Davinci resolve linux fedora

How to install DaVinci Resolve on Fedora

We have successfully installed Davinci Resolve on Fedora Workstation. To finish up the installation entirely and launch the application without any errors, read the ‘Linux_Installation_Instructions.

Can you get DaVinci Resolve on Linux?

DaVinci Resolve is a professional video editing software which includes tools for editing, visual effects, motion graphics, color correction and audio post-production. The non-studio version is free to use (but not free open source software) on Linux, Windows and Mac.

How install DaVinci Resolve Linux?

  1. Install The Additional Packages. .
  2. Download DaVinci Resolve. .
  3. Choose Your Download Type. .
  4. Enter Your Details. .
  5. Save Your DaVinci Package. .
  6. Check Your Download Progress. .
  7. Download The Make Resolve Deb Script. .
  8. Save The Make Resolve Deb Script With The Same DaVinci Resolve Extracted Package.

Does DaVinci Resolve work on 32bit?

High end professionals working on feature films and television shows use DaVinci Resolve more than any other solution! . You get DaVinci’s Emmy™ award winning image technology with 32‑bit float processing, patented YRGB color science and a massive wide gamut color space for the latest HDR workflows.

Is DaVinci Resolve good for beginners?

DaVinci Resolve is a VERY GOOD CHOICE for beginners who would like to become filmmakers or editors or colorists or sometimes content creators like YouTubers.

Is DaVinci Resolve better than Premiere Pro?

Overall, DaVinci Resolve 16.2 is faster to use than Premiere Pro CC in nearly every way — editing snappiness, bin speeds, color correction and more. It’s also a lot more stable. As for exporting, if you need to encode files quickly and don’t care too much about quality, Resolve 16.2 Studio’s H. 264/H.

How long does it take to install DaVinci Resolve?

“The Beginner’s Guide to DaVinci Resolve 16” estimates roughly around 13 hours to complete the material.

Is DaVinci Resolve 16 free?

$0. Yes, that’s correct, you can download and use Resolve 16 for free. No time limited trial, no logo burn in and no limitation to the length of your final output. Yes, that’s correct, you can download and use Resolve 16 for free.

What version of DaVinci Resolve works with Windows 7?

We no longer test or certify Windows 7/8/8.1 for use with Resolve. You could run a legacy version of the software in a legacy configuration, but the latest version of DaVinci Resolve and DaVinci Resolve Studio is supported only on Windows 10.

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How much RAM do I need for DaVinci Resolve 16?

You’ll need a minimum of 16GB RAM to run DaVinci Resolve well. However, I recommend 32GB RAM, especially if you’re going to use Fusion. If you’re choosing a laptop or building a desktop PC, make sure you can install more RAM in the future.

Is DaVinci Resolve really free?

Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve has a paid Studio version and a free version, all available for Mac, Windows, or Linux. A common question we are asked is what you get with the Studio version and if it’s worth the investment. The free version is robust on its own and maybe enough for many users.

Which is better Shotcut or DaVinci Resolve?

Shotcut is more for beginner to intermediate editors who just want to make decent videos. DaVinci is more for intermediate to advanced who want to get serious about video editing. . It just depends on what you want to accomplish, but DaVinci is definitely the more powerful and robust «pro-version» software.

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Install DaVinci Resolve in Linux (Ubuntu, Arch, and Fedora)

Brandon Hopkins

Installing DaVinci Resolve in Linux is not the easiest thing to do despite having native support. Resolve is a professional level video editor that requires a very specific environment to run properly. Below are the minimum requirements.

Minimum system requirements for Linux

  • CentOS 7.3
  • 16-32 GB of system memory
  • Discrete GPU with at least 2GB of VRAM
  • GPU which supports OpenCL 1.2 or CUDA 11
  • NVIDIA/AMD Driver version – As required by your GPU

Important Note: Using the free version of DaVinci Resolve in Linux will require the use of uncompressed .mov files. These file sizes are LARGE, around 5-30gb for a 10min video. If this is a no go for you I’d recommend Kdenlive.

As you can see there are some hefty requirements for the software. This application will not run on integrated graphics and it’s very specific on the CentOS requirement. Luckily their are tools and other options for installing Resolve on Fedora, Debain/Ubuntu, and Arch based systems.

As of writing this, I’ve only had repeated success installing DaVinci Resolve with an AMD GPU in a Arch Linux system. So please refer the the Arch guide below if you’re running team red.

Fedora (NVIDIA)

If you are running Fedora AND have a NVIDIA GPU in you’re system you are in the best spot when it comes to running Resolve. Fedora and CentOS both fall under the umbrella of Red Hat Linux. Fedora is developed by the community backed Fedora project with this comes similar code thus we are able to use the files directly from Blackmagic Design.

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First make sure you have the proper drivers. You’ll need RPM Fusion enabled. I recommend following the wiki, but you’ll need CUDA driver for sure. Install it using the command below.

sudo dnf install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda

Once you have the NVIDIA drivers properly set up on your system you’re you’re going to want to head over to Go to Blackmagic Design and download the official installer *.zip archive. Once downloaded open the terminal, go to the download directory and extract the files.

cd ~/Downloads unzip DaVinci_Resolve_Studio_17.1.1_Linux.zip

Now we need to make sure the installer .run file can be extracted.

sudo chmod +x DaVinci_Resolve_17.1.1_Linux.run

Now, we will run this command to execute the installer.

sudo ./DaVinci_Resolve_17.1.1_Linux.run

When the installer opens running though it is fairly simple. Hit next, skim though the read me, agree to their terms of service, and click start install. And that’s it launch the application and have fun.

Fedora (AMD)

I had success one time using this guide on Reddit. When I tried to do it a second time my drivers had a error there was a white screen on boot. Proceed with caution and make sure your system is backup up with Timeshift or another tool. I do not recommend this, but here is the resource.

Debian/Ubuntu (NVIDIA)

First lets update our system and grab some dependencies.

sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt-get install fakeroot xorriso

Now, lets make sure we have the proper NVIDIA drivers installed.

sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver nvidia-opencl-icd libcuda1 libglu1-mesa sudo apt-get install libnvidia-encode1

Next you’re going to want to head over to Go to Blackmagic Design and download the official installer *.zip archive. Then head over to Daniel Tufvesson | MakeResolveDeb and download the latest MakeResolveDeb into the same directory.

Now we are going to want to extract the archived files we downloaded. Easiest way is to open a terminal application and run the following command. Change directory as needed.

cd ~/Downloads unzip DaVinci_Resolve_Studio_17.1.1_Linux.zip tar zxvf makeresolvedeb_1.5.0_multi.sh.tar.gz

Once extacted you should have these two files in the directory.

DaVinci_Resolve_Studio_17.1.1_Linux.run makeresolvedeb_1.5.0_multi.sh

With the terminal open in the correct directory we are going to use the makesolvedeb script to convert the .run file into a proper installation file for debian based systems. Run the following command.

./makeresolvedeb_1.5.0_multi.sh DaVinci_Resolve_Studio_17.1.1_Linux.run

This will take a bit and be resource intensive. When indicated by the last line saying “[DONE]” and the reported number of errors 0 you can move on to the next step.

Now we will use dpkg to install the Debian package. Make sure you replace the file name with the proper version.

sudo dpkg -i davinci-resolve_17.1.1-mrd1.0_amd64.deb

That’s it! The package is installed and it should open with no errors if everything was set up correctly. Please note, occasionally there are issues with the first welcome screen. You may need to force close this and re-open the application.

Most content in this section was pulled from Daniel Tufvesson | MakeResolveDeb please refer here for updated information, and FAQ.

Arch Linux (NVIDIA and AMD)

First, lets get our proper GPU drivers. One of the awesome things about Arch is the AUR and the community around it. Luckily for us the Arch community has packaged the amdgpu-pro drivers so it’s an easy installation. You will need AUR access so make sure you have yay or pamac .

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AMD GPU Drivers

yay -S amdgpu-pro-libgl opencl-amd


pacman -Syu nvidia nvidia-utils opencl-nvidia

Now that we have the proper drivers the AUR is going to come in again to help us out. Just run the command below to install resolve. As a reminder if you paid for the full version you’ll want the -studio package. For the free version, install 2 davinci-resolve and for the Studio version, install davinci-resolve-studio.

And that it! You have it installed. If you’re running a AMD card their are a few more things to do as this will require the progl script to run.

To launch DaVinci Resolve with the AMD pro drivers you will need to run this in termial.

progl /opt/resolve/bin/resolve

You will notice opening the .desktop application with application menus will result in… nothing happening. We need to fix this by adding the progl command to our .desktop file within usr/share/applications . Open terminal and run the following command,

sudo nano usr/share/applications/com.blackmagicdesign.resolve.desktop

You should see something that looks like this in nano:

Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=DaVinci Resolve GenericName=DaVinci Resolve Comment=Revolutionary new tools for editing. > Path=/opt/resolve/ Exec=/opt/resolve/bin/resolve %u Terminal=false MimeType=application/x-resolveproj; Icon=/opt/resolve/graphics/DV_Resolve.png StartupNotify=true Name[en_US]=DaVinci Resolve StartupWMClass=resolve

All we need to do is add progl after Exec= as if we were running it in termial. Should look something like this.

Exec=progl /opt/resolve/bin/resolve %u

Hit ctrl-o to save out the file. Restart or logout of your desktop environment and it should open with no errors! (Tested this in gnome. To restart press alt+F2 then input ‘r’)

For more information including detailed driver support and other helpful info the Arch wiki is a great place to be: DaVinci Resolve – ArchWiki.

If you have any other suggestions, tip, tricks, or updates let us know down below!

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