Dotnet publish linux x64

Containerize a .NET app with dotnet publish

Containers have many features and benefits, such as being an immutable infrastructure, providing a portable architecture, and enabling scalability. The image can be used to create containers for your local development environment, private cloud, or public cloud. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to containerize a .NET application using the dotnet publish command.


Install the following prerequisites:

  • .NET 7+ SDK
    If you have .NET installed, use the dotnet —info command to determine which SDK you’re using.
  • Docker Community Edition

In addition to these prerequisites, it’s recommended that you’re familiar with Worker Services in .NET.

Create .NET app

You need a .NET app to containerize, so start by creating a new app from a template. Open your terminal, create a working folder (sample-directory) if you haven’t already, and change directories so that you’re in it. In the working folder, run the following command to create a new project in a subdirectory named Worker:

dotnet new worker -o Worker -n DotNet.ContainerImage 

Your folder tree will look like the following:

📁 sample-directory └──📂 Worker ├──appsettings.Development.json ├──appsettings.json ├──DotNet.ContainerImage.csproj ├──Program.cs ├──Worker.cs └──📂 obj ├── DotNet.ContainerImage.csproj.nuget.dgspec.json ├── DotNet.ContainerImage.csproj.nuget.g.props ├── DotNet.ContainerImage.csproj.nuget.g.targets ├── project.assets.json └── project.nuget.cache 

The dotnet new command creates a new folder named Worker and generates a worker service that, when run, logs a message every second. From your terminal session, change directories and navigate into the Worker folder. Use the dotnet run command to start the app.

dotnet run Building. info: DotNet.ContainerImage.Worker[0] Worker running at: 10/18/2022 08:56:00 -05:00 info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Hosting environment: Development info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Content root path: .\Worker info: DotNet.ContainerImage.Worker[0] Worker running at: 10/18/2022 08:56:01 -05:00 info: DotNet.ContainerImage.Worker[0] Worker running at: 10/18/2022 08:56:02 -05:00 info: DotNet.ContainerImage.Worker[0] Worker running at: 10/18/2022 08:56:03 -05:00 info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Application is shutting down. Attempting to cancel the build. 

The worker template loops indefinitely. Use the cancel command Ctrl+C to stop it.

Add NuGet package

The Microsoft.NET.Build.Containers NuGet package package is currently required to publish an app as a container. To add the Microsoft.NET.Build.Containers NuGet package to the worker template, run the following dotnet add package command:

dotnet add package Microsoft.NET.Build.Containers 

Set the container image name

There are various configuration options available when publishing an app as a container. For more information, see Configure container image.

By default, the container image name is the AssemblyName of the project. If that name is invalid as a container image name, you can override it by specifying a ContainerImageName as shown in the following project file:

  net7.0 enable enable dotnet-DotNet.ContainerImage-2e40c179-a00b-4cc9-9785-54266210b7eb dotnet-worker-image      

Publish .NET app

To publish the .NET app as a container, use the following dotnet publish command:

dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 /t:PublishContainer -c Release 

The preceding .NET CLI command publishes the app as a container:

  • Targeting Linux as the OS ( —os linux ).
  • Specifying an x64 architecture ( —arch x64 ).
  • Using the release configuration ( -c Release ).
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To build the container locally, you must have the Docker daemon running. If it isn’t running when you attempt to publish the app as a container, you’ll experience an error similar to the following:

..\build\Microsoft.NET.Build.Containers.targets(66,9): error MSB4018: The "CreateNewImage" task failed unexpectedly. [..\Worker\DotNet.ContainerImage.csproj] 

Depending on the type of app you’re containerizing, the command-line switches (options) might vary. For example, the /t:PublishContainer argument is only required for non-web .NET apps, such as console and worker templates. For web templates, replace the /t:PublishContainer argument with -p:PublishProfile=DefaultContainer . For more information, see .NET SDK container builds, issue #141.

The command will produce output similar to the following:

Determining projects to restore. All projects are up-to-date for restore. DotNet.ContainerImage -> .\Worker\bin\Release\net7.0\linux-x64\DotNet.ContainerImage.dll DotNet.ContainerImage -> .\Worker\bin\Release\net7.0\linux-x64\publish\ Building image 'dotnet-worker-image' with tags 1.0.0 on top of base image Pushed container 'dotnet-worker-image:1.0.0' to Docker daemon 

This command compiles your worker app to the publish folder and pushes the container to your local docker registry.

Configure container image

You can control many aspects of the generated container through MSBuild properties. In general, if you could use a command in a Dockerfile to set some configuration, you can do the same via MSBuild.

The only exceptions to this are RUN commands. Due to the way containers are built, those cannot be emulated. If you need this functionality, you’ll need to use a Dockerfile to build your container images.

Currently, only Linux containers are supported.


The container base image property controls the image used as the basis for your image. By default, the following values are inferred based on the properties of your project:

  • If your project is self-contained, the image is used as the base image.
  • If your project is an ASP.NET Core project, the image is used as the base image.
  • Otherwise the image is used as the base image.

The tag of the image is inferred to be the numeric component of your chosen TargetFramework . For example, a project targeting .net6.0 will result in the 6.0 tag of the inferred base image, and a .net7.0-linux project will use the 7.0 tag.

If you set a value here, you should set the fully qualified name of the image to use as the base, including any tag you prefer:  


The container runtime identifier property controls the operating system and architecture used by your container if your ContainerBaseImage supports more than one platform. For example, the image currently supports linux-x64 , linux-arm , linux-arm64 and win10-x64 images all behind the same tag, so the tooling needs a way to be told which of these versions you intend to use. By default, this will be set to the value of the RuntimeIdentifier that you chose when you published the container. This property rarely needs to be set explicitly — instead use the -r option to the dotnet publish command. If the image you’ve chosen doesn’t support the RuntimeIdentifier you’ve chosen, you’ll get an error that describes the RuntimeIdentifiers the image does support.

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You can always set the ContainerBaseImage property to a fully qualified image name, including the tag, to avoid needing to use this property at all.


The container registry property controls the destination registry, the place that the newly created image will be pushed to. Be default it’s pushed to the local Docker daemon, but you can also specify a remote registry. When using a remote registry that requires authentication, you authenticate using the well-known docker login mechanisms. See Authenticating to container registries for more details. For a concrete example of using this property, consider the following XML example:

This tooling supports publishing to any registry that supports the Docker Registry HTTP API V2. This includes the following registries explicitly (and likely many more implicitly):

For notes on working with these registries, see the registry-specific notes.


The container image name controls the name of the image itself, e.g dotnet/runtime or my-app . By default, the AssemblyName of the project is used.

Image names consist of one or more slash-delimited segments, each of which can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, and dashes, and must start with a letter or number. Any other characters will result in an error being thrown.


The container image tag property controls the tags that are generated for the image. Tags are often used to refer to different versions of an application, but they can also refer to different operating system distributions, or even different configurations. By default, the Version of the project is used as the tag value. To override the default, specify either of the following:

To specify multiple tags, use a semicolon-delimited set of tags in the ContainerImageTags property, similar to setting multiple TargetFrameworks :

Tags can only contain up to 127 alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, and dashes. They must start with an alphanumeric character or an underscore. Any other form will result in an error being thrown.


The container working directory node controls the working directory of the container, the directory that commands are executed within if not other command is run.

By default, the /app directory value is used as the working directory.


The container port adds TCP or UDP ports to the list of known ports for the container. This enables container runtimes like Docker to map these ports to the host machine automatically. This is often used as documentation for the container, but can also be used to enable automatic port mapping.

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The ContainerPort node has two attributes:

  • Include : The port number to expose.
  • Type : Defaults to tcp , valid values are either tcp or udp .


The container label adds a metadata label to the container. Labels have no impact on the container at runtime, but are often used to store version and authoring metadata for use by security scanners and other infrastructure tools. You can specify any number of container labels.

The ContainerLabel node has two attributes:

For a list of labels that are created by default, see default container labels.


The container environment variable node allows you to add environment variables to the container. Environment variables are accessible to the application running in the container immediately, and are often used to change the run-time behavior of the running application.

The ContainerEnvironmentVariable node has two attributes:

  • Include : The name of the environment variable.
  • Value : The value of the environment variable.


The container entry point can be used to customize the ENTRYPOINT of the container, which is the executable that is called when the container is started. By default, for builds that create an app host, it’s set as the ContainerEntrypoint . For builds that don’t create an executable, the dotnet path/to/application.dll is used as the ContainerEntrypoint .

The ContainerEntrypoint node has a single attribute:

For example, consider the following sample .NET project item group:


The container entry point args node controls the default arguments provided to the ContainerEntrypoint . This should be used when the ContainerEntrypoint is a program that the user might want to use on its own. By default, no ContainerEntrypointArgs are created on your behalf.

The ContainerEntrypointArg node has a single attribute:

Consider the following example .NET project item group:

Default container labels

Labels are often used to provide consistent metadata on container images. This package provides some default labels to encourage better maintainability of the generated images.

Clean up resources

In this article, you published a .NET worker as a container image. If you want, delete this resource. Use the docker images command to see a list of images installed.

Consider the following example output:

REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE dotnet-worker-image 1.0.0 25aeb97a2e21 12 seconds ago 191MB 

Image files can be large. Typically, you would remove temporary containers you created while testing and developing your app. You usually keep the base images with the runtime installed if you plan on building other images based on that runtime.

To delete the image, copy the image id and run the docker image rm command:

docker image rm 25aeb97a2e21 

Next steps


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