Clear linux install rpm

Written Open Web Craft

Also for my main machine (ThinkPad T25), I switched # Linux distro from Pop!_OS (essentially Ubuntu/Debian) rocking Regolith Linux—a well curated and appealing styled desktop environment based on # i3 tiling window manager and # GNOME —to Intel’s Clear Linux*.

The reasoning behind this switch is rather simple: I felt the need to have some extra system performance provided by Intel’s well-optimized # Linux distro also on my main machine—which I’m already used to on my NUC (Skull Canyon) desktop.

Here’s how I’ve installed and configured my Clear Linux* system and GNOME desktop environment.

Install via the new GUI installer from USB stick w/ latest ISO (as of writing clear-33590-live-desktop.iso.


# disable automatic updates sudo swupd autoupdate --disable # install bundles sudo swupd bundle-add nodejs-basic # system maintenance sudo swupd update sudo swupd diagnose sudo swupd repair flatpak update 
  • desktop-apps-extras
  • libreoffice
  • libreoffice-extras-lang-de
  • nodejs-basic
  • go-basic
  • java-basic
  • php-basic
  • rust-basic
  • cloud-control
  • containers-basic
  • docker-compose
  • devpkg-ncurses
  • devpkg-pcre
  • package-utils
  • dev-utils
  • libglib
  • games-dev


# requires bundle containers-basic sudo usermod -aG docker matthias sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker 

Native Applications

For some application I prefer NOT to use Flatpaks:

  • VS Code
  • Tresorit (installer script)
  • Nitrokey (w/ custom udev rules
  • Signet (w/ custom udev rules)
  • CrossFTP (requires java)
  • MyTourBook (requires java)
  • JVerein (requires java)
  • Thunderbird (copy user profile from backup cp Backup/.thunderbird ~/. and then choose profile /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird -ProfileManager )
  • .

For these I download the latest *.tar.gz (e.g. from, extract and copy to /opt/vscode .

For integration w/ GNOME desktop I then create a file ~/.local/share/applications/code.desktop w/ following contents:

[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.48 Type=Application Terminal=false Exec=/opt/vscode/code Name=Visual Studio Code Icon=/opt/vscode/resources/app/resources/linux/code.png 

Increase limit for inotify watches:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/sysctl.d echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -append /etc/sysctl.d/40-max-user-watches.conf sudo sysctl -p sudo sysctl --system 
sudo mkdir -p /etc/udev/rules.d/ # move any*.rules file into the /etc/udev/rules.d folder # and manually reloaded udev rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger 

Python Tools

Add ~/.local/bin to your PATH :

# ~/.bashrc export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin 

Cli binaries

  • scaleway-cli
  • recode (
  • tty-clock (; requires bundle devpkg-ncurses)
  • confget (; requires bundle devpkg-pcre)
  • Tailscale (
  • rdesktop (
sudo mkdir -p /opt/3rd-party/bin sudo curl -o /opt/3rd-party/bin/scw -L "" sudo chmod +x /opt/3rd-party/bin/scw 

Flatpak Applications


  • Nitrokey
  • Simplenote
  • BalenaEtcher
  • Beaker Browser
  • Data-Forge Notebook Pro
  • Dat Desktop
  • Patchwork (SSB)
  • UHK Agent
  • .
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After downloading latest appimagelauncher release from and installing it.

./appimagelauncher-lite-2.1.4-travis987-7cb4d70-x86_64.AppImage install 

. it’s just a matter of downloading and double-clicking. They are being copied into the ~/Applications directory and a *.desktop file is created in ~/.local/share/applications —pretty convenient.


# swupd bundle-add package-utils curl -LO sudo rpm --import rpm -U --nodeps google-chrome*.rpm sed -i 's\/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable\env FONTCONFIG_PATH=/usr/share/defaults/fonts /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable\g' /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop 

Alternative approach leveraging dnf :

# swupd bundle-add dnf # rpm -ivh --nodeps 


Display Server

These days I actually prefer Wayland over GNOME. Also b/c of the Known Issues I’m facing w/ X11.



  • Clipboard Indicator
  • Caffeine
  • Tray Icons
  • Screenshot Tool
  • Sound Input & Output Device Chooser

For browser integration—though Chrome(ium) only—follow the Cmake installation guide:

cd ~/Code git clone cd chrome-gnome-shell mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DBUILD_EXTENSION=OFF ../ sudo make install 

Customization Settings

Via GNOME Terminal Preferences:

Via GNOME Settings / Keyboard create/ update Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • Launch Terminal: Super+T (command: gnome-terminal )
  • Launch Settings: Super+C (command: gnome-control-center )
  • Lock screen: Super+Escape
  • Suspend: Super+Shift+S (command: systemctl suspend )
  • Toggle window fullscreen: Super+Shift+F

For custom Pop!_OS Shell bindings refer here:

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter dynamic-workspaces false gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences num-workspaces 5 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-1 '["1"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-2 '["2"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-3 '["3"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-4 '["4"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-5 '["5"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-1 '["1"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-2 '["2"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-3 '["3"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-4 '["4"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-workspace-5 '["5"]' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-mode 'sloppy' # OPTIONAL enable factional scaling # X11 # gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['x11-randr-fractional-scaling']" # Wayland # gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']" 

Build and instal Pop!_OS’ GTK+ theme+shell:

# sudo swupd bundle-add dev-utils libglib games-dev # gtk-theme cd ~/Code git clone pop-os_gtk-theme cd pop-os_gtk-theme meson --prefix $HOME/.local build ninja -C "build" install # icon-theme cd ~/Code git clone pop-os_icon-theme cd pop-os_icon-theme meson --prefix $HOME/.local build ninja -C "build" install # shell # only got it working w/ Wayland, not X11 :-/ cd ~/Code git clone pop-os_shell cd pop-os_shell make && make install && make enable # logout, switch session from X11 to Wayland 

Known Issues

Zoom: Screen sharing not working on GNOME Wayland, only GNOME X11.

Work-around: use Zoom’s browser based web client—in either Firefox (or even Chrome)—along w/ the extension Zoom Redirector (which transparently redirects any meeting links to use Zoom’s browser based web client).

GNOME Pop!_OS Sheel: Window tiling not working on GNOME X11, only GNOME Wayland.

Work-around: unfort. none so far :–/

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eGPU (Thunderbolt™ 3 over USB C): External display on Display Port of GPU not working on GNOME X11, only on GNOME Wayland.

Work-around: unfort. none so far :–/

“Oh no! Something has gone wrong.”

Could happen after updating, e.g. in case of GNOME update from 3.36 to 3.38 in 33730.

Work-around: revert to/ restore previous version.

# example to revert after updating to 33740 sudo swupd repair -V 33720 --force --picky 

Awesome Clear Linux* Resources


Linux distro review: Intel’s own Clear Linux OS

Clear Linux OS is the best benchmarking distro. But what’s it like to live with?

reader comments

The clr-boot-manager tool looks pretty straightforward—but not all of the options worked.

  • The distribution doesn’t keep its boot management configuration in any of the places an experienced *nix user might look for them— /boot , /etc/default , anything to do with grub , etc. I never did find the actual configuration data location but eventually discovered that a Clear Linux user is expected to manipulate the boot environment with the tool clr-boot-manager . Unfortunately, clr-boot-manager set-kernel org.clearlinux.lts2018.4.19.103-113 followed by clr-boot-manager update —which should have selected that kernel for use at next boot—did absolutely nothing, and I spun my wheels poking at things, rebooting, running uname -a , and still seeing a 5.5 kernel running for quite some time. Finally, I gave up on clr-boot-manager set-kernel and instead tried clr-boot-manager set-timeout 10 . That actually worked—after rebooting this time, I was presented with a kernel list and manually selected the 4.19 LTS kernel. Now, uname -a showed me that I was running on the 4.19 kernel, and I was ready to compile ZFS! The problems were far from over, unfortunately. Downloading and extracting the OpenZFS source tarball, chdir ing into it and running ./configure , I was presented with an error: uuid/uuid.h missing, libuuid-devel package required . Unfortunately, there is no libuuid-devel bundle in swupd —nor is there libuuid , uuid , uuid-dev , uuid-devel , or anything else along those lines. Neither swupd search uuid nor swupd search-file uuid.h came up with any useful results, either—even though they should have. Finally, I opened up a new issue in the ZFS on Linux tracker, hoping either that someone else had gotten ZFS running on Clear or that I could get enough information about the configure script to try to monkey-patch it myself. Brian Behlendorf—founding developer of the Linux port of OpenZFS and all-around nice guy—didn’t have the answer either. But Brian did give me the hint that finally solved the puzzle—although swupd search-file uuid.h didn’t find the package I needed, swupd search-file did. So one swupd bundle-add os-core-dev later /configure and make install , both completed successfully! The remaining issue I faced is that the simple Linux Kernel Module (LKM) manipulation command insmod —which allows you to specify a path to the module to be inserted into the kernel—does not resolve dependencies, and so insmod /path/to/zfs.ko failed with the error unknown symbol . The much smarter tool modprobe will detect and resolve dependency issues—but it won’t let you specify the path to the kernel modules, and the installer had dumped them into places where modprobe didn’t know to look. After a bit of flailing, I eventually just dumped a symlink to each of ZFS’ package.ko files—which were in individual directories under /lib/modules/extra —directly into /lib/modules itself. With that, modprobe zfs worked, and I actually had ZFS running on Clear Linux. Huzzah! Although ZFS was functional now, there were still papercuts to deal with. The zpool and zfs commands were in /usr/local/sbin , which isn’t part of the default PATH in Clear Linux. Also, the ZFS module wasn’t set to load automatically on boot. Those remaining problems are fortunately pretty trivial to solve. To fix the path issue, either update your PATH to include /usr/local/sbin , or symlink the utilities there into /usr/local/bin . To get ZFS to autoload on boot, create a directory /etc/modules-load.d , then create a file /etc/modules-load.d/zfs.conf and populate it with a single line just saying zfs . This shaggy dog story isn’t really about ZFS itself—it’s about the fact that issues that are relatively simple under more well-traveled distributions can be a giant pain in the rear under Clear Linux. These types of issues are all solvable, of course—but if you aren’t willing and excited to be a part of the effort to solve them yourself or for those who come after you, you should probably steer clear of Clear as a daily driver.
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The good

  • Clear Linux is backed by Intel, one of the world’s largest and foremost computer science companies
  • Clear Linux has a concise, clear mandate: be secure, be fast, do things right
  • Most things work with little or no tweaking
  • If you’re bound and determined to have The Fastest Linux In The West, this is the distro for it—sorry, Arch and Gentoo users
  • «This is Linux! I know this!»

The bad

  • Although most things work without tweaking, most users will quickly want something that doesn’t
  • Intel’s swupd package management tool is clunky, warty, and doesn’t seem to index all packages properly
  • There are so few users, searching for help can seem like time travel to the past (Who were you, DenverCoder9? What did you see?!)

The ugly

  • Clear Linux—for now, at least—is much better suited to a simple set of repetitive tasks where execution speed is absolutely mission-critical than it is to wide-ranging, general purpose daily use

Listing image by ollegN / Getty


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