Debian драйвера wifi при установке

Каким образом можно встроить драйвер WiFi в установщик Debian?

Здравствуйте, господа. Возможно, данный вопрос уже поднимался — не судите строго и киньте ссылкой. В общем, в ходе моих экспериментов приходится частенько переустанавливать Debian (фаза активного освоения xD). Пользуюсь сетевыми установочными ISO’шниками netinst. При каждой переустановке приходится кабель с инета передёргивать из роутера в комп. В компе встроена WiFi-карточка Broadcom BCM43228. К сожалению, при установке WiFi-карточка не определяется — приходится после установки (опять-таки через кабель) ставить пакеты broadcom-sta-dkms (из non-free!), wireless-tools и wpasupplicant. После создания\правки конфигов кабель с инетом можно обратно к роутеру подключать и пользоваться инетом по WiFi.

Уважаемые знатоки! Есть ли возможность встроить драйвера WiFi в установочный ISO’шник, чтобы при установке можно было бы подключиться к роутеру по WiFi без необходимости передёргивать кабель с инетом?

P.S. Мне решение (скорее всего неверное) кажется таким: скачать со всеми зависимостями пакеты broadcom-sta-dkms, wireless-tools, и wpasupplicant и положить их в директорию pool (соблюдая для каждого пакета\зависимости директории main, contrib и non-free) в ISO’шнике (или на флешке, где этот ISO’шник уже записан).

просто бэкапься и все. сломал-откатился

Что мешает просто иметь эти пакеты на флешке?


How to Enable WiFi in Debian 11 Bullseye, Fix Missing wlan0

How to Enable WiFi in Debian 11 Bullseye, Fix Missing wlan0

Are you looking for a way to fix no Wi-Fi problem on Debian? If yes, then you have landed on the right page. In this tutorial, I will share a straightforward method that you can apply to fix the missing Wi-Fi adapter issue on Debian.

If you just did a fresh Debian install on a PC, then you will most likely run into an issue where you can’t access Wi-Fi. Debian will not even show you wlan0 device if you run ip addr show the command.

This happens because the Debian ISO doesn’t include the Wi-Fi firmware by default. Thus, you have to manually install the firmware from a non-free repo in order to use the Wi-Fi facility.

Depending on the network card manufacturer of your computer, you have to install the correct firmware. If you are using a laptop of popular brands such as Lenovo, Acer, Samsung or Asus, which usually use Atheros network card, it could be a little daunting to find the right version of the firmware to install.

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I ran into this issue a little while ago and couldn’t find a quick solution so I thought maybe share the fix, so others do not have to face what I went through. Let’s cut to the chase and see the steps involved:

  1. First, identify the manufacturer of your Wi-Fi network card.
  2. Install the firmware matching your network card manufacturer.

See how to complete these two steps below.

Step 1: Identifying Wi-Fi Network Card Manufacturer on Debian

There is a CLI utility called lshw which can help you identify all the hardware installed on your computer, including the network card. A very good chance is that it will be pre-installed. If not, then you will have to install it by connecting your PC to an Ethernet connection. You can use your Android phone as an Ethernet device via USB tethering.

Install lshw like this:

sudo apt install lshw

It is now time to use lshw to find out the network card vendor. Run the command below and wait for it to generate the HTML report.

lshw -html > lsh.html

lshw generate hardware report in html

Open the generated HTML report(lsh.html) in the browser and search for network or network controller. You will find the result something like this:

lshw showing network controller

From this screenshot, it is now evident that the vendor of my network card is Atheros! But it can also be Intel. It all depends on the PC/laptop manufacturer. Never mind, it doesn’t matter because, firmware for both these cards available for Debian. See in next section, how to install it.

Step 2: Installing firmware matching your network card manufacturer on Debian.

In the last step, you will know what network card is installed on your system. So, based on what card it is, you need to install the correct firmware.

For Atheros Card:

On my Lenovo Ideapad 300-15ISK, it was Atheros card, as evident from the snapshots above.

So, to install the firmware for Atheros, you issue the following command.

sudo apt install firmware-atheros

Install firmware-atheros on Debian

After the firmware installs, you can try restarting your computer. You will now see that it will detect the available Wi-Fi networks nearby.

Wi-Fi start showing

Alternatively, you can download the DEB file for the same firmware on some other device, transfer to the Debian PC, and manually install it.

After getting the DEB file, you open the terminal in the Downloads directory and issue this command.

sudo dpkg -i firmware-atheros*

After it completes, successfully, you will have both; wla0 will start showing along with the Wi-Fi network.

For Intel Card:

To install the firmware for Intel network controller, you issue the following command.

sudo apt install firmware-iwlwifi

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After it installs successfully, restart your computer. You will now see that it will detect nearby Wi-Fi networks.

Alternatively, you also download the DEB file for the same firmware on some other device, transfer to the Debian PC, and install it manually.

Find and get Intel Wireless firmware here: firmware-iwlwifi (20210315-3) [non-free]

After getting the DEB file, you open the terminal in the Downloads directory and issue this command.

sudo dpkg -i firmware-iwlwifi*

install iwlwifi on Debian

After it completes, successfully, you will have both; wlan0 will start showing along with the Wi-Fi network.

These are the only two steps you have to perform. If you follow them correctly, I am sure you will get Wi-Fi access on Debian in easy way. Although, I hope that they make this process a bit smoother by restoring these back to the installation ISO.


Broadcom BCM4311, BCM4312, BCM4313, BCM4321, BCM4322, BCM43224, BCM43225, BCM43227, BCM43228, BCM43142, BCM4331, BCM4352, BCM4360 devices (wl)

This page describes how to enable support for WiFi devices based on Broadcom wireless LAN chips, using the vendor driver on Debian systems.

The proprietary Broadcom wireless LAN driver (wl, aka broadcom-sta) provides support for some Broadcom-based PCI/PCIe hardware. It includes a binary-only component targeted for the x86 or x86-64 architecture. Supported devices are listed at the end of this page.

<! data-lazy-src=

    Add a «non-free» component to /etc/apt/sources.list for your Debian version, for example:

# Debian 9 "Stretch" deb stretch-backports main contrib non-free
# Debian 10 "Buster" deb buster-backports main contrib non-free
# Debian 11 "Bullseye" deb bullseye contrib non-free
# apt-get update # apt-get install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') broadcom-sta-dkms
# apt-get install -f # dpkg-reconfigure broadcom-sta-dkms
# find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates
# modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma

Switch between wl/OSS drivers

#!/bin/sh WIFI=$(find /sys/class/net -follow -maxdepth 2 -name wireless 2>/dev/null|cut -d / -f 5|head -1) echo ip link set $WIFI down ip link set $WIFI down >/dev/null 2>&1 modprobe -r wl brcmsmac modprobe -r cfg80211 brcmsmac cordic brcmutil bcma if [ "$1" = "wl" ]; then modprobe wl else modprobe brcmsmac fi sleep 0.1 WIFI=$(find /sys/class/net -follow -maxdepth 2 -name wireless 2>/dev/null|cut -d / -f 5|head -1) echo ip link set $WIFI up ip link set $WIFI up >/dev/null 2>&1

Known Issues

  • The Sonics Silicon Backplane driver (ssb) conflicts with the wl driver (545388).
    • b44, b43, b43legacy and ssb are blacklisted by default as of broadcom-sta (brcm80211 and brcmsmac since, respectively).
    • This prevents use of any Ethernet device supported by b44.
    • iwconfig(8) (e.g. iwconfig wlan0 power off)
    • laptop-mode-tools: set WIRELESS_BATT_POWER_SAVING=0 within /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/wireless-power.conf

    See bugs reported on this package in the Debian Bug Tracking System.

    Supported Devices


    This driver is packaged for the Debian 9 «Stretch» release as broadcom-sta-dkms.

    • Broadcom BCM4311 (PCI IDs 14e4:4311, 14e4:4312)
    • Broadcom BCM4312 (PCI ID 14e4:4315)
    • Broadcom BCM4313 (PCI ID 14e4:4727)
    • Broadcom BCM4321 (PCI IDs 14e4:4328, 14e4:4329, 14e4:432a)
    • Broadcom BCM4322 (PCI IDs 14e4:432b, 14e4:432c, 14e4:432d)
    • Broadcom BCM43224 (PCI IDs 14e4:0576, 14e4:4353)
    • Broadcom BCM43225 (PCI ID 14e4:4357)
    • Broadcom BCM43227 (PCI ID 14e4:4358)
    • Broadcom BCM43228 (PCI ID 14e4:4359)
    • Broadcom BCM43142 (PCI ID 14e4:4365)
    • Broadcom BCM4331 (PCI ID 14e4:4331)
    • Broadcom BCM4352 (PCI ID 14e4:43b1)
    • Broadcom BCM4360 (PCI IDs 14e4:43a0, 14e4:4360)

    See Also

    • bcm43xx — Broadcom 43xx wireless devices
    • brcm80211 — Broadcom BCM4313, BCM43224, BCM43225 devices
    • How to use a WiFi interface
    • NDISwrapper


    Broadcom BCM4311, BCM4312, BCM4313, BCM4321, BCM4322, BCM43224, BCM43225, BCM43227, BCM43228, BCM43142, BCM4331, BCM4352, BCM4360 устройства (wl)

    Эта страница описывает включение поддержки WiFi устройств основаных на Broadcom wireless LAN chips, используя драйвер производителя для Debian систем.

    Проприетарный драйвер Broadcom wireless LAN (wl, aka broadcom-sta) обеспечивает поддержку PCI/PCIe устройств основаных на Broadcom. Он включает в себя двоичный компонент нацеленный на архитектуры x86 или x86_64. Поддерживаемые устройства перечислены в конце этой страницы.

    <i data-lazy-src=

    # apt-get update # apt-get install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') broadcom-sta-dkms
    # modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma

    Известные проблемы

    • Драйвер Sonics Silicon Backplane (ssb) конфликтует с драйвером wl (545388).
      • b44, b43, b43legacy и ssb по умолчанию в черном списке broadcom-sta (brcm80211 и brcmsmac since, соответсвенно).
      • Это предотвращает использование устройства Ethernet, поддерживаемых и44.
      • iwconfig(8) (например iwconfig wlan0 power off)
      • laptop-mode-tools: измените WIRELESS_BATT_POWER_SAVING=0 на /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/wireless-power.conf

      Смотрите сообщения об ошибках в этом пакете на Debian Bug Tracking System.

      Поддерживаемые устройства


      • Broadcom BCM4311 (PCI IDs 14e4:4311, 14e4:4312)
      • Broadcom BCM4312 (PCI ID 14e4:4315)
      • Broadcom BCM4313 (PCI ID 14e4:4727)
      • Broadcom BCM4321 (PCI IDs 14e4:4328, 14e4:4329, 14e4:432a)
      • Broadcom BCM4322 (PCI IDs 14e4:432b, 14e4:432c, 14e4:432d)
      • Broadcom BCM43224 (PCI IDs 14e4:0576, 14e4:4353)
      • Broadcom BCM43225 (PCI ID 14e4:4357)
      • Broadcom BCM43227 (PCI ID 14e4:4358)
      • Broadcom BCM43228 (PCI ID 14e4:4359)
      • Broadcom BCM43142 (PCI ID 14e4:4365)
      • Broadcom BCM4331 (PCI ID 14e4:4331)
      • Broadcom BCM4352 (PCI ID 14e4:43b1)
      • Broadcom BCM4360 (PCI IDs 14e4:43a0, 14e4:4360)

      Смотрите также

      • bcm43xx — Беспроводные устройства Broadcom 43xx
      • brcm80211 — Устройства Broadcom BCM4313, BCM43224, BCM43225
      • Как использовать интерфейс WiFi
      • NDISwrapper

      Внешние ссылки


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