Debian get linux source

How to install full kernel source on Debian or Ubuntu

Question: I need to download and install a full kernel source tree to compile a custom kernel for my Debian or Ubuntu system. What is a proper way to download full kernel source on Debian or Ubuntu?

Before installing full kernel source on your Linux system, ask yourself whether you really need the full kernel source. If you are trying to compile a kernel module or a custom driver for your kernel, you do not need the full kernel source. You only need to install matching kernel header files, and that’s it.

You need the full kernel source tree only if you want to build a custom kernel after modifying the kernel code in any way and/or tweaking default kernel options.

Here is how to download and install full kernel source tree from Debian or Ubuntu repositories. While you can download the official kernel source code from, using distro’s repositories allows you to download a kernel source with the maintainer’s patches applied to it.

Install Full Kernel Source on Debian

Before downloading kernel source, install dpkg-dev , which contains a suite of development tools needed to build Debian source packages. Among other things, dpkg-dev contains dpgk-source tool which can extract a Debian source package and automatically apply patches.

$ sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev

Next, run the following command to download full kernel source.

$ apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)

Along with the full kernel source ( linux_X.X.XX.orig.tar.xz ), any available kernel patches ( linux_X.X.X+XXX.debian.tar.xz ) and source control file ( linux_XXXX.dsc ) will also be downloaded and stored in the current directory. The .dsc file instructs how the patches are applied to the kernel sources.

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Upon the completion of download, the above command will automatically invoke dpkg-source tool, which will unpack the downloaded kernel source in the current directory, and apply downloaded patches according to .dsc file.

The final full kernel source tree will be available in the current directory as linux-X.X.XX .

Install Full Kernel Source on Ubuntu

If you want to install full kernel source, the Debian way described above should work on Ubuntu as well.

There is another way to download full kernel source on Ubuntu. You can actually check out the kernel source tree maintained by Canonical for different Ubuntu releases.

$ sudo apt-get install git $ git clone git://$(lsb_release --codename | cut -f2).git

For example, if you are using Ubuntu 14.04, the above command will check out code from » ubuntu-trusty » Git repository.

Once you check out the Git repository, use the following command to install necessary development packages to meet the build dependencies for the kernel source tree.

$ sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)

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How to download a Debian package’s source code?

Downloading source code from Debian repositories is as simple as running apt-get source . It will put 3 files in your current directory, .dsc that describes package, .orig.tar.gz that contains unmodified sources, and .diff.gz that contains Debian-specific changes. But if you get error E: Unable to find a source package for , then you might not have the source code repository specified, so go to /etc/apt/sources.list (or some file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ that contains your Debian repository), find a string like:

deb wheezy main contrib non-free 
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free 

Update package index files with sudo apt-get update and try again. See also:

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A second possibility is to download the source code from upstream directly instead of downloading it from Debian repositories. This has the advantage that if you not only want to read the source code but might like to change something you can directly commit and submit it to upstream (assuming it is not a Debian patch).

You can usually find out the upstream source code repository URL in the file /usr/share/doc/$package_or_program_name/copyright .

$ head /usr/share/doc/git/copyright Format: Upstream-Contact: Source: Files: * Copyright: © 2005-2014, Linus Torvalds and others. License: GPL-2 Files: xdiff/* Copyright: © 2003-2009, Davide Libenzi, Johannes E. Schindelin 

This file is also referenced from (search for «Copyright File»).


Debian get linux source

This is an obsolete now guide on how to build the Linux Kernel into a .deb package. Don’t use this, or take with a grain of salt. Instead, see

Install the Required Packages

  • build-essential — Essential packages required for compiling.
  • linux-source — The Linux Kernel Source
  • libncurses5-dev — Development files for ncurses5. Optional for using curses based menu driven configuration.
  • sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-source bc kmod cpio flex libncurses5-dev libelf-dev libssl-dev dwarves bison

Extracting the Kernel Source

Under /usr/src you will find a file looking like linux-source-x.x.tar.xz. Please note that x.x will match the current Linux Kernel source for your release of Debian. In this example we will be using the 4.15 Kernel under Sid.

Configuring the Kernel

Using your current Debian kernel configuration as a starting point

Alternatively, you can use the configuration from a Debian-built kernel that you already have installed by copying the /boot/config-* file to .config and then running make oldconfig to only answer new questions.

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If you do this, ensure that you modify the configuration to set:


otherwise the build may fail:

make[4]: *** No rule to make target 'debian/certs/test-signing-certs.pem', needed by 'certs/x509_certificate_list'. Stop. make[4]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.

Building the Debian Package

This will take quite some time and it’s worth noting that it doesn’t necessarily have to be done on the target machine (or even the target architecture, search in your engine of choice for kernel cross-compiling if you want to set it up). Choosing your most powerful machine may reduce the time of this operation from many hours to under 1.

It’s also worth noting that if you’re using not much of a deviation from the default configuration that ships with debian, you’ll need upwards of about 7GB or so of space to do this operation.

The first one will replace your current default menulist item in grub upon installation. This means that if you install it then next time you reboot, you’ll boot into that kernel.

The second are debug symbols for the first. This is useful if say, you want to do kernel debugging. It’s worth noting that when extracted the debug symbols are about 5GB.

See also

The «Compiling a Kernel» section in the Debian Administrator’s Guide (WARNING: outdated)


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