Default editors in linux

How do I change the default text editor?

It is answered here:… — basically you want to export EDITOR=emacs — and perhaps add that to your .bashrc so it becomes your default.

12 Answers 12

Here is what worked in my case:

  1. Right click on a text file.
  2. Choose «Properties» (not «Open With. «)
  3. Click on the «Open With» tab.
  4. Choose your new text editor.
  5. Mark chosen text editor using a button «Set as default».

This also works on 12.04 and 13.04.

@ Edit: based on comments it does work on all distros until 20.04

To change default text editor across the file types, try updating gnome-text-editor configuration.

sudo update-alternatives --config gnome-text-editor 
sudo update-alternatives --config editor 

How can someone add another option? In my case I get the following: There is only one alternative in link group gnome-text-editor (providing /usr/bin/gnome-text-editor): /usr/bin/gedit — EDIT: found how to do it: sudo update-alternatives —install /usr/bin/gnome-text-editor gnome-text-editor /path/to/executablesublime 100 in my case /snap/bin/subl outoutted by which subl .

Thanks for this answer! Same here, I added subl first: sudo update-alternatives —install /usr/bin/gnome-text-editor gnome-text-editor $(which subl) 100 . Then it was already selected as editor, as the above command then confirmed.

This is the one you need to ensure your editor choice persists even when running programs using wsl.exe in WSL. (Specifically sudo update-alternatives —config editor )

A more robust solution would be to replace the bindings in /usr/share/applications/defaults.list .

sed -i 's/gedit/emacs/' /usr/share/applications/defaults.list 

I don’t know how, but by copying this command I accidentally cleared the whole file. I would much prefer doing this in a text editor using find-replace (as explained in this answer) for those who are not too familiar with sed.

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I did this (in a text editor with find-replace, which should have the same result), then logged out and back in but still C++ header files (*.h) are opened in gedit.

I don’t use a DE, but for my configurations the next command is the best:

  • it selects your default sensible-editor from all installed editors
  • must run with current user
  • you must have more than one editor in your system

After setting EDITOR to vi, VISUAL to vi, linking /etc/alternatives/editor or whatever to vi, I still got the pest named nano as the editor when running commands like virsh edit myvm . Applying a level of self-control I would never have guessed I could reach, I am not venting here. NOT VENTING AT ALL. I renamed nano to nano.deleted, then I got several lines of error messages whenever I edited something. select-editor didn’t change that. What did help was rm /usr/bin/sensible-editor followed by ln -s /usr/bin/vi /usr/bin/sensible-editor . Life is good.

Right click on a text file, point to «Open With» and it’ll show other editors in a sub-menu. Click on «Other Application. «. It’ll show you a dialog with a list of applications, select Emacs and make sure the «Remember this application for «plain text document» file» option is checked. Click «Open».

I did try this, but I’m having a bit of a problem — whenever I double-click on a file in Nautilus, I get a dialog box that says: «Do you want to run «tasks.css», or display its contents? «tasks.css» is an executable text file.» And then there are four options — Run in Terminal, Display, Cancel, Run. (This happens with every file, not just CSS files.)

@begtognen: Sorry for the ultra-late reply. But I’ve been trying to find a solution for this myself. Just found one — go to Nautlius preferences (Edit > Preferences), select the «Behavior» tab and under the «Executable Text Files» section, select the radio button «View executable text files when they are opened». Fixed the issue for me.


ubuntu default text editor

Introduction. Text Editor (gedit) is the default GUI text editor in the Ubuntu operating system. It is UTF-8 compatible and supports most standard text editor features as well as many advanced features.

  1. What is the default text editor on Linux?
  2. How do I open the default text editor in Linux?
  3. How do I find the text editor in Ubuntu?
  4. How do I set Notepad ++ as default editor in Ubuntu?
  5. How do I change the default text editor in Terminal?
  6. How do I change the default code editor?
  7. How do I find my default editor?
  8. Does Linux have a text editor?
  9. How do I edit a text file in Linux?
  10. What is the text editor for Ubuntu?
  11. Is geany a good text editor?
  12. How do I use text editor in Ubuntu?
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What is the default text editor on Linux?

Set Nano as the Default Text Editor

By default on most Linux systems, the default text editor for commands such as visudo and crontab is set to vi.

How do I open the default text editor in Linux?

1 Answer. In Ubuntu exist a command called xdg-open, that opens a file or URL in the user’s preferred application, so you can open several types of files with the default program pre-defined. xdg-open hello_word. tiff Open the file using the default image visualizer.

How do I find the text editor in Ubuntu?

  1. Atom. Atom is a free and open-source text editor developed by GitHub. .
  2. Sublime Text. Sublime Text is a source code editor written C++ and Python with Python API. .
  3. Vim. Vim or Vi Improved is advanced text editor with IDE like features. .
  4. KATE. .
  5. GEANY. .
  6. GEDIT. .
  7. Eclipse. .
  8. Nano.

How do I set Notepad ++ as default editor in Ubuntu?

Right click filetype in question (e.g. txt), and do Open With > Other Application. . Now click button Set as default . Alternatively instead of Open With etc.

How do I change the default text editor in Terminal?

2 Answers. Simply set the EDITOR variable to vim in your bash startup file. edit-and-execute-command (C-xC-e) Invoke an editor on the current command line, and execute the result as shell commands. Bash attempts to invoke $FCEDIT, $EDITOR, and emacs as the editor, in that order.

How do I change the default code editor?

  1. First find the file type for which would like to have Visual Studio Code be your default editor. .
  2. Or you can select “Properties” and click the “Change…” button.
  3. On the dialog that opens click the “More options” link.
  4. Then click on “Look for another app on this PC”.

How do I find my default editor?

You can test this out by typing in crontab -e to edit your cron file. You should see the editor that you chose, instead of the default.

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Does Linux have a text editor?

There are two command-line text editors in Linux®: vim and nano. You can use one of these two available options should you ever need to write a script, edit a configuration file, create a virtual host, or jot down a quick note for yourself.

How do I edit a text file in Linux?

  1. Press the ESC key for normal mode.
  2. Press i Key for insert mode.
  3. Press :q! keys to exit from the editor without saving a file.
  4. Press :wq! Keys to save the updated file and exit from the editor.
  5. Press :w test. txt to save the file as test. txt.

What is the text editor for Ubuntu?

Text Editor (gedit) is the default GUI text editor in the Ubuntu operating system. It is UTF-8 compatible and supports most standard text editor features as well as many advanced features.

Is geany a good text editor?

Geany is a GTK based application and supports Windows, Linux, macOS and many BSDs. While primarily a text editor for programmers, Geany is still by all means a text editor. I think it is suitable for all users, especially if you’re a fan of Notepad++ as it can also be used as a text editor.

How do I use text editor in Ubuntu?

To start editing, press the i key to insert text or the a key to append text. When finished, use the Esc key to toggle out of the insert or append modes and into the viewing (or command) mode. To enter a command, type a colon (:), followed by the command, such as w to write the file, and press Enter.

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