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The GNOME Desktop is an attractive and useful desktop environment. GNOME is both free and one of the most widely used desktop environments on the GNU/Linux operating system.
GNOME in Debian
DebianBookworm includes GNOME 43.
DebianBullseye includes GNOME 3.38.
DebianBuster includes GNOME 3.30.
DebianStretch includes GNOME 3.22.
DebianJessie includes GNOME 3.14.
DebianWheezy includes GNOME 3.4.
DebianSqueeze includes GNOME 2.30.
For the development distributions DebianUnstable/DebianTesting, please refer to the versions of the individual upstream packages, such as gnome-shell. During transitions between versions, the GNOME packages are not necessarily all at the same version.
The meta-gnome3 metapackage is not a good indication of the version of the overall desktop, particularly in development distributions.
There are three options to install GNOME in Debian:
The default CPUFreq scaling governor (Ondemand) which is used by AMD CPUs, older Intel CPUs, and many other CPUs, drops core frequency significantly between each animation frame (the issue is amplified by the nature of Gnome’s engine only rendering frames as required) and this can result in jolty/laggy/slow animations. If you are experiencing this you may find the situation can be greatly improved by adjusting Ondemand’s «sampling_down_factor» setting.
You can test if this improves animation smoothness on your system by executing the following command:
The GNOME and KDE communities still work together: under the FreeDesktop.org umbrella, the projects collaborated in defining standards for interoperability across applications.
Выбор «лучшего» графического рабочего стола является деликатной темой, от которой мы предпочитаем держаться подальше. Мы просто опишем их возможности и дадим несколько советов для дальнейших размышлений. Лучшим выбором будет тот, который вы сделаете после некоторых экспериментов.
13.3.1. GNOME
Debian Bullseye includes GNOME version 3.38, which can be installed by a simple apt install gnome (it can also be installed by selecting the “Debian desktop environment” task — task-desktop and task-gnome-desktop ).
GNOME is noteworthy for its efforts in usability and accessibility. Design professionals have been involved in writing its standards and recommendations, which has helped developers to create satisfying graphical user interfaces. The project also gets encouragement from the big players of computing, such as Intel, IBM, Oracle, Novell, and of course, various Linux distributions. Finally, many programming languages can be used in developing applications interfacing to GNOME.
Рисунок 13.1. Рабочий стол GNOME
For administrators, GNOME seems to be better prepared for massive deployments. Application configuration is handled through the GSettings interface and stores its data in the DConf database. The configuration settings can thus be queried and edited with the gsettings , and dconf command-line tools, or by the dconf-editor graphical user interfaces. The administrator can therefore change users’ configuration with a simple script. The GNOME website provides information to guide administrators who manage GNOME workstations:
13.3.2. KDE and Plasma
Debian Bullseye includes version 5.20 of KDE Plasma, which can be installed with apt install kde-standard ( task-kde-desktop ).
Plasma has had a rapid evolution based on a very hands-on approach. Its authors quickly got very good results, which allowed them to grow a large user-base. These factors contributed to the overall project quality. Plasma is a mature desktop environment with a wide range of applications.
Since the Qt 4.0 release, the last remaining license problem with KDE software has been solved. This version was released under the GPL both for Linux and Windows (the Windows version was previously released under a non-free license). KDE applications are primarily developed using the C++ language.
13.3.3. Xfce и другие
Xfce is a simple and lightweight graphical desktop, which is a perfect match for computers with limited resources. It can be installed with apt install xfce4 ( task-xfce-desktop ). Like GNOME, Xfce is based on the GTK+ toolkit, and several components are common across both desktops.
Unlike GNOME and Plasma, Xfce does not aim to become a vast project. Beyond the basic components of a modern desktop (file manager, window manager, session manager, a panel for application launchers and so on), it only provides a few specific applications: a terminal, a calendar ( orage ), an image viewer, a CD/DVD burning tool, a media player ( parole ), sound volume control and a text editor ( mousepad ).
Полная среда GNOME, включая элементы, которые не являются официальной частью релиза. Предоставляет рекомендуемое окружение среды GNOME для Debian:
# apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment
# apt-get install gnome-accessibility
# apt-get install gdm3 gnome-panel gnome-terminal
Запуск GNOME производится командой:
Для использования startx запишите в файл ~/.xinitrc:
Основная настройка GNOME производится с помощью графических утилит (gnome-control-center), более тонкая настройка с помощью редактора конфигураций (gconf-editor).
GDM (GNOME Display Manager)
Если вы хотите использовать графический вход в систему, вам нужно установить GDM:
После установки, GDM станет вашим способом авторизации по умолчанию.
Вы можете настроить GDM в «Меню->Система->Администрирование->Окно входа в систему». Или введите эту команду:
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Q) Как включить отображение значков в меню?
A) С помощью gconf-editor (Приложения -> Системные -> Редактор конфигурации) поставить галочку в /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons. Q) Как убрать индикатор раскладки из области уведомлений?
A) С помощью gconf-editor (Приложения -> Системные -> Редактор конфигурации) убрать галочку из /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/plugins/keyboard/active, после перезапуска GNOME индикатор исчезнет.