Debian xfce no wifi

Debian User Forums

jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log in

jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log in

#1 Post by kenwong » 2015-03-14 10:08

Installed jessie with xfce. Not sure if some settings were modified by accident; the wifi connection isn’t automatic every time I log in the system. I need to click on the network icon on the system tray and choose my wifi network.

Any idea what has went wrong? Thanks.

Head_on_a_Stick Posts: 13942 Joined: 2014-06-01 17:46 Location: /dev/chair Has thanked: 53 times Been thanked: 82 times

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#2 Post by Head_on_a_Stick » 2015-03-14 10:30

Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#3 Post by kenwong » 2015-03-14 10:37

[main] plugins=ifupdown,keyfile [ifupdown] managed=false

Head_on_a_Stick Posts: 13942 Joined: 2014-06-01 17:46 Location: /dev/chair Has thanked: 53 times Been thanked: 82 times

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#4 Post by Head_on_a_Stick » 2015-03-14 10:38

Have you installed jessie onto your hard drive or are you running a «live» system?

How exactly did you go about installing Debian?

Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#5 Post by kenwong » 2015-03-14 10:43

I installed it onto the hard drive from the netinst.iso on a usb. I chose xfce under Debian desktop environment in the last installation process.

Head_on_a_Stick Posts: 13942 Joined: 2014-06-01 17:46 Location: /dev/chair Has thanked: 53 times Been thanked: 82 times

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#6 Post by Head_on_a_Stick » 2015-03-14 10:52

What have you done with the system since installing it?

You can check the APT log under /var/log/dpkg.log

Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#7 Post by kenwong » 2015-03-14 11:23

Читайте также:  Помощник вай фай айфон отключить

Head_on_a_Stick Posts: 13942 Joined: 2014-06-01 17:46 Location: /dev/chair Has thanked: 53 times Been thanked: 82 times

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#8 Post by Head_on_a_Stick » 2015-03-14 11:34

I don’t have XFCE on my Debian system, but under GNOME (3.14) there is a tickbox under Settings → Network → (select desired connection) → Identity → «Connect automatically»

Fiddle with the XFCE setting panel & see if you can find something similar.

Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#9 Post by v&n » 2015-03-14 13:05

Head_on_a_Stick wrote: I don’t have XFCE on my Debian system, but under GNOME (3.14) there is a tickbox under Settings → Network → (select desired connection) → Identity → «Connect automatically»

Running Debian with xfce on a VM, the path is almost same :

«Applications Menu > Settings > Network Connections > Wireless tab > double click your connection > make sure «Connect Automatically» is checked.

If this is already enabled, I would like to see your ‘keyfile’ for the connection, which is the file where the above GUI stores the connection settings, including PASSWORDS ! So please delete or obscure the sensitive info (AP password, plus anything else you might consider sensitive) before posting the contents here :

su cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ exit

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#10 Post by kenwong » 2015-03-14 13:53

v&n wrote: Running Debian with xfce on a VM, the path is almost same :

«Applications Menu > Settings > Network Connections > Wireless tab > double click your connection > make sure «Connect Automatically» is checked.

v&n wrote: If this is already enabled, I would like to see your ‘keyfile’ for the connection, which is the file where the above GUI stores the connection settings, including PASSWORDS ! So please delete or obscure the sensitive info (AP password, plus anything else you might consider sensitive) before posting the contents here :

su cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ exit
[connection] id= uuid= type=wifi [wifi] ssid= mac-address=00:19:D2:04:DF:CD hidden=true [wifi-security] key-mgmt=wpa-psk psk-flags=1 [ipv4] method=auto [ipv6] method=auto
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:41:ae:61:cf UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) Interrupt:16 Memory:ee000000-ee020000 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:28 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:28 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:1728 (1.6 KiB) TX bytes:1728 (1.6 KiB) wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:19:d2:04:df:cd inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::219:d2ff:fe04:dfcd/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:95870 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:75966 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:98510935 (93.9 MiB) TX bytes:12260530 (11.6 MiB) 

Re: jessie xfce: wifi not connected automatically upon log i

#11 Post by v&n » 2015-03-14 14:30

Everything looks normal to me.

I remember a similar problem with BCM4312 or 4318 cards where the initial scan for network failed, requiring the user to manually attempt the connection again. Never found the reason or a proper fix, but a working workaround was to add «iwlist scan» command to «/etc/rc.local» file.

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Do you also happen to have the same broadcom card? Please show us the output of (even if for sake of experience only) —

sudo sed -i '/^exit 0/ i iwlist scan' /etc/rc.local

But the «iwlist» command is provided by «wireless-tools» package which may not be installed by default in Debian-xfce. So you may have to install it first with —

su apt-get install wireless-tools exit


Debian User Forums

I am running xfce on my laptop, and was wondering if there was a network manager I could use that didn’t need extra dependencies. Gnome services slow my machine down, so I was trying to avoid using Network Manager.

Re: Wifi Manager for XFCE?

#2 Post by slanbarn » 2009-11-01 15:57

Re: Wifi Manager for XFCE?

#3 Post by Super TWiT » 2009-11-01 16:13

julian67 Posts: 4638 Joined: 2007-04-06 14:39 Location: Just hanging around Been thanked: 6 times

Re: Wifi Manager for XFCE?

#4 Post by julian67 » 2009-11-01 17:27

I’ve used both Network Manager and Wicd and Wicd uses more resources. Network Manager is a decent choice if the older Lenny version works well with your wifi adapter. If you’re only interested in packages from the Lenny repo and you want GUI configuration then it’s pretty much Network Manager or wpagui though wpagui uses QT not GTK (but it doesn’t depend on any KDE). If you don’t mind looking outside official repos there are is also Ceni, a Sidux package. It uses ncurses so while it isn’t a GUI app it does have a nice user interface. It works really well.

I run network-manager-gnome on my laptop, Xfce Squeeze/Sid, Pentium-M 1.6 GHz with 768 MB RAM (hardly a modern powerhouse). I’ve not experienced any mysterious slowing down. It worked OK with Lenny as well. I suggest actually measuring resources used and performance instead of simply assuming that Gnome_Libs=Slow.

Here’s the memory use of my laptop, just booted, which also runs a scratchbox environment and a dictionary server:

# Private + Shared = RAM used Program 52.0 KiB + 7.5 KiB = 59.5 KiB readproctitle 72.0 KiB + 8.0 KiB = 80.0 KiB multilog 72.0 KiB + 10.5 KiB = 82.5 KiB svscan 88.0 KiB + 10.5 KiB = 98.5 KiB klogd 100.0 KiB + 29.0 KiB = 129.0 KiB supervise (2) 128.0 KiB + 14.0 KiB = 142.0 KiB portmap 136.0 KiB + 18.5 KiB = 154.5 KiB syslogd 124.0 KiB + 32.0 KiB = 156.0 KiB anacron 136.0 KiB + 34.0 KiB = 170.0 KiB hald-addon-generic-backlight 140.0 KiB + 33.0 KiB = 173.0 KiB hald-addon-leds 140.0 KiB + 35.0 KiB = 175.0 KiB hald-addon-ipw-killswitch 160.0 KiB + 22.5 KiB = 182.5 KiB init 160.0 KiB + 34.0 KiB = 194.0 KiB hald-addon-input 160.0 KiB + 35.0 KiB = 195.0 KiB hald-addon-storage 164.0 KiB + 35.5 KiB = 199.5 KiB hald-addon-acpi 172.0 KiB + 35.0 KiB = 207.0 KiB hald-addon-cpufreq 216.0 KiB + 21.0 KiB = 237.0 KiB smartd 232.0 KiB + 32.0 KiB = 264.0 KiB gam_server 216.0 KiB + 50.0 KiB = 266.0 KiB cron 236.0 KiB + 31.0 KiB = 267.0 KiB hald-runner 256.0 KiB + 28.5 KiB = 284.5 KiB dbus-launch 192.0 KiB + 106.5 KiB = 298.5 KiB svscanboot 304.0 KiB + 66.5 KiB = 370.5 KiB gvfsd 324.0 KiB + 59.0 KiB = 383.0 KiB xfconfd 320.0 KiB + 72.0 KiB = 392.0 KiB gnome-pty-helper (3) 364.0 KiB + 31.5 KiB = 395.5 KiB ssh-agent 400.0 KiB + 36.5 KiB = 436.5 KiB exim4 328.0 KiB + 121.0 KiB = 449.0 KiB su 392.0 KiB + 99.0 KiB = 491.0 KiB getty (6) 504.0 KiB + 14.0 KiB = 518.0 KiB mount.ntfs-3g 532.0 KiB + 29.5 KiB = 561.5 KiB acpid 592.0 KiB + 27.0 KiB = 619.0 KiB privoxy 392.0 KiB + 311.0 KiB = 703.0 KiB ntpd (2) 476.0 KiB + 238.5 KiB = 714.5 KiB nm-system-settings 680.0 KiB + 119.0 KiB = 799.0 KiB gnome-keyring-daemon 796.0 KiB + 10.5 KiB = 806.5 KiB dnscache 728.0 KiB + 139.0 KiB = 867.0 KiB NetworkManager 660.0 KiB + 224.5 KiB = 884.5 KiB polkitd 704.0 KiB + 213.5 KiB = 917.5 KiB wpa_supplicant 416.0 KiB + 563.5 KiB = 979.5 KiB udevd (3) 836.0 KiB + 147.0 KiB = 983.0 KiB xfsettingsd 944.0 KiB + 82.5 KiB = 1.0 MiB xscreensaver 728.0 KiB + 319.0 KiB = 1.0 MiB dbus-daemon (2) 1.1 MiB + 48.0 KiB = 1.1 MiB mc 944.0 KiB + 260.0 KiB = 1.2 MiB console-kit-daemon 944.0 KiB + 265.0 KiB = 1.2 MiB xfce4-notifyd 924.0 KiB + 332.0 KiB = 1.2 MiB polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 1.1 MiB + 226.5 KiB = 1.3 MiB gconfd-2 1.2 MiB + 361.0 KiB = 1.5 MiB Thunar 1.3 MiB + 285.5 KiB = 1.6 MiB xfce4-settings-helper 832.0 KiB + 807.5 KiB = 1.6 MiB gdm (2) 1.8 MiB + 24.5 KiB = 1.8 MiB preload 1.3 MiB + 595.5 KiB = 1.9 MiB xfce4-mount-plugin 1.3 MiB + 694.0 KiB = 2.0 MiB x-session-manag 1.1 MiB + 952.5 KiB = 2.0 MiB sshd (3) 1.6 MiB + 561.5 KiB = 2.2 MiB xfce4-linelight-plugin 1.7 MiB + 533.5 KiB = 2.2 MiB xfce4-places-plugin 1.8 MiB + 715.0 KiB = 2.5 MiB xfwm4 2.0 MiB + 793.5 KiB = 2.7 MiB xfce4-power-manager 2.1 MiB + 649.5 KiB = 2.7 MiB xfce4-notes-plugin 2.7 MiB + 92.5 KiB = 2.8 MiB hald 2.0 MiB + 860.5 KiB = 2.8 MiB xfce4-panel 2.2 MiB + 914.0 KiB = 3.1 MiB xfce4-netload-plugin (2) 2.8 MiB + 1.3 MiB = 4.1 MiB nm-applet 3.6 MiB + 687.5 KiB = 4.2 MiB xfce4-mixer-plugin 4.3 MiB + 278.5 KiB = 4.6 MiB tor 5.3 MiB + 828.0 KiB = 6.1 MiB xfdesktop 4.7 MiB + 2.3 MiB = 6.9 MiB tilda (3) 7.5 MiB + 723.0 KiB = 8.2 MiB bash (4) 3.3 MiB + 6.3 MiB = 9.6 MiB mocp (2) 16.7 MiB + 59.5 KiB = 16.8 MiB dictd 16.4 MiB + 1.8 MiB = 18.2 MiB Xorg --------------------------------- 136.2 MiB ================================= 

As you can see Network Manager uses less memory than the Xfce mixer applet, or a couple of bash sessions (idle). I think about 4MB for the applet and another 2 or 3 MB for dependencies is pretty good, especially as those dependencies are also being shared by a couple of other packages. I don’t have Wicd installed any more but it typically would use between 12 and 25MB of RAM.

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Your system may offer different results, but it’s well worth checking for yourself.


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