- Microsoft designer bluetooth mouse driver windows 7
- Скачать драйвер для Bluetooth Mouse Windows 7 x32
- Bluetooth Mouse Windows 7 x32
- Как установить драйвер?
- Bluetooth Designer Mouse and Keyboard Windows 7
- 14 Replies
- Designer Bluetooth® Mouse
- Highlights
- Specifications
- Downloads
- Beautiful design and performance in a Bluetooth mouse
- Modern design
- Bluetooth smart
- BlueTrack Technology®
- Bluetooth Designer Mouse and Keyboard Windows 7
- Popular Topics in General Hardware
- 14 Replies
Microsoft designer bluetooth mouse driver windows 7
Скачать драйвер для Bluetooth Mouse Windows 7 x32
Bluetooth Mouse Windows 7 x32
Драйвер это по своей сути связующее звено между операционной системой, то есть программным обеспечением и железом, то есть физическими устройствами, таким как видеокарты, принтеры, процессоры и т.д. В операционной системе могут быть заложены базовые драйвера для самых необходимых устройств — мышка, клавиатура, но для всего остального потребуются свежие драйвера.
Как установить драйвер?
a) Для начала надо на рабочем столе выбрать значок (Мой компьютер) и нажать по нему правой кнопкой мыши, в выпадающем меню выбрать (Свойства). b) Теперь переходим на вкладку (Оборудование) и нажимает на кнопку (Диспетчер устройств). c) Теперь необходимо выбрать устройство для которого будет устанавливаться/обновляться драйвер. На строке с устройством надо нажать правой кнопкой мыши и в выпадающем меню выбрать (Свойства), либо можно просто дважды по нему щелкнуть, чтобы перейти в нужные настройки. d) Переходим на вкладку (Драйвер), выбираем кнопку (Обновить).
e) В появившемся диалоговом окне выбираем пункт (Нет, не в этот раз) и переходим (Далее). f) На этом этапе есть два вариант. Можно попытаться установить драйвера в автоматическому режиме, тогда ОС сама попытается найти подходящие устройству драйвера и установить их, для этого выбираем (Автоматическая установка (рекомендуется)) , если попытка завершится неудачно, то надо переходить ко второму пункту (Установка из указанного места) и выбираем (Далее). g) Этот пункт меню подразумевает выбор между поиском драйвера на сменных носителях и вариантом указать папку с драйвером самостоятельно. Поэтому если в наличии есть диск с драйверами, то надо вставьте диск в CD-rom и выбрать вариант (Поиск на сменных носителях (дискетах, компакт-дисках..)) и перейти (Далее). Если драйвер найден и скачен в интернете самостоятельно, то надо указать в ручную путь к папке в которой находятся установочный данные для драйвера следующим образом. Выбираем пункт (Включить следующее место поиска:) и переходим в (Обзор), теперь из списка выбираем папку с драйвером и кликаем на кнопку (ОК). Теперь смело переходим (Далее), если все сделано правильно, то начнется установка необходимого драйвера. Источник
Bluetooth Designer Mouse and Keyboard Windows 7
Does anyone know of a driver for the Microsoft Designer Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard for Windows 7? The packaging mentions Windows 8 and 8.1 but nothing about 7. Bluetooth recognizes the devices, but they don’t work because I don’t have the proper drivers for them.
14 Replies
Windows update should pull them down, it also says you need a BT 4 dongle (I assume you get one included)
Yes, I have the dongle. Bluetooth recognizes the devices, but Windows can’t load the drivers
Does it say why, or just fail? Anything in event viewer?
It says that it can’t find drivers.
You didn’t get a driver disc with it?
@Rod-IT The designer keyboard/mouse set does not comm supplied with any media. to OP, Looks like the set is not compatible with Win 7 for whatever reason, ive just returned 4 pairs of them to supplier.
I spent the two last days googling stuff to make my designer mouse working on my Lenovo T450 under Windows 7. The solution I found may not apply to everyone: your computer needs to have a Bluetooth 4.0 capability (which as I understand allows Bluetooth Low Energy (aka BLE or Bluetooth Smart) to work. The BLE drivers are not native to Windows 7 so you need to install them: go to your manufacturer’s website and download the latest Intel drivers for Bluetooth. Depending on the make, they might have various combinations of drivers (sometimes with overall wireless drivers, sometimes Bluetooth separately. I had to try about 3 — 4 different without really knowing what they meant). Once those drivers installed, you should be able to see your mouse/keyboard and pair to them.
I had to reboot my laptop multiple times and had to download a lot of different drivers from various sources but the once thing that work was googling: Intel Bluetooth driver «your laptop make and model» and downloading the drivers. Ps. I have also downloaded the «Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center» application and although opening it and trying to use it did not help at all, it might have help setting something in the background that made the drivers get installed smoothly (not an IT person, I have no idea). Источник
Designer Bluetooth® Mouse
Free shipping. Free returns. At Microsoftstore.com
Beautiful design and performance in a Bluetooth mouse
The contoured and modern Designer Bluetooth ® Mouse pairs wirelessly to your laptop or tablet with the latest Bluetooth Smart technology to instantly connect without wires or dongles.
Stylish, ultra-thin profile complements your desktop.
Clutter-free and reliable experience utilizing the latest in Bluetooth 4.0 technology.
BlueTrack Technology does not work on clear glass or mirrored surfaces.
Combines the power of optical with the precision of laser for remarkable tracking on virtually any surface. 1 BlueTrack Technology does not work on clear glass or mirrored surfaces.
1 BlueTrack Technology does not work on clear glass or mirrored surfaces.
Ambidextrous design allows you to control your mouse in either hand.
Up to 6-month battery life
Use your mouse for up to six months without having to change batteries. Battery status indicator tells you when battery power is low.
Three-year limited warranty
Modern design
Stylish, ultra-thin profile complements your desktop.
Bluetooth smart
Clutter-free and reliable experience utilizing the latest in Bluetooth 4.0 technology.
BlueTrack Technology®
BlueTrack Technology does not work on clear glass or mirrored surfaces.
Combines the power of optical with the precision of laser for remarkable tracking on virtually any surface. 1 BlueTrack Technology does not work on clear glass or mirrored surfaces.
1 BlueTrack Technology does not work on clear glass or mirrored surfaces.
Bluetooth Designer Mouse and Keyboard Windows 7
Does anyone know of a driver for the Microsoft Designer Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard for Windows 7? The packaging mentions Windows 8 and 8.1 but nothing about 7. Bluetooth recognizes the devices, but they don’t work because I don’t have the proper drivers for them.
Popular Topics in General Hardware
14 Replies
Windows update should pull them down, it also says you need a BT 4 dongle (I assume you get one included)
OP Pesach
OP Pesach
to OP, Looks like the set is not compatible with Win 7 for whatever reason, ive just returned 4 pairs of them to supplier.
I bought this mouse Microsoft Designer Bluetooth yesterday but impossible to use it out of box, finaly, i found that she’s not compatible with windows 7.
it’s not really right. I have Windows Seven x64 on Lenovo T440p and i confirm that’s works fine very well with mouse Microsoft Designer Bluetooth after a couple of hours to try to install lot of Bluetooth drivers.
Hi All, I spent the two last days googling stuff to make my designer mouse working on my Lenovo T450 under Windows 7. The solution I found may not apply to everyone: your computer needs to have a Bluetooth 4.0 capability (which as I understand allows Bluetooth Low Energy (aka BLE or Bluetooth Smart) to work. The BLE drivers are not native to Windows 7 so you need to install them: go to your manufacturer’s website and download the latest Intel drivers for Bluetooth. Depending on the make, they might have various combinations of drivers (sometimes with overall wireless drivers, sometimes Bluetooth separately. I had to try about 3 — 4 different without really knowing what they meant). Once those drivers installed, you should be able to see your mouse/keyboard and pair to them. I had to reboot my laptop multiple times and had to download a lot of different drivers from various sources but the once thing that work was googling: Intel Bluetooth driver «your laptop make and model» and downloading the drivers. Ps. I have also downloaded the «Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center» application and although opening it and trying to use it did not help at all, it might have help setting something in the background that made the drivers get installed smoothly (not an IT person, I have no idea).
I hope it helps! Good luck
I spent the two last days googling stuff to make my designer mouse working on my Lenovo T450 under Windows 7.
The solution I found may not apply to everyone: your computer must have a Bluetooth 4.0 capability (which as I understand allows Bluetooth Low Energy (aka BLE or Bluetooth Smart) to work.
The BLE drivers are not native to Windows 7 so you need to install them: go to your manufacturer’s website and download the latest Intel Bluetooth drivers. Depending on the make, they might have various combinations of drivers (sometimes with overall wireless drivers, sometimes Bluetooth separately. I had to try about 3 — 4 different without really knowing what they meant).
Once those drivers installed, you should be able to see your mouse/keyboard and pair to them. I had to reboot my laptop multiple times and had to download a lot of different drivers from various sources but the one thing that worked was googling: Intel Bluetooth driver «your laptop make and model» and downloading the drivers.
Ps. I have also downloaded the «Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center» application and although opening it and trying to use it did not help at all, it might have help setting something in the background that made the drivers get installed smoothly (not an IT person, I have no idea).I hope it helps!Good luck