Command to exit directory in linux

exit command in Linux with Examples

exit command in linux is used to exit the shell where it is currently running. It takes one more parameter as [N] and exits the shell with a return of status N. If n is not provided, then it simply returns the status of last command that is executed. Syntax:

Options for exit command –

  • exit: Exit Without Parameter After pressing enter, the terminal will simply close.
  • exit [n] : Exit With Parameter After pressing enter, the terminal window will close and return a status of 110. Return status is important because sometimes they can be mapped to tell error, warnings and notifications. For example generally, return status – “0” means the program has executed successfully. “1” means the program has minor errors.
  • exit n : Using “sudo su” we are going to the root directory and then exit the root directory with a return status of 5. After returning it will show how to display the return status code. echo $? command is used to see the last return status.
  • exit –help : It displays help information.


How to open and close directories in the Linux terminal

To open a directory on a computer with a graphical interface, you double-click on a folder. It opens, and you are now «in» that folder.

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To open a directory in a terminal, you use the cd command to change your current directory. This essentially opens that folder and places you in it.

$ pwd /home/tux $ ls example.txt Documents Downloads Music Pictures Templates Videos $ cd Documents $ pwd /home/tux/Documents

Close a folder

To close a directory on a computer with a graphical interface, you close the window representing that directory.

You don’t have to close directories in a terminal, but you can always navigate away from a location you’ve made your current directory. The cd command, issued alone with no arguments, takes you back home.

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Seth Kenlon

Seth Kenlon is a UNIX geek, free culture advocate, independent multimedia artist, and D&D nerd. He has worked in the film and computing industry, often at the same time.

1 Comment

It’s also helpful to know the shorthand for moving up in the directory structure.

cd ../
takes you up one level,
cd ../../
takes you up two levels, and so on.


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