Debian gnu linux 8 jessie

Debian gnu linux 8 jessie

Jessie is the development codename for Debian 8. Jessie receives Long-Term-Support since 2018-06-17. It was superseded by Debian 9 ‘Stretch’ on 2017-06-17.

It is the archived distribution per Official information about Debian releases.

Debian Jessie Life cycle

Before the release

  • 2012-07-27: Distribution codename announced
  • 2013-05-04: Wheezy released, development on Jessie started
  • 2013-10-13: Jessie freeze date announced
  • 2014-08-13: Jessie installer beta 1 released
  • 2014-10-05: Jessie installer beta 2 released
  • 2014-11-05: Jessie freeze Debian 8.0 «Jessie» is frozen
  • 2015-01-26: Jessie installer RC1 released
  • 2015-03-27: Jessie installer RC2 released
  • 2015-03-31: Jessie target release date announced
  • 2015-04-19: Jessie installer RC3 released

Release and updates

  • 2015-04-25: Initial release: 8.0 (press release)
  • 2015-06-06: Updated (8.1) (press release).
  • 2015-09-05: Updated (8.2) (press release).
  • 2016-01-23: Updated (8.3) (press release).
  • 2016-04-02: Updated (8.4) (press release).
  • 2016-06-04: Updated (8.5) (press release).
  • 2016-09-17: Updated (8.6) (press release).
  • 2017-01-14: Updated (8.7) (press release).
  • 2017-05-06: Updated (8.8) (press release).
  • 2017-06-17: Jessie becomes oldstable. (i.e. A new stable is released: Debian Stretch)
  • 2017-07-22: Updated (8.9) (press release).
  • 2017-12-09: Updated (8.10) (press release).
  • 2018-05-18: Long-Term-Support announced (security advisory).
  • 2018-06-23: Updated (8.11) (press release).


  • work in progress, Read «Bits from the release teams» emails and arch_qualify page
    • Two architectures have been introduced: arm64 and ppc64el, and three were dropped: s390 (i.e 31bits support is dropped, replaced by s390x), sparc, and ia64.

    New Features

    Packages & versions

    • apt:
    • kernel: Linux 3.16
    • gcc: 4.9
    • Gnome 3.14, KDE 4.14, Xfce 4.10
    • libc: libc6 2.19-18
    • X-server: Xorg 7.7

    Expected version, as of 2015-09-08


    She’s the cowgirl modeled after the character on the fictional television show Woody’s Roundup (see Wikipedia page, picture) Q) Where do I get jessie packages? Jessie is an archived release, receiving no further updates. Upgrading to the current stable release is recommended where possible. Use the following sources for jessie:

    deb jessie main

    If you need backports, first be warned that these are archived and no longer being updated; they may have security bugs or other major issues. They are not supported in any way.

    deb jessie-backports main

    The jessie-backports Release file’s validation key is also expired, and will not be renewed or replaced. You will need to tell apt to disregard this expired key. One way to do that is to put

    Acquire::Check-Valid-Until false;

    in the /etc/apt/apt.conf file.


    Информация о выпуске Debian “jessie”

    Debian 8.11 был выпущен 23 Июня 2018. Debian 8.0 изначально был выпущен 26 Апреля 2015. Выпуск включает множество важных изменений, описанных в анонсе и информации о выпуске.

    Debian 8 был заменён на Debian 9 ( stretch ). Обычная поддержка обновлений безопасности была прекращена 17 Июня 2018.

    О том, как получить и установить Debian, см. страницу с the информацией по установке и руководство по установке. Инструкции по обновлению со старого выпуска см. в информации о выпуске.

    Архитектуры, поддерживаемые в ходе жизненного цикла LTS:

    • 64-битный ПК (amd64)
    • 32-битный ПК (i386)
    • EABI ARM (armel)
    • ABI ARM с аппаратной поддержкой чисел с плавающей запятой (armhf)
    • 64-битный ПК (amd64)
    • 32-битный ПК (i386)
    • EABI ARM (armel)
    • PowerPC
    • ABI ARM с аппаратной поддержкой чисел с плавающей запятой (armhf)
    • MIPS (с порядком байтов от младшего к старшему)
    • MIPS (с порядком байтов от старшего к младшему)
    • IBM System z
    • 64-битный ARM (AArch64)
    • Процессоры POWER
    • О Debian
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      • Где взять Debian
        • Установка по сети
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            Последнее изменение: Сбт, 25 Июл 2020, 06:57:49 UTC Последняя сборка: Срд, 14 Июн 2023, 02:48:16 UTC
            Авторские права © 1997-2020 SPI и другие; См. условия лицензии
            Debian является зарегистрированным товарным знаком компании Software in the Public Interest, Inc. (Программное обеспечение в интересах общества)


            Installing Debian 8.11

            To install Debian 8.11 (jessie), download any of the following images (all i386 and amd64 CD/DVD images can be used on USB sticks too):

            netinst CD image (generally 150-280 MB)

            full CD sets

            full DVD sets

            Blu-ray (via jigdo)

            other images (netboot, flexible usb stick, etc.)

            If any of the hardware in your system requires non-free firmware to be loaded with the device driver, you can use one of the tarballs of common firmware packages or download an unofficial image including these non-free firmwares. Instructions how to use the tarballs and general information about loading firmware during an installation can be found in the Installation Guide (see Documentation below).

            netinst (generally 240-290 MB) non-free CD images with firmware

            • For downloading full CD and DVD images the use of BitTorrent or jigdo is recommended.
            • For the less common architectures only a limited number of images from the CD and DVD sets is available as ISO file or via BitTorrent. The full sets are only available via jigdo.
            • The multi-arch CD images support i386/amd64; the installation is similar to installing from a single architecture netinst image.
            • The multi-arch DVD image supports i386/amd64; the installation is similar to installing from a single architecture full CD image; the DVD also includes the source for all included packages.
            • For the installation images, verification files (SHA256SUMS, SHA512SUMS and other) are available from the same directory as the images.


            If you read only one document before installing, read our Installation Howto, a quick walkthrough of the installation process. Other useful documentation includes:

            • Jessie Installation Guide
              detailed installation instructions
            • Debian-Installer FAQ and Debian-CD FAQ
              common questions and answers
            • Debian-Installer Wiki
              community maintained documentation


            This is a list of known problems in the installer shipped with Debian 8.11. If you have experienced a problem installing Debian and do not see your problem listed here, please send us an installation report describing the problem or check the wiki for other known problems.

            Errata for release 8.11

            pkgsel does not install updates with ABI changes (by default) Bug #908711: during installation with network sources enabled, the installed security updates don’t include updates that depend on a new binary package, due to a kernel or library ABI change.
            Status: This has been fixed in the installer included for newer releases (Debian 9 stretch). For Debian 8 installations, since no new Debian installer is provided, security updates that depend on new packages should be installed manually:
            — Run apt-get upgrade —with-new-pkgs
            — Reboot to complete the upgrade. APT was vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack A bug in the APT HTTP transport method (CVE-2019-3462) could be exploited by an attacker located as a man-in-the-middle between APT and a mirror to cause the installation of additional, malicious, packages.
            This can be mitigated by disabling use of the network during initial installation and then upgrading following the instructions in DLA-1637.
            Status: This has been fixed in 8.11.1

            Errata for release 8.0

            Desktop installations may not work using CD#1 alone Due to space constraints on the first CD, not all of the expected GNOME desktop packages fit on CD#1. For a successful installation, use extra package sources (e.g. a second CD or a network mirror) or use a DVD instead.
            Status: It is unlikely more efforts can be made to fit more packages on CD#1. Powerpc boot messages are out of date Bug #783569: powerpc CDs still talk about using the kernel command line to select a desktop, which is now obsolete — use the tasksel menu instead.
            Status: This has been fixed in 8.1 Problems installing more than one desktop task at once Bug #783571: It’s not possible to install both GNOME and Xfce at the same time. There is a conflict in dependencies that causes package installations to fail.
            Status: This has been fixed in 8.1


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