Cli browser in linux

cli browser

The WebNMS CLI Browser is a GUI experienced network management application that supports Command Line Interface and can be used to manage network devices. . It works based on a command template that is used to generate CLI commands. This can also be used to execute scripts, terminal transformation, and others.

How do I browse Internet in terminal?

  1. to open a webpage simply type in a terminal window: w3m
  2. to open a new page: type Shift -U.
  3. to go back one page: Shift -B.
  4. open a new tab: Shift -T.

How do I open the browser in Linux terminal?

You can open it through the Dash or by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut. You can then install one of the following popular tools in order to browse the internet through the command line: The w3m Tool. The Lynx Tool.

What is cli CLI stands for?

A command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text. The program which handles the interface is called a command-line interpreter or command-line processor. . Many software systems implement command-line interfaces for control and operation.

Does Linux have a Web browser?

Linux used to have numerous web browsers. That’s no longer the case. True, the code is still out there, but the browsers themselves are no longer maintained. . Even Kubuntu, the popular Ubuntu-based desktop that uses KDE for its desktop environment, now has Firefox as its default browser.

How do I use the command line browser?

Once you launch it as a command line browser, you just need to press any key to bring the URL prompt or Q to quit it. It works good enough and renders text from most of the sites. Unlike Lynx, you do not get the ability to accept/reject cookies.

How do I access putty GUI?

  1. On the left panel of putty, scroll down and select the SSH option.
  2. After clicking on SSH, you get many options, click on the «X11» option , which is present in the left panel.
  3. Once X11 is selected, check the option that says «Enable X11 forwarding» on the right side.

How do I browse a URL in Linux?

For opening a URL in the browser through the terminal, CentOS 7 users can use gio open command. For example, if you want to open then gio open will open URL in the browser.

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What web browser can I use with Linux?

  • Google Chrome Browser for Linux.
  • Firefox Browser for Linux.
  • Opera Browser for Linux.
  • Vivaldi Browser for Linux.
  • Chromium Browser for Linux.
  • Midori Browser for Linux.
  • Falkon Browser for Linux.

Can you run Chrome on Linux?

There is no 32-bit Chrome for Linux

Google axed Chrome for 32 bit Ubuntu in 2016. This means you can not install Google Chrome on 32 bit Ubuntu systems as Google Chrome for Linux is only available for 64 bit systems. . This is an open-source version of Chrome and is available from the Ubuntu Software (or equivalent) app.

What is CLI explain with example?

A command line interface (or CLI) is a text-based interface used for entering commands. In the early days of computing, before the mouse, it was the standard way to interact with a computer. . For example, every CLI has a command prompt, which is displayed when the interface is ready to accept a command.

What is CLI example?

Most current Unix-based systems offer both a command line interface and a graphical user interface. The MS-DOS operating system and the command shell in the Windows operating system are examples of command line interfaces.

Why is GUI better than CLI?

Because a GUI is visually intuitive, users tend to learn how to use a GUI faster than a CLI. . A GUI offers a lot of access to files, software features, and the operating system as a whole. Being more user-friendly than a command line, especially for new or novice users, a GUI is utilized by more users.

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You can Surf Internet in Linux Terminal With These Command Line Browsers

I’m guessing that you are probably using Firefox or a Chrome-based browser like Brave to read this article. Or, maybe, Google Chrome or Chromium or other web browsers available for Linux.

In other words, you are utilizing a GUI-based approach to browse the web. However, back in the days, people used the terminal to fetch resources and browse the web because everything was mostly text-based information.

Even though you cannot get every information from a terminal now, you can still try the command line browsers for some text-based information and open a web page from the Linux terminal.

Not just limited to that, but if you are accessing a remote server or stuck in a terminal without a GUI, a terminal web browser can prove to be useful as well.

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So, in this article, I will be mentioning some terminal based web browsers that you can try on Linux.

Best Terminal-based Web Browsers for Linux Users

Note: The list is in no particular order of ranking.

1. W3M

W3m Google

w3m is a popular open-source text-based web browser for the terminal. Even though the original project is no longer active, an active version of it is being maintained by a different developer Tatsuya Kinoshita.

w3m is quite simple, supports SSL connections, colors, and in-line images as well. Of course, depending on what resource you are trying to access, things might look different on your end. As per my quick test, it didn’t seem to load up DuckDuckGo but I could use Google in terminal just fine.

You can simply type w3m in the terminal to get help after installation. If you’re curious, you can also check out the repository at GitHub.

How to install and use w3m?

W3M is available on most of the default repositories for any Debian-based Linux distribution. If you have an Arch-based distro, you might want to check AUR if it’s not available directly.

For Ubuntu, you can install it by typing in:

sudo apt install w3m w3m-img

Here, we are installing the w3m package along with image extension for in-line image support. Next, to get started, you have to simply follow the command below:

Of course, you need to replace to any website that you want to browse/test. Finally, you should know that you can use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate and press enter when you want to take an action.

To quit, you can press SHIFT+Q, and to go back to the previous page — SHIFT+B. Additional shortcuts include SHIFT + T to open a new tab and SHIFT + U to open a new URL.

You can explore more about it by heading to its man page as well.

2. Lynx

Lynx Terminal

Lynx is yet another open source command line browser which you can try. Fortunately, more websites tend to work when using Lynx, so I’d say it is definitely better in that aspect. I was able to load up DuckDuckGo and make it work.

In addition to that, I also noticed that it lets you accept/deny cookies when visiting various web resources. You can set it to always accept or deny as well. So, that’s a good thing.

On the other hand, the window does not re-size well while using it from the terminal. I haven’t looked for any solutions to that, so if you’re trying this out, you might want to do that. In either case, it works great and you get all the instructions for the keyboard shortcuts right when you launch it in the terminal.

Note that it does not match the system terminal theme, so it will look different no matter how your terminal looks like.

How to install Lynx?

Unlike w3m, you do get some Win32 installers if you’re interested to try. But, on Linux, it is available on the most of the default repositories.

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For Ubuntu, you just need to type in:

To get started, you just have to follow the command below:

Here, you just need to replace the example website with the resource you want to visit.

If you want to explore the packages for other Linux distros, you can check out their official website resources.

3. Links2

Links2 Terminal

Links2 is an interesting text-based browser that you can easily utilize on your terminal with a good user experience. It gives you a nice interface to type in the URL and then proceed as soon as you launch it.

Links2 Terminal Welcome

It is worth noting that the theme will depend on your terminal settings, I have it set as “black-green”, hence this is what you see. Once you launch it as a command line browser, you just need to press any key to bring the URL prompt or Q to quit it. It works good enough and renders text from most of the sites.

Unlike Lynx, you do not get the ability to accept/reject cookies. Other than that, it seems to work just fine.

How to install Links2?

As you’d expect, you will find it available in the most of the default repositories. For Ubuntu, you can install it by typing the following command in the terminal:

You can refer to its official website for packages or documentations if you want to install it on any other Linux distribution.

Elinks Terminal

eLinks is similar to Links2 — but it is no longer maintained. You will still find it in the default repositories of various distributions, hence, I kept it in this list.

It does not blend in with your system terminal theme. So, this may not be a pretty experience as a text-based browser without a “dark” mode if you needed that.

On Ubuntu, it is easy to install it. You just have to type in the following in the terminal:

For other Linux distributions, you should find it available on the standard repositories. But, you can refer to the official installation instructions if you do not find it in the repository.

Wrapping Up

It’s no surprise that there aren’t a lot of text-based web browsers to run on the terminal. Some projects like Browsh have tried to present a modern Linux command-line browser but it did not work in my case.

While tools like curl and wget allow you to download files from the Linux command line, these terminal-based web browsers provide additional features.

In addition to command-line browsers, you may also like to try some command line games for Linux, if you want to play around in the terminal.

Browsing web in the Linux terminal or using the Linux terminal in a web browser, you can do it all.

What do you think about the text-based web browsers for Linux terminal? Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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