Copy windows folder to linux

SCP copy windows local file to linux remote folder

Or you can use WinSCP, you’ll probably find that simpler.

The best way to copy files from Windows to Linux using the command line is through pscp. It is very easy and secure. For pscp to work on your windows machine, you need it add its executable to your systems path. Once it is done, you can use the following format to copy the file.

pscp -pw password D:\test.txt user@ 

You can refer the following blog post for more information on pscp setup.

To improve your answer, I suggest you include some relevant quotes / summary in your answer . (leaving the hyperlink in it is fie, eg for those who want more background info, etc)

Assuming you are on Windows, best way is to download and install cygwin. Get the path to the binary folder and add it to the system path. You can now run Linux commands on your command line.

Open the command prompt and go to the directory where your file is that you want to copy. Run the following command;

  • scp — secure copy command
  • file.txt — file you want to copy
  • root — username used to log onto CentOS machine
  • — IP address of CentOS machine. Needless to say your Windows machine and the CentOS machine have to be able to communicate with one another
  • :/opt — This is the directory with which you save the file to, I generally save everything to the /opt directory
  • Don’t forget the @ between the username and IP Address and the : between the IP Address and directory you are saving the file to

If you need a key to login into the server, enter the following;

scp key.pem file.txt root@ 

For handiness sake I just copy the file I want to copy across to the key file directory, that way you know everything will run smoothly


How To Copy Files From a Windows PC to Linux

Most home users have a dual-boot system that can boot from Linux, such as Ubuntu, or startup with Windows. This scenario, by far, is the easiest method to transfer files from Windows to Linux. However, others (business or personal) have Linux on another computer or laptop and need to copy files to that Linux system, which is a little more complex.

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How To Copy Files From a Windows PC to Linux

Although copying files from one program to another is relatively straightforward, you still need to learn how to do it properly. Keep reading to learn how to transfer files from Windows to Linux.

Five Ways to Transfer Files from Windows to Linux

Moving your files from one operating system to another means choosing the best option based on your current situation. Here are five methods you can choose from.

  • Use a Linux File Browser like Nautilus to copy files on PCs with both operating systems.
  • Use the Linux virtual machine on a Windows PC to copy files.
  • Use an external network communication service (SSH or Secure Shell) for two networked PCs.
  • Use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for internet transfers to a remote PC.
  • Use sync software for copying to a remote or locally networked Linux PC.

Find out the details for each method in the sections below.

Copy Data From a Windows PC to Linux Using Nautilus

The easiest, most straightforward method to copy data from Windows to Linux involves using a Linux file browser like Nautilus. You can’t use Windows Explorer or any other Windows file browser because the OS cannot read Linux partitions, but Linux can read Windows partitions.

Here’s how to use Nautilus in Ubuntu to copy/paste files from Windows partitions.

  1. Launch the “Nautilus” file browser.
  2. Browse the Windows partitions for the files you want to copy to Linux (Ubuntu in this example).
  3. Select the files, right-click, and choose “Copy” or “Copy To.”
  4. Navigate to the desired location in Ubuntu.
  5. Right-click in open area and choose “Paste” (or ctrl + V) or click the “Select” button in the top right section when using “Copy to.”

As you can see above, the process is simple for PCs with both operating systems.

Note: Permissions can affect what files are copyable from Windows. Since the OS is offline, you can change permissions temporarily using Linux, but do so at your own risk. However, most personal files are found in accessible folders and locations.

Copy Data From a Windows PC to Linux With a Linux Virtual Machine

Using a virtual machine to run Linux in Windows is a clever way to copy your files. It is more complex than using Nautilus in Linux yet easier than other configurations. This allows you to run the other system in an app window and use it as a different computer.

How to Set Up the VirtualBox Platform on Windows

  1. Install the VirtualBox Guest Additions platform.
  2. Choose “Headless Start” after clicking on “Start” (the green arrow icon).
  3. Find the “Shared Folders” in the “Settings.”
  4. Select the “Machine Folders” option.
  5. Add a shared folder by clicking the “+” symbol in the window’s top right corner.
  6. Choose the “Folder Path” from the directory and name.
  7. Ensure that the shared folder is available when you run the VM. To achieve this, check the “Auto-mount” box before confirming your choices.
  8. Click the “OK” button.
  9. Reboot your “Virtual Machine” system, and the setup will be ready for action.

You can copy your files between the host PC (Windows) and the virtual guest system (Linux) or vice versa.

Copy Data From a Windows PC to Linux Using SSH

Secure Shell (SSH) is a specific network protocol that offers users safe access to a different device. Therefore, your first step with this method is to enable SSH on your Linux PC. Once you do this, you can copy your files through the command line from Windows to Linux.

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How to Set Up an SSH Server on Linux

  1. You will need to open a terminal and update your operating system.
  2. Install the SSH server through the OpenSSH server. This server allows you to eliminate all potential threats to your data. Type “ sudo apt install -y openssh-server ” without quotes into the Terminal.
  3. While waiting for the SSH server to finish the installation, you can ensure that the OpenSSH server runs appropriately using the Sudo service SSH status.
  4. Install an SSH client such as PuTTY. This entirely free file transfer application is used between different networks, but it can’t function without the PuTTY Secure Copy Client (PSCP) tool.
  5. Download and save the pcp.exe file on your Windows C:\ drive.
  6. Copy your files from Windows to Linux with the following code (adjust to your needs):
    c:\pscp c: ome\path\to\a\file.txt [email protected]:\home\user
    ome\path ewname.txt

Note: You must input your Linux computer password before the file transfer begins.

Copy Data From a Windows PC to Linux With FTP

  1. Run the “FileZilla” application in Windows.
  2. Open the “Site Manager.”
  3. Create a “New Site.”
  4. Change to the “SFTP” protocol.
  5. Input the target IP address into the “Host” section.
  6. Add your username and password for the host.
  7. Switch to “Normal” for the “Logon” type.
  8. Press “Connect.”

After following the above steps, you can use the FTP application to move your files from one server to another.

Copy Data From a Windows PC to Linux With Sync Software

Another option is using a file synching program to copy your files from Windows to Linux. Usually, these programs manage the connection between two devices or systems via an encrypted key. There are two great apps you can use for this method:

  • Resilio Sync – Although this app offers a paid version, the free option will do the job.
  • SyncThing – This app offers the same services as the previous one but is 100% free.

Whether you choose the first or the second option, the way they work is the same. After you install your desired app on Windows and choose a syncing folder, you can create the necessary key. As you set it up on Linux, your data will begin to sync between the two systems.

In closing, maintaining an open mind is essential to learning how to copy files from a Windows PC to Linux. If you’re unfamiliar with one of the two operating systems, learning how to manage file transfer between the two will take some time.

One of the best ways to transfer your files is to try all the methods above to rule out the ones that don’t work for you and find the ones you love. Eventually, you can streamline the process using the most suitable option.


Copy Files From Windows to Linux Using PowerShell

Copy Files From Windows to Linux Using PowerShell

  1. Use scp Command to Copy Files From Windows to Linux in PowerShell
  2. Use pscp Command to Copy Files From Windows to Linux in PowerShell
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The SSH (Secure Shell) is introduced in PowerShell 6.0. It helps create and establish a PowerShell session remoting between two hosts to share data.

The best part of SSH-based remoting in PowerShell is that it allows remoting between Windows and Linux computers. The SSH should be installed and configured on both local and remote computers.

This tutorial will teach you to copy files from Windows to Linux machine using PowerShell.

Use scp Command to Copy Files From Windows to Linux in PowerShell

The scp is a command-line tool to copy files or folders between hosts on a network. It uses the SSH protocol for securely transferring data from one computer to another.

The following command copies the test.txt file from the Windows computer to the Linux computer. It copies test.txt from the current directory to the /home/delftstack directory of the Ubuntu system.

scp test.txt delftstack@ubuntu-PC:/home/delftstack/ 

It will prompt you to enter the user password of the specified remote computer.

delftstack@ubuntu-pc's password: test.txt 100% 960 961.6KB/s 00:00 

The above output shows that the test.txt file is successfully copied from Windows to the Ubuntu system.

You have to use the -r flag to copy the entire folder. This command copies the folder C:\New\complex and its content to a remote computer in the directory /home/delftstack/ .

scp -r C:\New\complex delftstack@ubuntu-PC:/home/delftstack/ 
delftstack@ubuntu-pc's password: formula.png 100% 32KB 16.2MB/s 00:00 modules.png 100% 54KB 26.6MB/s 00:00 output paper.png 100% 186KB 62.1MB/s 00:00 report.docx 100% 1604KB 69.9MB/s 00:00 sample output.png 100% 67KB 33.2MB/s 00:00 

The scp command is an easy and quick way to transfer files and folders from the local computer to the remote computer.

Use pscp Command to Copy Files From Windows to Linux in PowerShell

pscp is an alternative tool for SCP. It is a similar tool used for transferring files securely between computers using an SSH connection.

It can be used after installing PuTTY on the computer. Go to this page and download the latest version of PuTTY on your system.

After installing the PuTTY , you should be able to use the pscp command in PowerShell. The following example uses the pscp command to copy the styles.csv file to the remote directory /home/delftstack/New Folder .

pscp styles.csv delftstack@ubuntu-PC:"/home/delftstack/New Folder" 
delftstack@ubuntu-PC's password: styles.csv | 4273 kB | 4273.1 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100% 

Use the -r flag to copy the entire directory to the remote computer.

pscp -r C:\record delftstack@ubuntu-PC:/home/delftstack/ 
delftstack@ubuntu-PC's password: AI.png | 380 kB | 380.2 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100% aireport.docx | 1534 kB | 1534.3 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100% python_mcq.pdf.pdf | 2590 kB | 2590.1 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100% weatherHistory.csv | 5254 kB | 5254.5 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100% 

In this article, you have learned two methods for copying files and folders from Windows to Linux computers. You should know how to transfer files between Windows and Linux systems using PowerShell.

Rohan is a learner, problem solver, and web developer. He loves to write and share his understanding.


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