Cx freeze linux python


In a virtual environment, install by issuing the command:

pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 

Without virtual environment, depending on the system:

python -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 
python3 -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 

Python requirements¶

Python requirements are installed automatically by pip or conda.

C compiler (required if installing from sources) cx_Logging >=3.0 (Windows only) importlib-metadata >= 4.8.3 (Python < 3.10)lief >= 0.11.5 (Windows only) setuptools patchelf >= 0.12 (Linux) 

patchelf is used in Linux and unix-like systems (FreeBSD, etc), except macOS. In Linux, cx_Freeze 6.10 installs it using new wheels available on PyPI.

If you have any trouble with it, use the old method:

To install patchelf in debian/ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install patchelf 

To install patchelf in fedora:


Using pipenv, install or update by issuing one of the folowing commanda:

pipenv install cx_Freeze pipenv update cx_Freeze 

Miniconda3 or Miniforge3¶

Directly from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge cx_freeze 

If you are installing a pre-release or from sources, install the requirements using the same channel:

python c-compiler libpython-static (for python >=3.8 in linux and macOS) importlib-metadata py-lief (Windows) patchelf (Linux) declare SDKROOT or CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT (for python 3.9+ in macOS) 

An example using Miniconda3:

# If using python 3.9 or higer in Github Actions CI, macOS, use this: export SDKROOT=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.1.sdk # For macOS and Linux conda create -n cx39conda -c conda-forge python=3.9 libpython-static -y conda activate cx39conda conda install -c conda-forge c-compiler importlib-metadata patchelf -y pip install --no-binary :all: --pre cx_Freeze -v 

Download tarball or wheels¶

Download the source code¶

You can download and extract the source code found on Github to do a manual installation.

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In the source directory, use one of the command:



In a virtual environment, install by issuing the command:

pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 

Without virtual environment, depending on the system:

python -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 
python3 -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 

Python requirements¶

Python requirements are installed automatically by pip or conda.

Others requirements¶

  • C compiler — if installing from sources.
  • patchelf — in unix-like systems (Linux, FreeBSD, etc), except macOS.

To install patchelf in debian/ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install patchelf 

To install patchelf in fedora:

git clone -b 0.13 --single-branch cd patchelf ./ ./configure make make check sudo make install 


Using pipenv, install or update by issuing one of the folowing commanda:

pipenv install cx_Freeze pipenv update cx_Freeze 


Directly from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge cx_freeze 

If you are installing a pre-release or from sources, install the requirements using the same channel:

  • python
  • c-compiler
  • libpython-static (for python >=3.8 in linux and macOS)
  • importlib-metadata
  • patchelf (optional if already installed in the Linux system)
  • declare SDKROOT or CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT (for python 3.9 in macOS)

A example using Miniconda3:

# If using python 3.9 or higer in Github Actions CI, macOS, use this: export SDKROOT=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.1.sdk # For macOS and Linux conda create -n cx39conda -c conda-forge python=3.9 libpython-static -y conda activate cx39conda conda install -c conda-forge c-compiler importlib-metadata -y pip install --no-binary :all: --pre cx_Freeze -v 

Download tarball or wheels¶

Download the source code¶

You can download and extract the source code found on Github to do a a manual installation.

In the source directory, use one of the command:

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cx-Freeze 6.15.4

cx_Freeze creates standalone executables from Python scripts, with the same performance, is cross-platform and should work on any platform that Python itself works on.


In a virtual environment, install by issuing the command:

pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 

To install the latest development build:

pip install --upgrade --pre --extra-index-url cx_Freeze 

Please check the installation for more information and how to install in others environment such as pipenv, conda-forge, etc.


The official documentation is available here.

If you need help you can also ask on the discussion channel.

Highlights of Version 6.15:

  • Breaking change: remove camelCase in Executable api
  • New hooks: lazy_loader, librosa, jpype, pyimagej, pyreadstat
  • Improved hooks: matplotlib, pytorch, PyQt6, PySide6, TkInter
  • Bug fixes and improvements

Highlights of Version 6.14:

  • Support Python 3.11
  • Binary wheels (x86_64 and aarch64) for musllinux
  • Maintain Windows base executables on git (install from sources without C compiler)
  • Improved documentation
  • New hooks: charset_normalizer, shapely, sklearn, pytorch
  • Improved hooks: scipy, sqlite3
  • Bug fixes and improvements

Highlights of Version 6.2 up to 6.13:

  • Binary wheels (x86_64 and aarch64) for manylinux and macOS (including Apple Silicon)
  • New or improved hooks, especially matplotlib, numpy, PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide2, PySide6 and Tkinter
  • Support Application Manifests in Windows: manifest and uac-admin
  • Complete integration to setuptools instead of distutils
  • New dependency resolver on Windows
  • Support for pathlib.Path
  • New ModuleFinder engine uses importlib.machinery
  • Refactored Freezer
  • New support for package metadata improving Module and new DitributionCache
  • Enhanced support for Python 3.8 to 3.10, including MSYS2 and conda-forge distributions
  • Improvements for multiprocessing
  • Optimizations in detection and distribution of libraries
  • Code modernization
  • Various bug fixes.
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cx_Freeze uses a license derived from the Python Software Foundation License. You can read the cx_Freeze license in the documentation or in the source repository.



In a virtual environment, install by issuing the command:

pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 

Without virtual environment, depending on the system:

python -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 
python3 -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze 

Python requirements¶

Python requirements are installed automatically by pip or conda.

Others requirements¶

  • C compiler — if installing from sources.
  • patchelf — in unix-like systems (Linux, FreeBSD, etc), except macOS.

To install patchelf in debian/ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install patchelf 

To install patchelf in fedora:

Or install patchelf from sources .. code-block:: console git clone -b 0.13 —single-branch cd patchelf ./ ./configure make make check sudo make install:


Using pipenv, install or update by issuing one of the folowing commanda:

pipenv install cx_Freeze pipenv update cx_Freeze 


Directly from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge cx_freeze 

If you are installing a pre-release or from sources, install the requirements using the same channel:

  • python
  • c-compiler
  • libpython-static (for python >=3.8 in linux and macOS)
  • importlib-metadata
  • patchelf (optional if already installed in the Linux system)
  • declare SDKROOT or CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT (for python 3.9 in macOS)

An example using Miniconda3:

# If using python 3.9 or higer in Github Actions CI, macOS, use this: export SDKROOT=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.1.sdk # For macOS and Linux conda create -n cx39conda -c conda-forge python=3.9 libpython-static -y conda activate cx39conda conda install -c conda-forge c-compiler importlib-metadata -y pip install --no-binary :all: --pre cx_Freeze -v 

Download tarball or wheels¶

Download the source code¶

You can download and extract the source code found on Github to do a manual installation.

In the source directory, use one of the command:


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