- How to Convert Linux Text File to Windows — Linux File Conversion
- How to convert a linux executable file (binary) to windows exe file?
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- convert linux files to windows 11 files
- Convert Linux Text File to Windows — Converting Linux Files User Guide
- Kate
- Command Line (todos/fromdos)
- Conclusion
How to Convert Linux Text File to Windows — Linux File Conversion
Some months ago, I had emailed the final edits for some web content to the designer, when he anxiously wrote back that he couldn’t read the text files I had sent. As the deadline was fast approaching we did some frantic digging to realize he was using Windows Notepad and I had written them on my Linux box. Strange, I thought, text files are as basic as you can get. Aren’t they all the same?
Different Line Endings
For text files, the difference between operating systems is the character used to mark the end of each line. Unix and Linux use LF (Line Feed) and DOS/ Windows use CR/LF (Carriage Return/ Line Feed). A quick way to see the type of line endings is to open a terminal and use the File command. If File reports “ASCII text” then the line endings are Unix. Instead, if it says, “with CRLF line terminators,” then the file is ready for Windows. Many Linux text editors can edit either, but that’s not always the case with Windows editors. Luckily, if you use Linux, it’s easy to change the endings.
GUI Text Editors
Two popular Linux text editors have the built-in ability to change line endings. Unfortunately, the bundled GNOME editor in Ubuntu, gedit, does not have this. Instead, try Geany, a small GTK programmer’s and text editor. To install Geany, open up a terminal and type: “sudo apt-get install geany”. Choose your desired line ending from the the Document Menu. Then save. For those who prefer KDE, the bundled editor, Kate, has the same function under the Tools menu.
Terminal Line Ending Converts
There are also Linux command line applications to convert text files. These are useful for batches of files or if you only have to make this conversion occasionally. The first is Tofrodos. To install in Ubuntu or similar, open a terminal and “type sudo apt-get install tofrodos”. The only dependency is libc6 which most likely is already installed.
Using Tofrodos is simple using the two aliased commands. To change a file from Unix to DOS, type “todos [filename]”. To change a file from DOS to Unix, type “fromdos [filename]”. The program works with pipes and accepts multiple file names and wild cards. For instance, typing “todos s*” would convert to DOS line endings all files in the current directory starting with “s”.
Tofrodos also has some useful options. To make a backup of the file before converting, use -b. If the file is read only and write permission is not granted, using the -f will still make the conversion. Unfortunately, there isn’t a recursive option, so without using other utilities, the files in each directory must be changed one at a time.
Another similar command line app is Flip. Using it is also simple, “flip -u [filename]” changes files to Unix, and “flip -m [filename]” converts the file to DOS. Like Tofrodos, Flip accepts multiple files and file name wild-cards. Install Flip in Ubuntu by typing “sudo apt-get install flip”. It has the same dependency as tofrodos.
Wanting to convert Linux text files to Windows? Tolga Balci discusses how this is done using the Kate editor of KDE, or simply via the Command Line.
How to convert a linux executable file (binary) to windows exe file?
Is there any way to convert a Linux binary file to windows exe file? For example if in Linux create a very simple binary file like this:
echo "main()" >> main.c gcc main.c -o main
Although technically possible, would be insanely complicated, headers change, change all dynamically linked libraries etc. What are your requirements?
thanks alot, i know that it is not too easy, but assume we have a simple binary file like «main» as i mentioned above how can i convert it to a windows exe file?
@Mojtaba In your place I looked for a runtime binary emulator, and tried to link it statically with the linux binary. It will be slow and dirty, but this is how you can get what you wanted with the smallest possible development effort.
4 Answers 4
You can not convert a linux executeable into a windows executeable. But you can compile the source with cross-compiler.
sudo apt-get install mingw32 i586-mingw32msvc-cc main.c -o main.exe
thanks alot i know tha it is not too easy but assume we have a simple binary file like «main» as i mention a bove how can i convert tis to an exe file
If you only have an linux executable file and no chance to access the source code of that binary you can only use cygwin in windows to execute the program. A conversion is not possible due to the compiler binds the systemcalls (like consoleoutput) to the system in which the program was compiled. in your case the program was compiled in linux so the mashinecode calls the linux systemcalls. you have no chance to convert it to a windows exe
Cygwin emulates a linux enviroment on the windows mashine, it does not convert the binary. Cygwin starts the binary in a sandbox so that the program can find the needed libraries and «endpoints» for the system calls.
If you had some incredibly simple program (such as ‘int main() < return 0; >‘), would that be feasible to port just from the binary?
@Kevin No, Direct conversation is not possible. Maybe you can try to decompile the excecutable in the source language and recompile it on you target platform. I do not know if this works.
There are no means to convert the binary.
- Recompile for other platform, but this requires the source (and cross-platform support in the source or the used libraries must be available on the other platform as well). cygwin / mingw , for example, can help providing the required support/libraries.
- wine could be used to run Windows binaries on Linux (but not the other way around)
@veger Cygwin cannot run Linux binaries — see its home page: «Cygwin is not: a way to run native Linux apps on Windows. You must rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows.»
If you have the lastest windows 10. Just install linux subsystem in the appstore. you can run whatever linux binary in windows you want
If you need to run your code/app/program in linux/mac/windows under another OS (linux to win or reverse exc..) but you don’t want to use virtual machines or wsl systems you can use docker. Here is link: https://www.docker.com But you will need to learn first. What Is Docker? Docker is similar in concept to Virtual Machines, except it’s much more lightweight. Instead of running an entire separate operating system (which is a massive overhead), Docker runs containers, which use the same host operating system, and only virtualize at a software level
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Thread: convert linux files to windows 11 files
Dipped in Ubuntu
convert linux files to windows 11 files
Some years ago I set up an Ubuntu-Mate computer for my wife, hoping to provide her with as much native protection from scammers, etc as possible. She has been happily using it, but for a good reason (employer related) I continued to use Windows (now 11).
It is time to replace her aging computer and she wants to convert back to Windows before I kick the bucket (hopefully not any time soon). Lots of good reasons for her to do so, including that my recollection of linux has faded in my aging (80 year old) brain. Of course we must transfer her entire linux personal files to the new computer.
I remember enough about linux to expect that file permissions will be a problem unless the transfer is done properly. However, I never understood file permissions and have no idea how to prepare them for permanent use on her new windows computer, which we have not bought yet.
Keeping in mind that I am still very much a noobie, how might I go about transferring her linux files to the new computer. Step by step please and if possible avoiding the command line as I remember very little about how to use it. If the command line is required, it will definitely need to be line by line.
Your kindness in assisting with this will be greatly appreciated.
Convert Linux Text File to Windows — Converting Linux Files User Guide
Windows and Linux handle text files differently in terms of line breaks. Windows uses (invisible) \r \n characters (carriage return and newline) to represent where the line ends and a new line starts, however, Linux (and all Unices) use \n character for the same purpose. This is the point which makes Linux-created text files look garbled in Microsoft Windows.
There are of course several ways to convert Linux text files to Windows. Intermediate/advanced users may find using sed or awk a perfect tool to convert the files, but in this article I will go with easier solutions.
KDE’s text editor, Kate, has built-in functions to save the text file in Windows format. To do this, open your text file in Kate, go to Tools → End of Line → Windows/DOS. Kate will automatically change all the line breaks and you will be able to save your file in a Windows-proof format.
If you are carrying text files between Linux and Windows computers frequently, then doing the above may not be your perfect solution. In this case, I recommend telling Kate to save the line breaks as Windows/DOS compliant for every file. Go to Settings → Configure Kate and on the left pane under the “Editor Component” part select “Open/Save” option. In the right pane, select “DOS/Windows” as the “End of Line” and un-tick the “Automatic end of line detection.” Click “Apply” and then “OK” to exit.
If you are using Gnome or any other window manager, you can use Kate without any problems.
Command Line (todos/fromdos)
todos and fromdos are powerful Linux command line tools that take the filename as their arguments and change the file to DOS format. Both programs are installed together with the tofrodos (or tofromdos) packages; just use your distribution’s package manager.
For our purposes, we will use the todos program. Open up a terminal, change your directory to where your text file is (let’s say your text file is named text_file.) Issuing a todos -b text_file command will change all the line breaks in the text_file and make it compliant with Windows environments. To convert it back to Linux format, you can issue fromdos -b text_file. The -b option tells the command to make a backup of the file, so if something goes wrong or you want to revert to the original, you have it readily available. The backed up file has a .bak extension. But I do not think you should worry about this because Linux reads Windows text files without any problems.
Handling text files differently has something to do with how the operating system is designed, not a flaw. And it is very easy to deal with as we have discussed. As a BrightHub Tip, if you are helpless and have a file that Windows Notepad shows garbled, open it Wordpad. Wordpad handles Linux text files without problems.
If you want to learn more about the Linux text files and find resources to help you convert Linux files for Windows, then take a look at this article by Rob Dubas, titled ‘All Text Files Aren’t the Same! How to Easily Convert Linux Files to Windows’