Connect to any wifi apk

Android Q, programmatically connect to different WiFi AP for internet

As in Android Q, several WiFi APIs are restricted. I am trying to use alternate APIs to connect to different Wifi AP for internet. Below is my code :

 WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder builder = new WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder(); builder.setSsid("wifi-ap-ssid"); builder.setWpa2Passphrase("wifi-ap-password"); WifiNetworkSpecifier wifiNetworkSpecifier =; NetworkRequest.Builder networkRequestBuilder1 = new NetworkRequest.Builder(); networkRequestBuilder1.addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI); networkRequestBuilder1.setNetworkSpecifier(wifiNetworkSpecifier); NetworkRequest nr =; ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); cm.requestNetwork(nr, callback); 

This allows me to connect but Internet is disabled. This is working as defined in Android docs. Alternate way i tried is below :

 WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder wifiNetworkSuggestionBuilder1 = new WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder(); wifiNetworkSuggestionBuilder1.setSsid("wifi-ap-ssid"); wifiNetworkSuggestionBuilder1.setWpa2Passphrase("wifi-ap-password"); WifiNetworkSuggestion wifiNetworkSuggestion =; List list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(wifiNetworkSuggestion); wifiManager = (WifiManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); wifiManager.removeNetworkSuggestions(new ArrayList()); wifiManager.addNetworkSuggestions(list); 

Using this didn’t change anything in behavior. Please let know sequence of APIs to connect successfully to different Wifi AP with internet capability.

There is an open ticket with google regarding this. I would recommend you guys to comment and voice over this ticket as it would help get google’s attention.

@AnandKhinvasara : As, These APIs are not giving internet capability. I am displaying a popup for user to go to settings and connect to AP manually. Hope, this alternate way can work for your usecase.

5 Answers 5

Try calling bindProcessToNetwork() in onAvailable() callback to regain network connectivity, it works fine for me.

 WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder builder = new WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder(); builder.setSsid("wifi-ap-ssid"); builder.setWpa2Passphrase("wifi-ap-password"); WifiNetworkSpecifier wifiNetworkSpecifier =; NetworkRequest.Builder networkRequestBuilder1 = new NetworkRequest.Builder(); networkRequestBuilder1.addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI); networkRequestBuilder1.setNetworkSpecifier(wifiNetworkSpecifier); NetworkRequest nr =; ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback networkCallback = new ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() < @Override public void onAvailable(Network network) < super.onAvailable(network); Log.d(TAG, "onAvailable:" + network); cm.bindProcessToNetwork(network); >>); cm.requestNetwork(nr, networkCallback); 

Disconnect from the bound network:


WifiNetworkSuggestion API is used to suggest the user about joining an AP(System will post a notification for user to join)

Use WifiNetworkSpecifier to send your requests. Use the network object provided in onAvailable().

WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder builder = new WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder(); builder.setSsid("wifi-ap-ssid"); builder.setWpa2Passphrase("wifi-ap-password"); WifiNetworkSpecifier wifiNetworkSpecifier =; NetworkRequest.Builder networkRequestBuilder = new NetworkRequest.Builder(); networkRequestBuilder1.addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI); networkRequestBuilder1.setNetworkSpecifier(wifiNetworkSpecifier); NetworkRequest networkRequest =; ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); cm.requestNetwork(networkRequest, networkCallback); networkCallback = new ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() < @Override public void onAvailable(@NonNull Network network) < //Use this network object to Send request. //eg - Using OkHttp library to create a service request //Service is an OkHttp interface where we define docs. Please read OkHttp docs Service service = null; OkHttpClient.Builder okHttpBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder(); okHttpBuilder.socketFactory(network.getSocketFactory()); service = new Retrofit.Builder() .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJavaCallAdapterFactory.create()) .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create(gson)) .client( .build() .create(Service.class); Observableobservable = null; try < if (service != null) < observable = service.yourRestCall(); >Subscriber sub = new Subscriber< Object >() < @Override public void onError(Throwable e) < //Do on error >@Override public void onNext(Object logs) < //Do on next >>; if(observable != null) < observable.subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe(sub); >super.onAvailable(network); > >; 

After you are done using the Wifi access point do

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From Google’s Issue tracker by Google’s Engineer:

The network suggestions API flow requires the user to approve the app (platform posts a notification to ask user for approval). Once the app is approved, the platform will consider all networks from the app in future auto-connection attempts. But, this API does not give you guarantees on when the device will connect to your AP for provisioning. So, WifiNetworkSuggestion is not the right API surface for the provided use-case (peer to peer instant connectivity).

Using WifiNetworkSpecifier establishes a local connection to the wifi access point as mentioned above. The default network will still be cellular in this case (we don’t disrupt other app’s internet connectivity). The app making the request should use the multi-network API’s to route their traffic over the established connection. The |Network| object provided in the onAvailable() callback for the request is the handle that app needs to use for opening sockets over that local network (Look at and other such API’s available in the |Network| object surface.

With this code, I get the authorization window with the right AP . but when I press connect it does not work. Obtaining ip address then reconnection to the normal network. An idea ? Thank you

Hi, @Anand Khinvasara, would you be able to post the full code for this? I’m having a lot of problems with no internet when connecting programmatically. Thanks!

Ok So I have tried the WifiNetworkSpecifier . I have this issue that when a network is selected the device wont connect to the network ,I have tried the documentation code too , is there a solution for local networks without internet connection

As stated here, Android 10 made it intentionally so that the WifiNetworkSpecifier prevents actual internet connectivity. It is meant for peer to peer connections.

The WifiNetworkSuggestion API, however, provides internet connectivity and behaves similarly to the WifiNetworkSpecifier API. As long as the device is not currently connected to any Wifi network, the WifiNetworkSuggestion API will automatically connect to the specified network. The first time a device uses it, a notification will appear asking if the app can suggest networks. The user must accept this notification for the WifiNetworkSuggestion API to work.

I found that Android’s provided code in the WifiNetworkSuggestion documentation had a few compile errors. Here is the code that I found to work:

final WifiNetworkSuggestion suggestion1 = new WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder() .setSsid("SSID here") .setWpa2Passphrase("password here") .setIsAppInteractionRequired(true) // Optional (Needs location permission) .build(); // Optional extra suggesstion, you can delete this or add more final WifiNetworkSuggestion suggestion2 = new WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder() .setSsid("SSID here 2") .setWpa2Passphrase("password here 2") .setIsAppInteractionRequired(true) // Optional (Needs location permission) .build(); final List suggestionsList = new ArrayList(); suggestionsList.add(suggestion1); suggestionsList.add(suggestion2); // Optional extra suggestion final WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); final int status = wifiManager.addNetworkSuggestions(suggestionsList); if (status != WifiManager.STATUS_NETWORK_SUGGESTIONS_SUCCESS) < // Error handling >final IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(WifiManager.ACTION_WIFI_NETWORK_SUGGESTION_POST_CONNECTION); final BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() < @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) < if (!intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.ACTION_WIFI_NETWORK_SUGGESTION_POST_CONNECTION)) < return; >// Post connection > >; getApplicationContext().registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, intentFilter); 


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WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2

WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2. Скриншот 1 WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2. Скриншот 2 WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2. Скриншот 3 WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2. Скриншот 4 WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2. Скриншот 5 WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2. Скриншот 6 WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2. Скриншот 7 WiFi Connection Manager 1.7.2. Скриншот 8

WiFi Connection Manager — это лучший Wi-Fi сканер и менеджер соединений на платформе Android.

  1. Поддержка SSID точек доступа со специальными знаками, такими, как в китайском, японском, корейском, греческом, русском, арабском, португальском языках, Юникод и т.д.
  2. Показ сохраненных паролей сети (необходим рут-доступ)
  3. Устранение проблем Wi-Fi на устройстве.
  4. Мгновенное соединение. Сразу после поиска устанавливается соединение. Быстрее, чем встроенный системный Wi-Fi сканер.
  5. Поддержка настроек статичного IP. Автоматическое переключение между разными точками доступа.
  6. Переключение между доступными сетями, устранение проблем конфликта сетей.
  7. Добавление/соединение с некоторыми скрытыми сетями SSID (зависит от устройства и условий сети).
  8. Ручное добавление сети, с поддержкой сетей, зашифрованных EAP/LEAP.
  9. Приостановка сканирования, подходит для обзора большого количества результатов.
  10. Много детальной информации о сети, полосе частот, канале и типе сети.
  11. Автообнаружение веб-проверки подлинности.
  12. Резервное копирование/восстановление сохраненных сетей.
  13. Добавление/общий доступ для сетей Wi-Fi с QR-кодом.
  14. Установка приоритета соединения сети.
  15. Поддержка WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) для устройств на Андроид 4.0 и выше.
  16. Автоматическое переключение между сохранённым сетями, когда сигнал не является идеальным.


WIFI Auto Connect — automatic wifi connection

управлять автоматической активацией и деактивацией Wi-Fi для экономии заряда батареи

Последняя версия

App APKs

WIFI Auto Connect — automatic wifi connection APP

wifi auto connect disable your WiFi Radio when you don’t need it and thereby lowers the battery consumption.
With the Wi-Fi Auto Connect app, the WiFi connects, when the device is charged, the WiFi connects when the user launches the applications that require internet. WiFi will be automatically disabled when device goes out of WIFI range and WiFi is not required by apps.
if you use wifi there is many things which run in the background which is not necessary at all and it will consume your battery and Internet Data.
Wi-Fi Auto Reconnect app help you increase the standby time of your device. It can regularly scan for available networks to connect to and re-disable WiFi if no suitable network is found. This way, you are always connected to your WiFi network when using the device.
WiFi Automatic connect is a very good tool to automatically turn on Wi-Fi when the screen is unlocked and automatically turn off Wi-Fi when the screen is locked.
One of the best apps for Wi-Fi Auto-connect when it’s not needs turn off when need again turn on all the process do automatically via this best auto wifi app.
as we know wifi consume the battery power very fast so it’s better to turn off your wifi in case of you not need it. and also, with the help of Wi-Fi Hotspot Auto connect app you can save a lot of data usage.
More Option available to turn on / off wifi automatically:
— you can configure the delay of turning off the WiFi when locking the screen
— you can declare in the task schedule the date of turning the WiFi on or off
— Best Wifi tool to control your wifi automatically. Go to Setting Page and set your own type of settings
— Check your wifi connection details
— Who Use My WiFi: User & MAC Address Details?
— Router Info
— increase the standby time of your device.
This application helps Wi-Fi auto-connect settings
— Auto-connect to Wi-Fi as soon as it’s available
helps you connect and stop WiFi connection,
● Turn on WiFi:
Every x minutes
When screen is on
Every day at x hour
When charging battery (Connected to charger)
Turn off WiFi:
When Screen Off in x minutes
Every day at x hour
Not connected to any network
Stop charging battery (disconnect charger)
N.B: If the app doesn’t work please turn off power saving for it and allow auto start in app info this app.

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