Csr bluetooth outlook sync addin


How Do I Remove Outlook From The Send To Bluetooth Add-in?


In some cases, your computer may display a message that you are sending Outlook to a Bluetooth add-in. There can be several reasons for this problem. g.Start an Office application (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.) No questions asked. At the bottom is a control associated with a window called “Control”. Change the collection control to COM Add-ins, click the Go button, uncheck the Send over Bluetooth box, and click OK.

  • 3 minutes to read.
  • Applies to: Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Excel 2016, Outlook 2016, Visio Professional 2016, Visio Standard 2016, Word 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Excel 2013, Visio Professional 2013, Outlook 2013, Microsoft Word 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Excel this year , Visio Professional 2010, Microsoft Outlook 2010, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2005, Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2007, Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2003 , Microsoft Office Visio Professional 200, 3 Microsoft Office Outlook 2004, Microsoft Office OneNote 2003, Microsoft OneNote 2010 and later, OneNote 2013, Microsoft Office Publisher 2003, Microsoft Office Publisher 2007, Publisher 2010Publisher 2013


If you have installed the WIDCOMM SendToBluetooth add-in, your Office programs may crash due to an incompatibility issue between this add-in and other Microsoft Office programs. This

How do I disable add-ins in Outlook registry?

To get rid of all add-ons, simply use Group Policy to remove or rename any add-ons that become OldAddins. To disable some add-ons, find the add-on under Add-ons, in the exact view there is a subsection called LoadBehavior. Set the value to “2” to remove it. Use Group Policy to pass specific registry settings to these users.

Note. The add-in is installed by default in the theme of many Windows OEM images. So

Here you can check if a core add-in is causing your Office software to crash:

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First Open The Event Viewer

  1. On the main screen, enter Show Event Log in the analysis area.
  2. Select View Event Logs.
  1. Click Start.
  2. Type an event and display it in the search box, then double-click Event Viewer in the list of results.
  1. Click Start> Control Panel> Performance Maintenance, then enable Administrative Tools, then double-click Computer Management.
  2. In the console tree, expand Event Viewer.

Now Find The Following Events

How do I remove add-ins from Outlook?

Open the Outlook desktop client.Go to the File tab.Click Options.To sectionf “Add-ins” on the left, select “COM Add-ins” and click “Go.”Highlight the add-on you want to remove by clicking the Remove button on the right.

remove send to bluetooth add-in outlook

Note. Even if you don’t see event 1000 through one of these two listed DLLs, your whole family can crash if you need this add-in.

Method 1. To Try To Update My SendToBluetooth Add-on You Can Check For Updates For The Bluetooth Add-on Here:

If you were unable to update the add-in as usual Oh, you can go to Method 2 to disable the SendToBluetooth add-on.

Manual Method 2. Remove The SendToBluetooth Add-on

Important! This article provides ideas for modifying the registry. Be sure to back up your PC registry before modifying it. Make sure you know how to restore your computer’s Windows registry if you have a problem. For more information about backing up, restoring, and modifying the registry, click the return number below to view the Microsoft Knowledge Base article: How to 322756 Build and Restore the Registry in Windows

What is CSR Bluetooth Outlook Sync Addin?

Integration with Microsoft Outlook CSR Harmony lets you email items and sync PIM data with a working Bluetooth connected device. CSR Harmony also promotes broadcasts and synchronization for Open Mobile Alliance Data Synchronization (formerly SyncML) customers.

ATTENTION! Serious problems can occur if you refactor the registry incorrectly using Registry Editor or any other method. These errors may require reinstalling the executive station. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these errors can be corrected. Edit the registry at your own risk.

remove send to bluetooth add-in outlook

Be sure to close all of your Office programs before attempting any of the following.

  1. Open the registry, this is how it works:
    • Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8: Windows Drive Key + R to open the optimal Run dialog box. Enter regedit.exe and select OK.
    • Windows 7 or Vista: Click Start, select regedit.exe in the search box and press Enter.
  2. Select and locate the faulty Office program, then select the items required for it:

Click Here For A List Of Office Programs


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Note. If you are running a reasonable 32-bit version of Office on any 64-bit version of Windows, you must use the following key to select:

Note. If you’ve always used 32-bit Office after 64-bit Windows, you will need to select the following key:

Note. If you are running 32-bit Office on 64-bit Windows, you must select the following key:

Note. If you are running the correct 32-bit version of Office on 64-bit Windows, you need to press the following key:

Note. If you are running 32-bit Office on 64-bit Windows, you must select the following key:

Note. If you are usingFor a 32-bit version of Office on a 64-bit version of Windows, buyers must select the correct key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Wow6432Node Microsoft Visio Addins
3. Expand the Addins subkey view, which displays all add-ins registered at this computer level.
4. If specified, select the SendToBluetooth add-in named BtOfficeAddin.BtOfficeIntegration.1 as a subkey.
5. Right-click the LoadBehavior value and select Modify.
6. Change the data value to 0, then click OK, and then close the type of Registry Editor.
7. Start the crashing Office program if you find that changing your laptop or computer has increased the stability of some programs. Third parties

The products discussed in this article are manufactured by companies independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty or other implied warranties about the performance or durability of these products.

Office 365 has been renamed Microsoft 365 Apps for venture. For more information on this change, see this process blog post .


Microsoft Outlook Integration

Sending a single item to a connected Bluetooth device

  1. Pair with the device, see Adding a Bluetooth device.
  2. Click the item that you want to send.
  3. From the toolbar in Microsoft Outlook, click File and select Send to Bluetooth device:

The file transfer wizard will open:

Choose the device you wish to send the file to from the Send To: drop-down list.

Click Next. The file transfer wizard will send the file(s):

The file transfer wizard will tell you when the file has been transferred:

Synchronizing PIM data with a connected Bluetooth device

    From the File menu in Microsoft Outlook, click Bluetooth Synchonize and then select Exchange with remote device. , Sync to remote device. or Sync from remote device. , as required.

The example below sychronizes to (sends PIM data) to a connected Bluetooth device.

The Bluetooth synchronization wizard will open:

Choose the device you wish to send the PIM data to from the Send To: drop-down list.

You can choose which items you send by clicking Options . . The Bluetooth Settings window opens, click the PIM Settings tab.

Changing PIM data settings

    In the Notification area, right-click the Bluetooth icon, select Bluetooth Settings and click the PIM Settings tab:

Microsoft Office Integration

Or click the Office button and choose Send, then Send to Bluetooth:

The file transfer wizard will open:

Choose the device you wish to send the file to from the Send To: drop-down list.

Click Next. The file transfer wizard will send the file(s):

The file transfer wizard will tell you when the file has been transferred:


Драйверы для устройств Bluetooth CSR 💾

В связи с наличием беспроводных наушников решил заказать донгл для их подключения к ПК. Как часто бывает, при установке китайского устройства, возникли проблемы. Поэтому я решил показать другим, где скачать и как установить CSR v 4.0 Bluetooth драйвер на Windows 10 и 7.

Как поставить CSR 4.0 Bluetooth драйвер на Windows 10 или 7 64x

С диска

В комплекте вместе с адаптером шел диск. Вот как он выглядит:

диск с драйверами

Так как дисковода у меня нет, файлы с него я нашел в интернете. Вы можете загрузить их по ЭТОЙ ссылке. В комплект, помимо нужного сертификата, входит программа, в которую включена поддержка A2DP и виртуального каталога подключенных устройств. После инсталляции все заработает автоматически. Вес архива 407 мегабайт. Вот так выглядит установщик:

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А вот так окно приложения:

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Данный вариант мне не понравился из-за постоянного отвала девайсов, которые я подключал к блютузу. Также раздражало моргание светодиода, которое работало даже после отключения персонального компьютера от сети. Поэтому я решил проблему другим способом.

Через диспетчер устройств

Я узнал, что в bluetooth csr 4.0 установлен чип от Cambridge Silicon Radio маркировки 8510 A10. Вот что я сделал, и это можете попробовать сделать вы:

выберите dongle

  1. В панели управления зайдите в «Устройство и принтеры»
  2. Выберите «Dongle»


Во вкладке «Оборудование» выберите «Свойства»

изменить параметры

Во вкладке «Общие» выберите «Изменить параметры»

нажмите обновить драйвер

Нажмите «Обновить драйвер»

выберите поиск на этом пк

В открывшемся окне кликните на «Выполнить поиск на этом компьютере»

выбрать из списка установленных

Теперь кликните на «Выбрать из списка ужу установленных»

драйвера на csr 4.0 bluetooth

Снимите галочку «Только совместимые устройства». Теперь, в колонке производитель выберите «CambridgeSiliconRadio LTD». В правой колонке найдите CSRNanosira-multimedia и установите его, нажав «Далее».

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Увидев сообщение, как на скриншоте ниже, перезагрузите ПК или ноутбук.

Теперь вы можете подключать любые гаджеты прямо из под Виндовс.


Если у вас будет плохое качество звука, то аудио устройство нужно перевести на «Стерео режим», отключив «Hands Free». Это также делается через «Принтеры».

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Теперь вы знаете как поставить csr 4.0 bluetooth драйвер на windows. Если вам интересно почитайте, как настроить материнскую плату Клисре.


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