Clear temp files on linux

How to clean /tmp?

will delete all files and folders older than 10 days. you may want to add it to the daily cron.


In comments below @sfussenegger recommends a slightly different format of this command that may be better suited to your needs and to the system you’re operating on.

sudo find /tmp -type f -atime +10 -delete

Here the command is using sudo to make sure everything is deleted (or you could run it as root), operating on files that haven’t been accessed for more than 10 days and only deletes files, not folders. It also uses -delete to avoid having to execute rm command

instead of creation time (-ctime) you may want to use access time (-atime) instead — of course only if the filesystem keeps this information (check for noatime in /etc/fstab)

ok, please bear with me but there’s one more thing: you want to search files only ( -type f ). otherwise you may find that the parent of a directory tree hasn’t been accessed in a while and delete all its content that could potentially still be in use. so the final command I’d recommend is sudo find /tmp -type f -atime +10 -delete

@sfussenegger, perhaps your could promote your comments to an answer? I think it is better than being «hidden» in the comments.

You can assume that anything inside a tmp directory (/tmp/ /usr/tmp etc) can be deleted. BEFORE you start deleting stop all programs and services you are using since /tmp/ can be used by programs to temporarily store information for that session. So do a sudo service mysql stop and sudo service apache2 stop if you have a mysql and/or apache running. The name of the files in the /tmp/ directory most times give a clue to what program they belong.

will empty the /tmp/ directory and remove all files and subdirectories. Be careful to type it correctly. The command pwd in there is not necessary but should show /tmp .

If you want it interactively (so you need to confirm deleting):

Also worth noting that a reboot will clear /tmp aswell as shown here: How is the /tmp directory cleaned up? So if /tmp/ is full of files after a reboot you need to investigate where those files originate from.


How to Remove Temporary Files Safely and Automatically in Linux

A Linux system, like any other operating system, generates temporary files that can accumulate over time. While these files are useful for various purposes, they can take up valuable storage space and even slow down your system. Therefore, regular removal of these files is essential for optimal system performance. In this guide, we will explore various methods to remove temporary files safely and automatically, ensuring your Linux system remains clean and clutter-free.

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1. Understanding Temporary Files

Temporary files, also known as temp files, are created by applications and the operating system for various reasons. These include:

  • Storing data temporarily while running an application.
  • Acting as a cache to speed up operations.
  • Saving backups or intermediate versions of documents.

Typically, these files are deleted automatically when the application closes or the system is rebooted. However, some temporary files might remain, leading to clutter and wasted space. It is essential to identify and remove these files to maintain a clean system.

2. Locating Temporary Files

Temporary files are generally stored in a few specific locations on a Linux system:

  • /tmp: This directory is used for storing system-wide temporary files.
  • /var/tmp: Stores temporary files that need to persist across reboots.
  • ~/.cache: This hidden directory in a user’s home folder contains user-specific cache files.

3. Manual Removal of Temporary Files

Before automating the process, it’s essential to understand how to manually remove temporary files. Use the following commands carefully:

    Clearing /tmp directory: Use the ‘find’ command with ‘-mtime’ option to remove files older than a specific number of days (replace ‘X’ with the desired number of days).

sudo find /tmp -type f -mtime +X -exec rm -f <> \; 
sudo find /var/tmp -type f -mtime +X -exec rm -f <> \; 

4. Automating the Removal of Temporary Files

To automate the process, you can use cron jobs, which are scheduled tasks in Linux. Follow these steps:

    Open the crontab for the root user:

5. Using System Cleaner Tools

You can also use specialized tools to clean your Linux system, such as BleachBit or Stacer. These tools provide a user-friendly interface and can be easily installed via package managers or from their official websites.


Regularly cleaning up temporary files is essential for maintaining a healthy Linux system. By following this guide, you can manually remove temporary files, automate the process using cron jobs, or utilize specialized tools to keep your system clutter-free and performing optimally. With a cleaner and more efficient system, you’ll be able to focus on your tasks without worrying about unnecessary files slowing down your system or taking up valuable storage space.

In addition to removing temporary files, remember to perform other routine maintenance tasks, such as updating software packages, checking system logs for errors, and monitoring disk usage. By staying on top of these tasks, you’ll ensure that your Linux system remains in top shape, providing you with a stable and efficient computing environment.

Moreover, it is essential to maintain a backup of your important data regularly. While cleaning up temporary files generally does not pose any risk, it’s always a good practice to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

Finally, don’t forget to share this guide with friends, family, or colleagues who might benefit from keeping their Linux systems clean and optimized. By following these simple steps and utilizing the appropriate tools, you can easily maintain a well-organized and efficient Linux system, providing a solid foundation for all your computing needs.


ubuntu clear temp files

If someone fills /tmp then the OS can’t swap and that may not cause real problems but usually means no more processes (including login) can be started. We normally run a cron job that removes older files from /tmp to minimise this.

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Is it safe to delete var tmp?

Files and directories located in /var/tmp must not be deleted when the system is booted. Although data stored in /var/tmp is typically deleted in a site-specific manner, it is recommended that deletions occur at a less frequent interval than /tmp. Yes, you can remove all files in /var/tmp/ .

Can I delete TMP files?

You can delete them manually or use some third-party software like “CCleaner” to clean it up for you. So, as all mentioned above about the temporary files, there is no need to worry about the temporary files. In most cases, the deleting of temporary files will be automatically done but you can do it yourself too.

How do I clear var cache in an apartment?

The clean command clears out the local repository of downloaded package files. It removes everything except the partials folder and lock file from /var/cache/apt/archives/ . Use apt-get clean to free up disk space when necessary, or as part of regularly scheduled maintenance.

How do I clear cached memory?

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your device.
  2. Tap Storage. Tap «Storage» in your Android’s settings. .
  3. Tap Internal Storage under Device Storage. Tap «Internal storage.» .
  4. Tap Cached data. Tap «Cached data.» .
  5. Tap OK when a dialog box appears asking if you’re sure you want to clear all app cache.

How do I clear apt-get cache?

You can run ‘sudo apt-get clean’ to clean out any cached .

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How to Clear Temp Files in Ubuntu

how to clear temp files in ubuntu

Every operating system uses a temp folder for storing temporary files required to runs its various processes and applications. Ubuntu also has a temp folder that stores temporary files, whose contents are cleared on every system reboot. But if you are running a production server that does not reboot often then this temp folder will grow in size over time and may cause problems. So it is advisable to regularly clear temp files in Ubuntu. In this article, we will learn how to clear temp files in Ubuntu.

How to Clear Temp Files in Ubuntu

By default, Ubuntu stores all temporary files in /tmp folder. There are several ways to delete temp files in Ubuntu. We will look at them one by one.

1. Using find

Find command is pre-built in every Linux distribution and does not require any installation or setup. It allows you to find files & folders that satisfy specified condition. It also allows you to run other commands such as rm, on the files & folders listed in its result.

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Open terminal and run the following command to find and delete all temp files in /tmp.

$ sudo find /tmp -type f -delete

In the above command, find command will find all files in /tmp folder. The -delete option is used to delete the searched files. However, the folder will remain.

If you want to delete the folder also, then run the following command.

In this case, find command will find all files in /tmp and then run rm command on them.

2. Using rm command

You can also use rm command to delete all files in /tmp folder. First we go to /tmp folder using cd command.

Next, use rm command to delete all its contents.

If you want to delete the /tmp folder itself then run the following command from outside /tmp folder.

3. Create Shell Script

If you want to automate the deletion of temp folder, you can create a simple script for the same. Open terminal and run the following command to create an empty shell script.

Add the following lines to it.

#!/bin/sh sudo find /tmp -type f -delete

Save and close the file. Run the following command to make it executable.

$ sudo chmod +x

Now you can run the above shell script whenever you want to clear temp folder.

4. Using Cronjob

It is advisable to regularly delete your temp folder. For this purpose, you can setup a cronjob to run the above command or shell script. Open terminal and run the following command to open cronjobs in your system.

Add the following line to it to run the above find command (section #1) to automatically delete temp files every day at 10.a.m.

0 10 * * * sudo find /tmp -type f -delete >/dev/null 2>&1

Save and close the file. You can modify the above command as per your requirement. If you want to run the above shell script instead of command you can add the following line in your crontab.

0 10 * * * sudo /home/ubuntu/ >/dev/null 2>&1

In the above case, remember to mention the full path to your shell script (e.g. /home/ubuntu/ and not relative path(./

Check If Temp Folder is Full

Here are some commands to check if the /tmp folder is full or not.

The above command will give you information about the amount of space occupied by /tmp folder. If you want the disk space information in human readable format such as MB, GB, etc. use the -h option in above command.

If you just want to know how much disk space is used by /tmp folder run the following command.

If you want to get a detailed tree-like information about the various files & folders in your /tmp folder, run the tree command.

You can also use tree command with du command to list the amount of data in the various files & folders in /tmp folder.

In this article, we have learnt how to check if /tmp folder is occupying a lot of space and also how to delete it regularly. We have also learnt how to create cronjob and shell script to regularly clear temp folder.


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