Conky manager linux ubuntu

How to Install Conky Manager 2 in Ubuntu 20.04 | Ubuntu 22.04

This simple tutorial shows how to install Conky Manager 2, the graphical front-end for Conky system monitor, in Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Conky is a light-weight system monitor for Linux Xorg, that displays CPU, GPU, and disk usage, network speed, weather, date and time and other information on desktop as widget.

And Conky Manager is a graphical tool that manages Conky config files. It provides options to start/stop, browse and edit Conky themes installed on the system.

The software was originally developed by by teejee2008 (Tony George), but not been updated for quite a few years. And Conky Manager 2 takes the job to make it work on recent Linux systems with updated Conky versions support.

Install Conky Manager 2 Ubuntu via PPA:

For those still using conky widget to monitor CPU/RAM, network usage, and weather information, I’ve create an unofficial PPA contains the most recent packages for Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04, with both 64-bit and arm64/armhf OS types support.

1.) First, open terminal by either pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, or searching from ‘Activities’ overview screen. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/conkymanager2

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) for sudo prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2.) Then install Conky Manager2 and conky as dependency library via command:

sudo apt install conky-manager2

NOTE: Linux Mint needs to manually update cache via sudo apt update command first.

Start and use Conky Manager 2:

Once installed, search for and launch Conky Manager app from the activities overview screen (or from start menu depends on your DE).

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The app comes with some default themes, though may not well configured for your desktop. Tick or un-tick any item in the list will start or stop conky with that theme, though you may also use the tool bar buttons.

And, you can use the “spanner” icon to config theme options, including screen location, size, background transparency. Advanced users may also click on the ‘pencil‘ icon to edit it via configuration file.

There are also tons of Conky themes on the web. You can download one, and install it easily by clicking the second folder icon (with a little emblem).

Uninstall Conky, Conky Manager:

For any reason, you can easily remove the Ubuntu PPA by running the command below in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/conkymanager2

If you want to remove Conky as well as Conky manager run command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove conky conky-manager2


Ji m

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Install Conky Manager on Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu Conky Manager

Conky is a very efficient system monitoring software that is used to display information regarding your system’s activities and performance. However, if we talk about the interface to configure this system monitor, then there is much room for improvements. Nevertheless, Conky Manager is there to resolve this issue. This tool provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for managing the Conky system monitor hence enhancing the user’s experience with Conky to the fullest. In today’s tutorial, I will show you how to install Conky Manager on Ubuntu 20.04.

Installing the Conky Manager on Ubuntu 20.04

For installing the Conky Manager on your Ubuntu 20.04 system, you have to follow the four steps mentioned below:

Step # 1: Add the PPA Repository for Conky Manager on your Ubuntu 20.04 System

First, we have to add the respective PPA repository for the Conky Manager on our Ubuntu 20.04 system which can be done by running the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxmint-tr/araclar


Once this PPA repository will be added to our Ubuntu 20.04 system, our terminal will render the messages shown below on it:

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PPA Repository for Conky manager added successfully

Step # 2: Update your Ubuntu 20.04 System:

Now, we need to update our Ubuntu 20.04 system before actually installing the Conky Manager on it. This can be done by running the following command:

apt update

The update process will complete while displaying the messages shown in the image below on the terminal:

Updateing repos

Step # 3: Install the Conky Manager on your Ubuntu 20.04 System:

Now, we are all set to install the Conky Manager on our Ubuntu 20.04 system. We can do this by running the following command:

sudo apt install conky-manager

Install conky manager

The Conky Manager will take a few seconds to install after which you will see these kinds of messages on your terminal:

Installing dependencies

Step # 4: Verify the Installation of the Conky Manager on your Ubuntu 20.04 System:

We can even verify if the Conky Manager has been successfully installed on our Ubuntu 20.04 system or not. This can simply be done by looking for the Conky Manager in the Activities search menu as shown in the image below:

Conky manager icon

You can click on the Conky Manager search result as highlighted in the image shown above to access the interface of the Conky Manager which is displayed in the following image:

Conky manager GUI for Conky

Removing the Conky Manager from Ubuntu 20.04:

Now, we will be sharing with you the method of removing the Conky Manager from your Ubuntu 20.04 system. You can follow this method whenever you want to get rid of the Conky Manager and free up your system’s resources. First, you will have to remove the Conky Manager along with all of its configuration files with the command stated below:

sudo apt-get purge conky-manager

apt-get purge conky-manager

After successfully purging the Conky Manager from your Ubuntu 20.04 system, you will get to see these messages on the terminal:

Removing Conky manager

Additionally, you can also attempt to uninstall all the irrelevant and unused packages by executing the following command:

Remove packages that are not necessary anymore

The successful removal of all the unused packages and dependencies will display the messages shown in the image below on the terminal:

apt-get autoremove


This article talked about the methods of installing and removing the Conky Manager from the Ubuntu 20.04 system. However, an important point about the installation method that must be kept in mind is that this installation method is particular for Ubuntu 20.04 system. If you intend to install the Conky Manager on any other version of Ubuntu, then the PPA repository for that particular version will be different from the one that we have used for Ubuntu 20.04.

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Conky Manager

Conky Manager

Conky Manager — утилита для настройки системного монитора Conky.


  • Предпросмотр внешнего вида Conky, соответствующий выбранному файлу конфигурации.
  • Просмотр и редактирование тем оформления.
  • Запуск нескольких экземпляров Conky с разными конфигурациями.
  • Открытие внешнего текстового редактора для редактирования файла конфигурации.
  • Импорт архивов с темами оформления.


Установка в Ubuntu через PPA репозиторий

Команды ниже устанавливают Conky Manager, дополнительный пакет с конфигурационными файлами Conky и темами, а также сам Conky.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxmint-tr/araclar sudo apt-get update sudo apt install conky conky-all conky-manager conky-manager-extra

Установка в ArchLinux (Manjaro)

sudo pacman -S conky-manager


Open Source (открыт)

Сайт (скачать бесплатно):

Обзоры программы от пользователей

Бывалые пользователи систем на Линукс знают о такой программе как Conky Manager, которая позволяет легко изменить вид своего рабочего стола и/или отслеживать информацию о состоянии оборудования. Но на сайте она не значится в Каталогах программ, есть статья, посвящённая установке conky. Тут постараюсь новичкам рассказать о её возможностях и удобствах.

Сама программа представляет из себя графический инструмент для управления conky.
Более подробно про conky можно почитать на википедии или других сайтах. Краткая выписка:

«Conky — программа для системного мониторинга под X Window System. Она поддерживает POSIX-системы, включая GNU/Linux и FreeBSD. Это свободная программа, код основанный на torsmo распространяется под лицензией BSD, новый код распространяется под GPL 3.0. Conky имеет большое количество настроек и может отслеживать многие показатели системы: CPU, память, swap, размеры дисков, температуру, скорость закачки и загрузки, системные сообщения и многое другое.»

• Запустить/Остановить, Просмотреть и изменить темы Conky
• Запустить Conky при запуске системы
• Параметры изменения расположения, прозрачности и размера окна графического элемента Conky
• Параметры изменения времени и сетевого интерфейса

«Темы» конки, то есть конфигурационные файлы, представляют из себя текстовый файл, который можно изменять в простом текстовом редакторе. Поэтому они доступны для скачивания на сайтах в интернете, можно написать самому с нуля. В сети так же есть инструкции по написанию конфига или изменению существующего. Язык создания напоминает HTML/CSS разметку, используется аналогичная цветовая палитра.


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