL и его процедурное расширение PL/SQL от компании Oracle.

Установка Cisco Packet Tracer в Ubuntu

Cisco Packet Tracer — программное обеспечение, которое позиционирует себя как симулятор передачи данных и позволяет строить работоспособные модели сети на базе оборудования cisco. Данное программное обеспечение является кроссплатформенным и распространяется на такие операционные системы, как: Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android и IOS. Сейчас мы рассмотрим процесс установки Packet Tracer в операционной системе Ubuntu.

Как установить Cisco Packet Tracer

Переходим на официальный сайт компании Cisco и загружаем последний релиз Packet Tracer, затем распаковываем архив в любую директорию (из которой будет удобнее произвести установку). В моём случае я распаковал архив на рабочий стол.

Распаковка Cisco Packet Tracer в директорию на рабочем столе

Открываем терминал сочетанием клавиш Ctrl + Alt + T и переходим в директорию с Packet Tracer (куда распаковали архив).

Выводим список файлов в директории с Packet Tracer

Делаем файл install исполняемым, то есть добавляем разрешение на исполнение к существующим разрешениям.

sudo chmod +x install

Подготавливаем файл install к установке

Нажимаем Enter для запуска установочного процесса.

Запускаем установочный процесс

Читаем лицензионное соглашение и соглашаемся с политикой конфиденциальности.

Читаем политику конфиденциальности

Соглашаемся с политикой конфиденциальности

Система предлагает выбрать каталог для установки программного обеспечения. По-умолчанию это каталог /opt/pt/ , если устраивает, нажимаем Enter. А если нужно установить в другой каталог вводим соответствующий путь до директории.

Выбираем директорию для установки программного обеспечения

Пошёл процесс копирования

Пошёл процесс копирования Packet Tracer

Далее нам предлагают создать символьную ссылку (это позволит запускать программу при помощи одной команды в терминале). Если символьная ссылка нужна, нажимаем Enter, если нет — вводим No.

Создаём символьную ссылку

Программное обеспечение Cisco Packet Tracer успешно установлено.

Packet Tracer успешно установлен

Как запустить Cisco Packet Tracer

Откройте терминал сочетанием клавиш Ctrl + Alt + T , а затем выполните команду:

Запуск Cisco packet Tracer в ubuntu

Как удалить Cisco Packet Tracer

Удалить Packet Tracer не сложно, главное понимать, что и в какой каталог вы установили. По-умолчанию программное обеспечение устанавливается в каталог /opt/pt/ , а символьная ссылка в /usr/local/bin/ .

Первым делом перейдём в каталог /opt/ и удалим директорию /pt/ с программным обеспечением

cd /opt/
sudo rm -rf /pt

Удаление директории с Cisco Packet Tracer в ubuntu

Далее переходим в каталог /usr/local/bin/ и удаляем символьную ссылку packettracer .

cd /usr/local/bin/
sudo rm -rf packettracer

Удаление символьной ссылки Cisco Packet Tracer в ubuntu

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