Dreamweaver linux or windows

Установка Adobe Dreamweaver на Ubuntu


Сегодня попробуем запустить Adobe Dreamweaver на линуксе (Ubuntu).

Первое, что нужно сделать – установить Wine, если он еще у вас не установлен.

Далее нам потребуется установить Dreamweaver на windows. Я использовал виртуальную машину для этой цели.

После полной установки на винде, входим (опять же – в винде) в редактирование реестра, для этого жмем пуск-выполнить, пишем там regedit, затем ищем HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Adobe кликаем по Adobe правой кнопкой мыши, и экспортируем. Назовем файл adobe.reg, и сохраним в файловой системе нашего убунту.

Переходим в линукс, и выполняем команду

Для adobe.reg следует прописать полный путь.

Далее копируем файлы из винды на линукс:

«C:\Program Files\Adobe\» в «$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Adobe»
«C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe» в «$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/Adobe»
«C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\CS5″ в
«$HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/Public/Application Data/Adobe/CS5″
«C:\windows\system32\odbc32.dll» в «$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/odbc32.dll»
«C:\windows\system32\odbcint.dll» в «$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/odbcint.dll»
«C:\windows\system32\mfc90u.dll» в «$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/mfc90u.dll»
«C:\windows\system32\Workspace.dll» в «$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/Workspace.dll»

Если у вас нет необходимых библиотек – скачайте в интернетах.

Далее в консоли запустим winecfg, перейдем на вкладку “библиотеки”, вводим в “новое замещение для библиотеки” odbc32 – жмем “установить”, тоже самое проделываем для остальных

Теперь создадим ярлык для запуска на рабочем столе. Делаем файл dw.sh с содержимым

wine "/home/ozim/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe Dreamweaver CS5/Dreamweaver.exe"

По сути – все 🙂 Но нам мало. Я часто редактирую файлы прямо с сервера через ftp клиент FileZilla, и мне охота настроить редактор по умолчанию для открытия php файлов.

В любой папке (на рабочем столе, например) создадим файл dw.sh и наполним его следующим содержимым

firstchar=$(echo $1 | cut -c 1) if [ $firstchar != "/" ] then fname=$(pwd)/$1 else fname=$1 fi filename="Z:`echo $fname | sed 's/\//\\\\/g'`" wine "c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5\Dreamweaver.exe" "$filename"

Подкорректируйте путь к дримвиверу под себя. Скорее всего, это будет c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5\Dreamweaver.exe

Далее идем в FileZilla “Редактирование”->”Настройки”->”Правка файлов”
и выбираем наш скрипт через обзор (у меня /home/ozim/.bin/dw.sh), ставим “всегда использовать редактор по умолчанию”, сохраняемся, и радуемся жизни 🙂

АХ да, еще нужно сделать так, чтобы *.php файлы открывались в дримвивере. В свойствах любого php файла выбираете открывать с помощью нашего файла dw.sh и сохраняетесь.

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Dreamweaver Free

Adobe Dreamweaver free has recently become reality. Dreamweaver is definitely one of the best HTML editors for designing web pages and projects of different screen sizes; as well as a solid contender in Adobe Spark vs Dreamweaver competition. This program is flexible enough to meet the requirements of users, especially when it comes to usability.

With the help of Adobe Dreamweaver CC, every user is capable of creating a web page without extra efforts, giving it a trendy and appealing look, modern and intuitive functionality.

dreamweaver interface

Benefits of Dreamweaver Free

  • Easy to install
  • Fully-featured program for web design
  • A great number of tutorials and useful tips
  • Online web preview
  • Flexible code editor
  • Understandable interface
  • Intuitive
  • Plans for academic institutions, in particular, universities and schools


Yes, a free Dreamweaver trial is compatible with both of these operating systems.

A free trial begins once you have checked out and it will end in 7 days. If you don’t cancel the subscription during this time period, the trial will be converted to a paid Creative Cloud membership as soon as it is finished.

No. Dreamweaver trial features the latest version of the program, the one you can try for free, and it isn’t CS6.

  • If a student decides to buy the program after the trial, will he/she get a discount?

Yes, teachers and students can get a 60% discount on the whole bunch of Creative Cloud applications.

Yes, you get the up-to-date Dreamweaver CC download with all included functions.

This open source HTML editor offers a desktop version only. However, Adobe provides a selection of free mobile Android and iOS applications.

No, as Dreamweaver belongs to a Creative Cloud family of applications. You may select a Single App plan and get just Dreamweaver or a plan with a bigger number of apps.

Adobe presents Creative Cloud plans for teachers and students, individuals, photographers, establishments and enterprises.

Why I Can’t Download Cracked Dreamweaver Free?

It isn’t advisable to use pirated Adobe Dreamweaver download link on various sources and torrents. This may lead to irreversible consequences, which sometimes we don’t even think about when using free software.

It Could Introduce Your PC to Malware

Viruses are very common among cracked Dreamweaver online free versions available on the questionable web sources. On the contrary, when you get it from a reliable website, you are unlikely to have problems with the program. As for torrents, hackers may damage the installation file, fill it with viruses, and no one will take responsibility for that.

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Of course, not all pirated software poses a threat to your computer. However, it is hard to believe that people would just kindly share the program for free, not to their personal advantage.

The Product Can’t Be Updated

Microsoft Australia examined cracked software and found out that in each sample, Windows Update hadn’t been enabled and FireWall rules had been modified.

Once you download new updates to the program you use, they improve the performance and make your work easier. If you have Dreamweaver free installed from the torrent, you won’t receive any updates. Don’t try getting upgrades for a pirated program, otherwise, you may have to pay a fine.

It Might Stop Working When You Need It the Most

Once you install Dreamweaver free from the torrent, the software may not work or open on your computer since it isn’t an original one. Even if it seems to be working, don’t expect the results to be the same as in the official version.

A company may check whether the program is registered or not, so it may function for some time, then start lagging and crashing. That’s why it is better to prefer Google Web Designer to Dreamweaver cracked version.

Many popular products are often being copied or hacked. The company or the manufacturers work hard on what they produce so they won’t be happy to find out that there are people who ruin their business by stealing ideas. They will do whatever it takes to protect their rights. If you download and use the program not from the official Dreamweaver website, it means you are breaking the law.

The LA County Sheriff’s department bought a license which leads to installing 3,700 copies of a program by DataWall. 6,000 copies were installed, stating that approximately 3700 staff members actually used the program. Department was used. Later, they paid a fine and fees of the sum over $750,000. Check out information about copyright violation.

3 Dreamweaver Free Alternatives

In case this software doesn’t fully meet your demands or you aren’t ready to pay for it, there exist decent Dreamweaver alternatives in free access. They offer practically the same functionality and capabilities.

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1. Aptana Studio

dreamweaver alternative aptana studio


  • HTML5-aware code assist
  • Integrated terminal
  • Possible to work with web projects
  • Git integration
  • Eclipse plug-in and standalone versions
  • Open source and free

Aptana is a great Dreamweaver Linux alternative. Besides, it is also available for Mac, Windows and BSD. The program is capable of working with widespread coding languages, Ruby on Rails included.

With this open source web design software, you can even create apps for iOS. Unfortunately, Aptana doesn’t feature support for Xpath, Atom, RSS or WYSIWYG editor, and doesn’t check the spelling.

The program doesn’t excel in developing PHP or JavaScript debugging as autocomplete isn’t recognizing objects. Moreover, you can’t preview the site in Internet Explorer on Linux and Mac.

2. OpenBEXI

dreamweaver alternative openbexi


  • Customizable webpages
  • Supports various widgets
  • Web-enabled interface
  • Publishing adjustments

This free Dreamweaver alternative features a browser-enabled interface and smoothly works on Mac, Windows and Linux. You may drag and drop widgets, such as pictures, text, tables, etc. This WYSIWYG editor has server-side scripting and FTP upload enabled.

But it isn’t so easy to make the objects function once they are added to the page and you have to use a server. This open source HTML editor supports RSS and lets you generate bar, pie and line charts or a Mac-style menu.

There is no possibility to perform joint photo editing or Xpath and MathML.

3. Bluefish


  • User-friendly
  • You can simultaneously open a few text files
  • A whole options menu is provided

Here is another free open source Dreamweaver alternative. It is supported by Mac, Windows, Linux, Unix and BSD. You can’t perform Joint image processing and use WYSIWYG editor.

You may look at the created website in numerous browsers. Same as Dreamweaver, it works with HTML, CSS and XHTML. Furthermore, the program offers Ruby and Shell, Vala, ColdFusion and Google Go support.

Even if Bluefish has crashed, you can recover the unsaved changes. Users will appreciate the functions of spelling check, page preview, FTP upload and server-side scripting.

Download Dreamweaver Free

free dreamweaver download cs5

Download Dreamweaver for Free

Adobe Dreamweaver is an open source website builder worthy the attention of those, who wish to create ready-to-work desktop and mobile sites with an appealing design. Download a free trial version to enjoy the speed and ease of dealing with web pages in this program.


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