Disable all logging linux

Disable all Logging in Ubuntu Server

For a full list see /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default or ls -al the /var/log folder, the logfiles owned by syslog are services whose logging is managed through rsyslog .
Therefore for these core systems you can prevent logging by either

stopping the rsyslog daemon

sudo service rsyslog stop 

for 15.10 and later the above will probably still work, but you could also do

sudo systemctl stop rsyslog.service 

This will only stop rsyslog for the current session, to make sure rsyslog doesnt start on reboot, use:

sudo systemctl disable rsyslog.service 

Turn off logging via rsyslog’s configuration

$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf 

For more info see man 5 rsyslog.conf .

All the other logs are usually generated by the various programs directly and you would possibly need to reconfigure each daemon one by one to stop their logging.


logrotate is a utility that runs — I believe — once a day via cron job, that rotates out (creates a new base log file for each service and increments the log file numbers of existing log file that are too long lived or too large and performs compression and deletion on log files, its not really a place I would look at to stop logging.

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Ubuntu: Disable all Logging in Ubuntu Server

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Updated on September 18, 2022


I have recently signed up with digitalocean, created a server for a SSH tunnel for browsing security. But this is only as good as logs kept and would like to disable them all. I am looking to find out how to disable all possible logs. I know its not a good idea, from what I have read on the internet. If something goes wrong later I will just create a new server. not a big deal.I have been searching and searching for days online and have found very little. So I broke down and decided to ask here. I am running Ubuntu server 16.04. I have deleted the actual .log files in /var/log.. They dont seem to be coming back. However when I look at the logrotate it does have current dates on there. I am not sure what command or commands I need to run to disable any and all logging for a security/ privacy server. If there is anything that you need please let me know and I will do what I can. Thank you again for any help that you can provide.

Why do you want to delete all your log files? what scenario do you envisage where having logs would compromise (and not improve) the security of your server?


Disable all Logging in Ubuntu Server

I have recently signed up with digitalocean, created a server for a SSH tunnel for browsing security. But this is only as good as logs kept and would like to disable them all. I am looking to find out how to disable all possible logs. I know its not a good idea, from what I have read on the internet. If something goes wrong later I will just create a new server. not a big deal.I have been searching and searching for days online and have found very little. So I broke down and decided to ask here. I am running Ubuntu server 16.04. I have deleted the actual .log files in /var/log.. They dont seem to be coming back. However when I look at the logrotate it does have current dates on there. I am not sure what command or commands I need to run to disable any and all logging for a security/ privacy server. If there is anything that you need please let me know and I will do what I can. Thank you again for any help that you can provide.

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Why do you want to delete all your log files? what scenario do you envisage where having logs would compromise (and not improve) the security of your server?

well mainly the logs where anyone could pull identifying information about me is what I am looking for.

«identifying information about me» and what log would that be? By the way: if they can READ those logs you are screwed anyways. /var/log/ requires sudo . Paranoia is fine but you are stretching it. Those logs are there to warn and help you identifying problems. Not to help others. Leave those logs as they are. Ubuntu in itself IS secure.


How to disable all logs? [closed]

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Is it possible to disable logging on Linux (Ubuntu)? Need to turn off the svn , jabber , apache , proftpd , sendmail , ssh , vpn , mysql and all system logs.

we have a small home server. not very satisfied with his speed. try any method to enlarge it. Of course we can update the hardware, but I wonder whether you can do without it;) I know turn off the logs is bad. But still want to exeperimental

5 Answers 5

Syslog has been replaced by rsyslog on numerous OS. So, on Debian > 5, Ubuntu > 11.2, Centos 6.x the following command line would stop it:

Then, you can disable it at boot:

 systemctl disable rsyslog 

to enable it again at boot:

This is just what I needed. I have an SBC running on an SDCARD, and the constant writes from logging will certainly kill the SD. Now the system is running consistently, I don’t really need logging, so disabling will increase the lifespan of my device considerably.

On Ubuntu 18.04 (and maybe others), rsyslog.service has an alias syslog.service which triggers automatic socket activation through syslog.socket . On such systems, an additional systemctl stop syslog.socket and systemctl disable syslog.socket are needed.

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If you went disable syslog, please running this command:

sudo systemctl disable rsyslog 

For example by using init-scripts:

Depending on your Linux-Dist this can be achived in different ways. For disable logging permanantly (embedded system with low disk space) remove loggind deamons, edit /etc/defaults or remove init scripts from the rc (runlevel-configuration) directories.

Edit: much more of interest would be, what causes your latency problems. I do not believe the logs would cause this. Run «top -d1» and check the most upper processes. A network home server for example would probably not need the XWindow System. If you are not running web-development on this machine also Database and Webser will probably be of no need. A lot of processes can cause lags.


How to disable the log files?

To be specific I want to stop the kern.log and syslog files. I just installed Xunbuntu about 2 days ago and have no experience with this OS. I know they are supposedly important, but I have a hardware issue that leaves them running into the gigabytes. My partition is small so I don’t have a whole lot of free space for these files. In addition Im running Xunbuntu on a SSD so all this writing to the disk is annoying me. So if I could prevent their creation, that would be great. For the curious that must know the issue. Im getting a nonstop log entry along the lines of «iwl3945. Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch» Everything is operating fine. LAN, WiFi, and Bluetooth all work as they should. The log entries begin when I don’t have a CAT5 cable connected or if I set the wifi hardware switch to the off position. And even when I do have them connected I have to enter a web browser before they acknowledge and verify a connection to the internet before the writing stops. I can’t have an always online connection with this computer. It will probably spend more time offline. I also like to turn off the wifi hard switch to conserve battery.

2 Answers 2

If you really want to disable all logging:

  1. Type sudo stop rsyslog to stop the log daemon.
  2. Create a file called /etc/init/rsyslog.override with a single line manual to stop the log daemon being automatically started at boot. You can do this with the following command:
echo manual|sudo tee --append /etc/init/rsyslog.override 

If you ever want to undo this:

  1. Type sudo start rsyslog to start the log daemon.
  2. Delete the override file you created before, so that the log daemon is again started at boot. The command sudo rm -f /etc/init/rsyslog.override will do this for you.

+1 I did this in my virtual machine server and it’s saving me growing my VMDK for nothing. Nice one-liner!

This will not work on 16.04 as my instructions above are upstart-specific. Somebody should add another answer for the systemd case.

@RobieBasak I suspect that it would be sudo systemctl disable rsyslog.service syslog.service (and enable to reverse the change) which I’d follow up with the same command swapping stop for status to confirm the result. There may be other services to stop, Ubuntu will do tab-completion on them; sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep log might help out.


Как отключить логи в ubuntu?

У меня есть сервер для просмотра фильмов дома, но решил им воспользоваться также для сохранения и обработки данных. Но боюсь за работоспособность ссд диска, чтобы не умер от кол-ва перезаписей. Есть какой нибудь вариант отключить логи в системе? Логи сервера также отключу

Простой 7 комментариев

Логи — это относительно небольшой объем записи. Я бы не сказал что они создают серьезный риск для SSD.


Среднестатистические SSD чаще всего мрут от чего угодно (перегрева, проблем с питанием, брака и т.д.), но не от исчерпания ресурса записи, так что не заморачивайтесь.

у меня в макмини стоит SSD Corsair , ему 11 лет и сдыхать он (вроде) не собирается. Обычное домашнее использование, браузер. торренты киношки, и да, логи он пишет только в путь.
П.С. бэкапов важных данных это не отменяет 😉


Дмитрий, может я чего то не знаю, но разве после исчерпания ресурса записи данные нельзя будет считать? Бекапы нужны, но данные то все равно можно будет скинуть куда нибудь.


после начала проблем ссд сделает себя «только для чтения» и запустить систему с него больше не удастся
купите два три десять ссд и скопируйте все с одного на другой и грубрепер сделайте рабочими каждый и ждите когда умрет один вставите другой

сергей кузьмин, не обязательно «только для чтения», может и помереть. То есть read only это, конечно, хорошая страховка, но полагаться только на нее не стоит.


когда SSD read only locked (сам себя) это уже смерть диска
рецепт чтобы это не приводило к проблеме уже предложил..

Ничего ssd не будет
А логи настраиваются отдельно для каждого запущенного сервиса в его конфиге
И если что диск это расходник


можно в конфиг /etc/systemd/journald.conf заведующего журналированием systemd раскомментировать/добавить/изменить несколько значений:

Storage=volatile RuntimeMaxUse=100M

Storage — где будет храниться журнал, значение volatile хранит журнал в оперативную память(ОЗУ), а точнее в /run/log/journal , а при желании можно вообще отключить хранение логов указав none
RuntimeMaxUse — максимальный общий размер хранения записей журнала в /run/log/journal

после перезагрузки системы или перезапуска журнала можно будет почистить старые залежи:
rm /var/log/journal/*

вышеизложенное позволит немного повысить отзывчивость* системы и сэкономить ресурс** диска, но приведёт к утрате логов после каждой перезагрузки системы что в принципе для домашнего использования вполне приемлемо.

отзывчивость* — скорость записи в озу намного больше чем в ssd, также сам диск меньше отвлекается от более насущных для пользователя задач.
ресурс** — имеется в виду не тока циклы перезаписи ячеек в диске но и размер самого журнала, который если его не ограничивать может достигать 10% от размера файловой системы где он расположен но не больше 4гиг.


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