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Which Linux Version for Dell Mini 10v
Post by rayemyalishanda » Thu May 25, 2017 4:55 pm
I have a mini dell 10v and i have tried many versions of Linux mint but i don’t know which is the best one ?
Could you give me some advices ?
Re: Which Linux Version for Dell Mini 10v
Post by Mute Ant » Thu May 25, 2017 6:24 pm
One of these. . um=twitter
Processor: 1.63 GHz Intel Atom
Hard Drive: 160 GB SATA
Graphics Coprocessor: GMA: Intel: Graphics Media Accelerator 500
Note the Amazon photograph shows Windows XP . that’s about right . Cinnamon will just sulk, KDE will be slow, Mate or XFCE will work okay most of the time.
Re: Which Linux Version for Dell Mini 10v
Post by gold_finger » Thu May 25, 2017 6:55 pm
I’ll second what Mute Ant just said — go with either Xfce or Mate versions of Mint. I’ve installed Xfce to a couple of very similar machines and it works well. Another (possibly better) choice for that system would be AntiX which I have installed as a dual boot with Mint Xfce on a Dell Latitude 2120, (similar to your Mini, but with 2GB RAM). I primarily use AntiX on that machine because it’s less resource intensive, therefore runs quicker.
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Re: Which Linux Version for Dell Mini 10v
Post by sarge816 » Thu May 25, 2017 7:46 pm
Funny you posted this question, as I just spent the last week trying out both Mint 18.1 Xfce and Lubuntu 17 on a donated mini 10v. First thing I did was order a new battery, a 2GB memory upgrade and 16GB SSD.
2GB Memory:
Upgrade tuturial that helped tons (you will HATE Dell after you have to crack this thing open):
Also, this netbook uses the old Broadcom 4312, which is not installed «out of the box.» I had to do some research to get it installed and I finally hooked it up to my router via ethernet and followed this tutorial, which works perfectly to get wifi going:
I tried both the above listed distros on the standard machine (your specs, 1GB & 160GB HD) and they both were really, really slow. This was mainly due to the very slow 5400rpm SATA HD. I will say there was a very noticeable performance increase using Lubuntu vs Mint Xfce, even after I followed the resource freeing tips here: . -mint-xfce
With the upgrades I made, the machine is usable. It boots much faster, opens the browser (Midori) quickly and surfs the internet in a satisfactory manner. That said, there is really nothing about this machine that could be considered «speedy.» The old atom cpu in this thing is very weak and just doesn’t do very well, even upgraded. The mini 10v with only 1GB RAM and the slow original HD is not a good solution for even basic tasks anymore, including web browsing on modern browsers. As mentioned above, I finally settled on Midori browser, which is faster and much lighter but not as full featured. I still use Firefox on occasion but even with the upgrades it is not an acceptable experience IMO. If you decide NOT to upgrade anything, I’d definitely go with Lubuntu or an even lighter distro, as even Xfce is a little heavy for these old netbooks, especially with only 1GB RAM.
Нетбук Dell Inspiron Mini 10 с Ubuntu Linux
На нетбуке Inspiron Mini 10 пользователи могут выбирать дистрибутив, среди которых Ubuntu Linux 8 -ых версий и Windows XP Home.
Некоторые технические характеристики нетбука Dell:
- 10-дюймовый экран с разрешением 1024 на 600 пикселей и соотношением сторон 16:9
- Оснащен 1,3-Мп вебкамерой
- 3-ячеечной батарея
- 60-ГБ жесткий диск и выход HDMI
- Процессор Intel Atom Z530 с тактовой частотой 1,6 гигагерц
- 1 гигабайт оперативной памяти
- Видеокарта Intel GMA 500
Особенностью нетбука Inspiron Mini является размер кнопок клавиатуры: они имеют стандартные габариты, а не уменьшенные.
Большой выбор цветов: классический черный, синий, зеленый, розовый, красный, белый. Базовая стоимость с Windows XP в глянцевом черном корпусе, составит 399 долларов, а приобрести ее можно будет уже в 20-х числах марта.
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- Лучшие нативные игры под Ubuntu / Linux
- 15+ советов по настройке Ubuntu 11.10
- Подборка 5 лучших торрент клиентов для Ubuntu
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