Compal information kunshan co ltd роутер

Compal information kunshan co ltd роутер

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Очень странная ситуация с DHCP

Всем привет.
Вкратце ситуация: Ноутбук не получает адрес от DHCP сервера Mikrotik.
Теперь более подробно:
Ноутбук — Lenovo ThinPad Edge E530
OC — Windows 10 x64 Pro
Роутер — Mikrotik RB951

ПК — рабочая станция с Windows 7 x64 Pro

При подключении ноутбука к роутеру, ноут адрес не получает. Получает APIPA.
При подключении ноутбука к сети с Microsoft DHCP — нормально
ПК во всех случаях получает адрес нормально.

При подключении ноутбука к роутеру ASUS RT12N, ноутбук адрес получает нормально.
Путем экспериментов удалось выяснить, что так же не выдает адрес и роутер TP-link. А в списке «выдающих» роутеров оказался еще какой-то старенький Zyxel.

Дальнейшая проверка заключалась в следующем:
Взят другой роутер — Mikrotik hAP lite RB941 2nd (v6.33.5), сброшены все настройки. Настроена минимальная конфигурация. бридж, адрес, пул адресов, dhcp-сервер, и логирование dhcp в файл. В правилах фаервола — пусто.
В роутер подключены вышеуказанные ноутбук и ПК выполнены ipconfig /release и ipconfig /renew.
На ПК запущен Winbox 3.10 и открыто окно логов. Видны броадкасты от ПК, и дальнейшие offer и ack для него и на этом все.
На ПК и ноутбуке запущены wireshark с фильтром по bootp.option.type==53
В wireshark на ноутбуке видны «свои» броадкасты dhcp-discover (с на и броадкасты с ПК.
В wireshark на ПК видны только «свои» dhcp-броадкасты.
В логах на Mikrotik видны только запросы с ПК. Ни одного запроса с MAC-адресом ноутбука.

Если выставить статику на сетевой карточке, становится еще более непонятная картина, пинги до роутера проходят через раз и в обратную сторону так же.

Всевозможные эксперименты на ноутбуке со сменой MAC, переустановкой драйверов сетевой карты, сбросом tcp-сокета, очисткой arp-кэша, сбросом биоса, сменой винды на 7-ку, запуска linux с лайв сиди итд. ничего не дают.
По отдельности все рабочее, вместе -НЕТ.
Дословно проблема звучала бы так — броадкасты c lenovo e530 не проходят на/через Mikrotik.

Сетевая карта Realtek PCI GBE Family Controller PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168 MAC: b8:88:e3:ef:17:03. По МАКу определяется как COMPAL INFORMATION (KUNSHAN) CO., LTD

Стоит отметить, что проблема касается только LAN, wLAN работает нормально.

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Compal Information (Kunshan) Co. Ltd On my Network: What Does It Mean?

Robot Powered Home

Since I have a lot of smart devices connected to my Wi-Fi, I’d like to keep an eye on them with my router’s admin tool and the logs that it provides.

I look at the logs every weekend to see if any strange activity had occurred with any of my devices.

Sure enough, I started to notice a device with the vendor name Compal Information (Kunshan) Co. Ltd quite a few times on my network, and it was constantly requesting connection to the network.

I checked the list of devices, and it was there as well.

I needed to find out what this device was because I don’t remember owning any device with that name.

To do so, I scoured the internet to find out what Compal Information (Kunshan) was and what they did.

I also looked at a few security measures that I could put in place if this device turned out to be malicious.

With all of the information that I was able to gather, I managed to find out what the device was, so I decided to make this guide to help you with it.

After reading this article, you’ll know who Compal Information (Kunshan) Co. Ltd is and what they are doing on your network.

Compal Information (Kunshan) Co. Ltd is a large manufacturer of components for products from brands like HP, Dell, and more. They are pretty reputable because there is no reason not to trust them since many billion-dollar companies entrust them to make their products.

Read on to find out how you can check if an unauthorized device is on your network and how you can secure your network better.

What Is Compal Information (Kunshan) Co. Ltd?

Compal Information Co. Ltd is a Taiwanese electronics manufacturing company that makes and designs components and parts for global brands like HP, Fossil, and more.

They do not sell products directly to you or me but instead sell their services to other companies who want to reduce their overall costs by minimizing the number of components they manufacture.

They are market leaders in a few segments, but the only reason they don’t make the headlines as often as your Apples or Samsungs is they aren’t selling their products to the general public.

What Does Compal Information (KunShan) Co. Ltd Make?

Compal makes network cards, laptops and is even used to make TVs for Toshiba until Toshiba handed the entire business over to Compal.

They also make monitors and tablets for a few well-known brands like Dell, Lenovo and are the largest contract manufacturer of laptops.

Recently, they had also been contracted to make smartwatches, notably the newer Apple Watches, because Apple couldn’t make do with their existing supply.

Why Am I Seeing Compal Information (Kunshan) Co. Ltd On My Network?

Now that you’ve understood what Compal does, you may wonder what one of their devices is doing on your network if they don’t sell anything directly to the public.

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To understand this, first, you must understand how Wi-Fi networks identify the devices on their network.

Each device has a unique MAC address with information about what device it is and some other details.

This includes the vendor of the network card that the device uses to connect to your network, which may not be the vendor of your device.

For example, when I look up the MAC address for my Asus laptop, it says that the vendor is Azurewave Technology, which doesn’t reflect the truth that it is an Asus laptop.

This would have been what happened to you, and one of your devices was made by Compal, and that’s why you’re seeing Compal in your router logs.

Is It Malicious?

Since we cannot turn away any possibility regarding network security, we cannot rely on the deduction that we made in the earlier section.

Sometimes, the attacker can hide as a legit company and access your network.

Although the chances of this happening are pretty close to zero because using a fake MAC address might not be worth the effort just to get into someone’s network.

Even then, the chances remain, so I’ll be talking about a pretty easy way to find out if it’s not one of your own devices.

To do this, pull up the list of devices currently connected to your network.

Ensure the Compal device is connected to the network before doing this.

Disconnect each device from your network one by one and keep checking back with the list of devices every time you take a device off.

When the Compal device disappears, the last device you removed is the Compal device.

If you’ve managed to identify a device like this, then the device is something that you own and can be safely considered to be not malicious.

However, if you couldn’t get the device out of network at any point during this test, you’ll need to consider securing your network better.

Common Devices That Identify As Compal Information (KunShan) Co. Ltd

Having a list of devices that share Compal as a vendor will help a lot in the identification process.

Since Compal is a pretty huge company that manufactures for multiple corporations, I’ll only be talking about the most popular ones.

  • Montblanc Smartwatches
  • Fossil Smartwatches.
  • Liberty Global or one of its subsidiary’s cable modems.
  • Fitbit bands and watches.
  • HP or Dell laptops.

These are just some of the devices, and the list is in no way exhaustive.

You can look up the MAC addresses for each of the devices on your network manually by using a MAC address lookup tool if you want to.

How To Secure Your Network

If you’ve managed to find out that the Compal device is not something that you own, you’ll need to secure your account as soon as possible.

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Change your Wi-Fi Password

The first thing you must do when you know there’s a breach on your network is to change the password for your WI-Fi.

It’s almost impossible for someone to physically come to your network and connect with it using an ethernet cable, so secure your Wi-Fi network ASAP.

Change your password from the router admin tool’s Wireless security settings.

Set it to something that can easily be remembered but not guessed.

The password will need to have numbers and special characters mixed in.

Save the new password and connect all your devices to the Wi-Fi again with the new password.

Set Up MAC Filtering

MAC filtering lets you have a list of MAC addresses allowed on your Wi-Fi network.

Any other device won’t connect and would require you to put the device on the allow list.

  1. Log in to the admin tool of your router.
  2. Go to the Firewall or MAC filtering settings.
  3. Enable MAC Filtering.
  4. Select or Enter the MAC addresses of the device you want to connect to your Wi-Fi.
  5. Save the settings.
  6. The router will restart and will have the filtering settings active.

Final Thoughts

Another popular product that shows up with a different name on your router logs is the Sony PS4.

It shows up as HonHaiPr instead of anything remotely resembling Sony because HonHaiPr is the other name for Foxconn, which makes the PS4 for Sony.

As a result, making the presumption that any device with an unknown name is something malicious is pretty wrong.

If you have a secure Wi-Fi network with WPA2 enabled, you’ll be safe from any external attackers 99.9% of the time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Compal based?

Compal is based in Taiwan and has a manufacturing facility in Kunshan, China.

How do I remove an unknown device from my network?

To easily remove someone unknown from your network, change the Wi-Fi password by going to the Wireless settings page on your router’s admin tool.

Can someone turn off my Wi-Fi?

For someone to turn off your Wi-Fi, they’ll need to have access to your network either wirelessly or otherwise.

Unless an attacker is on your network, they won’t be able to turn it off.

How do I block neighbors from my Wi-Fi?

To block your neighbors from accessing your WI-Fi, set up MAC filtering on your router.

Set the list to allow the MAC addresses of only your devices to connect to your network. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to © 2023 Robot Powered Home | Privacy Policy


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