Close all windows linux

Quick Answer: You Asked How Do I Close All Windows In Ubuntu

You can use the Ctrl + Q keyboard shortcut which will close all opened windows of Archive Manager. The Ctrl + Q shortcut is common on Ubuntu (and lots of other distributions as well). It works the same with most of the applications I’ve used thus far. That is, it will close all windows of a running application.

How do I close all windows in Ubuntu?

If you have an application running, you can close the application window using the Ctrl+Q key combination. You can also use Ctrl+W for this purpose. Alt+F4 is more ‘universal’ shortcut for closing an application window.

How do you close a window in Linux?

Alt-F4 is the standard method for closing windows. In Xfce, go to Window Manager, and on the keyboard tab, select ‘Close window’, double-click to clear, then set Ctrl-w as the action for F4.

How do I close a tab in Linux?

Close Tab: Shift Ctrl W. Close Window: Shift Ctrl Q.

How do I close all applications in Linux?

So, the next time a Linux application or utility hangs and becomes unresponsive, all you need to do is apply one of these solutions: Click the X in the corner. Use the System Monitor. Use the xkill app. Employ the kill command. Close Linux apps with pkill. Use killall to close software.

What is the super key Ubuntu?

When you press the Super key, the Activities overview is displayed. This key can usually be found on the bottom-left of your keyboard, next to the Alt key, and usually has a Windows logo on it. It is sometimes called the Windows key or system key.

How do I shut down Ubuntu?

There are two ways to shutdown Ubuntu Linux. Go to the upper right corner and click the drop down menu. You’ll see the shutdown button here. You can also use the command ‘shutdown now’.

How do you close a file in Linux terminal?

Press the [Esc] key and type Shift + Z Z to save and exit or type Shift+ Z Q to exit without saving the changes made to the file.

How do I list all processes in Linux?

Check running process in Linux Open the terminal window on Linux. For remote Linux server use the ssh command for log in purpose. Type the ps aux command to see all running process in Linux. Alternatively, you can issue the top command or htop command to view running process in Linux.

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How do I find the process ID in Linux?

Procedure to find process by name on Linux Open the terminal application. Type the pidof command as follows to find PID for firefox process: pidof firefox. Or use the ps command along with grep command as follows: ps aux | grep -i firefox. To look up or signal processes based on name use:.

How do you close a tab on your phone?

Close a tab On your Android phone, open the Chrome app . To the right, tap Switch tabs. . You’ll see your open Chrome tabs. At the top right of the tab you want to close, tap Close. . You can also swipe to close the tab.

What is the shortcut to close a tab?

Close Tab Shortcut For PC, hold Ctrl and press W.

How do I close background tabs?

Tap the tab icon (the square with a number in it) in the bottom menu bar. Tap the three vertical dots in the bottom-right corner. Tap Close all tabs.

How do I close all applications in Ubuntu?

If a program has multiple processes, you can use the killall command to terminate them all at once. Like pkill, this uses the package name—use top to find this under the Command column. To use killall, type killall process or sudo killall process, replacing process with the package name.

How do I close all apps in Ubuntu?

Also a quick hot key combination using GUI method works with my Ubuntu 14.04 (xfce) just press Ctrl + Alt + Esc and an xkill cursor should appear, just click on an application to kill.

How do I restart Linux?

Linux system restart To reboot the Linux system from a terminal session, sign in or “su”/”sudo” to the “root” account. Then type “ sudo reboot ” to reboot the box. Wait for some time and the Linux server will reboot itself.

What is super key with example?

Super Key: The set of attributes that can uniquely identify a tuple is known as Super Key. For Example, STUD_NO, (STUD_NO, STUD_NAME), etc. Adding zero or more attributes to the candidate key generates the super key. A candidate key is a super key but vice versa is not true.

How do I switch between Ubuntu and windows?

Switch between windows Press Super + Tab to bring up the window switcher. Release Super to select the next (highlighted) window in the switcher. Otherwise, still holding down the Super key, press Tab to cycle through the list of open windows, or Shift + Tab to cycle backwards.

How do you switch between open windows?

Windows: Switch Between Open Windows/Applications Press and hold the [Alt] key > Click the [Tab] key once. Keep the [Alt] key pressed down and press the [Tab] key or arrows to switch between open applications. Release the [Alt] key to open the selected application.

Why does Ubuntu not shut down?

Go to your System Settings->Software and Updates->Developer Options tab click the box next to Pre-release (xenial-proposed). enter your root pwd, Refresh the cache. Updates tab use “display updates immediately drop down” close System Settings. Start software updater and install now.

What is sudo shutdown now?

sudo shutdown -h now This will perform a system shutdown in a proper way. You can also specify a timer (in seconds), instead of the word “now”, for example: shutdown -h -t 30. This will bring the computer down in 30 seconds. sudo halt is another way to shutdown.

Why does Ubuntu keep shutting down?

If you are running Ubuntu and your system randomly crashes, you may be running out of memory. Low memory could be caused by opening more applications or data files than will fit in the memory you have installed. If that is the problem, do not open so much at one time or upgrade to more memory on your computer.

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Linux HowTos live here

One of the most annoying things in any operating system is a situation when you have many open windows and you suddenly want to power off your computer and rush to do something urgent. To avoid future problems you should gracefully close all the windows one by one. There is a way to do it with a key combination, but first you need to set it up.

First, you need to install wmctrl, then open your preferred text editor and create the following script:

for n in $(wmctrl -l | awk $2 ‘!/-1/ ‘)
wmctrl -i -c $n;

Save the file, for example as somewhere within your home directory. Then open your terminal, cd into the directory your script is located and make it executable:

Now you need to create a keyboard shortcut that runs the script. For example in XFCE you should open the settings configuration, find the Keyboard section, switch to Application Shortcuts and add the shortcut command, which is the location of your script, e.g. ~/scripts/ Finally, you will be prompted to set the key combination to run the command. I use Super + Shift + Escape.

From now on, whenever you want to close all your open windows you just use your keyboard shortcut.

So nice. Thanks for this — got it working in short order in Manjaro KDE with no issue. I did notice that for Steam it completely kills the app instead of just closing the window while an app like Discord will close the Window but continue living on down in the taskbar.

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Not a huge deal but it seems to be a thing.


Close all windows of the same application in gnome shell

As the title says, Is there a shortcut to close all windows of the same application in gnome shell, or an extension to do this? Thanks.

4 Answers 4

You can do the following command in terminal.

or press super key (windows/apple/ubuntu key) and type xkill. And click on the application you want to kill.

A good tool, but it would be a lot nicer if there was something like the ‘Quit’ option in Unity’s context menu

Do you mean like a shortcut? yeah than you will need to program a script i think :/. If you wan’t to see all the commands available on unity just hold super ;).

You may wanna test-ride the window-options-gnome-shell-extension from, last updated Nov. 2012 (thus appears to be actively maintained).

. added option to close the current window (as opposed to the ‘Quit‘ button that closes the entire application (i.e. all its windows)).

Alternatively, you may (also) want to look into this SOLVED thread, which seems to offer yet another solution.

EDIT: «Quit from dash» is now an extension on the gnome extensions website.

This is quite useful, but I use a task bar extension that hides the original window title bar, thus I cannot use it. Thanks for your help.

The extension link in the second option redirects me to a broken link; («The file you are looking for has been deleted or moved.»).

I found the extension in the second link in the gnome extensions website. Here’s the link

Assuming you’re using UNITY and its LAUNCHER, you can do so («Close all windows of the same application») by selecting the target application in LAUNCHER and then using the right arrow button to «Quit».

I know. I’m trying to be helpful rather than punctilious; the question asks for a shortcut, and the method I described is very short-cut for me in my set-up. But attaching a shortcut to a command as in Thomas Vanmellaerts answer is fine, too, of course! That’s a matter of taste. Further, I’d generally prefer to gently end-close my applications than brutally kill («execute») ’em.

@iBelieve Could be there is no option in GNOME Shell to close .. like in Launcher, at least not by default:

See an alternative approach in my 2nd answer, specifically aimed at the GNOME Shell (as opposed to Unity).

Here is a script which will close all windows of a certain application when you click on one of its windows (using killall ):

#! /usr/bin/env python import sys,os, subprocess # Function based on code from Apport def get_window_pid(): xprop = subprocess.Popen(['xprop', '_NET_WM_PID'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = xprop.communicate() if xprop.returncode == 0: try: return int(out.split()[-1]) except ValueError: error_message(_('Cannot identify package'), _('xprop failed to determine process ID of the window') + '\n\n' + err) return -1 else: error_message(_('Cannot identify package'), _('xprop failed to determine process ID of the window') + '\n\n' + err) return -1 def get_window_exe(): pid = get_window_pid() if pid == -1: return '' return os.path.realpath('/proc/' + str(pid) + '/exe') def close_all(): app = get_window_exe() os.system('killall ' + app) if __name__=='__main__': close_all() 

Save this to a file (such as closeall ), and make sure it is in the system path and is executable.

Then you can run it at any time by pressing Alt + F2 and typing closeall .


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