Docker desktop linux mint

How to Install Docker CE in Linux Mint 20

Docker is an open-source containerization technology that is designed to create, deploy and run container-based applications. In this article, you will learn how to install the Docker Community Edition (CE) on Linux Mint 20.

If you have any older version of docker already installed in your machine you have to remove it.

$ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc

How to Install Docker in Linux Mint

Now there are three ways you can install Docker in Linux Mint.

  1. Setting up docker repository.
  2. Download and install the .deb package locally.
  3. Using Docker installation script.

1. Install Docker Using Repository

Using this method we will add the Docker repository to the apt package manager index and will install the docker from there. By default apt will not support HTTPS, you have to enable it.

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release -y

Now add GPG key for docker.

$ curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg

Now add the stable repository. As per the official documentation, if you use Linux Mint and if you face any installation issue then replace $(lsb_release -cs) with your parent Ubuntu distribution. In my case, my parent ubuntu distribution will be focal.

echo \ "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \ focal stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

Update the repository and install the docker package using the below command.

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

2. Install Docker Manually Using Deb Package

In this method, we will download the .deb file and install it locally using the apt or dpkg command. Go to the docker index page from where you can download the .deb file. If you take a look at the below image there is no package for ulyana so I will download .deb from focal.

List of Releases

You can go inside “ubuntu/dists/focal/pool/stable/amd64/” and download .deb package for the Docker Engine version you wish to install.

List of Docker Releases

Once you have downloaded the packages go inside the directory where the file is downloaded and run the following command.

$ sudo dpkg -i /home/karthick/downloads/package.deb

3. Install Docker Using Installation Script

In this method, you will install docker using a shell script which will take care of installing docker in your machine. This script will try to install the latest version that is released under the edge channel. If you already have docker installed in your machine, running this script will cause issues. Run the following command to download and run the script.

$ curl -fsSL -o $ sudo sh

How to Validate the Docker Installation

You can choose any of the three methods described in previous sections for installing docker. Once the installation is completed you can run the “hello-world” container to check if your installation is successful.

$ sudo docker run hello-world

Verify Docker Engine

To check the docker version run the following command.

$ docker --version $ docker version

Check Docker Engine Version

In Ubuntu-based distribution, docker will be automatically started and enabled to start during boot.

$ systemctl is-active docker $ systemctl is-enabled docker $ systemctl status docker $ systemctl start docker $ systemctl stop docker

How to Run Docker as a Normal User

Instead of binding with TCP socket docker binds with Unix socket which is accessible only by root. If you wish not to use sudo every time to work with docker then you can create a group called docker and add non-root users into the group.

$ sudo groupadd docker $ sudo usermod -aG docker karthick

Now open a new terminal and run the hello-world container without sudo. From the below image you can see I am able to successfully run the container without sudo privilege.

$ sudo docker run hello-world

Running Docker as Normal User

That’s it for this article. If you have any feedback use the comment section.

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7 thoughts on “How to Install Docker CE in Linux Mint 20”

Man, the article is misleading for the method to install docker manually through the deb package. I followed your instruction and went to the download site, went into ..focal/pool/stable/ location. There are a multitude of packages listed there. As per your article, “download .deb file of the version of docker engine you want to install”. Dude, I downloaded one deb file which was the latest date, I did ‘docker –version‘ which worked fine, but to my surprise when I did ‘sudo docker run hello-world‘ it says docker engine not running!! I thought, how, I just installed it as per your instruction, and wasted my time doing different commands. then from the docker docs, I saw YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD MULTIPLE FILES FROM DOWNLOAD SITE AND THEN INSTALL EACH OF THEM. Dude, you didn’t even explain how many files (s) to download and install!! You mentioned “download .deb FILE“, see singular. Reply

I used the install script successfully the first time through. After playing with the installation for a while. I thought it would be a good idea to clean up and start again with a clean slate. So: 1. I removed my docker installation with the remove docker instructions given at the beginning.
2. I ran the script again and it failed promptly with GPG errors. So figured the removal might not have been complete, and sure enough, there was a hidden folder .docker still present which I deleted, and for good measure, I deleted the
3. I got a fresh copy of the script. and tried again. This time I had execution privileges problems with the script. I recalled that I had had the same problem the first time through, and corrected it with chmod a+x.
4. Finally, the script ran as it should. I am not certain that what I did was proper, but I can proceed now. This script is great. In the process I explored the other two methods without success: With the first method, I kept having problems with GPG errors and so moved on to Method 2. where I was unable to find the .deb file you referred to. So I moved on to method 3, where I had success. Reply

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Thank you so much for this! I’ve been trying to get Docker Desktop installed in Mint for a couple of days now and never could get it to work. I’ve searched and searched, followed guide after guide and none of them worked until I found yours, which finally allowed me to install Desktop. Reply

As a day-1 Linux Mint user (with no previous Linux experience), I’ve been rather impressed that this distro meets & often exceeds my previous Windows experience. Unfortunately, my self-taught CLI lessons have been less than stellar; at a rate of probably 20%, I run into errors after eliminating syntax issues, spelling, etc. Having followed the tutorial all the way through the “groupadd” section, I attempt to run the su-less “hello-world” command in docker & am met with: docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post “http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/create”: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.
See ‘docker run –help’. Previous CLI obstacles I’ve encountered have almost always been either incorrect permissions or generating terminal commands from the wrong directory. I suspect the former is the case here after a perusal of the error message. However, I don’t know what directory or file requires permission or what permission it requires (x would be my guess). Reply

$ sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

That absolutely solved it! Why wasn’t it in the tutorial? I would have been lost without this comment. Reply


Install Docker Desktop on Linux

This page contains information about general system requirements, supported platforms, and instructions on how to install Docker Desktop for Linux.


Docker Desktop on Linux runs a Virtual Machine (VM) so creates and uses a custom docker context desktop-linux on startup.

This means images and containers deployed on the Linux Docker Engine (before installation) are not available in Docker Desktop for Linux.

For more information see What is the difference between Docker Desktop for Linux and Docker Engine.

Supported platforms

Docker provides .deb and .rpm packages from the following Linux distributions and architectures:

An experimental package is available for Arch-based distributions. Docker has not tested or verified the installation.

Docker supports Docker Desktop on the current LTS release of the aforementioned distributions and the most recent version. As new versions are made available, Docker stops supporting the oldest version and supports the newest version.

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System requirements

To install Docker Desktop successfully, your Linux host must meet the following general requirements:

  • 64-bit kernel and CPU support for virtualization.
  • KVM virtualization support. Follow the KVM virtualization support instructions to check if the KVM kernel modules are enabled and how to provide access to the kvm device.
  • QEMU must be version 5.2 or newer. We recommend upgrading to the latest version.
  • systemd init system.
  • Gnome, KDE, or MATE Desktop environment.
    • For many Linux distros, the Gnome environment does not support tray icons. To add support for tray icons, you need to install a Gnome extension. For example, AppIndicator.

    Docker Desktop for Linux runs a Virtual Machine (VM). For more information on why, see Why Docker Desktop for Linux runs a VM.


    Docker does not provide support for running Docker Desktop in nested virtualization scenarios. We recommend that you run Docker Desktop for Linux natively on supported distributions.

    KVM virtualization support

    Docker Desktop runs a VM that requires KVM support.

    The kvm module should load automatically if the host has virtualization support. To load the module manually, run:

    Depending on the processor of the host machine, the corresponding module must be loaded:

    $ modprobe kvm_intel # Intel processors $ modprobe kvm_amd # AMD processors 

    If the above commands fail, you can view the diagnostics by running:

    To check if the KVM modules are enabled, run:

    $ lsmod | grep kvm kvm_amd 167936 0 ccp 126976 1 kvm_amd kvm 1089536 1 kvm_amd irqbypass 16384 1 kvm 

    Set up KVM device user permissions

    To check ownership of /dev/kvm , run :

    Add your user to the kvm group in order to access the kvm device:

    Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.

    Generic installation steps

    Docker Desktop terms

    Commercial use of Docker Desktop in larger enterprises (more than 250 employees OR more than $10 million USD in annual revenue) requires a paid subscription.

    Make sure you meet the system requirements outlined earlier and follow the distro-specific prerequisites.

    Docker app in Applications

    1. Download the correct package for your Linux distribution and install it with the corresponding package manager.
      • Install on Debian
      • Install on Fedora
      • Install on Ubuntu
      • Install on Arch
    2. Open your Applications menu in Gnome/KDE Desktop and search for Docker Desktop.
    3. Select Docker Desktop to start Docker.
      The Docker menu () displays the Docker Subscription Service Agreement window.
    4. Select Accept to continue. Docker Desktop starts after you accept the terms. Note that Docker Desktop will not run if you do not agree to the terms. You can choose to accept the terms at a later date by opening Docker Desktop. For more information, see Docker Desktop Subscription Service Agreement. We recommend that you also read the FAQs.

    Where to go next

    • Troubleshooting describes common problems, workarounds, how to run and submit diagnostics, and submit issues.
    • FAQs provide answers to frequently asked questions.
    • Release notes lists component updates, new features, and improvements associated with Docker Desktop releases.
    • Get started with Docker provides a general Docker tutorial.
    • Back up and restore data provides instructions on backing up and restoring data related to Docker.


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