Cpp to exe linux

How to compile a .cpp file into a Windows executable (.exe) file in Linux

I make this program in C++ using Code::Blocks on Ubuntu. I need to turn it into a Windows executable binary (.exe file), but I don’t know how to do this. Is it possible?

I want to create a .exe file because the program will be tested on Windows. I just hate Windows so I don’t use it.

@user69514: Now that’s a very different question from what I thought you asked. I’ve slightly changed the question to reflect this.

4 Answers 4

If you meant, compiling an executable for Windows on Linux you might find some pointers on how to do that here.

Both the MinGW32 distribution of GCC and Wine should be available for your distribution.

MinGW has instructions and winegcc wraps a similar compiler that comes with the Wine distribution.

I’ve used both to compile both applications and libraries for Windows.

You could read here on how to compile wxWidget applications on Linux for Windows using Code::Blocks.

This is a fairly unusual question. What you’re asking is that you want to develop on Ubuntu, but the target platform is Windows?

My guess is that you have an assignment to turn in. My belief is that you should go to a lab and compile it and make sure it’s working.

However, doing some research, you should try mingw at http://www.mingw.org/


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how to build executable file for cpp programm

You don’t need GCC on client, but you must compile for the target architecture and OS on the client. Executables are not in general portable between platforms, you have to rebuild for each target.

4 Answers 4

You are trying to compile a Windows PE file on a Linux environment?

If so, you will need the mingW tool-chaining

See here http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/ (But since the mingw-w64 project on sourceforge.net is moving to mingw-w64.org i suggest also to check mingw-w64.org)

The Windows and Linux runtimes are different. You will need to recompile your code on your target architecture. If you compiled your code on one linux distro, there’s a chance that you may be able to run it on another, given there are no library conflicts, and that the architecture is the same. You can use the -static flag to avoid possible issues with shared libraries. A cross-compiler toolchain is what you need if you have to compile your code on one machine that targets another machine. To give a small example, if you wanted your code to run on an embedded system, you would need to port OS-specific functions using something like newlib. Because Linux distros all use the same kernel, this is not an issue. Clearly, though, Windows and Linux are completely different.

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Answer to #1. No. But the target platform needs the same (or compatible) dynamic libraries the application expects. If in doubt, compile it with static link. It may help you on running the same code on different Linux distros.

gcc -static -o your_exe_file test.cpp

Answer to #2. Several options:

  • Write portable code and compile it with a C compiler for every platform you want to deploy to. You will end up with three executables: one for Linux, another for Windows, and another one for OS X.
  • Release the source code and let the user to do the compiling stuff.
  • Use a language such as Java, Python, C# or any other that doesn’t need a recompilation to run on several platforms.

Use g++ to compile a C++ sources (gcc is for plain C and doesn’t include C++ standard library).
If you want to use gcc (strongly discouraged), then link the source file against the standard C++ library.

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How to generate a C++ executable file on Clion (using Ubuntu)

I’m currently learning C++ and I’m working on a small project. I was wondering how I can generate an executable of my project. I’m not sure how to do it, I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 I’ve googled it but I can not find any instructions on how to do it.

I find it exceptionally hard to believe that what you are looking for would be missing from the Clion documentation. Perhaps if you expanded on precisely where the instructions seem to be breaking down for you we could target and kill your problem. Otherwise, «Is the computer plugged in?»

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3 Answers 3

Well. If you are using CLion, you can just create a new project, and check the CMake file that CLion generate. Something like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20) project(Test) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) add_executable(Test main.cpp) 

And in that file there was a line with a function called add_executable, in that function you set first the exe name and then the source files. And just run the project in CLion. By default CLion create a directory calle «cmake-build-debug» where the exe file are located.

If you want to add more libraries, change the binaries source directory and more. You will need learn CMake. Also you can use CMake standalone whiteout CLion, you just need install it sudo apt-get install cmake and use then in the terminal.

Please provide additional details in your answer. As it’s currently written, it’s hard to understand your solution.

Expanding over @Steback’s answer:

First, a clarification: an executable file is a file that can be executed by the system. It (roughly) contains assembly commands. Under Windows executable files are marked with an .exe extension. Under linux, they are usually extension-less.

To generate an executable file from C / C++ code you («only») need a C/C++ compiler. A default / pre-installed one on Ubuntu is gcc / g++ (whereas on Windows you need to actively install one).

CLion is an IDE and (exactly like any other IDE) can run the compiler for you. IDE (stands for Integrated Development Environment) is a program which incorporates (minimally) a text/code editor, a compiler and a debugger (all of which it invokes normally via command line, just as you can do yourself).

CLion is an advanced (and excellent) IDE. In CLion, the way you specify how exactly it should invoke the compiler is via the CMake language (not to be confused with the unix tool make which chiefly only knows to run commands conditionally on file modified date).

CMake code should be placed in a file named CMakeLists.txt in the project root directory (sometimes CLion creates this file for you automatically). A minimal cmake project looks like

# Specify cmake language version to use for this file cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) # Specify any name for the project project(NameYourProject) # A name for your executable file and the code files needed to build it add_executable(YourExecutableName source_file1.cpp somefolder/source_file2.cpp header_file.h) 

Of course this is just a very minimal example. The CMake language is a powerful language to specify build processes, with cross-platform support. You can look it up / learn it someday.

When giving the «build» command to CLion it will now do two things:

  1. use the cmake tool to generate a set of commands for gcc / g++ (this is called «cmake configure» + «cmake generate») — according to what you wrote in CMakeLists.txt
  2. run the generated commands to hopefully build your executable.
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As a beginner, you may be better off first trying to run the compiler yourself via the command line to see what it does. You can also opt for a different IDE (e.g. CodeBlocks, eclipse, Dev C++) where you specify what you need the compiler to do via a GUI and not via CMake (although CMake is arguably more convenient).


Как проебразовать .py и .cpp в .exe?

Всем привет. Тут написал пару простых консольных программ на c++ и python в командной строке ubuntu (калькулятор и определение возраста). Теперь у меня такой вопрос, как мне сделать так чтоб эти программы запускались с рабочего стола с расширением exe? Есть ещё среда программирования qt creator, и я знаю, что он может преобразовать файлы с расширением .cpp автоматически, a вот на .py у меня не получается проебразовать. Может как можно это настроить в qt creator? Но я больше заинтересован в командной строке это делать.

Если надо собрать программу в Ubuntu, чтоб работала в Windows, то можно кросскомпилятором воспользоваться.

sudo apt update -y sudo apt install -y mingw-w64

А дальше уже использовать его, чтобы собрать под Windows из Ubuntu.


В случае C++ тебе нужен компилятор.
Раз у тебя винда, то тебе нужна Visual Studio или MSVC Build tools. Когда будешь устанавливать, не забудь поставить Галку на разработке приложений для Windows

В случае питона тебе нужен какой-нибудь pyautoexe или pyinstaller

PS: Qt Creator не умеет «автоматически преобразовывать cpp в exe» — она умеет только вызывать компилятор с соответствующими параметрами

Благодалю за отклик.
компилятор в С++ ты имеешь ввиду что запустить так: g++ test.cpp -o test.exe.
Но test.exe у меня не запускается потом.
Нет. Работаю я в кали линуксе. просто хочу чтобы люди потом смогли запустить мою программу в винде с exe файлом. поэтому visual studio и MSVC Build tool не пользуюсь. Но есть у меня QT creator. и он кстати в папке bulder собрал мне exe файл.
Насчет питона. пробовал я команды pyautoexe или pyinstaller. pyinstaller мне вообще не показал exe файл. только показал мне exe.pkg. а pyautoexe запускал, в линуксе вывел мне exe файл. но когда я этот файл перетащил виндоус для проверки. вывел ошибку.

David It, советую поставить виртуалку с виндой для начала. Кросс-компиляция на плюсах для человека, поверхностно представляющего компиляцию как таковую будет полна фрустрации.
Потому как помимо компиляции как таковой, не менее важен процесс линковки — а тут начинаются сложности, какие у вас зависимости, где их брать, как в принципе поставлять приложение.
Так что лучший выбор — две машины под виндой, на одной средства сборки, на другой «ничего» — там собственно будете проверять что требует ваша прога для запуска.


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