Debian usb wifi адаптер

How do I install an external WiFi adapter in Linux?

  1. Open contents in CD and then copy and paste folder Linux onto desktop or downloads folder. ( .
  2. Select Permissions tab and change all the folder access options to «create and delete files». .
  3. Enter this command: chmod +x (it may prompt you for your password)
  4. Then enter this command: sudo ./

How do I connect to WiFi on Debian?

  1. nmcli general status. .
  2. nmcli connection show. .
  3. nmcli device status. .
  4. nmcli dev wifi list. .
  5. nmcli con add con-name WiFi ifname wlan0 type wifi ssid SSID_OF_CHOSEN_NETWORK. .
  6. nmcli con modify WiFi wifi-sec.psk PASSWORD. .
  7. nmcli con up WiFi.

How do I manually install a Windows 10 adapter?

  1. Insert the adapter into your computer.
  2. Download the updated driver and extract it.
  3. Right click on Computer Icon, and then click Manage. .
  4. Open Device Manager. .
  5. Click Browse my computer for driver software.

How do I enable WiFi on Linux?

To enable or disable the WiFi, right click the network icon in the corner, and click «Enable WiFi» or «Disable WiFi.» When the WiFi adapter is enabled, single click the network icon to select a WiFi network to connect to.

How do I connect to WiFi on Linux terminal?

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Type ifconfig wlan0 and press Enter . .
  3. Type iwconfig wlan0 essid name key password and press Enter . .
  4. Type dhclient wlan0 and press Enter to obtain an IP address and connect to the WiFi network.

How do I enable wireless on Ubuntu?

  1. Open the system menu from the right side of the top bar.
  2. Select Wi-Fi Not Connected. .
  3. Click Select Network.
  4. Click the name of the network you want, then click Connect. .
  5. If the network is protected by a password (encryption key), enter the password when prompted and click Connect.
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How do I get Linux to recognize my USB WiFi adapter?

  1. Open a Terminal, type lsusb and press Enter .
  2. Look through the list of devices that is shown and find any that seem to refer to a wireless or network device. .
  3. If you found your wireless adapter in the list, proceed to the Device Drivers step.

Why WiFi is not working in Ubuntu?

Check that your wireless adapter is enabled and that Ubuntu recognizes it: see Device Recognition and Operation. Check if drivers are available for your wireless adapter; install them and check them: see Device Drivers. Check your connection to the Internet: see Wireless Connections.

How do I fix no WiFi adapter in Ubuntu?

  1. Ctrl Alt T to open Terminal. .
  2. Install Build Tools. .
  3. Clone rtw88 repository. .
  4. Navigate to the rtw88 directory. .
  5. Make command. .
  6. Install Drivers. .
  7. Wireless connection. .
  8. Remove Broadcom drivers.

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После перехода на Debian 10 с Ubuntu и, к сожалению, Debian решил не распознать WiFi Устройство/USB WiFi адаптер. Пришлось приложить немало усилий, пытаясь настроить драйвер устройства, но всё свелось к тому, что в Debian отсутствовал соответствующий драйвер для устройства TP-Link WiFi. После установки драйвера и окончательного успеха в работе WiFi в Debian.

Пожалуйста, следуйте этим шагам один за другим, чтобы установить соответствующий драйвер TP-Link WiFi на ваш Debian:

Откройте приложение Терминал, нажав клавишу Super (Windows) и найдя его через Пуск приложений следующим образом:

Открытие терминала

Шаг 2: Обновление индекса репозитория

Войдите в систему как root, введя su, а затем пароль root. Теперь вы авторизованы для добавления/удаления и настройки программного обеспечения в Debian. Теперь введите следующую команду, чтобы обновить индекс локального репозитория с индексом интернет-репозитория. Это поможет вам установить последнюю версию программного обеспечения, доступного в Интернете.

sudo apt-get update

Шаг 3: Установите предварительные пакеты

Процесс установки драйвера WiFi адаптера включает в себя его загрузку из Интернета и последующую установку в вашей системе. Это требует установки Linux Headers, Build Essential и пакетов git в Debian. Выполните следующие команды от имени root, одну за другой, в Терминале:

apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
apt-get install build-essential


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Debian 10 USB WiFi Adapter

So, a few days back I shifted to Debian 10 from Ubuntu and unfortunately, Debian decided to not recognize my WiFi Dongle/USB WiFi Adapter. It took a lot of effort at trying to configure the device driver but it boiled down to the fact that my Debian lacked the appropriate driver for my TP-Link WiFi device. After installing the driver and finally getting successful in getting my WiFi work on Debian, I jotted down the steps for whoever faces the same situation as me.

We have run the commands and procedures mentioned in this article on a Debian 10 Buster system.

Please follow these steps, one by one, in order to install the appropriate TP-Link WiFi driver on your Debian:

Step 1: Open the Terminal

Open the Terminal application by pressing the Super(Windows) key and searching for it through the Application Launcher as follows:

Open Debian Terminal

Step 2: Update the Repository Index

Login as root by entering su and then the password for root. You are now authorized to add/remove and configure software on Debian. Now, enter the following command in order to update the local repository index with that of the Internet. This helps you in installing the latest version of a software available online.

Update repositories

Step 3: Install the Prerequisites

The process of installing the WiFi Adapter’s driver includes downloading it from the Internet and then installing it on your system. This requires installing Linux Headers, Build Essential and the git packages on your Debian. Run the following commands as root, one by one, in your Terminal:

# apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
# apt-get install build-essential

Step 4: Download the driver from git hub

Search for the relevant driver on GitHub. I found the driver for my TP-Link device on:

Download the driver by cloning it on your system. This is how I cloned my driver:

$ git clone

The cloned folder will now exist in your home drive. Simply switch to this folder through the cd command. And then install the driver through the make command. For example, I followed the following steps:

Finally, configure the driver through the following command and restart your system:

You can also blacklist an internal driver if it already existed on your system by adding it to the file: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist

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As you log in again, you will be able to see the WiFi adapter card listed in the WiFi tab of the Settings utility.

WiFi Adapter

You are now ready to connect to the Internet through this adapter.

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Setup Wi-Fi Adapter and Configure Wireless Interface


I’ll show an example of how to configure a connection to a wireless network from the console of the Debian system by using Wi-Fi Adapter “ASUS USB-N10 Nano” ( ID: 0b05:17ba , Driver: rtl8192cu ).

Installing driver/firmware for Wi-Fi Adapter

Wi-Fi Adapter “ASUS USB-N10 Nano” is uses the driver “rtl8192cu”, wich can be found in the firmware-realtek package.

1. Add a non-free component to /etc/apt/sources.list , for example:

# Debian 7 "Wheezy" deb wheezy main contrib non-free

2. Update the list of available packages and install the firmware-realtek package:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install firmware-realtek 

3. Connect the device to your system.

Now the adapter is setuped.

Scaning Networks

Scan for available networks and get network details:

Configure Wireless Interface

1. We are going to connect to the wireless network with WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK authentication method, so before continuing, we need to install the wpasupplicant package:

sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant 

2. Restrict the permissions of /etc/network/interfaces , to prevent pre-shared key (PSK) disclosure:

sudo chmod 0600 /etc/network/interfaces 

3. Open /etc/network/interfaces in a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces 

Then append the define appropriate stanzas for your wireless interface, along with the SSID and PSK. For example:

# WiFi auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid NNNN wpa-psk NNNN

The auto stanza will bring your interface up at system startup.

4. We can now bring our interface up and down with the usual ifup and ifdown commands:

This will start wpa_supplicant as a background process.

If you added auto wlan0 as in the example above, the interface should be brought up automatically during boot up.

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Arthur Gareginyan

Arthur is a designer and full stack software engineer. He is the founder of Space X-Chimp and the blog My Cyber Universe. His personal website can be found at

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