Cli linux generate password

How to Generate Strong and Secure Passwords Using Linux CLI

Learn how to generate strong and secure passwords using Linux CLI commands and tools such as pwgen, openssl, and md5. Protect your personal information and prevent hacking attempts with these helpful tips.

  • Popular Commands for Password Generation
  • Using pwgen for Password Generation
  • Other Tools for Password Generation on Linux
  • Creating a Bash Shell Function or Script for Generating Random Passwords
  • Using openssl for Password Generation
  • Using md5 Method for Creating a Secure Password
  • Using passwd Command to Change or Create Passwords in Linux
  • Other code samples for generating passwords with Linux CLI
  • Conclusion
  • How to create password for Linux?
  • How to pass password in shell command?
  • How do I auto generate a password?
  • How to create a password in Unix?

In today’s digital age, password security is more important than ever. With cyber attacks and data breaches becoming increasingly common, it is crucial to use strong and unique passwords to protect your personal information. While there are many tools and methods available for password generation, the linux command line interface is a powerful and flexible option that allows users to generate strong passwords quickly and easily. In this article, we will explore various methods for generating strong and secure passwords using the Linux command line interface.

The Linux command line interface provides several built-in commands that can be used for password generation. These commands include pv , cat , tac , chmod , grep , diff , sed , ar , and apg . Each of these commands has its own unique features and benefits, and we will explore them in detail below.


The pv command is used for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. However, it can also be used for password generation by piping the output of /dev/urandom to pv and redirecting the output to a file. Here is an example:

This command will generate a random password and save it to the file password.txt .


The cat command is used for concatenating files. However, it can also be used for password generation by concatenating the output of /dev/urandom and piping it to tr to translate the output to alphanumeric characters. Here is an example:

$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 20 | head -n 1 

This command will generate a random alphanumeric password with a length of 20 characters.

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The tac command is used for printing the contents of a file in reverse order. However, it can also be used for password generation by concatenating the output of /dev/urandom and piping it to tac to reverse the order of the characters. Here is an example:

$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 20 | head -n 1 | tac 

This command will generate a random alphanumeric password with a length of 20 characters and reverse the order of the characters.


The chmod command is used for changing the permissions of a file. However, it can also be used for password generation by creating a file with random permissions and using the permissions as the password. Here is an example:

$ chmod `shuf -i0-7 -n1``shuf -i0-7 -n1``shuf -i0-7 -n1` file.txt 

This command will generate a random password in the form of file permissions, which can be used to secure a file or directory.


The grep command is used for searching for patterns in a file. However, it can also be used for password generation by searching for a specific pattern in the output of /dev/urandom . Here is an example:

This command will generate a random alphanumeric password with a length of 20 characters.


The diff command is used for comparing files line by line. However, it can also be used for password generation by comparing two random files and using the differences as the password. Here is an example:

This command will generate a random alphanumeric password with a length of 20 characters by comparing two random files and using the differences as the password.


The sed command is used for stream editing of text files. However, it can also be used for password generation by replacing characters in the output of /dev/urandom . Here is an example:

$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 20 | head -n 1 | sed 's/[aeiou]/\n/g; s/[^aeiou]//g; s/\n//g' 

This command will generate a random consonant-only password with a length of 20 characters.


The ar command is used for managing archives. However, it can also be used for password generation by creating a random archive and using the name of the archive as the password. Here is an example:

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This command will generate a random alphanumeric password in the form of an archive name, which can be used to secure a file or directory.


The apg command is a utility for generating random passwords . It provides many options for customizing the generated password, including length, complexity, and character sets. Here is an example:

This command will generate a random password with a length of 20 characters, using a combination of small letters, capital letters, numbers, and symbols.

Using pwgen for Password Generation

Another popular tool for password generation on Linux is pwgen . The pwgen command is a simple and useful utility for generating strong passwords. It provides options for customizing the generated password, including length, complexity, and character sets. Here is an example:

This command will generate a random password with a length of 20 characters, using a combination of small letters, capital letters, and numbers.

Other Tools for Password Generation on Linux

In addition to the built-in commands and pwgen , there are many other tools available for password generation on Linux. Some of these tools include xkcdpass , Diceware , Revelation , and KeepassX . Each of these tools has its own unique features and benefits, and we will explore them in detail below.


xkcdpass is a command line tool for generating passwords inspired by the XKCD webcomic. It generates passwords consisting of common words, making them easier to remember and type. Here is an example:

This command will generate a random password consisting of four common words, separated by dashes.


Diceware is a method for generating passwords using dice rolls to select words from a list. It provides a simple and secure way to generate strong passwords without relying on software. Here is an example:

$ shuf -rn5 /usr/share/dict/american-english | tr -d '\n' 

This command will generate a random password consisting of five words selected from the American English dictionary.


Revelation is a password manager for linux that allows users to store and generate passwords securely. It provides features for organizing and categorizing passwords, as well as generating strong passwords. Here is an example:

$ revelation-cli generate-password -l 20 -c 

This command will generate a random password with a length of 20 characters, using a combination of small letters, capital letters, and numbers.


KeepassX is a password manager for Linux that provides features for storing and generating passwords securely. It uses strong encryption to protect passwords, and provides a simple and intuitive user interface. Here is an example:

$ keepassxc-cli generate -a 20 

This command will generate a random password with a length of 20 characters, using a combination of small letters, capital letters, and numbers.

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Creating a Bash Shell Function or Script for Generating Random Passwords

Creating a bash shell function or script for Generating Random Passwords is a powerful and flexible option for password generation on Linux. It allows users to create custom password generation routines, and can be easily integrated into other scripts and workflows. Here is an example of a bash shell function for generating random passwords:

#!/bin/bashfunction generate_password < local length=$1 local char_set=$2 tr -dc "$" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$" | head -n 1 >password=$(generate_password 20 'a-zA-Z0-9') echo $password 

This function will generate a random password with a length of 20 characters, using a combination of small letters, capital letters, and numbers.

Using openssl for Password Generation

openssl is a command line tool for cryptographic operations, including password generation. It provides options for customizing the generated password, including length, complexity, and character sets. Here is an example:

This command will generate a random password with a length of 20 characters, using a combination of base64-encoded characters.

Using md5 Method for Creating a Secure Password

The md5 method is a simple and effective way to create a secure password from the output of any command or file. It works by using the md5sum command to generate a hash of the input, and then using the first few characters of the hash as the password. Here is an example:

This command will generate a random password by using the first 20 characters of the md5sum hash of the file file.txt .

Using passwd Command to Change or Create Passwords in Linux

The passwd command is used for changing or creating passwords in Linux. It provides options for customizing the password, including length, complexity, and expiration. Here is an example:

This command will set the password for the user username to password .

Other code samples for generating passwords with Linux CLI

In Shell , for instance, generate password linux code sample

password=$(openssl rand -base64 32) echo $password


In this article, we have explored various methods for generating strong and secure passwords using the Linux command line interface. We have covered popular commands for password generation, the pwgen tool, other tools for password generation on Linux, creating a bash shell function or script for generating random passwords, using openssl for password generation, using the md5 method for creating a secure password, and using the passwd command to change or create passwords in Linux. By using these methods, you can easily generate strong and unique passwords to protect your personal information and prevent hacking attempts.


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