Compare windows with linux

Linux vs Windows

Windows is a series of operating systems, computer operating system (OS) developed by Microsoft for personal desktops/devices or computers (PC). Each operating system has a graphical user interface (GUI) with a desktop that allows users to view all files, videos, etc. It runs on x86 hardware, such as AMD and Intel processors. So Windows OS comes with almost all companies that make PCs or laptops. Linux is an open-source operating system based on UNIX, created in 1991. It is software that sits underneath all other software on a computer. Users can modify the existing code and develop distributions from it as it is an open-source operating system. Linux is mainly used as a server – as most of the web pages over the internet are generated from Linux servers and

What is Windows Operating System?

The first version of Windows OS was released in 1985; a simple GUI, an extension of the existing disk operating system (MS-DOS), and a significant release. From my perspective, the 1995 consumer release integrated Windows and DOS with built-in internet support. Most of the PC is currently running on the Windows operating system only. The latest Windows OS version is Windows 10, which is presently ruling the market.

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What is a Linux Operating System?

Linux is an open-source operating system based on UNIX, created in 1991. The Linux operating system also comes with a graphical user interface (GUI) with some necessary daily software. It is also used with Linux running on desktop computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, digital storing devices, eBook readers, cameras, and video recorders.

Head to Head Comparison Between Linux vs Windows (Infographics)

Below is the Top 9 Comparison Between Linux vs Windows:

Linux vs Windows Infographics

Critical Differences Between Linux vs Windows

Following are the Differences Between Linux and Windows:

  • Linux is an open-source operating system, whereas Windows OS is commercial.
  • Linux has access to source code and alters the code per user need, whereas Windows does not have access to source code.
  • Linux will run faster than window’s latest editions, even with a modern desktop environment and operating system features, whereas Windows is slow on older hardware.
  • Linux distributions don’t collect user data, whereas Windows contains all the user details, which leads to privacy concerns.
  • Linux is more reliable than Windows, as in Linux; we can kill applications if they are hung through the x kill command, whereas, in Windows, we need to try multiple times to kill them.
  • Linux supports a wide variety of free software than Windows, but Windows has an extensive collection of video game software.
  • The cost of Linux software is almost as all programs, utilities, and complex applications such as open office are free. Still, windows also have many free programs and utilities, but most of the programs are commercial.
  • Linux is highly secure because it’s easy to identify bugs and fix, whereas Windows has a large user base and becomes a target for developers of viruses and malware.
  • Corporate organizations use Linux as servers and operating systems for security purposes at Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., whereas gamers and business users mostly use Windows.
  • Linux and Windows have the same priority over hardware and driver support in the present situation.
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Linux vs Windows Comparison Table

Below is a detailed comparison of Linux and Windows.

Basis for Comparison Linux Windows
Access In Linux, the user can access the kernel’s source code and alters the code according to his need. It has advantages, like bugs in OS will fix quickly, and disadvantages, like developers may take advantage of any weakness in OS if they find it. In Windows, every user won’t have access to the source code; only members of the selected group will have access to it.
Flavors or Variety Linux has various distributions which are highly customizable based on user needs. Windows has very few customization options available.
Licensing In Linux with GPL- Licensed operating system, users can modify the software, reuse it in any number of systems, and even sell the revised version. In Windows, with a Microsoft license, users won’t have access to source code (can’t modify the software), and based on the number of permits – we can install it only on those computers.
Command-line In Linux, a command line is a handy tool for administration and daily tasks, but for end-users, it doesn’t make much difference. We have a command line in Windows but can’t use a Linux command line. We need to run and enter cmd; the command line will open.
Run level Linux has an inbuilt ability to stop at different run levels; with this, we can work using a command line and GUI if anyone has an issue. In Windows, if we encounter any problem to fix it, we need to reboot at run level 3 as an administrator/ root to find and fix the problem.
Usability Linux is complicated to install but can complete complex tasks easier. Windows gives users a simple system to operate, but it will take longer to install.
Support Linux has support via a massive community of user forums/websites and online searches. Windows has support that is easily accessible, online forums/ websites, and it has paid support also.
Updates In Linux, users have complete control of updates; we can install them whenever needed, which will take less time without rebooting. In Windows, updates will come at inconvenient times, such as giving a print to the printer, but suddenly an update pop-up will come, which frustrates users and takes more time to install.
Security Linux is more secure than Windows, where hackers or developers of viruses will find it difficult to break through Linux. Windows is the primary target for developers of viruses and malware, and it is most vulnerable without anti-virus software.
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Finally, it is an overview of Linux vs. Windows. After reading the differences between Linux and Windows articles, I hope you will be interested to know more about these operating system internals. Users looking to change operating systems from Windows to Linux or vice-versa will have a good idea of the advantages and disadvantages of both Linux and Windows operating systems and decide based on their requirements and have more advantages. These are the differences between Linux and Windows operating systems, and in my opinion, I feel that Linux has more advantages than Windows operating systems.

We hope that this EDUCBA information on “Linux vs Windows” was beneficial to you. You can view EDUCBA’s recommended articles for more information.

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Difference Between Linux and Windows Operating System

linux vs windows

The prior difference between Linux and Windows operating system is that Linux is totally free of cost whereas windows is marketable operating system and is costly. An operating system is a program intended to control the computer hardware and behave as an intermediary between user and hardware.

Linux is an open source operating system where users can access the source code and can improve the code using the system. On the other hand, in windows, users can not access source code, and it is a licensed OS.

Content: Linux Vs Windows Operating System

Comparison Chart

Definition of Linux

Linux is a free and open source operating system based on Unix standards. It provides programming interface as well as user interface compatible with Unix based systems and provides large variety applications. A Linux system also contains many separately developed elements, resulting in Unix system which is fully compatible and free from proprietary code.

The traditional monolithic kernel is employed in Linux kernel for performance purpose, but its modular feature allows most drivers to dynamically loaded and unloaded at runtime. Linux protects processes and is a multiuser system. Interprocess communication is supported by both of mechanisms such as message queue, shared memory and semaphore.

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An abstract layer is used in Linux to govern the different file systems, but to users, the file system looks like a hierarchical directory tree. It also supports networked, device-oriented and virtual file systems. Disk storage is accessed through a page cache which is unified with the virtual memory systems. To minimize the duplication of shared data among different processes the memory management system uses page sharing and copy-on-write.

Ubuntu 17.10 is the latest release of linux family operating system. The default user interface of the given version is GNOME, Ubuntu Unity (in older versions).

Definition of Windows

Windows is a licensed operating system in which source code is inaccessible. It is designed for the individuals with the perspective of having no computer programming knowledge and for business and other commercial users. It is very simple and straightforward to use.

Windows is extensible, portable and assists multiple operating environments, symmetric multiprocessing and client-server computing. It offers integrated caching, virtual memory, and preemptive scheduling.

Windows 10 (1709) is the latest release of Microsoft Windows operating system. Its default user interface is Windows shell (Graphical). It uses hybrid kernel in older versions micro kernel is mostly used.

Key Differences Between Linux and Windows Operating System

  1. Linux is free and open source operating system whereas Windows is a commercial operating system whose source code is inaccessible.
  2. Windows is not customizable as against Linux is customizable and a user can modify the code and can change its the look and feel.
  3. Linux provides high security than windows because Linux is open source.
  4. Windows must boot from the primary partition. In contrast, there is no such constraint in Linux it can be booted from either primary or logical partition.
  5. The separation of the directories is done using a backslash in windows. On the contrary, in Linux, these are separated by using forward slash.
  6. In Linux, file names are case sensitive while windows file name are case-insensitive.
  7. Linux uses the monolithic kernel which consumes more running space whereas Windows uses the micro kernel which takes less space but system running efficiency is lower than Linux.


Linux and Windows both Operating systems have their advantages and disadvantages. Windows is simple to use but is not a free and open source OS, whereas Linux is free, open source, customizable and secure but kind of complex for the users having no programming background. Linux is more reliable than windows.



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