Connect mouse to laptop bluetooth

How to connect a bluetooth mouse to laptop. Bluetooth on PC with Windows 10: Connection, Driver, Setup

Recently, wireless mice and keyboards are quite popular.

On the one hand it is very convenient: there are no extra wires on the table, the mouse freely slides into any of the parties, it is comfortable to use in “road” conditions; On the other hand, there are questions on the connection, plus they are far from always work until Windows downloads (which is sometimes necessary).

This article will build in the form of a step-by-step instruction for connecting a typical wireless mouse (I will consider the two most common options: the so-called radio frequency mouse, and Bluetooth). I think the note will be useful for all novice users who have not yet enjoyed this type of mice.

How to connect wireless headphones. step by step instructions

Instructions for connecting through the adapter

The adapter for a wireless mouse usually looks like a small piece of plastic arbitrary shape, most often rectangular, from which the metal USB connector performs. Such standard is usually directly called. “For USB mouse”. Modern adapters have very small sizes and practically do not advocate the laptop housing. But small sizes can become a problem. if the adapter is lost, it is difficult to find it.

Wireless USB mice are very popular due to low price. Also, for them, it is usually no need to customize anything for different operating systems. the adapter is simply inserted into the free port, and after a few seconds, the mouse is ready for work.

In some models of mice, the adapter is not separately in the package and is not inserted into the mouse outside, and hidden in the battery compartment (bottom). The adapter can be delivered by opening the compartment.

Detailed connection instructions looks like this:

  • First you need to provide mouse with energy, because it does not receive food by wire. Insert batteries. The battery cover usually opens through the bottom of the mouse, although there are unusual design solutions with a lid behind or side.
  • Now you need to ensure the connection between PC and the mouse. Insert a USB adapter to any free slot:

After connecting the mouse, you must take into account the signal reception range. Most likely, you will not be able to control the cursor on the screen, if the distance from the mouse to the adapter / laptop will be greater than 20 meters.

Connection options

Connect a wireless manipulator to a laptop or PC in two ways:

  • Using a special USB adapter, which is attached to the mouse.
  • Using the built-in Bluetooth adapter in your computer. It is important here to notice that it is present in laptops, but it does not happen in all stationary PC. If it is not, you have to get an external Bluetooth adapter.
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connect, bluetooth, mouse, laptop, windows

In the first case, everything is simple. The adapter is included in the kit kit. Usually there is a special fastening on the mouse housing or in the battery compartment. He looks like this:

Inserted into USB connector. Do not forget to install batteries and press the power button or translate the lever on the mouse housing, on the back, to the ON position. In most cases, this is enough for the device to work: the light indicator lights up, the cursor on the screen moves.

Sometimes you need to install a driver for correct operation. It is located on a disk that enters the kit. If there is no disc, you can find the desired driver on the Internet, on the official website of the device manufacturer, download it and install, following the proposed instructions.

connect, bluetooth, mouse, laptop, windows

It happens that for some reason the mouse does not have a USB adapter. Then there is the ability to connect the mouse to the laptop via Bluetooth. This operation is a bit more difficult. Here is a step-by-step instruction for this method of connection.

The window will appear, the brand and model of your mouse will be displayed there, choose it and click “Connect”.

Choose “Mouse”. The system gives the mouse control parameters that can be configured:

Connect the wireless mouse to the computer you can likely. If your PC has no built-in Bluetooth adapter, connect the external USB port. Wait until the computer sees and recognizes it. Next, follow the step-by-step instructions, repeat steps 1-3, which are described above. After these manipulations, you can use this convenient and compact device.

Do not rush to throw out a wired mouse if you use a stationary computer. It will always be able to serve as a reliable replacement for a wireless device in the case of a batch of batteries or any problems occur. If you have a laptop, you will come to the rescue in an unexpected situation. a built-in touch mouse.

Connect the wireless radio mouse via a USB adapter

If a USB receiver goes complete with your mouse, and this is the only connection inteeis (or Bluetooth on your computer does not work). then you need to connect this receiver to a laptop USB port, or a stationary computer.

After connecting Windows, install drivers. I have already connected any wireless mice, I have never encountered a problem when Windows cannot find, or install the desired driver. If it happened that the system does not recognize the device, you can try to download the driver, or from the manufacturer’s website. We write in search Title and model of our mouse. For example, “Logitech M185” and in the search results go to the official website of Logitech. There are already looking for a section with downloads and download the required driver. But you hardly have to do this.

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Insert the battery into the mouse, or charge it and turn on. Perhaps after that the indicator will light up (but it may not be).

After that, the mouse should immediately earn. If it turns out that after connecting the wireless mouse does not work, then the first thing:

  • Make sure that the battery did not leave (replacing it) and it is installed correctly.
  • Disable and connect the USB receiver again.
  • Restart your computer.
  • You can go to the device manager, and see if the adapter appears in the “HID devices”. If we connect the adapter from the Logitech mouse, then there must appear the “Logitech USB Input Device” adapter. The name may differ.
  • You can check the adapter and mouse on another computer / laptop. Perhaps you got marriage. This also happens.

In most cases, these devices are connected and operate at all without problems. Especially in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7.

Keyboard Connection: Steps

The most common version of the keyboard. Ideal for classic computers. This version of the keyboard includes a small adapter (looks like a mini flash drive) connected to a USB port.

I note that setting the radio frequency keyboard. most simple compared to all other types.

Typical Radio Frequency Keyboard with Adapter

1) So, first action: Connect the adapter to the computer’s USB port (laptop) and install the battery in the keyboard.

2) carefully inspect the keyboard housing. On most models there are specials. Switch: You need to translate it to “ON” mode (then you mean “enabled”). Cm. Example below on the screen.

Transfer the switch to ON

4) Open some editor (Word, for example) and try pressing several keys. In the overwhelming majority of cases. Windows automatically recognizes the keyboard and you can already work with it.

5) If you have an unusual keyboard (for example, with special. Iron keys). You may need to update the driver. It is best to use that version of the driver, which went bundled to the keyboard. However, you can update and with the help of special. Utilities.

How to connect a mouse to an Android phone via Bluetooth

The connection of the mouse and phone with Bluetooth is the easiest and most optimal option. To do this, on both devices it is necessary to activate the wireless connection.

After switching on, the search for devices located nearby will begin. The mouse is selected among the list. In order to start synchronization, a special code specified in the use manual may be required. A small arrow will light up on the device screen, which indicates a successful connection. Further connection will be carried out automatically.

The above methods will be useful and when connecting the mouse to the tablet. Similar methods, if necessary, the keyboard connects. Wi-Fi is also used to connect. To do this, the presence of a radio module in both devices (mobile phone and computer mouse) is mandatory. The disadvantage of such a connection are quite complex settings, to cope with which it is not easy. Similar connection option is more suitable for printer.

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Modern mobile devices are able to replace the computer or laptop, due to their extended functionality. Additional connection of the computer mouse can significantly improve the performance of the smartphone. With the help of the mouse, you can work faster with important documents, carry out financial transactions or play your favorite games. Several tips and additional recommendations will help in independent connections.

How to install or reinstall drivers on Bluetooth

I have extensive experience in setting up and connecting access control systems (SKUD) and working time accounting systems. And also engage in configuration of servers, computers, jobs.I work in the engineer in the company “Technootka”.

If the mouse cursor does not move after it, you can try to disable and turn on the mouse again. You can also try to change the USB port on the laptop, in which the receiver is inserted (Dongle).

If it does not help, you need to contact the “Fault” heading of the manual supplied with the mouse to solve emerging problems.

If the mouse connects directly to the laptop, you can also try to reinstall the Bluetooth driver on it.

Open the “Control Panel” through the Start menu

In the “View” mode, set the category “Large icons”, we find and open the “Device Manager”

Click the right mouse on the module, select “Delete the device”

Select the “Bluetooth radio modulus” or simply “Bluetooth“, open the “Action” tab, click on the “Update Equipment Configuration”

On a note! The correct connection of the radio frequency mouse can also interfere with the installed anti-virus software that can be turned off at the time of its execution.

Mouse with Bluetooth inteeis

To connect a Bluetooth mouse on a laptop, a Bluetooth signal receive mode must be turned on. You can first check whether the Bluetooth module is present and whether it works normally (if you are sure that yes, the continuation of the paragraph can be skipped). Look at its condition in device manager. For example, for Windows 7, this is done in one of the following ways:

  • Right-click on the “Computer”, then “Properties”. In the left column, select Device Manager;
  • Click on the keyboard combination “WinR”, enter the command “Devmgmt.MSC »,” ENTER “.

connect, bluetooth, mouse, laptop, windows


Wireless type mouses are a convenient and mobile alternative to ordinary “tail” manipulators, however, that the result does not disappoint immediately after purchasing goods, it is better to give preference to models from well-known manufacturers, with good technical specifications.

When the mouse is selected, it is worth paying attention to the type of connection, which will predict the ability to synchronize the selected product with a personal computer device, as well as navigate the range.


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