Delete android studio linux

Как удалить android studio linux

Устанавливает его через synaptics через несколько минут. Было легко установить и получить характеристики и функции, которые вы обычно ожидаете от продуктов nvidia.

4 ответа

Это места по умолчанию, такие как Android Studio 1.0.2, и их можно изменить, отредактировав . /android-studio/bin/ Удалите папку android-studio; Удалите папку sdk, если она находится внутри каталога android-studio; Удалить /.AndroidStudio, который содержит config и system; Удалить

/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-android-studio.desktop, если вы создали ярлык, используя Configure-> Create Desktop Entry. Примечание. Добавьте к шагу № 5 выше. Иногда пусковая установка значка может находиться в одном из следующих мест: Если файл вашей пусковой установки находится в любом из первых двух каталогов, вам потребуются права root для его удаления. Источник

Uninstall Android Studio completely

Unpack the downloaded Tar file, android-studio-ide—, into an appropriate location for your applications. To launch Android Studio, navigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory in a terminal and execute You may want to add android-studio/bin/ to your PATH environmental variable so that you can start Android Studio from any directory. Follow the links to install the SDK outside of the Android Studio directories.

For whatever reason it has become corrupt and insists I must un-install and re-install. I can’t for the life of me find how to un-install it however. I didn’t use apt-get so I can’t do apt-get remove . Does anyone have any suggestions?

5 Answers 5

I would suggest to check the installation directory for a readme or an uninstall script but in general: do what you did to install it in reverse order and delete everything you added as a setting or as a file on your system related to that installation. Installations done with a tar file are mosttimes uninstalled with the rm command. You go to the directory where you went for this: «Unpack the downloaded Tar file, android-studio-ide—, into an appropriate location for your applications» and rm the files and directories created here.

  1. Delete the android-studio folder;
  2. Delete the sdk folder if it is in not inside the android-studio directory;
  3. Delete
  • Go to Software and Updates > Other Software
  • Scroll down the list and select to find the ones related to Android-studio
  • Click remove and authenticate

This helps stopping updates and the very annoying error message:
The package has not been installed. I can’t find the archive for it.

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Uninstall Android Studio completely in Ubuntu, Fedora and it’s derivatives !

As we all know, Android Studio 3 and above(at the time of writing) is now the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google’s mobile Android operating system, built on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development, as we all know. It is a replacement for the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) as primary IDE for native Android application development.

We need to fully uninstall the software, but as we know there is no single command available for this as the installer given by Google is a zip file and there is no .deb package. We need to manually install it and if not required again manually delete/remove or uninstall it. The steps for installing on Ubuntu and Fedora as well it’s derivatives is given here. I am writing this tutorial on lubuntu 17.10, lxde desktop, but the procedure/method is the same for all it’s derivatives.

The default locations are …./android-studio/bin/ for older versions basically.

Delete the android-studio folder or anything which mentions Android.

/.AndroidStudio , which contains config and system ;

Sometimes the icon launcher can be as seen below:-

If your launcher file is in any of the first two directories, you will require root permissions in order to delete it.

Note:- We need to activate the hidden folders in order to see it inside the file manager GUI. Hit Ctrl + H

Удалить Android Studio полностью

Некоторое время назад я установил Android studio, используя следующий предложенный метод:

Чтобы настроить Android Studio на Linux:

Распакуйте загруженный Tar-файл, android-studio-ide—, в подходящее место для ваших приложений. Чтобы запустить Android Studio, перейдите в каталог android-studio/bin/ в терминале и запустите Вы можете добавить android-studio/bin/ в переменную окружения PATH, чтобы запустить Android Studio из любого каталога. Перейдите по ссылкам, чтобы установить SDK вне каталогов Android Studio.

По какой-то причине он стал поврежденным и настаивает на том, чтобы я должен был удалить и заново установить. Я не могу на всю жизнь найти, как удалить его, однако.

Я не пользовалась apt-get так что я не могу сделать apt-get remove ,

У кого-нибудь есть предложения?

5 ответов

Я бы посоветовал проверить каталог установки на наличие файла readme или сценария удаления, но в целом: сделайте то, что вы сделали, чтобы установить его в обратном порядке, и удалите все, что вы добавили как параметр или как файл в вашей системе, связанный с этой установкой.

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Установки, сделанные с помощью tar-файла, чаще всего удаляются с помощью rm команда. Вы идете в каталог, куда вы пошли для этого: «Распакуйте загруженный файл Tar, android-studio-ide—, в подходящее место для ваших приложений» и rm файлы и каталоги, созданные здесь.

Если вы сделали «Вы можете добавить android-studio/bin/ к вашей среде PATH «, вам нужно будет отменить это изменение, удалив android-studio/bin/ из файла, который вы добавили этот путь тоже.

Это стандартные местоположения, начиная с Android Studio 1.0.2, и их можно изменить, отредактировав . /android-studio/bin/ ,

  1. Удалить папку android-studio;
  2. Удалите папку sdk, если она не находится в каталоге android-studio;
  3. удалять
  • Перейти к программному обеспечению и обновлениям> Другое программное обеспечение
  • Прокрутите список вниз и выберите, чтобы найти те, которые связаны с Android-студией
  • Нажмите удалить и аутентифицироваться

Это помогает остановить обновления и очень раздражающее сообщение об ошибке:
The package has not been installed. I can’t find the archive for it.

How to completely uninstall Android Studio from windows(v10)?

I have already seen this question. But that’s for Mac OS. I am using windows. Every time I create a new project or try to build/rebuild the project it freezes!! I have installed the latest version(9/10/2016). But things are getting worse. I want to completely remove it and install it as if I would be installing it for the first time. Any help be Appreciated.

4 Answers 4

To Completely Remove Android Studio from Windows:

Step 1: Run the Android Studio uninstaller

The first step is to run the uninstaller. Open the Control Panel and under Programs, select Uninstall a Program. After that, click on «Android Studio» and press Uninstall. If you have multiple versions, uninstall them as well.

Step 2: Remove the Android Studio files

To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in File Explorer, go to your user folder ( %USERPROFILE% ), and delete .android , .AndroidStudio and any analogous directories with versions on the end, i.e. .AndroidStudio1.2 , as well as .gradle and .m2 if they exist.

Then go to %APPDATA% and delete the JetBrains directory.

Finally, go to C:\Program Files and delete the Android directory.

Step 3: Remove SDK

To delete any remains of the SDK, go to %LOCALAPPDATA% and delete the Android directory.

Step 4: Delete Android Studio projects

Android Studio creates projects in a folder %USERPROFILE%\AndroidStudioProjects , which you may want to delete.

First go to android studio folder on location that you installed it ( It’s usually in this path by default ; C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio, unless you change it when you install Android Studio). Find and run uninstall.exe file.

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Wait until uninstallation complete successfully, just few minutes, and after click the close.

To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in File Explorer, go to C:\Users\%username%, and delete .android, .AndroidStudio(#version-number) and also .gradle, AndroidStudioProjects if they exist. If you want remain your projects, you’d like to keep AndroidStudioProjects folder.

Then, go to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming and delete the JetBrains directory.

Note that AppData folder is hidden by default, to make visible it go to view tab and check hidden items in windows8 and10 ( in windows7 Select Folder Options, then select the View tab. Under Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and then select OK.

Done, you can remove Android Studio successfully, if you plan to delete SDK tools too, it is enough to remove SDK folder completely.


Uninstall Android Studio completely in Ubuntu, Fedora and it’s derivatives !

As we all know, Android Studio 3 and above(at the time of writing) is now the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google’s mobile Android operating system, built on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development, as we all know. It is a replacement for the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) as primary IDE for native Android application development.

We need to fully uninstall the software, but as we know there is no single command available for this as the installer given by Google is a zip file and there is no .deb package. We need to manually install it and if not required again manually delete/remove or uninstall it. The steps for installing on Ubuntu and Fedora as well it’s derivatives is given here. I am writing this tutorial on lubuntu 17.10, lxde desktop, but the procedure/method is the same for all it’s derivatives.

The default locations are …./android-studio/bin/ for older versions basically.

Delete the android-studio folder or anything which mentions Android.

  1. Delete ~/.android ;
  2. Delete ~/.AndroidStudio , which contains config and system ;
  3. Delete ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains. xxxxxx , if you created a shortcut using Configure->Create Desktop Entry.
  4. Delete the sdk folder if it is in not inside the android-studio directory;

Sometimes the icon launcher can be as seen below:-

/usr/share/applications /usr/local/share/applications 

If your launcher file is in any of the first two directories, you will require root permissions in order to delete it.

Note:- We need to activate the hidden folders in order to see it inside the file manager GUI. Hit Ctrl + H


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