Configure oracle client linux

Configure oracle client linux

Learn how to install Oracle Instant Client by downloading the RPMs and using the yum install command.

Starting with 19c, by default, you can install only one version of the Oracle Instant Client RPM packages at a time. If you need multiple versions, use the Oracle Instant Client zip files.

Removing Earlier Oracle Instant Client Installations

Remove any earlier installations of Oracle Instant Client using yum before you start a fresh installation.

    List the currently installed Oracle Instant Client packages. For example: For Oracle Linux 7:

$ sudo yum list installed | grep instantclient
$ sudo dnf list installed | grep instantclient
oracle-instantclient19.5-basic.x86_64 @/oracle-instantclient19.5-basic-
$ sudo yum remove oracle-instantclient19.5-basic.x86_64
$ sudo dnf remove oracle-instantclient19.5-basic.x86_64
$ sudo yum remove oracle-release-el7
$ sudo dnf remove oracle-release-el8

Installing Oracle Instant Client From the yum Server

If you are using Oracle Linux and have configured your Oracle Linux yum server, then you can install Oracle Instant Client using the yum install command.

    Install the Oracle Linux release package to configure repository definitions for Oracle Instant Client: For Oracle Linux 7:

$ sudo yum install oracle-instantclient-release-el7
$ sudo dnf install oracle-instantclient-release-el8
$ sudo yum install oracle-instantclient-basic
$ sudo dnf install oracle-instantclient-basic
$ sudo yum install oracle-instantclient-sqlplus
$ sudo dnf install oracle-instantclient-sqlplus

Using versionlock to Avoid Upgrades

To ensure that you do not inadvertently upgrade Oracle Instant Client when a new major release is published, use yum versionlock after you have installed Oracle Instant Client 21c.

$ sudo yum install yum-plugin-versionlock
$ sudo yum versionlock oracle-instantclient-release-el7
$ sudo dnf versionlock oracle-instantclient-release-el8

Configuring yum versionlock still allows automatic Oracle Instant Client release updates to 21.2, 21.3, and so on.

Manually Downloading and Installing Oracle Instant Client RPM Packages

An alternative method for installing Oracle Instant Client is to manually download and install the Oracle Instant Client packages.

  1. Go to the Oracle Instant Client Downloads page:
  2. Download the desired Oracle Instant Client RPM packages. Select the correct platform, architecture, and packages of your choice. For example, if your application is 64-bit, then ensure that you select 64-bit Instant Client and download the Basic Package RPM file. All installations require a Basic or Basic Light package. All other packages are optional.
  3. Install the packages using yum . For Oracle Linux 7:
$ sudo yum install oracle-instantclient-basic-
$ sudo dnf install oracle-instantclient-basic-

Additionally, you may have to perform the following tasks before you start your application:

  • If you intend to colocate optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora , sqlnet.ora , ldap.ora , or oraaccess.xml with Oracle Instant Client, then move these files to the /usr/lib/oracle/21/client64/lib/network/admin subdirectory. This is the default Oracle configuration directory for applications linked with this Oracle Instant Client. Alternatively, you can move the Oracle configuration files to another, accessible directory. Then set the environment variable TNS_ADMIN to that directory name.
  • To use binaries from the tools package, use yum or dnf to install the package and then update your PATH environment variable. For example:
$ export PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/21/client64/bin:$PATH


Configure oracle client linux

Oracle Database Client installation software is available in multiple media, and can be installed using several options.

The Oracle Database Client software is available on installation media, or you can download it from the Oracle Technology Network website, or the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud portal. In most cases, you use the graphical user interface (GUI) provided by Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to install the software. However, you can also use Oracle Universal Installer to complete silent mode installations, without using the GUI.

You cannot use Oracle Universal Installer from an earlier Oracle release to install components from this release.

  • Accessing the Installation Software
    You can download Oracle Database software from the Oracle Technology Network website or the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud portal. In some cases, Oracle Database software may be available on installation media also.
  • About Character Set Selection During Installation
    Before you create the database, decide the character set that you want to use.
  • Running the Installer in a Different Language
    Describes how to run the installer in other languages.
  • Installing the Oracle Database Client Software
    These topics explain how to run the Setup Wizard to perform most database client installations.
  • Relinking Oracle Database Client Binaries After Installation
    After an Oracle Database Client installation, if required, you can modify the binaries using the relink as_installed option.


Configure oracle client linux

This guide explains how to install and configure Oracle Database Client.

This guide also provides information about postinstallation tasks and how to remove the database client software.

  • Audience
    This guide is intended for anyone responsible for installing Oracle Database Client 21c.
  • Documentation Accessibility
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Set Up Java Access Bridge to Implement Java Accessibility
    Install Java Access Bridge so that assistive technologies on Microsoft Windows systems can use the Java Accessibility API.
  • Command Syntax
    Refer to these command syntax conventions to understand command examples in this guide.
  • Conventions


This guide is intended for anyone responsible for installing Oracle Database Client 21c.

Additional installation guides for Oracle Database, Oracle Real Application Clusters, Oracle Clusterware, Oracle Database Examples, and Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control are available at the following URL:

Parent topic: Preface

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle’s commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Parent topic: Preface

Diversity and Inclusion

Oracle is fully committed to diversity and inclusion. Oracle respects and values having a diverse workforce that increases thought leadership and innovation. As part of our initiative to build a more inclusive culture that positively impacts our employees, customers, and partners, we are working to remove insensitive terms from our products and documentation. We are also mindful of the necessity to maintain compatibility with our customers’ existing technologies and the need to ensure continuity of service as Oracle’s offerings and industry standards evolve. Because of these technical constraints, our effort to remove insensitive terms is ongoing and will take time and external cooperation.

Parent topic: Preface

Set Up Java Access Bridge to Implement Java Accessibility

Install Java Access Bridge so that assistive technologies on Microsoft Windows systems can use the Java Accessibility API.

Java Access Bridge is a technology that enables Java applications and applets that implement the Java Accessibility API to be visible to assistive technologies on Microsoft Windows systems.

Refer to Java Platform, Standard Edition Accessibility Guide for information about the minimum supported versions of assistive technologies required to use Java Access Bridge. Also refer to this guide to obtain installation and testing instructions, and instructions for how to use Java Access Bridge.

Related Topics

Parent topic: Preface

Command Syntax

Refer to these command syntax conventions to understand command examples in this guide.

A backslash is the UNIX and Linux command continuation character. It is used in command examples that are too long to fit on a single line. Enter the command as displayed (with a backslash) or enter it on a single line without a backslash:

dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s6 of=/dev/rst0 bs=10b \ count=10000

Braces indicate required items:

Brackets indicate optional items:

Ellipses indicate an arbitrary number of similar items:

CHKVAL fieldname value1 value2 . valueN

Italic type indicates a variable. Substitute a value for the variable:

A vertical line indicates a choice within braces or brackets:

Parent topic: Preface


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.

Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Parent topic: Preface


Установка Oracle Instant Client в Ubuntu Server


Данный кусок статьи был выдран из инета и размещён как есть. Перевод любительский. Работоспособность не гарантируется, но нашим админам он помог в настройке Oracle Instant Client на Ubuntu. Сам не настраивал.

Install RPMs

Конвертируем .rpm файлы в .deb пакеты и устанавливаем с помощью «alien».

sudo apt-get install alien

Например, для версии for Linux x86_64 (64-bit):

alien -i oracle-instantclient12.1-basic- alien -i oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus- alien -i oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-

Проверьте установку. Используйте «sqlplus» или «sqlplus64» для проверки соединения с БД:

sqlplus username/password@//dbhost:1521/SID

В этом случае читайте ниже про ORACLE_HOME.

Если sqlplus не может найти файл, то читайте ниже про Integrate Oracle Libraries.

Если sqlplus не может найти файл, выполните:

sudo apt-get install libaio1

Или, если у вас 32-битный клиент:

sudo apt-get install libaio1:i386

Integrate Oracle Libraries

Если sqlplus не может найти библиотеки, вы можете добавить Oracle Libraries в переменную LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle//client(64)/lib/$

Например, версия 12.1 для Linux x86_64:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib/$

Или добавьте в системные библиотеки:

sudo vi /etc/ && sudo chmod o+r /etc/

И пропишите путь первой строкой, например:



Многие оракловые приложения ищут свой софт в переменной ‘ORACLE_HOME’.

sudo sudo vi /etc/profile.d/ && sudo chmod o+r /etc/profile.d/
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle//client(64)
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64

Или каждый пользователь может переопределить переменную в ~/.bash_profile.

Примечание: с ubuntu 11.04 (и 14.04) sqlplus не находится без строки в


SDK fix

Некоторые сборки могут требовать ‘oci.h’ в $ORACLE_HOME/include, или в $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public

Instant client иногда размещает include файлы, такие как oci.h, в /usr/include/oracle//client.

ls $ORACLE_HOME ls -d /usr/include/oracle/*/client*/*

Если там нет папки ‘include’ ниже ORACLE_HOME, и она расположена в /usr/include/oracle/ , создайте символическую ссылку:

sudo ln -s /usr/include/oracle/11.2/client $ORACLE_HOME/include
sudo ln -s /usr/include/oracle/12.1/client64 $ORACLE_HOME/include


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