Creating environment variables linux

How do I set environment variables?

I’m trying to set up Apache Tomcat on my pc, and it wants me to set up an environment variable for CATALINA_HOME . Does any know how to do this?

7 Answers 7

In bash you can set variables like this:

export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/catalina 

most other shells follow this convention, but not all. You can set it permanently in ~/.profile for bash (and as before, other shells have other locations)

for session-wide variables, recommends ~/.profile as probably the best file for placing environment variable assignments in, since it gets executed automatically by the DisplayManager during the startup process desktop session as well as by the login shell when one logs-in from the textual console.

Updated the answer. The reason why i used .bashrc instead was that at some point .profile wasn’t sourced automatically. But if it works now, it’s better to use it.

It is to be noted that when you add new variables in ~/.bash_profile for instance, they won’t be automatically set in the environment until your next login. See man bash, and look for INVOCATION for more details.

To set permanent environment variables in latest Ubuntu versions (from 14.04 and above) add the variables to /etc/environment . For that follow the below instructions,

Open the terminal and run

sudo -H gedit /etc/environment 

the provide your password, then in the prompted text file

then add the variables like

Sample of the /etc/environment is given below

PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games" JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/" AXIS2_HOME="/opt/axis2-1.7.4/" ANT_HOME="/opt/apache-ant-1.9.7/" 

don’t forget to logout and login again to enable the environment variables.

Environment variables should already work

If you are using the tomcat6 package from the Ubuntu repositories, then the CATALINA_HOME and other environment variables are already set, in the /etc/init.d/tomcat6 startup script.

If you are installing tomcat outside the package manager (hopefully in /opt or somewhere else outside the managed file system), then running the TOMCAT/bin/ should use the relative location to define the CATALINA_HOME.

Setting the Environment variable

If for some reason you still need to set an environment variable you can open a terminal window and type in the command:

export CATALINA_HOME=/path/to/the/root/folder/of/tomcat 

This environment variable will now work within that terminal window, but if you open another window or logout/login you loose that setting.

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Make the environment variable permanent

To make the environment variable setting permanent, there are several places you can define the setting.

To be really sure the setting is being picked up, add the above setting to one of the startup script for tomcat:

yourtomcatfolder/bin/ yourtomcatfolder/bin/ 

Note: calls the You should add the setting at the start of one of these files (after any initial comments)

The standard way for global environment variables would be to add an entry in /etc/environment (you do not use the command export in this file as it is not a normal bash script)


Not recommended

You can set the environment variables in the bash (command line shell) configuration files, but these are not recommended as they are not always picked up (eg. if you are running a server that you dont login to to run tomcat): ~/.bashrc | ~/.profile | /etc.bash.bashrc | /etc/profile


How to Set Environment Variables in Linux

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set environment variables in Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat, basically any Linux distribution for a single user and globally for all users. You will also learn how to list all environment variables and how to unset (clear) existing environment variables.

Environment variables are commonly used within the Bash shell. It is also a common means of configuring services and handling web application secrets.

It is not uncommon for environment specific information, such as endpoints and passwords, for example, to be stored as environment variables on a server. They are also used to set the important directory locations for many popular packages, such as JAVA_HOME for Java.

Setting an Environment Variable

To set an environment variable the export command is used. We give the variable a name, which is what is used to access it in shell scripts and configurations and then a value to hold whatever data is needed in the variable.

For example, to set the environment variable for the home directory of a manual OpenJDK 11 installation, we would use something similar to the following.

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/openjdk11

To output the value of the environment variable from the shell, we use the echo command and prepend the variable’s name with a dollar ($) sign.

And so long as the variable has a value it will be echoed out. If no value is set then an empty line will be displayed instead.

Unsetting an Environment Variable

To unset an environment variable, which removes its existence all together, we use the unset command. Simply replace the environment variable with an empty string will not remove it, and in most cases will likely cause problems with scripts or application expecting a valid value.

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To following syntax is used to unset an environment variable

For example, to unset the JAVA_HOME environment variable, we would use the following command.

Listing All Set Environment Variables

To list all environment variables, we simply use the set command without any arguments.

An example of the output would look something similar to the following, which has been truncated for brevity.

BASH=/bin/bash BASHOPTS=checkwinsize:cmdhist:complete_fullquote:expand_aliases:extglob:extquote:force_fignore:globasciiranges:histappend:interactive_comments:login_shell:progcomp:promptvars:sourcepath BASH_ALIASES=() BASH_ARGC=([0]="0") BASH_ARGV=() BASH_CMDS=() BASH_COMPLETION_VERSINFO=([0]="2" [1]="8") BASH_LINENO=() BASH_SOURCE=() BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="5" [1]="0" [2]="3" [3]="1" [4]="release" [5]="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu") BASH_VERSION='5.0.3(1)-release' COLUMNS=208 DIRSTACK=() EUID=1000 GROUPS=() HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth HISTFILE=/home/ubuntu/.bash_history HISTFILESIZE=2000 HISTSIZE=1000 HOME=/home/ubuntu HOSTNAME=ubuntu1904 HOSTTYPE=x86_64 IFS=$' \t\n' LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LESSCLOSE='/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s' LESSOPEN='| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s' LINES=54

Persisting Environment Variables for a User

When an environment variable is set from the shell using the export command, its existence ends when the user’s sessions ends. This is problematic when we need the variable to persist across sessions.

To make an environment persistent for a user’s environment, we export the variable from the user’s profile script.

    Open the current user’s profile into a text editor

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/openjdk11

Adding the environment variable to a user’s bash profile alone will not export it automatically. However, the variable will be exported the next time the user logs in.

To immediately apply all changes to bash_profile, use the source command.

Export Environment Variable

Export is a built-in shell command for Bash that is used to export an environment variable to allow new child processes to inherit it.

To export a environment variable you run the export command while setting the variable.

export MYVAR="my variable value"

We can view a complete list of exported environment variables by running the export command without any arguments.

SHELL=/bin/zsh SHLVL=1 SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/ TERM=xterm-256color TERM_PROGRAM=vscode TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION=1.48.2

To view all exported variables in the current shell you use the -p flag with export.

Setting Permanent Global Environment Variables for All Users

A permanent environment variable that persists after a reboot can be created by adding it to the default profile. This profile is loaded by all users on the system, including service accounts.

All global profile settings are stored under /etc/profile. And while this file can be edited directory, it is actually recommended to store global environment variables in a directory named /etc/profile.d, where you will find a list of files that are used to set environment variables for the entire system.

    Create a new file under /etc/profile.d to store the global environment variable(s). The name of the should be contextual so others may understand its purpose. For demonstrations, we will create a permanent environment variable for HTTP_PROXY.

sudo touch /etc/profile.d/
sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export HTTP_PROXY=http://my.proxy:8080
export HTTPS_PROXY=https://my.proxy:8080
export NO_PROXY=localhost. 1,


This tutorial covered how to set and unset environment variables for all Linux distributions, from Debian to Red Hat. You also learned how to set environment variables for a single user, as well as all users.

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How to Set an Environment Variable in Linux

Zaira Hira

Zaira Hira

How to Set an Environment Variable in Linux

In programming, you use variables to store information like strings and numbers temporarily.

Variables can be used repeatedly throughout the code or by your operating system to provide values. You can edit them, overwrite them, and delete them.

In this tutorial, I’ll teach you what environment variables are and how to set them in Linux.

What Are Environment Variables?

Environment variables are the variables specific to a certain environment. For example, each user in an operating system has its own environment. An admin user has a different environment than other users do, for example.

You might declare an environment variable only required by your user (for example a secret token) that doesn’t need to be exposed to other users.

Here are some examples of environment variables in Linux:

  • USER – This points to the currently logged-in user.
  • HOME – This shows the home directory of the current user.
  • SHELL – This stores the path of the current user’s shell, such as bash or zsh.
  • LANG – This variable points to the current language/locales settings.
  • MAIL – This shows the location of where the current user’s mail is stored.

These environment variables vary based on the current user session.

How to List Environment Variables in Linux

The command used to display all the environment variables defined for a current session is env .

Here is the output for my session:


For the changes to take effect, update the .bashrc file using the source command:

Let’s verify by opening a new session.


For the changes to take effect, use the command source /etc/environment .


  • /etc/profile – Variables set in this file are read whenever a bash shell is logged in. Edit this file and use the export command:

Now, I’ll switch the user to the root user and verify if I can access the variable GLOBAL_VARIABLE .

root@Zaira:~# echo $GLOBAL_VARIABLE This is a global variable

It worked! I have been able to access the global variable defined by the user Zaira through the root user as well. The same would apply to other users too. So now you also know how to define global environment variables.


In this tutorial, you learned how to create and define environment variables in Linux. You also learned how to make them persistent so that you can use them across multiple sessions.

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