Cracking wifi with ios

Как взломать Wi-Fi на Айфоне: все о яблочных хацкерах


Привет! В этой статье мы поговорим о том, как взломать Wi-Fi с iPhone. Актуальные методы и варианты для этой закрытой операционной системой, изначально не предназначенной для проведения полноценного пентеста. Что можно выжать из нее сейчас, читаем ниже.

Внимание! Наш портал WiFiGid и его автор Ботан не пропагандируют взломы, особенно чужих сетей. Статья написана исключительно в образовательных целях для повышения знаний в сфере личной информационной безопасности. Берегите себя и своих близких, не вредите другим!

Мой вердикт

Проводить полноценный взлом сети с использование iOS на текущий день нельзя. Если верите в другое – вам в битву экстрасенсов.

Почему такие выводы? Тут даже проблема не столько в количестве утилит, но сама методика современного пентеста больше уходит в производственные мощности, которых у смартфонов нет. Какой бы XXS у вас там не был – он все равно слабее десктопных видеокарт. Так что забыли, и поплакали. А тем, кто не может остановиться, даю 2 фактора утешения.

Фактор 1. Пользователи Android телефонов тоже плачут. Там ситуация по приложениям чуть лучше, но эффективность тоже на уровне нуля.

Фактор 2. Все-таки можно попытаться найти какие-то пароли, и ниже я дам несколько работающих приложений.

Нашли новый софт в официальном маркете? Поделитесь им в комментариях. Будет интересно проверить новые возможности iPhone.


Выше я уже написал, что тяжелые атаки на перебор реализовать на телефоне невозможно. Поэтому остаются нам программы следующих категорий:

  1. Открытые соцсети с паролями.
  2. Прототипы работы с WEP.
  3. Использование стандартных паролей и WPS кодов.

Все это относительно просто реализовать в iOS. С перехватом Хэндшейка сложнее, но под Джейлбрейком такое приходилось наблюдать. Но даже так – актуальных программ из-за закрытости системы очень мало, что-то годное вряд ли найдете.

Работающие программы для взлома:

  • iWEP Pro – перебирает пароли для уже устаревших WEP сетей (тогда это было еще возможно). Пробует какие-то аудиты уязвимости, перебор по стандартным паролям, словари.

Как взломать Wi-Fi на Айфоне: все о яблочных хацкерах

  • Aircrack – швейцарский нож на пути к беспроводным сетям. Есть сборки и варианты установки и на iOS. Но о полноценном использовании на полную катушку можно забыть.
  • NetworkList – показывает пароли к ранее сохраненным на телефоне сетям. Не взлом, но для тех, кто забыл пароль, подойдет.
  • Wi-Fi Map – это карта, где люди делятся найденными паролями к Wi-Fi точкам доступа. То есть можно открыть, посмотреть ближайшую, пойти к ней и подключиться. Особенно актуально к густонаселенным регионам мира.

  • Pirni Pro – еще одна программа на Айфоне со времен, когда по Земле ходили динозавры. Суть – при наличии подключения может перехватывать трафик и сохранять его в pcap файлы, которые вполне годны для дальнейшего анализа и извлечения оттуда всяких полезностей, вроде нешифрованных паролей пользователей. Эдакий доисторический Intercepter.

Ищущим WiFi Warden на iOS – такого не существует.

Для справки – интересно

Немного не по теме, но для справки. Сама iOS, как мы убедились, далеко не годна к проведению пентеста. Но в далеком 2013м году в создании точки доступа на iOS была найдена уязвимость. Конечно, ее сейчас уже закрыли, но факт остается – даже в простой генерации она умудрялась брать пароль из подготовленного словаря из 1842 слов (игра Scrabble – кроссворд с открытым исходным словом).

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А по ограниченному словарю атака проводилась в полпинка – взлом такой сети занимал не более 50 секунд. Сейчас такое уже можно встретить очень редко, времена словарных атак на прямом подключении прошли. Остается одно – переходить на производительные десктопы и наращивать мощности. Айфоны сложно применять в этой среде. Поэтому предлагаю на хорошей ноте отказаться от этой идеи, закрыть этот сайт и пойти поспать. Хорошего дня вам!


What are the best apps to hack WiFi on iPhone or iPad? Step by step guide

What are the best apps to hack WiFi on iPhone or iPad? Step by step guide

If we would have to analyze the different application stores that exist in the world of technology, we would realize that the vast majority of software developments belong to those dedicated to decrypting WiFi passwords >.

This happens, perhaps, because of the curiosity generated by knowing what the person living near us put in password, or maybe many applications are downloaded because of our fantasy of wanting to be a hacker and in a In the future we could enter large databases, for example.

This theme has many myths and many truths . In this article we will show you what is really true of the applications to hack WiFi passwords, we will inform you of the risks that we run and the different apps that exist so you can download them.

How do applications work to decrypt WiFi network passwords?

Cómo funcionan las aplicaciones para descifrar contraseñas de redes WiFi

We often find applications that are dedicated in a magical way to find WiFi passwords . When we install them we realize that they start working not as well as they had promised us.

These applications work for those routers with WPS (English “WiFi Protected Setup” ), which work with a security mechanism to access them with 8-digit codes. There are other ways to connect, but here we will analyze the “WPS PIN” and also the “WEP PIN” and “WPA PIN” .

With this system of digits it was possible to avoid entering long passwords and to be able to access the WiFi network in an easier way.

The applications that we download from different stores work by trying to connect to the router through that 8-digit pin , for which they perform a “mass attack” by entering according to the router brand that detected different preset PINs.

Obviously, the code is not always correct and if the router changed security it will be virtually impossible to access.

Is it really possible to hack a wireless network using an iOS application?

While it is true that, by means of keys that are already known previously according to massively used algorithms, there are probabilities of being able to access a WiFi network that is close to our place >, but in no case regardless of the operating system can hack a network as easily as some applications offer .

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The security offered by the router we want to enter is indifferent to the operating system that the device with which we want to do the hacking work has.

As we mentioned earlier, if the application hits the 8-digit PIN you can enter the router, but it will not depend on the work of iOS but on the algorithms that exist in advance .

List of the best apps to crack WiFi passwords on iPhone or iPad

Las mejores apps para descifrar contraseñas WiFi en iPhone o iPad

As we want to develop a very detailed work, we have to talk about the applications for iPhone or iPad that are available in the Apple Store. These apps work the same way, trying to enter PINES to the “target router” .

Next, we will detail the best apps to crack WiFi passwords :


This application was developed to crack WEP and WPA passwords . It presents a very simple design in which very few clicks must be made to access the router password that we need to enter.

It also offers a signal meter and identifies vulnerable networks to access. Once the networks that are close to us have been scanned, we can obtain data from the manufacturer’s name, router model, MAC, link, etc.

Download iSpeedTouched MacOS


It is one of the most downloaded applications , offers a service to establish free Wi-Fi access zones, finds networks close to the device and loads them in a history.

It shows the different access points that exist in the world so this apps is very helpful for people who are traveling, avoiding paying roaming abroad.

Offers access to WPA and WPA2 networks without hacking, simple to use and downloading is free.

iWep Pro Lite

This classic iOS app offers a dictionary to buy all passwords that fit the router’s security levels.

It offers among its tools an administrator of the different keys that we handle, we just have to remember a master password or key phrase so that the application remembers the others.

There is a more complete version that is iWepPro, with which you can make personal adjustments.

WiFiAudit Pro

It can generate WPA and WPA2 keys, when scanning the network it provides information about host, IP (both local and public), MAC address, BSSID, broadcast address, netmask.

You can offer us information about Internet speed, it is completely free, you will simply ask us to enable some permissions of our mobile so that it can work properly.


Available for iPhones with jailbreak , it allows to crack secure passwords from our iPhone, in a few steps. It also has an Internet speed control and can save the passwords we use permanently.

It is oriented to WPA, WPA2 and WPS .

WiFi WPS WPA Tester

Offers a large number of preset passwords from different routers . To be able to decipher the password we will need to load the router brand in the application and then we will click once more.

Once you give us the password, we must copy it before you can enter. That is, it does not provide a shortcut. It is designed for WPA, WPA2 and WPS networks.

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Audit WLAN

You can easily decrypt the password for WPA and WPA2 routers that have default passwords . IOS devices must be jailbroken to scan nearby networks.

It offers a simple screen so that the steps we must do are intuitive.

Instabridge WiFi

One of the most sought after by users with Apple manufacturing devices . Among its advantages we can mention that it has a good database with the “passwords types” , generating a greater probability of successful connection.

It works to obtain keys of WPA, WPA2, WPS among other types. It is not necessary to have jailbreak and its download is free.

Wifi Pass Universal

It is a tool that we do not have to pay anything for it, it allows us to decipher a WPS password thanks to the number of records it has of PINES.

With simple steps we can know very easily what is the password we want. Also works with WPA and WPA2.


It is an application that allows us to hack the WiFi password, it is not necessary to have your Android root.

Among its advantages we can mention that it not only deals with deciphering access to a router, but has other tools such as providing a GPS tracker, call and message control, you can control Internet access

With this app we can also hack social media passwords .

Download FoneTracker APK

What are the risks of using these applications to hack WiFi signal passwords ?

Cuáles son los riesgos de utilizar estas aplicaciones para hackear contraseñas de señales WiFi

As often happens when there are many searches to locate a particular app, programmers abuse this situation and start creating applications that promise wonders , but in reality they are something else.

When we install these apps, which were designed according to popular algorithms that were based on the massive search of this kind of applications, we are running different kinds of risks.

Next we will detail the most frequent ones are :


With the installation of these systems we are installing cookies , with which they spy on us so that we can direct invasive advertising directly to us.

This causes some discomfort in the future, because when we browse any page we will see banners or pictures showing us products permanently.

Malicious software

Without realizing it, we rely on the good intent of these apps , but many times what we are installing are malware that can destroy our devices and put our check in check privacy.

Deleting this kind of files often turns into real headaches.

Permissions granted

It is very common in these applications that request a wide range of permissions so that they can access our contacts, emails, images, and so on. Unconsciously we are opening the doors to all our privacy.

These data are used to send them to our contacts or to know what our preferences and tastes are.

Access to our location

By requiring us to activate our GPS, we are giving you access to each of our movements. This data will later be sold to companies that can advertise for places where we and many people regularly move.


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